I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 230 Chapter 0225: Five days in the blink of an eye, two or three things changed [Please subs

Rosen hasn't been to Iron Tomb Camp for several days.

This used to be his other frequent residence besides Golden Sunshine Street.

It exists like a "patch" in the mechanical realm of the neighborhood.

The essence is to provide services for the mid and downstream industries of Roche Machinery Industry.

Therefore, it has a mutually beneficial relationship with the Golden Sunshine District.

When the Oil Machine Rampage Group first took over here, the camp became a little depressed.

But soon after Jin Yangguang issued a crusade order and issued various orders to the workshops in the Iron Tomb Camp, prosperity here almost immediately returned.

Currently there are thousands of permanent residents and tens of thousands of floating population.

It has revitalized many machinery-related wasteland businesses.

The mechanics and information hackers living here basically have no worries about food.

Inside the steel gear machinery workshop.

Rosen unloaded the K-0 in the backyard, wearing a tight black combat uniform.

He looks handsome and highlights his strong muscle outline.

Since practicing martial arts, his body has become stronger and stronger.

But he hasn’t become a muscular tyrant yet.

How could martial arts be such an inconvenience?

Stacking blocks is a quantitative change, but martial arts pursues a qualitative change.

Therefore, his figure not only does not look inconsistent at all, but is full of masculine beauty.

It's neither eye-catching nor slender, it can be said to be just the right perfect figure.

He has the key to the defense here, and every time he comes here it's like going home.

This time when he controlled the K-0 power armor and landed in the backyard.

Li Li was wearing a mask and holding an oxygen-acetylene cutting torch that ejected a cluster of flames to cut off the deformed and stuck armor plate of a mottled powered armor.

Cluster cutting at 6000℃ can easily melt most alloy steels below type B.

But first peel off the various coatings and protective patches on the armor surface.

There was another strong woman wearing denim overalls and a red ponytail standing next to her with her hands folded across her chest.

She is Li Qi’s teacher Olanna.

After noticing the sound of the engine erupting as the K-0 descended slowly, Olanna raised her head and took a look.

He immediately showed an interested look.

K-0 is not a common mass product.

This non-mass-produced equipment is enough to attract the attention of every mechanic.

With Olanna's vision and experience, she could almost immediately tell that the frame of this power armor was the medium/light platform of the T series.

The externally mounted component is a novel dual-engine airborne mode.

The ion propulsion engine that is spewing out lavender particle beams is also very different from the common vortex engine.

The scroll engine can only be used in an atmospheric environment.

The ion propulsion engine can function normally in outer space.

Of course, power armor alone does not have the ability to ascend to the sky on the spot.


Olanna didn't know its exact model.

In terms of information, she is not as good as Golden Ears, but the model number is just a nickname after all.

She only needed one glance to see the reality of this power armor.

Immediately afterwards, K-0 landed in the backyard, without provoking any defensive measures in the workshop.

This means the other party has the key here.

Until Rosen walked out of K-0, Olanna understood everything instantly.

No wonder Li Qi, a little girl, has started wearing perfume recently.

Mechanics work with cold steel all year round.

His body was filled with the burning stench of an overloaded motor, as well as the pungent smell of rust and thick engine oil.

"Tsk, loving people is like raising flowers."

"After I found the person I love, my Xiaoli has changed."

Hearing the muffled sound of K-0 landing, Li Qi did not turn around immediately, but cut off the last corner of the armor and then stopped what he was doing.

She took off her welding mask, revealing her sweaty face.


After seeing Rosen, she waved quickly.

There was a small amount of black ash floating in the wind on the insulated gloves.

Rosen greeted him with a smile.

After stopping, Li Li introduced Olanna to him.

After learning that this was the "teacher" Li Qi often talked about, the look on Rosen's face became serious.

As if meeting an elder, he shook hands with Olanna in an upright manner.

"Pfft..." Seeing Rosen's look, Li Li couldn't help laughing. She first bent down and turned off the gas incision valve, and then said in a teasing tone: "Teacher Olanna is not that old-fashioned. Old antique, don’t take it too seriously.”

These words made Rosen twitch his lips in embarrassment.

