I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 218 Chapter 0213: Elimination, Deterrence and Plan [Please subscribe]

Although Rosen really wanted to admire the little sun that he had lit with his own hands.

But the situation he faced was beyond his control.

The turbulent air flow comes one after another.

The clouds within a radius of dozens of miles were blown away.

Looking from a distance, the sky here is filled with a huge mushroom cloud.

That's what's known as a nuclear fireball.

It carries radiation dust and cleanses everything around it.

The ring-shaped shock wave is clearly visible on its periphery, because the blown clouds will leave traces like cotton wool after being broken.

Rosen was still rolling in the air, falling from a height of 7,000 meters to more than 5,000 meters.

With the assistance of the ion propulsion engine, the rolling momentum of the K-0 power armor was relieved.

Although powered armor like K-0 can fly, as long as it is in an atmospheric environment, the humanoid aircraft is unsatisfactory in terms of maximum speed and dynamic form.

At this moment, Rosen, who was driving the K-0 power armor, was turning somersaults in the air.

It was like a fallen leaf that was blown in circles, drifting away into the distance.

He was unable to check the results of the battle, nor did he have the opportunity to appreciate the first mushroom egg with a yield of 10,000 tons that he detonated with his own hands.

I have to say, this is also a pity.

Different from the previous small fights, this mushroom egg has a much greater momentum.

at the same time.

The aftermath of the explosion quickly swept through Jinmen.

Just the hot wind blowing is extremely fatal to ordinary people.

The area where the Iron Man Martial Arts Association is located happens to be outside Jinmen, facing the direction of the spread of the shock wave.

The residential houses nearby have long been bought.

In addition, today, Prince Kang and the foreign soldiers cleared the area when they came over.

Therefore, there are not many civilians within the limit range of shock wave spread.

The same is true in the vicinity, because Rosen drew a circle in the suburbs and bought a large amount of land.

It's just that the land he finally opened up suffered a big disaster.

The irradiation of soil is probably unavoidable, and the radiation will affect a radius of tens of kilometers.

Rosen can't care about so much now.

We can only wait until we win the battle before proceeding with the radiation elimination process.

The sudden explosion of the mushroom cloud stunned the entire Eagle Strike Battalion.

Especially the six Xiantian realm warriors, as well as Prince Kang and Shuofuge couldn't help but open their mouths slightly.

Immediately, his eyes stung, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

Ordinary people would definitely be blinded if they looked directly at a nuclear explosion from this distance.

Only warriors whose bodies were so powerful that they could not be treated with common sense were not blinded after looking directly at a nuclear explosion.

It wasn't until the shock wave of the explosion hit, with sand and rocks flying everywhere, and the light curtain caused by the military formation swaying, that they all came back to their senses.

"Then...what is that?"

A common doubt arose in everyone's mind.

Buildings along the way were destroyed by the aftermath.

Houses made of stone and wood could not even block the escaping shock waves.

Only the retaining walls and fortresses of the Iron Man Guild survived.

The military formation of the Eagle Strike Battalion also blocked the remaining shock waves.

Like a rock, after being washed away by the waves, it left a messy place.

This horrific explosion occurred in the area where foreign soldiers were dropped. There is no doubt that it was the work of Zou Xiao or the person in charge of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

And it’s most likely the latter!

Because after interviews and investigations, they knew that the Iron Man Wushu Association had some kind of killer weapon.

After seeing it with my own eyes, I was shocked to realize how powerful this killer weapon is!

The six Xiantian realm masters who were originally arrogant looked at each other.

Each saw a horrified look in the other's eyes.

It was obvious that they already had a flawless physique, but cold sweat broke out on their backs.

After seeing the nuclear explosion, they were not sure whether Zhenqi Dharmaxiang could withstand such power.

Suddenly, I felt a deep fear and fear towards the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

If the swordsman Zou Xiao had not intervened just now.

It really pushed the Iron Man Martial Arts Association to the point of despair.

I'm just afraid that they will be the ones who get bombed.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

He even made up his mind to report the news to Lafayette immediately.

Sometimes this is how two-way deterrence is achieved.

Rosen was worried that a nuclear bomb would not be able to break through the defenses.

And these Xiantian realm masters are worried that they can't stop it.

The truth may be a compromise, and only one side may be right.

There is no precedent for whether an innate warrior can resist a nuclear explosion or how powerful a nuclear explosion can be.

But no matter what, they knew it very well.

Those tens of thousands of foreign soldiers and thousands of low-level demon officers were all destroyed...

At the same time, in the sky more than a hundred miles away from the explosive center.

