I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 214 Chapter 0209: Asen is very strong, swordsman Zou Xiao [please subscribe]

The warrior who looked like a strong man looked broad and round.

Wearing a gilt Nuo mask on his head.

The upper body is covered with gold, wood and silver silk armor, and the lower body is covered with iron scale skirt armor.

The aura with runes on the armor's surface flashes and extinguishes.

This kind of Nuo mask often appears in Nuo sacrifices and dances.

Nuo dance, also known as ghost drama, is the oldest dance in Tianqing that is used to worship gods and dance ghosts, to drive away plagues and avoid epidemics, and to express Anqing's entertainment.

Master Rikishi holding a three-edged halberd showed amazing power with a single strike.

A striking ravine suddenly appeared in front of him.

The width of the entire ravine is about three to four feet, and the depth is also about ten feet.

The stone slabs along the way cracked, and the earth and stone foundations were violently pushed away to both sides.

Even with the end of this attack, a lot of the stone walls built by the Iron Man Martial Arts Association on the outside collapsed.

That stone wall looks similar to the wall used by wealthy families in Jinmen to guard their homes and courtyards, but in fact there is something else going on inside. Although it is not thick, its defensive power is not weak at all.

The interior of the stone wall is made of reinforced concrete.

The wall is more than 20 centimeters thick and even foreign tank guns cannot penetrate it.

However, even under a blow from a Xiantian realm warrior, he could not escape the fate of being split open.

Inside the blue-grey wall is a twisted steel mesh.

The broken steel bars are exposed and serve as the skeleton of the building.

Its exposure often means that the building is being damaged and destroyed.

The tremors of the earth lasted for several breaths before ending.

The Grand Master of Lux wearing a Nuo mask raised his hand to grab it, and the three-edged halberd suspended in mid-air fell back into his hand with great spirituality.

If you look closely, you can see that this weapon is also quite extraordinary.

The edge is always covered with a layer of sharp light.

When the human halberd becomes one, a secret text like a breathing lamp appears on the halberd pole.

"The Iron Man Martial Arts Association is raising private soldiers with the intention of rebelling!"

"According to Tianqing's laws, those who rebel will be punished!"

"However, Lafayette is compassionate and gives up resistance immediately to avoid death penalty!"

The warrior warrior struck the ground with his halberd and shouted with a voice like thunder.

Behind him, the elite soldiers of the Eagle Strike Battalion continued to assemble in an orderly manner.

The other five Xiantian realm masters maintained their arc-shaped positions, surrounding this side of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Eagle Strike Camp is a garrison camp directly under Lafayette.

If you don't obey the orders of the Ministry of War, you can ignore the local officials.

Even Prince Kang doesn't look down on them. This is the privileged class in the garrison.

Rosen in the K-0 powered armor used the smart zoom sighting system to look at the ravine and marveled.

It would be easy for a great martial artist of the sixth level of Condensing Essence Realm to use force to destroy houses and buildings.

But it was impossible to cut a hundred-foot ravine on the ground so lightly.

The attack range is more than 300 meters, and the damage effect is almost like a small-scale natural disaster.

The skill shown by Grandmaster Lux just now cannot be underestimated even in a wasteland filled with technological weapons.

Not even a twenty centimeter thick concrete wall can stop it.

If used to attack heavy armored units without energy shields, they can be killed in one hit.

At this moment, Rosen put away all the contempt in his heart.

High-level extraordinary power is indeed extraordinary.

And judging from the fact that the guy still had a lot of energy left, he obviously didn't use all his strength.

The intimidating effect of Xiantian realm warriors is maxed out.

Everyone immediately stopped daring to act rashly.

Rosen didn't have so many worries.

If he can't beat him, he can still run away.

At most, it would be a loss of some materials and gold and silver.

Both the fortress and the armory of the martial arts association were equipped with explosives for self-destruction.

As for weapons such as the Z2 exoskeleton, Xiaowei No. 1 and the Destroyer Rifle, even if they fall into the hands of Lafayette and foreigners, they will not be able to crack any useful technology for ten or eight years.

The basic technology of the two worlds is very different.

However, Tang Jing's modified bolt-action rifle and nitrocellulose propellant bullets still have a chance to be reproduced within a few months.

There were countless thoughts surging in Rosen's mind in a short period of time.

The white cloud-like flying magic weapon was still "spitting" out the sharp warriors of the Eagle Strike Camp.

As more and more elite soldiers came out, the atmosphere of the confrontation became more intense.

The power that the Iron Man Martial Arts Association had created not long ago with artillery fire was gradually being eliminated.

