I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 236 Chapter 0231: Chen Yunling and the incompatible apprenticeship conference [Please subscr

The visitor was dressed in white, with his black hair tied into a neat bun.

Her eyes are like stars, her eyebrows are like willow leaves, and her lips are full.

Her appearance still looks as pink and young as a girl.

The falling posture is as light as a cloud, like a fairy descending from the misty clouds.

The face with sharp eyebrows and temples shows determination and open-mindedness.

Although beautiful, she is not delicate, but has a unique temperament.

This is a feeling of hardness and softness.

Everyone under the sword kept a respectful distance.

The person who came was none other than Chen Yunling.

The four "novice village instructors" present are only responsible for teaching basic skills, boxing skills, light skills and sword techniques, and there will be no too difficult content.

The time of all the elders is very precious.

From time to time, I have to handle some trivial matters for the sect.

For things like teaching basic skills, it is natural to implement a unified management system.

But in the entire Yunjian Sect, there are only a handful of disciples who can come to Jianwu Hall to lay the foundation.

Chen Yunling needs to hone her sword sense, and this boring teaching from scratch will be of some benefit to her.

If martial arts is compared to a towering tree.

Then the foundation is the seed of this big tree.

Constantly starting to understand and reflect on the basics can actually help her gain something.

This is probably the difference between keeping your feet on the ground and looking up at the stars.

Rosen once met Chen Yunling in the main hall.

It's just that her face was half-covered at the time.

Apart from his chivalrous and upright posture, he did not leave a deep impression on Rosen.

Seeing her face now is indeed stunning.

As expected, men are all about appearance.

After landing, Chen Yunling didn't delay at all and conveyed today's study tasks straight to the point.

"Su Fengwen, today you will focus on practicing the second form of Yunqi Fist, as well as the corresponding seven-way transformation."

"Remember, the path of the fist is like the path of the sword, and the sword is an extension of the fist."

"You have practiced Zalu martial arts in other sects, so you need more time to consolidate it now."

Su Fengwen was the man who arrived earlier.

He looked quite young, at least in his twenties.

In terms of appearance, he is even more mature than Chen Yunling.

But he didn't dare to slack off and quickly raised his sword to salute.

"Disciple understands."

Then he obediently walked to the side and started sweating profusely in the venue dedicated to boxing practice.

It's said to be coaching, but actually it means practicing on your own after getting started.

Chen Yunling could at most correct the posture and force details of his moves.

Occasionally, if I am in a good mood, I will also mention a few words about the relationship between boxing and sword intention, as well as the skills to understand it.

For thousands of years, sects have accumulated experience in teaching martial arts.

That is, geniuses do not need to be taught, but fools cannot.

This is especially true for Jianmen.

Many moves completely depend on personal understanding and perception.

There may even be situations where the power and effect of two disciples using the same move are very different.

This is a true implementation of Master’s approach of leading people in and cultivating themselves individually.

Because the facts have proven everything.

Sometimes disciples who teach carefully are not as good as those who figure it out on their own.

Like Su Fengwen, who has completed the introduction, this is especially true for disciples who only want to become more proficient and deepen their understanding of martial arts.

Basically, Chen Yunling just needs to give the task.

Afterwards, if you leave a three-day blank period for "homework", you will be considered to have completed the task.

Of course, if Su Fengwen's talent is good enough and he can get started quickly enough.

Then Chen Yunling will also update the content in time.

Anyway, she is just the master of the "Novice Village", and those who come here are not her direct disciples.

In Rosen's view, it was somewhat of a dawdling.

Probably after a long period of repetitive and boring basic teaching, she no longer expected to achieve breakthroughs in sword power by simply reviewing the past and learning new things in a down-to-earth manner.

At this time, she looked at the only woman among the disciples present.

There was a rare smile on the pretty face that was as cold as frost.

"Yu Jiao, come to the backcourt later and I will teach you personally."

"If you have any obscure questions about Yunfeng Sword Technique, you can ask for advice."

The woman called Yu Jiao has a colder temperament, and her eyebrows are frowning almost all the time.

It seemed like everyone owed her three to five to eighty thousand.

But Chen Yunling seemed to take special care of her.

"Disciple, obey."

The woman saluted and then walked to the back hall by herself.

Then Chen Yunling looked at Fatty Zong.

The attitude also returned to indifference.

Let him practice boxing as usual.

Now it seems that practicing boxing is the foundation among the foundations.

The woman named Yu Jiao seemed to be in the same group as them.

But he has already practiced swordsmanship.

For Rosen, who has read through the general outline of Yunjian Sect.

He knew that the Yunfeng Sword Technique was the novice version of the Yun Ling Sword Technique that Chen Yunling majored in.

The two are in a continuous relationship.

In other words, Yu Jiao should be of the same lineage as Chen Yunling.

Even if they are not her direct disciples, I am afraid the two of them are closely related.

Fatty Zong didn't dare to say anything, so he bowed obediently and went to the venue.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to wink at Rosen.

Finally, there is Rosen.

The way Chen Yunling looked at him was quite intriguing.

