I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 235 Chapter 0230: End of Marrow Cleansing, Jianwu Hall [Please subscribe]

Eight desolate realms.

Tianqing, Yunjian Mountain.

The process of washing the tendons and cutting the marrow goes from sunset to dark, and from dark to sunrise.

For Yunjianmen, this was just an ordinary day in the past countless days and nights.

Ever since the First Emperor disappeared into the starry sky with his elite.

Tianqing ushered in troubled times, and the dynasty went through several changes.

Those who hold the throne of the emperor are basically aristocratic families and powerful people from all over the world.

Just like the current Tianqing court, they are ethnic minorities who have made their fortune outside the customs.

However, with the exception of the First Emperor, none of the subsequent emperors who ascended the throne were able to truly unify Tianqing.

What they rule is only the common people and the common people.

There are many sects, aristocratic families, and local tycoons who listen to announcements but not orders.

This made the status of the imperial court, which was supposed to be the pinnacle of Tianqing collectivism, very embarrassing.

We can only use various methods to recruit experts.

For the emperor, governing the country was also hard work.

The imperial court is like a super large sect.

But the focus is not on the extraordinary side, but on the ordinary side.

The biggest advantage of this position is that the plate is large enough to easily gather faith.

And folklore has always been the foundation of martial arts.

Based on this premise, through martial arts selection, opening of martial arts schools, etc., strong people can always be recruited to join, and this is indeed the case.

In terms of the number of warriors and monks alone, the imperial court still ranks first.

But the embarrassing thing is that comparing the imperial court to the sect is inherently derogatory.

After all, the sect's stall is small, while the imperial court's stall is big.

Basically, every generation of emperors will take the initiative to abdicate and practice in seclusion when they are about the same age.

Unless you can become a Martial Saint or an Infinite Yin God, there is no point in sitting in the position of emperor all the time.

Worldly power is not that attractive to the supernatural world.

Just like Zou Xiao, even if the emperor's position is given to him, he won't even be interested.

After the strength reaches a certain level.

Whatever the emperor has, he has.

At most, it's not as grand as the emperor.

At this time, Zou Xiao was concentrating on transferring Qi into Rosen's body.

The golden body's true energy is much more domineering than the innate true energy, and the effect of using it to ease tendons, cut marrow, and dredge the tendons is naturally superior.

Those two golden wires became the line connecting Rosen and Zou Xiao.

Considering his endurance, the transmission of Qi must be slow and steady.

It took almost a whole day, and 90% of the meridians in Rosen's body were washed by the zhenqi, and the pores did not shit.

The body temperature continued to rise.

It finally stabilized slightly when it reached 45~50 degrees Celsius.

He was not wearing BP, otherwise a temperature warning would definitely appear.

For ordinary people, this temperature is enough to kill most cells in the body.

But Rosen is no longer an ordinary person.

Many physical indicators are very different from ordinary people.

In addition, every two hours, the Xiantian realm elders nearby would insert silver needles into Rosen's different meridians and acupoints to guide out the impurities after washing the tendons and cutting the marrow.

The impurities are light brown in color and emit no foul odor.

There is only the unique fishy smell of flesh and blood.

There is no need for any design, heaven, earth and nature are the best designers.

The human body can form self-consistency, which is a kind of harmony in itself.

Two more hours passed, and the further the time went by, the slower the true energy was lost.

Because the remaining acupoints and meridians are located on the neck.

In fact, Rosen was a little nervous.

It's just that he closed his eyes tightly and couldn't see any changes in his emotions.

After the true energy entered his body, he could feel that his meridians were getting warmer inch by inch.

This feeling of heat is extending to the brain.

The brain and heart are both important centers in the human body.

The former is still the carrier of the sea of ​​divine consciousness in the outside world in the Bahuang Realm.

When it comes to the meridians on the neck, if you are not careful, you will either become an idiot, or you will directly GG.

But he still believed in Zou Xiao.

After all, he is also a strong man with a golden body who has lived for more than two hundred years, and his understanding of meridians is far beyond his own.

As for whether Zou Xiao had malicious intentions, Rosen had no doubt.

If he was really malicious, he definitely wouldn't need to go to such trouble. At close range, the golden man had countless opportunities to kill Rosen.

It's not that Rosen is belittling, but that the level gap between the two parties is too big.

Of course, he couldn't choose to alienate the strong just because he couldn't beat the strong.

To do so is to give up eating due to choking.

By noon, the last meridians and acupoints were trained.

Zou Xiao retracted the golden thread, and then slowly exhaled a long breath.

