I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 215 Chapter 0210: Little Mushroom dare not claim to be invincible, Zou Xiao’s intimidation [

Rosen watched this scene from afar.

The destructive power of Xiantian realm warriors cannot be underestimated, and each of them can be called a walking nuclear warhead.

And it’s one that can be attacked, defended and reused.

Compared with serious Xiantian realm warriors, nuclear warheads with a yield of 10,000 tons are nothing.

The characteristics of the true energy form are similar to energy shields.

As long as it can withstand the light radiation and shock wave for a moment, it is equivalent to blocking 70% of the power of the fission bomb. Whether the remaining destructive power can kill them is still unclear.

As for using nuclear bombs to bomb the fleet to scare people, it is even more nonsense.

Not to mention the distance, news from the Bohai Bay has not yet come back.

Whether the fleet is destroyed or not will not have any deterrent effect at all, and the benefits can be maximized by taking advantage of it.

Rosen clearly understood that the cards in his hand were limited.

The biggest trump card is not the nuclear bomb, but the ancient key in his mind that gives him the ability to travel through time and space.

What's more, his nuclear bomb is not of a high-yield level.

Nuclear weapons are broadly divided into two categories: tactical and strategic.

The tactical level is mainly used to directly support land, sea and air battlefield operations.

Nuclear weapons that attack important targets within the enemy's operational and tactical depth.

Strategic nuclear weapons are large-yield, long-range nuclear weapons used to destroy enemy cities on a large scale.

In contrast, the tactical grade has a small yield and short range.

The tactical nuclear warheads in the wasteland have a yield ranging from one thousand tons to one hundred thousand tons.

In other words, a 10,000-ton nuclear warhead is the middle to lower grade of tactical nuclear bombs.

The radius of the famous early Big Ivan's nuclear fireball was just over four kilometers, the radius of destruction of reinforced concrete was 26km, and the damage radius of brick and wood buildings was 33km.

The explosion yield of Big Ivan is as high as 50 million tons.

In comparison, a nuclear warhead with a yield of 10,000 tons is a small Karami.

In fact, in this unreasonable and extraordinary world, the main damage caused by a nuclear bomb is the instantaneous light radiation and shock wave, which itself takes up most of its energy.

Radioactive damage, which was a big concern in the wasteland, has become insignificant.

In other words, as long as the extraordinary target in the Eight Desolate Realms encounters a nuclear attack and is able to withstand that moment, there is a possibility of survival.

Judging from the performance of those Xiantian realm warriors just now.

Even the high temperature after the shock wave may not kill them.

After all, hand-held weapons often have a strike range of two to three hundred meters.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's a humanoid Godzilla.

Therefore, Rosen has previously considered the optimal strategy for dealing with this kind of target.

It's not like dropping a nuclear bomb without thinking, only a fool would take it for granted.

The best way is to first use nuclear grenades or mini nuclear bombs to break through the defenses, and then drop heavy nuclear bombs, or directly drop multiple nuclear bombs in series to carry out a saturation strike.

Just one or two won't work at all.

As for deterrence?

That was a pure clown joke.

Among the Xiantian realm warriors in front of me, none of them have lived for a hundred or two hundred years and walked out of mountains of swords and seas of fire. The fact that they can cultivate to this realm represents an extraordinary character.

In addition, Tianqing’s territory is huge.

Individual nuclear bombs dropped without even causing a splash.

Rosen's shortcoming is that his basic base is not enough.

Only one man or one hundred and eighty people still want to shake the foundation of Tianqing?

Being able to fight guerrillas and gain advantages on local battlefields is already taking advantage of the leadership in weapons technology.

Therefore, the fastest way to die is to overestimate the power of nuclear bombs in the supernatural world.

Even low-level warriors can be bathed in radiation.

Do you really think that with two little mushrooms you are invincible?

These high-level warriors are not so easy to deal with.

Especially those dharma phantoms, which fully take into account the characteristics of energy shields.

Compared to the sixth-level marrow condensation realm, this is a real qualitative change.

Both attack and defense have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Because of this, Rosen would rather run away than throw mushrooms here.

He still has use for those two little mushrooms.

The same is true for the captured fleet. As long as it is transformed, its power can be increased several times.

If you don’t leave me here, you will have my own place to stay.

As long as he is not caught to death, he will be in the dark and the other will be in the light from now on.

It is not yet clear who suffers and who has the advantage.

With Rosen's mobility, it's no problem to go to the capital every now and then to throw mushrooms.

If he switches to guerrilla mode, his mushroom eggs will be extremely intimidating.

And if it can't be killed by one explosion, it can be exploded twice.

If you can't be killed by two explosions, you can explode them three or four times.

He can also get a nuclear bomb with a larger yield in the future, and the initiative will always be in Rosen's hands.

