I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 219 Chapter 0214: Personal disciple, Asen’s backer [Please subscribe]

Rosen's words were slightly distorted when they came out of K-0's loudspeaker.

Hearing his answer, Zou Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

He lowered his head and pondered, as if he had some concerns.

In this regard, Rosen did not urge him, but instead looked at the Eagle Strike Battalion's military formation not far away.

Because of the protective light curtain, the soldiers in the military formation did not suffer any damage.

The entire military formation was like a rock under the impact, which caused a lot of washed-up gravel and rubble to pile up around it.

To be honest, Rosen was very interested in this kind of military formation.

A method like this that turns broken pieces into whole has a feeling of turning decay into something magical.

More than 6,000 well-trained warrior soldiers were truly twisted into a rope.

Even facing high-level warriors, he can still fight.

However, there are definitely many limitations in the military formation, and there is no way to universalize it.

Otherwise, if all Tianqing's troops faced the enemy in military formation, the foreigners' strategy of cannons and giant ships would be nothing.

Judging from the current situation, Tianqing only has a few elite troops who can control the military formation.

And most of them follow the orders of Lafayette and come from the Green Camp under the royal family.

Only a few of the brave battalions recruited from various places took control of the military formation.

This means that training military soldiers has a high threshold or cost.

Rosen did not know the specific situation.

But in the future, it would be worthwhile for him to inquire about the news in this regard.

He has no shortage of gold and silver. If the military formation soldiers simply cost a lot of money, then Rosen can form his own military formation team.

Rosen has no bias for strength.

In his eyes, there are only uncontrollable forces, but no absolute evil forces.

Any power that can be controlled, its good or evil is determined by the person who controls it.

The atmosphere at the scene became a little weird.

Zou Xiao and Rosen were both thinking about their own thoughts.

To be honest, the current environment is not conducive to discussion and conversation.

The two men were surrounded by rubble and carbonized wood that was smoking.

Hot wind is continuously coming from the nuclear explosion area.

Even after the shock wave passed and air circulation resumed, the temperature still exceeded one hundred degrees Celsius, and the hot air could boil the respiratory tracts of ordinary people in an instant.

However, there should be no ordinary people alive in this area.

As for those warriors with a little bit of martial arts cultivation, they would not have a hard time in this environment.

But it won't kill him anyway.

Now is not the time to consider mopping up.

After thinking for about half a minute, Zou Xiao finally raised his head again.

"Military industry and industry are really suitable for you."

As he said this, his eyes were looking at the K-0 power armor.

The title of Iron Man is now completely confirmed.

Zou Xiao first agreed, then changed the subject.

"But methods like Iron Man are foreign objects after all."

"And external things are never as solid as themselves."

"Therefore, improving your martial arts cultivation is the right way."

His tone was calm and did not sound preachy.

Because what Zou Xiao said is indeed a true insight.

For a warrior, only one's own strength is real, and the rest of the external means are imaginary.

The outside can only be used as an auxiliary.

Your own tempered body and powerful martial arts are the real guarantee.

Rosen controlled the armored arm and made a hand-over gesture.

Did not comment on this.

Now it's his turn to be picky.

In Rosen's view, whether it is martial arts, god refining, or powered armor, they are all chips to enhance one's confidence.

He doesn't need to do multiple choice questions because he can have them all.

Looking at Rosen's slightly cold attitude.

Zou Xiao had a wry smile on his face, which soon turned into a serious look.

"I'll get straight to the point."

"Are you willing to join my Yunjian Sect and become my personal disciple?"

Compared to other strong people in the Golden Body Realm, Zou Xiao is actually relatively young and promising.

Therefore, he lacks a lot of old-fashioned temperament.

He even calls himself "I", not "I", "I" or other rather proud titles.

His words made Rosen slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, Zou Xiao would plan to accept him as his disciple.

I guess it was for the mushroom egg in his hand.

But the identity of a direct disciple is also very important.

Among the famous sects in Tianqing, the relationship between disciples and masters is very important.

Even more than the adopted father and adopted son who are common in the military.

And a strong person like Zou Xiao, who is in the Golden Body Realm, will hold a disciple recruitment meeting every time he accepts a direct disciple to inform the sects all over the world.

It's not a trivial matter.

From a martial arts perspective, becoming a disciple of Zou Xiao would definitely bring more advantages than disadvantages.

But Rosen has too many secrets.

Moreover, he went to great lengths to capture Jinmen in order to farm and lay the foundation for the development of the wasteland.

It's not just for practicing martial arts.