At this time, Rosen also woke up from his half-asleep state.

"The cleansing of the tendons and marrow is completed."

"Disciple, there are not many acupoints and blocked meridians in your body."

"My physical qualifications are passable."

"Now take this condensed pill and rest for two days."

"Even if you don't practice in the future, you can easily enter the bone-strengthening realm by relying on the smooth meridians and the effect of the body condensation pill."

"When the apprenticeship ceremony is over, I will go out as a teacher."

"I will go to Jianfeng every three days to learn basic sword techniques, body techniques and pile skills from your Master Chen."

"When you have some foundation, it won't be too late to teach you personally as a teacher."

Zou Xiao said with a smile on his face, not mentioning anything else during the whole process.

Rosen quickly agreed and bowed seriously before leaving.

After cleansing the essence and cutting off the marrow, he felt that great changes had taken place in himself.

Although the strength has not increased, the muscles and skin have not become stronger.

But the feeling of smoothness from the inside out is still very obvious. The flow of energy in the body becomes smoother, and the control over one's own body is also improved.

Ordinary people cannot completely control the body.

Even though most people think that their bodies are theirs, in fact they are not.

The instructions from nerves and muscles to the brain are not absolutely smooth.

If a person can accurately mobilize all the muscles, fascia and bones in the body to work together.

Then without any strengthening, the strength can be increased several times on the normal basis.

The current rigid strength index of Rosen has not been greatly enhanced.

But by using more efficient force-generating techniques, he can lift even more weight!

And these are just appearances.

What really benefited the most was Rosen’s martial arts qualifications.

His potential upper limit has risen directly.

The effect is no less than bypassing the restrictions of step-by-step injections and taking a shot of high-level gene enhancement potion.

After cleansing the tendons and cutting off the marrow, Rosen was not sure whether the effects of the gene-enhancing potion could still be superimposed.

This will have to wait until he is injected with a D-level drug some time later before he can come to a conclusion.

I guess there shouldn't be any conflict.

Genes act on the microcosm, while meridians are optimized on a macroscopic level.

You will know the details when you give it a try.

Returned to his small courtyard.

Feeling tired, he fell into a deep sleep.

The power of the Condensation Pill began to be refined, gradually enhancing his martial arts cultivation.

From the muscles to the bones, the first ray of Qi and blood in the body is slowly tempered.

In particular, the Spine Dragon has received key strengthening.

Rosen slept deeply but was sweating profusely.

And he had a rare dream, no longer a weird and monotonous laboratory background.

In the dream, he turned into a dragon soaring in the sky.

The feeling of flying in the clouds made him extremely happy.

This sleep went directly from afternoon to nightfall.

He was awakened by the feeling of hunger in his belly.

After getting up, I took a quick shower first.

As soon as I put on a white shirt and walked out of the room, I saw a woman with tied hair wearing a light blue training uniform sitting in the stone hall of the courtyard.

This woman was wearing a long sword, and her eyes were as sharp as the sword's edge.

When Rosen pushed open the door, she took the initiative to stand up and cup her hands.

"Senior Brother Luo."

"My name is Gu Hongshui, the steward of Dingfeng Food Heaven."

"On the order of Elder Zou, I will send you a piece of third-level wild tiger meat jerky, a cup of Baiqiao Zhuanggu soup, and the monthly pills that core disciples can receive."

As Zou Xiao's personal disciple, his seniority is higher than that of ordinary disciples.

But those who can come to Yunfeng are not just ordinary people.

The woman in front of her already had the cultivation level of condensation, and she looked chivalrous.

The women of Jianmen are generally like this, with a heroic spirit about them.

"Good work."

Rosen nodded lightly and accepted her gift calmly.

The sect has its own rules, so being too polite is just a waste of effort.

The other party didn't say much and quietly walked away.

"He's a decent guy..."

Gu Hongshui murmured in his heart and didn't pay any attention to this matter.

She would do whatever the elders said.

But looking at the entire Yunjian Sect, there are only a handful of people who can let her, the deacon, personally deliver food and supplements.

This clearly shows how much Elder Zou values ​​this direct disciple.

There is a bamboo basket on the stone table.

Rosen could smell a strange fragrance as soon as he walked in.

When you were in Jinmen, you could buy first- and second-level beast meat as long as you had money.

But the third-level and higher-level savage beasts have become a rarity.

No matter how many savage beasts there are, they can't withstand being eaten by warriors like this.

Moreover, the types of wild beasts are also very particular.

They are all used to build up strength, and a wild tiger is definitely much better than a wild ox.

Rosen was not polite, he sat down and ate directly.