In fact, Rosen saw everything clearly along the way.

In other words, he has room for thought.

Neither overestimate yourself nor underestimate the enemy.

From beginning to end, he was neither humble nor arrogant, moving forward step by step.

There is absolutely no need to fight in this situation.

Let’s not talk about whether he can win the battle or not. It’s not like he can become a god and ancestor after just one battle.

On the contrary, if he really takes action, not only will he not be able to scare them away, but he will also face more powerful people chasing him.

Eagle Attack Camp is just one of the garrison camps in Kyoto.

There are several elite garrison camps like this in the capital.

After beating the grandson, here comes the grandpa.

In addition, there are golden body warriors who are stronger than those in the Xiantian realm.

There are also those old monsters living in seclusion in the capital, who still have Kumba.

Xiantian is the seventh realm of martial arts.

The golden body is the eighth realm.

And the ninth realm is the Martial Saint.

In addition to martial arts experts, there are also great monks from Xiaoyao Factory in the capital.

They are also existences that cannot be underestimated.

High-level monks can think of all things and control thousands of magical weapons at the same time.

He can also perform earth-shattering spells.

Let’s not talk about monks for now, let’s just talk about warriors.

No matter from the perspective of destructive power or deterrence, it is not an exaggeration to say that warriors in the Xiantian realm are walking tactical nuclear warheads.

A further golden body may be as destructive as a strategic nuclear bomb.

Moreover, this deterrent and destructive power is not a one-time event.

This is basically in line with Rosen's previous speculation about Tianqing's high-end military force.

Theoretically speaking, being able to fight and escape is his greatest confidence.

Lafayette's backstabbing was disgusting, but it didn't completely damage his foundation.

Money can be earned again and supplies can be obtained again.

But there is only one life.

The perspective returned to the front, and Rosen, who was already ready to run away, suddenly saw a mysterious strong man descending from the sky and blocking the way between the six Xiantian realm masters and the martial arts association.

He couldn't help but slow down his movements.

From the content of the mysterious strong man's words, it is not difficult to guess that he is here to end the dispute.

After thinking about it, the only one who is most likely to come for strong mediation is the Qinghonghui.

There are not many cooperating forces in the Iron Man Martial Arts Association, but the Qinghong Association definitely counts as one.

Moreover, the potential power of the Green and Red Society is not small.

It has become a climate over the years and is considered one of the largest associations in Tianqing.

The two parties have also conducted many transactions in the past few months.

In exchange for a large number of martial arts and refining six realms of classics, as well as various pills.

There are even a few sets of rugged original machine tools.

In exchange, Qinghonghui received more than ten kilograms of gold.

The cooperative relationship between the two parties has always been relatively stable.

Now it seems that the power of the Qinghong Society is much greater than he previously imagined.

Such mediation is no less than directly challenging Lafayette.

Rosen did not act rashly, but continued to observe patiently.

At this time, just let the taller person continue to hold it.

I saw the six Xiantian realm masters from Eagle Strike Eagle politely saluting the Golden Body realm warriors.

Swordsman Zou Xiao nodded in greeting and said in a gentle tone.

"A few of them have lived in the capital for a long time."

"Why did you come to Jinmen suddenly?"

"This Iron Man Martial Arts Association is an important branch of our Green and Red Association."

"With the responsibility of hoeing foreigners and supporting the weak, a few of them went too far."

Zou Xiao said simply and neatly, without any airs.

Golden body realm warriors do not rely on face to get around.

For him, speaking out is the greatest respect and the most efficient way to communicate.

He is not afraid of those six innates.

On the contrary, the more than 6,000 elites forming a military formation were a little more troublesome.

The power of turning parts into wholes can make six thousand people act like one person, gathering the strength of the whole body.

Therefore, Zou Xiao didn't talk nonsense and directly mentioned the name of Qinghong Club.

The strength of the entire Qinghong Association cannot be underestimated.

Like an old tree taking root, members are spread all over the Yong Camp and Green Camp.

Many civil sects and gangs have joined the Qinghong Society.

as expected.

As soon as these words came out, the six Xiantian realm masters immediately looked at each other.

They come from outside the customs and are all military attachés from the Green Camp.

Normally, I have always looked down upon the warriors in Guan Nei.

But the Zou Xiao in front of him was not ordinary.

Putting aside the name of Qinghonghui and his state of golden body.

Just the reputation of the swordsman is enough to explain everything.

Today, there are countless warriors who can be called chivalrous.

When Zou Xiao was young, he made a name for himself by killing two people of the same level with one strike.

He is regarded as one of the top experts in Henan Province.

Now he is close to the peak of his golden body, and his understanding of the sword has also reached an advanced level.

He often discusses swordsmanship with those powerful swordsmen from famous mountains and rivers in Tianqing.