When the two parties shook hands, he felt the thick calluses in Olanna's palms.

It seems that the other party is indeed a senior mechanic.

The three of them chatted for a while and then entered the house.

Sit around the old couch.

Li Qi brought water beer, which consumes a lot of money. She had to replenish two boxes of goods every week.

Sometimes when I'm tired from work, I just drink beer as water.

In today's wasteland, water beer is indeed a different kind of best-selling product.

Many people use it as a reserve of clean water.

In areas where water beer is produced, a lot of money can be made by growing razor blades and building glass products factories.

Li Qi became the tree hole baby again as usual, listening patiently to Rosen's recent experience.

Of course, things in the Bahuang Realm must not be talked about casually.

He mainly talked about various preparations and adventures in the wasteland recently.

Considering that Olanna was present, some words could only be said vaguely.

Olanna rarely spoke during the whole process, and mostly listened to the exchange between the two with a smile on her lips.

She was observing Rosen silently.

It's like the mother-in-law is choosing her son-in-law.

When Rosen talked about his plan to get a death ray tank.

Li Qi and Olanna were both a little surprised.

"This kind of non-mass-produced weapon is not easy to get."

"And the management of the joint unified district is very strict."

Li Li was the first to express her opinion. She had heard of the Death Ray Chariot and knew what a Death Ray Cannon was.

But I haven't seen it.

Just when Rosen was about to say something, Olanna spoke first.

"I have seen a Death Ray Chariot."

"Its chassis is unremarkable, using a mid-sized chassis from the Defender series."

"There are no changes to the engine or powertrain department."

"It's just that the large-mass electromagnetic gun originally installed on it was replaced by a more bloated death ray cannon system."

"That thing is like a long pen holder." When she said this, Olanna paused slightly.

She knew a lot about mechanical structures, but she didn't know much more than Rosen about special and niche particle weapons like death rays.

After a pause, Olanna continued: "If you plan to build a death-ray tank, then you should stop planning to start from the joint command area."

Having said this, she took out the thin cigar that she had not finished smoking before and lit it with a windproof lighter.

After taking a comfortable sip, she realized that both Rosen and Li Qi were eagerly waiting for the next step.

"Ahem, cough, cough." After a few coughs, Olanna flicked off the cigarette ashes with her fingers: "The Joint Command District has never given up on the research on the death ray cannon. It has been struggling for almost seven or eight years, and now it has achieved A certain technological breakthrough resulted in the creation of an unloaded death ray cannon system called Shieldbreaker."

"This system is specially designed to attack the energy shields of all parties. It can be regarded as a deterrent-level weapon."

"Due to the lack of core components, only three sets of the Deterrer death ray cannon system were built. They were mounted on a supersonic fighter jet and were designed to destroy the defense system."

"Originally this was confidential, but it just so happens that it has been officially announced recently."

"It's a visible deterrent to surrounding settlements, so it doesn't matter if I tell you now."

This news is quite explosive.

The Hangcheng United District actually conquered the death ray cannon technology.

It is possible to make larger death ray cannons.

However, due to the lack of technology industry chain, some core components cannot be manufactured in a short time, and there are no substitutes.

Even so, it means that Hangzhou Liantong District has an extremely profound technical foundation.

Next, Olanna told the two juniors many interesting things.

It was an eye-opening experience for Rosen.

As the chief mechanic of the Machinery Front, Olanna's knowledge is extraordinary.

It was getting dark outside before I knew it.

After coming here to chat with Li Li and Olanna, he felt refreshed.

All the worries that had been accumulated in my heart before were washed away.

This kind of spiritual healing made him feel very happy.

Even the spiritual thoughts were affected by the emotions, and became slightly stronger.

Rosen didn't leave until after dark.

He learned about Li Li's plan to expand the workshop and left her an order worth tens of thousands of dark crystals.

Let her transform 50 sets of spherical lifting combat platforms.

The relevant parameters and drawings are ready.

Li Li couldn't handle such a large order by herself, and Rosen didn't mind her cooperation.

He readily paid 20,000 dark crystals on the spot and left here.

After he left, Olanna started teasing again.