"It is an honor for me to join the Yunjian Sect and become your personal disciple."

"But the younger generation cannot give up the idea of ​​developing industry."

"I'm afraid I can't start practicing hard."

Rosen did not hesitate, but spoke frankly.

Zou Xiao heard the words and understood his subtext.

In fact, by now, Zou Xiao already knew that Rosen was the real person in charge of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

He is a young man with a secret!

If it were any other old monster, Rosen would have been kidnapped long ago.

Then he looked for the great monk to extract his soul and soul and strip him of his secrets.

It can be considered that Rosen is lucky.

Zou Xiao cultivates the Supreme Sword Intent, which focuses on following one's will, being worthy of one's heart, suppressing desires, and acting righteously.

He couldn't allow his state of mind to be flawed.

This would completely cut off his hopes of becoming a Martial Saint.

Therefore, even if Zou Xiao covets Rosen's gold, liquid silver and "sun bombs", he will not use black methods to obtain them.

We can only try our best to build relationships.


"That's a problem."

"But not unaccommodating."

"You must ensure that you practice in the door for at least five to seven days every month."

"The rest of the time, you can stay in Jinmen or go do your own things."

"As long as you set aside a few hours every day to practice steadily according to the sect's techniques."

"Just now I saw that your bones are pretty good, and you are not short of gold and silver, and you are definitely not short of precious medicines."

"As long as it is paired with my Yunjian Sect's secret medicine and top-notch martial arts techniques."

"I am sure that you will be able to condense your marrow within two years!"

"I am also willing to take action and use the golden body's true energy to change your tendons and cut your marrow once."

"As for whether you can step into the innate world, it depends on your future fortune."

Zou Xiao narrowed his eyes and gave the promise.

The Yunjian clan has a great cause and a long heritage.

Compared with it, Zhang's Martial Arts School is not worth mentioning.

Zhang Yuntian, the founder of the Zhang Family Martial Arts School, was only a great martial artist in the Essence Condensation Realm.

It can be regarded as the result of the six-yuan mind opening up.

Let alone the Zhang Family Martial Arts School.

Even Zhang Yuntian's sect is incomparable to Yunjian Sect.

Therefore, following the Yunjian Sect, his martial arts realm will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

What's more, judging from Zou Xiao's intentions, he doesn't intend to interfere in Rosen's career.

None of the above conditions were what attracted Rosen the most.

What he actually cares more about is that becoming a master and apprentice with Zou Xiao means having a backer in the Golden Body realm.

In the era when martial arts masters did not appear, the Golden Body Realm was the ceiling for Tianqing's martial arts.

And catching up with Zou Xiao also means having the opportunity to come into contact with higher-level things in Tianqing's extraordinary realm.

The strong will play with the strong.

The person who usually goes with the Golden Body Realm is definitely the Golden Body Realm or the equivalent of Daxiu.

This will be very beneficial to Rosen's pursuit of more powerful supernatural powers in the future.

Otherwise, if you stay in Jinmen and make small fuss, you will never be able to become an elegant person.

He has not come into contact with other warriors in the Golden Body Realm, but he has a pretty good impression of Zou Xiao.

After all, Zou Xiaoshi actually stood up for himself and even lured away the eight-marked vampire.

No matter whether it was because of the instruction of the Qinghong Society or not.

At least Zou Xiao acted decisively and did what he said.

With this premise, even if he covets the gold, liquid silver and mushroom eggs on his body, Rosen can accept it.

These are all foreign objects and can be obtained repeatedly from the wasteland.

Even mushroom eggs are no exception.

He wasn't worried that Zou Xiao would be able to recreate it if he got the mushroom egg.

Thinking of this, Rosen made a decision.

"I am willing to become your teacher!"

This answer made Zou Xiao quite satisfied.

Although he is not a bad person, he must still have face as a warrior in the Golden Body Realm.

Especially his direct disciples, he had confiscated them for several years.

Within the sect, he belongs to the ancestor generation.

There are two golden bodies in the entire Yunjian Sect, and the other one is the supreme elder in the sect.

I have been in seclusion for almost 150 years.

At that time, Zou Xiao was still innate.

Later, when he entered the golden body, the Supreme Elder gave him a sword even though he was not out of seclusion.

It's that double-edged sword Chongyun.

Before the Supreme Elder was born, Zou Xiao was the eldest brother in the family.

Speaking of which, his last direct disciple was admitted more than fifty years ago.

At that time, the sect held a celebration for three days and three nights.

This disciple will not be careless.

Necessary ceremonies still need to be held.