High-level beast meat does not require any fancy cooking, it is a top-notch ingredient in itself.

It's delicious no matter how you cook it, and it's not as fishy as ordinary mountain beasts.

Savage beasts are like warriors. The higher the level, the stronger the body is tempered.

A large piece of wild tiger meat entered Rosen's stomach.

After eating, have a bowl of nourishing soup and you will feel stronger just lying down.

After eating and drinking, Rosen continued to read the book "Nine Heavens Soaring Dragon Essentials".

There are few stars on the cloud peaks, and the bright moonlight is bright and magnanimous.

Rosen was immersed in reading with piercing eyes.

It wasn't until midnight that he entered the room to sleep for the second time.

In just half a day, his martial arts realm had improved significantly.

Judging from this trend, it is no nonsense to lie down and strengthen bones within two days.

The next day, it was still dark.

Rosen finished washing up early, dressed neatly and headed to Jianfeng.

Lu met Jianfeng's other disciples and after some inquiring, they found out about the Jianwu Hall where Master Chen was.

This is also the place where most of the core disciples start practicing. It is considered an advanced version of the "Novice Village", and there are not many disciples here usually.

Uncle Chen's full name is Chen Yunling. He is a strong person in the Xiantian Realm. He understands the Yunling Sword Intent among the four inherited sword intensions of the Yunjian Sect. He is good at fast swords, his moves are invisible, and his sword energy is like the wind.

He is one of the most promising seeds of becoming a golden body among all the Xiantian realm elders in the sect today.

Now Chen Yunling is only a little short of enlightenment and gold before becoming a golden body.

Although Yunjianmen has a great family and a great business, it is extremely difficult to collect enough gold.

The efficiency is not as good as that of the imperial court.

At the very least, the imperial banks located in various places could redeem a certain amount of scattered gold every month.

It even gave Lafayette enough money to train his face.

The sect is different.

If you want to exchange gold from the court or other forces, you have to pay something or make some compromises, so Zou Xiao was moved by Rosen's gold.

No way, there are several innate warriors who are stuck at the level of Najin Body Tempering.

Each time it costs two to three hundred kilograms of gold.

Not two, but kilograms.

If the realm of perception can be regarded as a software condition.

Then the Najin Tempering Body is purely card hardware.

You said that you don’t have enough understanding and talent, and you may have to rely on your own efforts to solve the problem.

But for foreign objects like gold, even if you get angry, you can't solve it out of thin air.

These circumstances are no secret.

Along the way, Rosen met a fat man named Zong Shenchen.

The fat man also practiced under Chen Yunling.

After saying hello and holding hands for a while, everything was clarified.

Fatty Zong is a member of the Su family. His family is well-off and he is not deeply involved in the world. He has just turned 16 this year.

Because the clan strongly supported the Yunjian Sect, he became a member of the Xiantian Realm elder in the sect.

Now also come to the "Newbie Village" to lay the foundation first.

Except for the disciples in the outer sect and various branch halls.

These cores within the sect are similar to the martial arts techniques practiced by direct disciples to lay the foundation.

Come once every three days, and if you are talented enough, you can meet the requirements in more than a month.

Those with poor talents can eventually return to their respective masters in three to five months.

Rosen didn't say much about himself, but simply gave his name.

The two of them started calling each other Brother Zong and Brother Luo.

He pretended to be ignorant and complimented him for a few words, and Fatty Zong's tail went up to the sky.

When asking for information, be sure to praise.

Anyway, it doesn’t cost money to talk.

In this way, the two quickly arrived at the Jianwu Hall located on the mountainside.

This place is relatively open, with fine bluestone slabs used to build a martial arts arena, and there is also rammed land on both sides.

There are also wooden dummies, single wooden pendulums, etc.

Used to practice Qinggong footwork and swordsmanship.

On the contrary, there are not many things to practice strength, and it lacks a bit of a rough atmosphere of martial arts.

The two came to the Jianwu Hall, and two other disciples, a male and a female, came here first.

Each of them has a sword and has a cold temperament. They are not as familiar as Fatty Zong, a newbie.

The slightly serious atmosphere made him and Rosen stop talking.

He waited in the martial arts arena in a decent manner.

Chen Yunling will only arrive after the rising sun, no later than one minute, and no earlier than one minute.

This is true even if the seasons change and the rhythm changes.

The four of them waited quietly.

Even Fatty Zong still has some patience.

Finally, the distant sunlight pierced the dusk, casting the first gentle golden ray.

In front of everyone, as the mist drifted, a graceful figure fell down.

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