Two groups of light, one green and one red, were constantly colliding, moving at speeds of several Mach.

Each collision would send out shockwave-like ripples and air waves in the air.

There is also a distortion of the air similar to that caused by a heat wave.

Just the remaining energy from the battle between the two sides can spread to the airspace several miles away.

After the delay, there was still a huge sound roaring.

Suddenly, the two groups of light stopped.

It was Zou Xiao who had been fighting so far and the ancient eight-striped vampire Gur.

At this moment, they all looked back in the direction they came from.

Witness the expansion of a nuclear fireball.

And that brilliance comparable to that of the sun!

The eyes of Gur and Zou Xiao changed at the same time.

The former is anger, shock and a hint of fear.

The latter is curious, surprised and thoughtful.

The shock wave of the explosion cannot affect this place, and the light radiation cannot burn their eyes.

Whether it is a strong man with a golden body or a demon with eight lines, his physique has already been extraordinary.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Gul, your brood are all doomed!"

Zou Xiao laughed, but there was a murmur in his heart.

"No wonder that boy said something about the power of the sun..."

"This kind of powerful attack should not be underestimated. If the bombing is repeated, I am not sure that I can completely resist it."

"Only make friends, don't neglect!"

"It's best to get a few 'sun' bombs in your hands."

He thought to himself, wondering how to ask Rosen for a few of these "sun bombs."

Zou Xiao didn't know what was equal and inappropriate.

Just taking this explosion as an example, although it cannot kill a strong person at the golden body level.

It does not even pose a threat to high-level demons and high-level monks who master special witchcraft, but the weapon also depends on whose hands it is used.

If in Zou Xiao's hands, he could use it against someone of the same level, he would definitely be able to create an unexpected first-mover advantage.

Unlike Zou Xiao who was thinking about how to make friends with Rosen.

Gur was furious with hatred.

In fact, foreigners and monsters already have a rough understanding of the concept of nuclear weapons.

Through deduction and calculation, we know that this weapon can theoretically release huge amounts of energy.

But they still have many technical problems that cannot be overcome.

So after discovering the presence of nuclear weapons in Tianqing.

The demons in England, especially the academic world, were extremely shocked.

The main purpose of Gur's accompanying this time is to suppress the formation. It can stir up a curtain of blood when necessary and be used to protect the entire army.

Unexpectedly, the swordsman Zou Xiao appeared on the scene as an uninvited guest!

The foreigners also knew about the arrival of the Eagle Strike Battalion.

I thought that the Iron Man Martial Arts Association had been entangled by the Eagle Strike Battalion, and the arrival of the foreign demons would create a situation where they were attacking from both sides.

But I didn't expect that the situation was unexpected.

Eagle Strike Camp has become a decoration!

The sudden nuclear strike caught Gur even more off guard!

At this time, England lost almost one-third of its garrison strength in the Tianqing area!

Anger filled his chest.

Looking at Zou Xiao with a sarcastic expression on his face, this guy was not angry at all.

Gul suddenly twitched the chain and pulled the cross-blood coffin.

Then he will turn into a blood cloud and leave here.

It had to find Bastian who was rushing to Jinmen from the railway first.

There's no need to let them come over again!

They completely lost Jinmen, and England's strategy in the entire northern part of Tianqing will undergo a new round of adjustments.

Zou Xiao would definitely not let it leave so easily.

He immediately controlled three swords and slashed across them.

Three huge sword lights seemed to split the sky!

Facing his attack, Gul, who had been holding back his anger for a long time, couldn't help but explode.

"Get away!"

It roared.

The sudden burst of sound waves spread rapidly.

The space seemed to have turned into glass, maintaining its transparent state and trembling.

The three sword lights were directly dispersed.

Even Zou Xiao had to avoid the edge temporarily.

Because this old ghost is serious about it, and he doesn't hesitate to waste his life and energy.

Zou Xiao came here to entangle, not to fight to the death.

So he had the good sense not to continue the pursuit.

If this old ghost is forced to fight with his life, he will get his shit in his crotch.

Now that the goal has been achieved.

The best solution is to go back and get the promised reward.

300 taels of gold and 200 taels of silver were his reward.

Even for a strong man, this is still a huge reward.

The gold can just be used by the descendants and nephews in the sect who are at the peak of the Xiantian realm to collect gold and temper their bodies.

The liquid silver can be handed over to the alchemist to refine the ancient fire-refined elixir with a better effect.

Like using liquid silver to deal with demons, it is an extremely luxurious thing.