Under such circumstances, Rosen did not hesitate for long.

It is impossible to surrender without restraint.

Let alone being killed improperly, once the Eagle Strike Battalion is assembled, it is still inevitable to be captured.

What's more, this Eagle Attack Battalion may have extraordinary restraint methods.

When the time comes when it is difficult to run and unable to fight, that will be trouble.

K-0's armored arm suddenly had a Shenguang-V generation medium-sized particle cannon that was several meters long.

During the previous rush, it had already completed cooling and accumulating energy.


Knowing what he was doing, Rosen decisively ordered to fire.

Yet very few responded.

The Iron Man Martial Arts Association was established less than two months ago. Although these recruits who had passed the preliminary screening generally had hatred against foreigners, they really couldn't follow the orders and prohibitions when they were surrounded by garrison camps.

However, most of the elite recruits who were issued exoskeletons responded immediately.

Their saboteur rifles opened fire immediately.

The same is true for Xiaowei 1 and the several remote-controlled weapon stations equipped with 20mm cannons.

At this time, the superiority of mechanical soldiers is highlighted.

They have no concept of fear and seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

As long as Rosen gives the order, he will attack without hesitation even if it means facing death.

It was the warrior who took the lead in firing. After the gunfire sounded, the hesitant Ironman recruits were immediately divided into two situations.

The first one gritted his teeth and chose to fire, with a look of determination on his face.

The other one dropped the rifle in his hand and held his head in his hands.

The Xiantian realm warriors are enough to frighten their courage.

When they face high-level demons, they still have hatred as the basic driving force.

But facing a master-level martial arts expert, all that's left is fear.

Rosen couldn't care less about those ostriches for the time being.

From a rational point of view, it is not difficult to understand the timid reaction of those people.

After all, how could truly fearless elite soldiers be cultivated so easily?

It wasn't until the order was given to fire that Rosen used the electromagnetic sniper cannon and the medium particle cannon to lock onto the Lux Grandmaster.

The opponent's martial arts sense is particularly keen.

So before that, Rosen had never acted rashly.

In the war in the wasteland, a lock is a hit!

The next second after Rosen completed the lock, a green particle beam and mass bomb shot out.

The attack was accomplished in a flash of lightning.

Rosen had no intention of holding back at all.

The grand master of wrestling in the distance was still standing there, playing the role of a bad uncle who was scaring the children.

The moment Rosen locked onto him, a strong warning suddenly arose in his heart.

The true energy in his body was condensed within a ten thousandth of a second, causing a shadow that was more than ten feet tall to appear on his body.

This shadow is slightly blurry, but it can still be seen that it is the embodiment of the inner image of the warrior.

At the same time, tadpole-like secret lines appeared on his exposed arms and neck.

These secret patterns shone with a jet-black light, and I didn't know what kind of martial arts this guy was practicing.

The martial arts systems practiced by the strong men outside the pass are different from those of the warriors inside the pass in Zhongzhou.

Judging from the classics that Rosen consulted.

Outside the customs, they call martial arts secret martial arts.

This is because the outside of the pass is adjacent to the land of demons and is not a pure bloodline of Central Continent.

Therefore, the martial arts practiced by outsiders are mixed with some characteristics of demon body cultivation.

These secret patterns are called "bloodline secretaries" and can stimulate all bloodline power.

Therefore, in addition to the huge Zhenqi Dharma, the physical body of the powerful master also expanded rapidly.

The muscles on his arms were knotted, and his armor was bulging.

The situation was changing rapidly, and he only had time to stir up the True Qi Dharma Appearance and Bloodline Secretary to passively protect his body.

Immediately afterwards, the green beam struck hard.

The 1.25KG tungsten steel mass bullet, which can break a large hole in an ironclad ship, follows closely behind.

The beam of light, which was close to the thickness of the thigh, hit the Zhenqi Dharma on the surface of Grandmaster Rikishi's body.

The two energies collided and annihilated each other, creating a surging air current.

The escaping energy floats in the air like green smoke.

The ferocious Dharma form composed of true energy has substance when it collides.

It became much lighter in an instant.

A stream of blood also spilled from the corner of Grandmaster Lux's mouth.

Then the 1.25KG mass bullet hit made Grandmaster Lux suddenly retreat ten feet.

He smashed into many houses one after another, and it wasn't until another grandmaster stepped in to add force that he was able to stop his retreating figure.

At the same time, a crushed tungsten steel warhead fell from the surface of the shadow.

"There's a problem!"

"Be careful!"

Grandmaster Lux wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and his expression became extremely serious.

Saw the scene just now.