This is a matter of face.

It is also a guarantee for Rosen.

Openly accepting disciples is no less than an announcement to the high-level warriors and major cultivators in Tianqing.

It can also make Rosen feel a little familiar.

Under such circumstances, Zou Xiao must protect Rosen Zhou from now on.

If anything happened to Rosen, others would laugh at him.

According to the rules of the martial arts world, direct disciples must at least be trained to be innate.

From now on, life and death will depend on fate.

Before that, if something happened, the master would be stabbed in the spine.

Therefore, many powerful people with golden bodies do not like to accept direct disciples.

At most, it's just a temporary advice.

Therefore, the status of direct disciple itself is a promise Zou Xiao made to Rosen.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


He laughed loudly and raised his hand to pat his waist.

Immediately, a purple token engraved with cloud patterns flew out.

It landed accurately on Rosen's armored arm.

"This is the Purple Cloud Sword Order."

"The matter of apprenticeship is not urgent right now."

"In half a month, come to Yunjian Mountain in Yufu."

"If anyone makes things difficult during this period, you will show the Yunjian Order."

"Any decent person from a well-known family in Tianqing will definitely give this order some face."

Rosen nodded solemnly and replied, "I understand."

He had just entered the third realm of change and had not yet seriously practiced martial arts.

It’s not too late to modify the exercises.

As for practicing basic pile skills before, it doesn't matter.

The basic skills of martial arts are basically the same.

Many sects also require disciples to practice a variety of basic pile functions to lay a solid foundation.

Zou Xiao took out another roll of silk soft books and threw it away.

This soft book is very unique and is not affected by ambient temperature.

Rosen quickly took it.

There are several gold letters embroidered on the cover.

"The Key to Nine Heavens Cloud Soaring"

"Read it if you have time during these days."

"Lay a solid foundation for formal entry into practice."

"This is one of the core martial arts techniques within Yunjian Sect..."

Zou Xiao explained.

Suddenly he stopped talking and turned around slowly.

An innate grandmaster walked out of the Eagle Strike Battalion.

He shrank slightly and crossed the wall that had not been completely destroyed.

He bowed his hands to Zou Xiao and Rosen.

"You two, how offended you are this time..."

"Lafayette will definitely make compensation after the incident, so I will resign first!"

These words were mainly addressed to Zou Xiao.

But Zou Xiao put away his good face and his expression became slightly serious.

"Go back and tell Lafayette."

"The Iron Man Martial Arts Association is not only protected by the Qinghong Association, but also protected by my Yunjian Sect!"

"This is my new direct disciple."

"Whoever bullies him is the same as bullying our Yunjian Sect!"

Zou Xiao spoke sonorously, which made the innate master's shoulders tremble slightly.


He lowered his head and nodded, then ran away from the two of them as if running away.

Zou Xiao's statement clarified his attitude.

He openly shamed himself in front of Lafayette and stood up to protect the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

This weight is a bit heavier than the previous one.

"Master, my disciple has something else to ask for your help."

"After the matter is completed, I am willing to offer another hundred taels of gold."

Rosen was not polite either.

He is a pragmatist and doesn't like to engage in empty-headed ideas.

Zou Xiao suddenly smiled when he heard that he had a new request.

"whats the matter?"

Rosen then informed Zou Xiao about the capture of the Blood Spirit Fleet, and asked him to go to sea to escort the Zhang brothers and sisters' ships back to port.

After hearing the whole story, Zou Xiao readily agreed.

At the same time, he did not reject the gold reward proposed by Rosen.

There was a somewhat tacit feeling on both sides.

In other words, for Zou Xiao, it is natural to receive payment for doing things.

Rosen did not hesitate and directly took out pieces of re-melted gold bricks.

There were also several mercury in unmarked inorganic sealed jars.

Taking things out of thin air is not a strange thing in Tianqing.

Mustard seed and Xumi means can do this.

There are even more advanced spatial treasures that can even contain living creatures.

Zou Xiao glanced at it and accepted the order.

He doesn't have a Mustard Seed Sumeru Bag, but he has a space treasure phantom that can also hold things.

The cheap master and apprentice chatted for a while.

After the nearby heat wave subsided a little, the Eagle Strike Camp not far away took out the Baiyun Magical Artifact.

He took the soldiers and left towards the capital.

The aftermath of the distant explosion subsided completely.

Only the ubiquitous radiation is slowly spreading.

Rosen still has a lot of things to deal with!

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Thanks to [Uncle Zhang’s Time Machine] for voting for 3 monthly votes

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