It has reached the stage of Golden Body Realm.

The demon who was afraid of flowing silver was wiped out with a wave of his hand.

And those that can't be destroyed by waving your hands are no longer afraid of silver, so it's most cost-effective to use them to make elixirs.

Zou Xiao floated in place and shook his head as he watched Gul turn into a line of blood and shoot away.

He immediately turned around and flew in the direction of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

He directly ignored the mushroom cloud that was floating in the sky and had not completely dissipated.

It was already two minutes later when Rosen completely stabilized his body.

As K-0's main electronic system was restored, he found that he had rolled nearly ten kilometers in the air.

Its own height dropped to more than 2,000 meters above the ground.

When he turned around to observe, the mushroom cloud had risen to an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters.

Like a ripe mushroom, it blooms from the top and scatters spores around it.

That was a sign that the mushroom cloud was dissipating.

The light at the heart of the explosion has not completely dimmed yet. The high stability has melted everything in the core area, and even the soil, sand and gravel have turned into molten magma.

The huge amount of radiation caused the images fed back by the electronic observation system to have snowflake patterns.

The place became "clean" and there was nothing left.

Even the corpses no longer exist.

Even if something could barely survive the nuclear explosion, it would probably be pushed to the periphery by the shock wave.

Rosen was not surprised by this result.

Without the protection of a high-level demon, he attacked suddenly again.

It is not surprising to achieve such results.

But he soon saw the martial arts house in the distance that was almost razed to the ground.

There was also the Eagle Strike Camp holding up the oval light curtain, which made my teeth itch with hatred.

Armed with a sharp blade, the murderous intention arises.

An impulse arose in Rosen's heart.

That is to throw the remaining mushroom egg over the head of the Eagle Strike Camp.

This idea is extremely strong.

He no longer cares about whether the first round of light radiation and shock waves can break through the defense.

But in the end reason prevailed.

Now is not the time to kill indiscriminately.

Zou Xiao came forward to defend the situation on behalf of the Qinghong Society, which is enough to illustrate his attitude.

In this case, there is no need to fight to the death.

At least for a short time.

It should be noted that the Qinghong Society and the Tianqing Court still stood on the same front when dealing with the outside world.

Of course, Lafayette and the heads of the Qinghong Society have their own ideas.

But if Rosen really used mushroom eggs against the Eagle Strike Battalion when Zou Xiao intervened to mediate.

That's not a matter of bravery.

But it is tantamount to offending the imperial court and the Qinghong Society at the same time.

Thinking of this, Rosen suppressed the impulse in his heart.

With two worlds behind him, he doesn't need to be impulsive, he just needs to be a friend of time.

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about having no firewood.

Control K-0 and fall back into the ruins of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

At this time, the martial arts meeting seemed to be in a mess, but in fact the losses were not great.

Neither the secret room nor the underground bunker built in advance was greatly affected.

And the radiation spread here is not only unable to threaten the warriors.

On the contrary, it is helpful for tempering Qi and blood.

After he fell.

The light curtain triggered by the Eagle Strike Camp formation not far away became brighter visible to the naked eye.

It can be seen that the Eagle Strike Battalion was very nervous at this time.

Ignore those guys.

Rosen stood there and waited quietly for a moment.

His thinking was a little confused.

Rosen has been basically running smoothly these two days.

First, they attacked the foreign concession area and sentinel posts in Tianjin overnight.

Then they captured some ships of the Blood Spirit Fleet and Japan's First Guerrilla Force.

Finally, he faced off against the Eagle Strike Battalion in the Iron Man Martial Arts Tournament.

Not long ago, he even personally launched a 10,000-ton nuclear explosion.

At this moment, Rosen was mentally exhausted.

I just want to find a safe place to have a good sleep.

Leave things at sea and on land behind.

At this time, Zou Xiao fell from the sky and landed steadily in front of Rosen.

"You really are a kid!"

Zou Xiao's first words after landing were praise.

Still from the heart.

Warriors, especially those who wield swords and swords, particularly value strength.

The mushroom eggs launched by Rosen won Zou Xiao's recognition for their power.

Even Rosen's weight in his heart has increased a lot.

"Senior is so complimentary."

"If it weren't for senior holding the high-level demon in his hands."

"I'm afraid that the juniors won't be able to launch the offensive so smoothly."

Rosen said modestly.

But Zou Xiao waved his hand.

"What happened here, what are your plans?"

he asked with a smile.

This question puzzled Rosen.

So I chose a conservative statement.

"The younger generation plans to develop industry and military industry in Tianjin."

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