I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 231 Chapter 0226: Arriving at Yunjian Mountain, the undercurrent of Shenhai surges [seeking

On that day, autumn rain fell heavily in Jinmen.

The slightly chilly raindrops pattered on the ground.

The past few days have made the streets of Jinmen look a little depressed.

In particular, the closure of the port area has exacerbated the situation.

At least half of Jinmen's prosperity can be attributed to the Haihe River and its natural harbor.

Now that the port has become the private property of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association, it is temporarily closed to the outside world, and all the shipping merchants traveling to and from Tianjin are gone.

The occasional pedestrians seen on the street were all wearing long gowns.

The yellow leaves on the roadside were knocked down by raindrops, adding to the melancholy.

After all, the scenery in the Eight Wastelands is more beautiful, even the changing of seasons has its own artistic conception.

Unlike the wasteland, it is desolate and lonely in summer and autumn, and cold and desolate in winter and spring.

Dead silence replaced everything, and the rotation of the seasons was no longer clear.

The four of them were walking on the streets of Jinmen in staggered shapes.

The swordsman Zou Xiao put his hands behind his back, holding a sweet autumn wheat seedling in his mouth, and walked briskly.

Looks laid back and relaxed.

Falling rainwater will be invisible and isolated.

Rosen followed behind, put on a long gown, and followed Zou Xiao in an orderly manner.

Zhang Yuening held an oil-paper umbrella and followed him with a reluctant expression.

His elder brother, Zhang Zhenyu, was wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, with a slightly solemn look on his face. He was half a step behind Rosen, but he still looked up to him.

The four of them were silent all the way.

Rosen has already done everything that needs to be explained.

Last night, two modified T-21 power armors were left for the brother and sister.

Related construction and planning work has also been completed.

This time Rosen will have to stay at Yunjianmen for at least a month.

Lasts until the end of October.

The main thing is to lay the foundation, and also to change the tendons and cut the marrow.

During this period, I will take time to go down the mountain, but I may not necessarily return to Tianmen.

The main reason is that he has to sit in the wasteland from time to time.

Moreover, he had to go to Su City in mid-October to attend the auction and inquire about Uncle Zong.

Now Sade is driving power armor in what is suspected to be a secret force of Roche Machinery Industry.

Little Ahao followed beside him.

The only one whose whereabouts are unknown is Uncle Zong.

Whether he is dead or alive now, Rosen intends to bring closure.

In addition, half a year will pass in the blink of an eye, and he can inject a D-level gene enhancement agent.

In this way, one can further improve one's martial arts talent and increase the speed of subsequent practice.

Apart from this matter, it is the competitive meeting in November.

With his martial arts cultivation at his side, Rosen was still in the E-class group and he was just killing people randomly?

Most importantly, he also wanted to see the world.

You can't always live in a corner.

After dealing with this matter, he can gradually explore other ruins.

Including the robot production line and Shi Dali's clues about the warehousing of Juxing gravity equipment.

Rosen happened to be planning to get a set of gravity equipment to help with martial arts practice.

There are also secret forces suspected to exist at the original site of Pudong Iron and Steel Company.

Although he already knew that that force was most likely Luo Che Machinery Industry.

They are also the masterminds behind the control of the Blood Wolf Group to steal the steel from World Trade!

But there is still work to be done here.

It's worth Rosen spending a little effort to prepare some back-ups.

Compared to the to-do list in the wasteland.

His mission here in Tianqing is relatively simple and intuitive.

That is to practice and become stronger.

The Iron Man Martial Arts Association has had enough limelight.

It's time to cultivate one's health and recuperate, and to station troops and food.

Everything must be relaxed to last.

The Zhang brothers and sisters have been sending Rosen and Zou Xiao to the outskirts of the city.

Rain dripped from the edge of the oil-paper umbrella.

Zhang Yuening's eyes gradually turned red.

This made Rosen feel inexplicably ashamed.

After a slight hesitation, he gave her a hug.

Then he took Zhang Zhenyu's generous palm and gave him a few serious instructions.

At this time, Zou Xiao had already raised the heavy sword, expanding it more than ten times, like a flat shuttle floating in the air three or four meters above the ground.

He himself took the first step and sat cross-legged at the front of the epee shuttle, watching the farewell of the three people with interest.

About a quarter of an hour later, Rosen waved to the two of them.

Immediately, he bent his knees and jumped directly onto the epee, sitting down cross-legged behind Zou Xiao.

"Master, it's time to go."