The other five Xiantian realm masters, who were originally a little careless, became serious one after another.

They all stirred up the true energy and Dharma.

This move can not only protect the body, but also enhance the attack.

The Dharma is the body.

Just two strikes can destabilize the Dharma and even damage the main body.

It was enough to prove that the two attacks just now were extraordinary!

This aroused their fear and attention.

The six paths of true energy appeared, as if there were six more terrifying giant beasts.

It can be seen that these innate masters are serious about it!

Rosen put away the Shenguang-V generation particle cannon.

The shock in his heart was not much less than that of the other person.

It is different from the great martial arts masters in the Condensation Realm who often "establish sects" in various places.

Grandmasters in the Xiantian realm are much more mysterious.

Even the classics only have a few records.

And most of the descriptions are unclear.

Now it seems that it is not a problem for a Xiantian Realm Grandmaster to destroy a city in the Eight Desolate Realms with all his strength.

Six extremely oppressive shadows were approaching the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

Everyone felt a shadow cast over their hearts.

Rosen was ready to run away.

Before leaving, he'll blow it up.

There are tons of high explosives buried everywhere that can blow up half the street.

In addition, before landing, he deployed four smart flying bombs in the air.

Rosen's principle is very simple. You can be defeated, but you can't resist.

Even if you are defeated, you must retreat with great vigor.

He did not use nuclear bombs.

Because it's not worth it.

The fission warheads on hand are limited.

Judging from the body-protecting appearance of Xiantian realm warriors.

He already has a relevant response plan. This extraordinary opponent with its own shield is not suitable for direct bombardment with large-yield nuclear bombs.

It's best to break through the defenses first with mini nukes.

Then use a nuclear bomb with a larger yield to finalize the decision.

Otherwise, the optical radiation and shock wave released first may really be blocked.

Seeing the strength of high-level martial arts, Rosen was shocked.

No matter what the next stage, he must focus on cultivation.

Not to mention anything else, with the strength of an innate realm warrior, even in the wasteland world, he has a monster-like single-target combat power, and it is no problem to tear up those heavy tanks!

If it can be paired with the God of Refining, the ultimate strength that can be exerted will be even stronger.

Just when the situation is spiraling out of control.

When the six Dharma-like phantoms each summoned weapons to attack the Iron Man Martial Arts Association indiscriminately.

Many Iron Man recruits were affected and turned into minced meat under the cutting of the invisible zhenqi blade.

Walls and houses collapsed everywhere outside the martial arts association.

There are ravines on the ground, as if it had experienced a major earthquake.

As the Dharma is rapidly approaching, if you look down from a high altitude, you can see that there seems to be an invisible giant beast encroaching on the territory of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association from the outside.

Just at this time.

A hearty laugh suddenly came from the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Why are you so angry?"

Before the people arrive, the sound comes first.

In front of the advancement of the Six Paths of True Qi, a broad sword that was thick on the inside and thin on the outside fell from the sky.

It was accurately inserted in the front, and the end trembled slightly.

Then, a golden particle of light appeared in the distant sky.

The light particles were far away and then near, reaching the sky above everyone in just the blink of an eye.

Looking up from below, it looks like a golden mini sun, with a corona-like halo shining next to it.

After a while, the golden light slowly dissipated, revealing a handsome warrior wearing a white robe with two swords on his waist.

The arrival caused the six innate masters of the Eagle Strike Battalion to stop in their tracks.

"The light front and heavy clouds make Zou Xiao..."

"A contemporary swordsman from the Junjian Sect of Yu Mansion, a veteran of the Golden Body Realm who became famous during the reign of the late Emperor!"

Some people couldn't help but exclaimed.

The six innate masters remained silent and became slightly more reserved than the aggressive ones just now.

I saw Zou Xiao falling gently to the ground, his eyes just moving.

The heavy sword stuck on the ground floated up and automatically returned to the scabbard behind him.

Qingfeng refers to the two light swords on his waist, and Chongyun is the heavy sword.

There are not many warriors who use two swords, and those who use three swords in combination with light and heavy ones are extremely rare.

Facing a strong person in the Golden Body Realm, even the Xiantian Grandmaster of the Eagle Attack Battalion would be frightened.

But after all, they have backgrounds, so they won't be able to fight between two groups.

At this time, more than 6,000 Eagle Strike warriors had already stepped out of the white cloud magic weapon.

They condensed their energy into one, creating an extremely shocking momentum.

After the military formation was launched, those innate masters felt a little more at ease.

"I've met Master Zou!"

I saw them clasping their hands and bowing from afar.

Zou Xiao just nodded and looked ahead with his hands behind his back.

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