There is hope of reaching the realm of Martial Saint.

With him stepping in to protect us, today's affairs would become more difficult.

However, after hesitating for a moment, the Grandmaster of Rikishi who had previously connected with the particle cannon and had blood dripping from the corner of his mouth took a step forward.

"I am here to act on orders this time."

"Lafayette has issued a decree, asking us to capture the leader of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association."

After that, he also held up a roll of yellow silk. Except that there was no dragon pattern, it was basically the same as the imperial edict.

But Yizhi's stuff couldn't reach the level of elegance after all.

This is especially true for a warrior like Zou Xiao who has lived for two to three hundred years and has been famous for more than a hundred years.

"Today is in trouble both internally and externally."

"The Iron Man Martial Arts Association cleared the Tianjin Concession and the Gu whistle point, and took back the customs gateway in Beijing and Hebei."

"It's a big credit."

"Lafayette did not reward him, but instead wanted to capture him?"

"One is without fame and the other is without reason."

"This matter needs to be discussed. You guys should withdraw your troops and return to Kyoto immediately."

At Zou Xiao's level, there aren't many things that can make him fearful.

It seems more and more arbitrary.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird.

The six of them did not dare to disobey Zou Xiao on the spot, but silently held their hands together.

Then he immediately returned to the range of the Eagle Strike Battalion.

It seems that he plans to ask the capital for instructions through special means.

Zou Xiao ignored them and walked into the Iron Man Martial Arts Association on the cracked ground.

The conflict just now resulted in the death and injury of more than a hundred Iron Man recruits.

This includes some guys holding their heads and pretending to be ostriches.

For those innates, there is no point in pretending to be an ostrich. They originally planned to fight all the way in.

Don't care if those minor characters surrender.

On the contrary, most of the Iron Man elites who were issued with exoskeletons survived.

With the help of the exoskeleton's mechanical force and sliding system, they all dodged in time.

Rosen used smart sights to record the new recruits who were ostriches, and would remove them afterwards.

He needs stronger fans.

In the next stage, more recruits will be recruited and the best will be selected.

Zou Xiao stepped into the arena with steady steps, but his speed was not slow.

He arrived in front of Rosen almost in the blink of an eye.

With his eyesight, it was not difficult to guess who was in charge.

"Is this Iron Man?"


"It looks like a large set of iron armor, but there is a mechanical structure inside."

"I saw gears and telescopic rods at the joints."

Zou Xiao said critically, with a curious smile in his eyes.

It can be seen that he also has some understanding of the new discipline of engineering.

His longer lifespan allowed him to occasionally study miscellaneous subjects as he pleased.

Rosen bowed his hands.

"Senior Zou."

"Thank you for your help."

Zou Xiao put away the smile on his face and nodded seriously.

"Go in and talk."

"I'm here, they don't dare to act rashly."

"But there are a few brothers in the meeting who are also on the way."

"It's just that the road from Sichuan and Chongqing to Jinmen is far away, and it will take some time to get there."

Rosen did not hesitate and quickly led the way.

The attack just now only destroyed the outer perimeter.

The building inside is basically intact.

When entering the hall, Rosen disarmed the power armor.

He asked the maid to make expensive tea and asked Zou Xiao to sit at the head of the hall.

This is basic etiquette.

Even after taking his seat, Zou Xiao's eyes were still lingering on the K-0 power armor.

"You relied on this 'iron man' to destroy the concession area and Gu whistle point?"

he asked curiously.

Rosen nodded.


"This Iron Man is the origin of the name of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association."

He didn't explain in too much detail.

Zou Xiao did not ask further questions.

There is a tacit understanding between the two parties on some things, and whoever breaks it first will be embarrassed.

The main theme is to see through without telling.

It would be extremely inappropriate to inquire further.

At least not right now.

Therefore, Zou Xiao did not discuss this topic in depth.

Turning to talk about Lafayette.

"According to information received during the meeting."

"Lafayette reached an agreement with Duke Hakan Pendragon, the joint commander of the English and Eastern Continent Trading Companies in the Tianqing area."

"On the condition that Guangdong Province withdraws its troops, let Lafayette take action against you."

"In coastal areas, foreigners and demons are like a stubborn disease."

"The temporary concession is just a stopgap measure."

"But Lafayette doesn't care about the country."

"She just wants to prepare for her birthday celebration safely..."

[Historically, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces invaded because Lafayette and his elite escaped first, claiming to be out hunting. The defenders of the city were all old, weak, sick and disabled, and even the city gates were directly bombarded by Mao Zi. , it is said that the common people at that time also helped to deliver ammunition to the foreigners holding ladders. It does not mean that there is really no fighting force, so Lafayette is not only useless, but also unpopular]

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