Hearing this, Zou Xiao nodded gently and warned with a smile on his lips: "Sit tight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the flying shuttle transformed by Chongyun Sword soared into the sky.

It left the place at a flying speed of about twice the speed of sound.

Rosen turned around and watched the Zhang brothers and sisters getting smaller and smaller.

The autumn rain drifts, and when it is far away, it separates the eyes like a hazy gauze curtain.

It is almost seven or eight hundred kilometers from Jinmen to Yufu.

Neither far nor near.

Therefore, Zou Xiao was the first to arrive at that time.

The speed of the Chongyun Sword is not as fast as the flight of a strong man with a golden body, but it is better because it saves more effort.

It takes about forty to fifty minutes to reach Yunjian Mountain.

"Then Xiao Nizi has a deep affection for you."

Not long after flying far away, Zou Xiao suddenly spoke.

This topic was difficult for Rosen to deal with.

I could only say a perfunctory "hmm".

"I see that you don't have such a deep friendship with that girl Zhang Yuening." Zou Xiao turned around and said with a half-smile.

This made Rosen a little embarrassed. Just when he was about to explain something, Zou Xiao took the initiative to wave his hand.

"Don't give me any excuses."

"It's just that we don't love each other deeply. They are both men, and they are young and romantic as teachers."

"Yue Ning is a beautiful girl, so it's normal that you can't resist teasing her."

"You don't have to invest, but you can't let others down."

"A strong man is always surrounded by flowers and plants."

Zou Xiao's face was full of smiles when he said these words, but Rosen actually heard the teachings contained in his words.

He probably saw that he didn't care about Zhang Yuening that much.

The meaning he expressed is actually very simple, that is, a man can have three wives and four concubines, so there is no need to start a relationship and give up.

Rosen naturally understands this.

They say rabbits don’t eat grass near their nests.

But Zhang Yuening, who was following Rosen, had long been secretly interested in him.

Even if you don't want to eat the grass on the edge of your nest, you have to eat it.

If you don't eat it, it will be embarrassing. At least if you eat it, it can be considered a good thing to get closer.

As for the status and stuff, it’s not too late to talk about it in the future.

According to Tianqing's rules, Zhang Yuening was given the status of a legal wife or an equal wife.

On this basis, if the red flag does not fall down inside the house and the colorful flags flutter outside, his behavior in Tianqing will not be considered too scumbag.

Not to mention that all Tianqing's capable men have three wives and four concubines.

Even in the wasteland, this situation will only become more exaggerated.

In this regard, Rosen actually doesn't feel much guilt.

Now that we have two worlds at our backs, we definitely don’t need to cower as before.

"I understand, Master."

"You taught me right."

Rosen replied respectfully.

Regarding his answer, Zou Xiao just smiled and said nothing.

Flying on an epee is undoubtedly a very novel experience for Rosen.

After flying a certain distance, even Qiu Yu in the Jinmen area was left behind.

Below you can see yellowing mountain forests and separated wheat fields.

Drifting clouds and mist passed quickly around.

Rosen didn't feel any airflow.

The invisible force field repels everything outside, which is also a manifestation of extraordinary power.

This also made Rosen more relaxed and able to appreciate the scenery along the way.

After all, this is a true panoramic seat.

It's much more comfortable than flying in a tin can.

The time for admiring the scenery passed quickly, and the hazy outline of Yunjian Mountain appeared in front of us.

It is made up of an entire mountain range.

The mountains and forests as far as the eye can see are still lush and full of life.

Qiu seemed to have skipped this place.

Under the mountain gate is a prosperous town.

Judging from the scale, the population is at least tens of thousands.

The mountain range where Yunjian Mountain is located looks clear and clear.

There is no fog as expected.

Only in a few key areas can one see the talisman light curtain that appears and disappears.

This actually represents the strength and confidence of Yunjianmen.

It is not a sect that cannot be hidden.

Nature behaves generously.

I never do any tricks like covering the mountains and forests with fog.

Zou Xiao took Rosen and flew over the front mountain and into the hinterland of the Yunjian Mountains.

The view here is even more enlightened.

You can see squares and antique buildings scattered in the open space in the mountains.

Those houses with cornices and corners look very ancient.

In one of the small squares, Rosen also saw dozens of swordsmen in white uniformly practicing their sword moves.

The most spectacular thing is the top of a mountain behind.

There is a giant cauldron that is at least about a hundred meters high.

The gigantic cauldron is so huge that it makes people feel sincerely shocked even from a distance.

In addition to the giant cauldron, there is also a giant sword of about the same size stuck on the top of another mountain.