She could tell that Rosen was more than just a cool guy.

It's not like those wastelanders who have many bad habits.

Not even a cigarette.

He looks handsome and upright, and his figure is exceptionally fit and well-proportioned.

No matter how you look at it, he is a good son-in-law.

When resting at night, Olanna and Li Li slept in the same bed and whispered many secrets to each other.

During this period, she often used Rosen to tease Li Li.

In fact, she was quite happy to see that her "half daughter" was willing to fall in love.

Feelings are a double-edged sword.

Good relationships can heal a lifetime.

Olanna can stay here for a few more days, just in time to spend some time with Li Li.

Time flies, and three days pass in the blink of an eye.

Rosen spent most of these days in the wasteland.

I just spend an hour or two every day in Tianjin to follow up on the reconstruction situation.

By the way, I'm waiting for news from Master Zou Xiao.

Both Gu whistle point and Jinmen port area seemed a bit lonely.

The imperial court and foreigners did not settle in, and the Iron Man Martial Arts Association entered a state of reorganization and did not rush to occupy it. For the time being, it will remain in such a messy state.

The recruitment process for the Iron Man Martial Arts Association began in a grand manner.

In accordance with Rosen's request to cast a wide net, Zhang Zhenyu recruited people to join the gang.

Instead, there will be two or even three screenings later.

Real elites take time to develop.

Although Zou Xiao didn't have any accurate news in the past few days, he still brought oral news.

This matter is probably basically stable.

All problems will be solved before Rosen reports to Yunjianmen.

According to the previous agreement, he will report to Yunjianmen in two days.

It is in a famous mountain in Yufu.

Just fly there when the time comes.

Rosen didn't stay in Jinmen for too long these days.

Because that uneasy feeling still hasn't dissipated.

There is always a strong sense of unease.

He always holds a disposable holy shield in his hand.

This change made Rosen understand that he must be being watched.

And there is a high probability that they are enemies rather than friends.

You must know that the perception ability of a god-refining monk is much stronger than that of a warrior.

I am particularly concerned about this feeling in my heart.

In the world of monks, there is a saying that "spiritual signs arise in the heart."

But not every time you encounter danger, there will be such an unpredictable warning sign.

Similarly, even if there are warning signs, it does not necessarily mean that something will happen.

All in all, it is a relatively metaphysical telepathy.

Rosen still attaches great importance to this.

After finally entering a new stage, he didn't want to fall short because of being careless.

Therefore, in his activities in Tianjin, he strives to come and go quickly.

Try not to stay in one place for too long.

When walking, just find a corner to activate [Time Travel].

If there were any peepers, the best they could do was pretend that he disappeared into thin air.

It may be that he used some mysterious concealment method or used other methods to escape the scene.

After all, it is difficult to obtain conclusive evidence for things like [time travel].

Anyway, he disappeared anyway, who knows where he disappeared to.

Another two days passed like this.

A large amount of building materials arrived in Tianjin.

Zou Xiao came to Rosen personally and brought good news.

Through the actions of the Qinghonghui, the imperial court issued a concession certificate to the Iron Man Wuhui.

Nominally, the Gu whistle point and the port area were still divided into concession areas and handed over to the Iron Man Martial Arts Association for management. In fact, the concession period lasted for 500 years.

The amount required for the concession was only five million taels of silver.

It's a completely symbolic charge.

Because just opening the port to the outside world can earn more than this.

You must know that the lease period has been extended to five hundred years.

This is equivalent to only ten thousand taels of silver a year.

As for the selling whistle point, the imperial court set out other conditions.

The Iron Man Martial Arts Association is required to occupy the Gu whistle point and at the same time fulfill the conditions of maritime border defense.

At the same time, he also collected several million taels of silver.

These are easy to solve.

I really can't spend all my money on gold and silver.

Most of the time, Rosen exchanged gold directly for silver in Tianqing.

As far as money is concerned, it is easier to get money here in Tianqing.

After all, there is a huge gap in exchange rates between the two.

Anyway, one thing has finally been settled.

Rosen can feel at ease and follow Zou Xiao to Yunjianmen to receive a better martial arts inheritance!

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