Rosen didn't know whether they were magical weapons or the core of some kind of formation.

It's definitely not a decoration anyway.

Here is Yunjianmen.

Because he was introduced directly by Zou Xiao.

So there's not a lot of red tape.

He was taken directly to one of the relatively quiet courtyards on the mountainside.

After settling here, Zou Xiao began to briefly introduce Rosen.

At this moment, the wasteland world.

Inside the original subway of Shenhai City.

There is a group of soldiers from the Double Z force advancing on foot.

The great destruction caused serious damage to Shenhai's underground track.

But there are always a few relatively smooth branch lines that can remain open.

Just be careful of the alien attacks from those living in the subway passages who love dark environments.

After advancing for unknown lengths of time, the leading sergeant raised his right arm wearing a tactical glove.

The team then stopped.

"Check location parameters."

After the order was given, soldiers immediately found the road sign posted on the track.

"The scheduled location has been reached."

After a simple check, the soldiers quickly provided feedback.

"Planting pheromone bomb No. 7."

A new order was issued, and soldiers dressed as engineers took out portable drills to dig blast holes on the spot, and at the same time took out surveyors to verify the location.

After half an hour of construction, a pipe bomb with a diameter of three meters and a length of about three meters was finally buried.

After completing the burial and deployment, the group of soldiers left in a hurry.

The same situation occurs everywhere in Shenhai City.

Some are underground and some are on the surface.

The soldiers sent by the Double Z forces acted very quickly.

And in the underground shelter.

These days they no longer have head-to-head confrontations with the troops in the Golden Sunshine District.

Let them destroy Shenhai's mutant brood.

Compared with the huge Shenhai City, the military strength of Jinyang Yangguang Street is very thin.

It took two months to kill five brood nests.

In order to reduce casualties as much as possible, each operation in the Golden Sunshine Block requires several days of preparation.

If you are tough and brainless, the progress can be improved a lot.

But correspondingly there will be greater casualties.

This level of casualties is something the neighborhood simply cannot bear.

Under such circumstances, the Double Z forces just let it go and stopped interfering.

The seemingly harmless spores are continuously released.

These spores wither quickly.

It is essentially harmless.

Because it doesn't belong to this world at all.

Naturally, it is impossible to cause any harm to this world.

Unless, there is a billion-point catalyst that also does not belong to this world.

Recently, two more shelters controlled by Double Z forces have been unblocked.

Let their power expand.

But it is not easy to temper enough "catalysts".

Those spores are called "demonized spores" in the Bahuang Realm.

Without magic, they are naturally harmless.

In order not to be caught all by the First Emperor, they voluntarily entered the gap in the void and wandered into this completely different world.

It is extremely difficult to obtain even a little bit of magic power.

They had waited too long to execute this plan.

The Great Destruction delayed a lot of time.

They were forced to enter the dormant cabin.

Because this world is completely different from the one we used to live in.

They can't get enough magic power.

In addition, the external environment was damaged during the war.

So the brains of the Double Z forces simply chose to go into hibernation.

After the lockdown is lifted, I plan to use my hands and feet to implement this long-planned plan.

Golden Sunshine Street is protected by day and night defense.

But there is still a lack of sufficient understanding of this unknown method that does not belong to this world.

Even if it is known that there is a problem with the spores, it is difficult to deal with it when technical means cannot detect the problem.

At present, the biological experimenters under the jurisdiction of Golden Sunshine have been studying the corresponding phagocytosis of the spores themselves to destroy the spread of the spores.

According to think tank speculation.

Regardless of whether the spores have any effect.

We will definitely see the outcome before the new winter monsoon season arrives.

Because strong wind is the biggest enemy of these spores.

Severe wind gusts of more than ten levels will disperse and dilute the spores.

Under this premise, Golden Sunshine Street still has a sense of urgency.

At the same time, the neighborhood is still trying its best to search for areas where the Double Z forces may exist.

Just find their shelter base camp.

The neighborhood is determined to bury those guys completely underground.

The game between the two sides has not stopped, but has turned from an open fight to a secret fight.

In addition, there have been some unusual changes within the Golden Sunshine Street.

20813 Arms Manufacturing Factory and Roche Machinery Industry tacitly increased the number of private soldiers.

At Roche in particular, hundreds of robots roll off the production line every day.

Except for some who were incorporated into the legion, most of them have disappeared.

The supervisors assigned to each other are useless.

In other words, the so-called supervision system was a joke from the beginning!

The undercurrent never stops surging.

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