But after all, it was Zou Xiao who had spoken personally, so her attitude toward Rosen was somewhere between Yu Jiao and Su Fengwen.

"Rosen, you are also coming to the back hall."

"I'll teach you myself."

Upon hearing this, Rosen quickly saluted with a calm expression.

He didn't have any other ideas anyway. He came to Yunjianmen to learn his skills wholeheartedly.

Follow Chen Yunling to the back hall, there is another mystery here.

It's like a courtyard within a courtyard.

What’s in front is what’s behind.

It’s just that the overall area is much smaller.

"Today I will teach you the basic breathing and breathing exercises."

"There is also the Yunqi Fist Manual."

"I will officially start practicing boxing in three days."

"By the way, what kind of martial arts did you originally practice? Let me see how you practice it."

Chen Yunling put away her previous carelessness and adopted a more rigorous attitude.

In this regard, Rosen did not neglect and quickly started practicing as required.

They are all basic techniques taught by Zhang's Martial Arts School as well as Zhuang Kung Fu.

A branch inheritance originating from the Six-Yuan Mind Gate.

It's not too outstanding, but there's nothing wrong with it. It's just average.

At least it's not like some unruly folk warriors who dare to practice blindly with scraps they picked up from nowhere. In the end, their meridians are messed up.

After watching Rosen’s demonstration.

Chen Yunling nodded expressionlessly.

"Basic Method of the Six-Yuan Mind Gate."


"This sect pays attention to the six elements of mind and heart. Although it is not a sword sect, it has different approaches but the same purpose in the mysteries of martial arts."

"But you have to forget all these techniques from now on."

"Even the habits you left behind must be forgotten, otherwise they will affect your subsequent practice."

"Here, here is the boxing manual."

"Let me demonstrate it to you!"

Chen Yunling demonstrated it on the spot.

While showing off the boxing moves, he softly chanted the boxing formulas.

Rosen looked attentive and stared at her intently.

By the way, he activated the high-definition video recording device hidden in his sleeve.

Good memory is not as good as high technology.

Memorizing by rote is far better than recording it directly and then going back and thinking about it slowly.

The recorded images can be turned into vivid holographic projections.

Three hundred and sixty degrees without viewing angle.

If you prepare in advance, you can even arrange sensors for virtual reality modeling.

In this way, virtual reality can come out.

He was wondering when to arrange it in advance.

How can young people in the new era follow the path of the old era?

It’s time to start a digital revolution in martial arts.

Open the spiritual realm era of Yuanwu Dao.

Of course, although this idea has great practical value, it will certainly not be promoted in a short time.

Rosen can only consider benefiting himself first.

After practicing the boxing moves, Chen Yunling explained the basic breathing and breathing techniques in the sect.

Then let Rosen practice and master freely.

Martial arts never happens overnight.

Even if Rosen is impatient, he still has to do it step by step.

Fortunately, his martial arts realm was not affected at all.

He has gone through the purification of the golden body and is the best way to see the old and the new.

Coupled with the elixirs and dietary supplements, my body is still going uphill.

In terms of martial arts cultivation alone, it is possible to achieve new breakthroughs at any time.

Just like Zou Xiao said, lie down and strengthen your bones.

Rosen, who sat cross-legged, first read through the boxing manual, and then began to ponder the breathing method of Yunjianmen.

In fact, the new breathing method is not much different from the original one.

It can be said that it is inseparable from its roots.

It can be considered a very mature basic breathing method.

Using the breathing method of Yunjianmen, Rosen tried to adjust his breath.

It took about an hour or two to get the hang of it.

The rest of the time he focused on boxing.

At the same time, follow Chen Yunling's advice to regard the boxing as a sword.

Use this to feel the sword's intention in advance.

As for Chen Yunling herself, most of her attention is on Yu Jiao.

Don't hide your biased thoughts at all.

If she has great energy.

Then all six points are with Yu Jiao.

There were four points left, Rosen barely accounted for two points, Su Fengwen and Fatty Zong each had one point.

The time spent focusing on training flies by.

People from Dingfeng brought soups, medicines and meals at noon and evening.

Each disciple is treated differently.

The best one is Rosen, who basically enjoys the highest standards among his disciples.

Next was Yujiao. Through occasional conversations, Rosen learned that her full name was Qin Yujiao.

The food at Su Fengwen and Fatty Zong is relatively average.

Even the beast meat supplied is of a lower grade.

Differences in the world will always exist.

Chen Yunling is there most of the time, and occasionally leaves for an hour or two.

In this case, a fulfilling and boring day is over.

Everyone went back to their residences, only to come back three days later.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

With the help of holographic projection, Rosen can unlimitedly watch the Yun Qi Fist practiced by Chen Yunling himself.

At the beginning of the apprenticeship conference, he basically figured out this boxing technique.

Chen Yunling said that she would wait until next time to start training officially.

In fact, there is also a test in mind.

The realm of martial arts requires hard work and is not that easy to improve.

But the understanding of the artistic conception of moves and routines is not too simple for Cong Rosen.

This may be related to his cultivation of body and soul.

In the past few days, he has not been delayed in refining his god.

It’s just that progress is neither fast nor slow, and there is no quick fix.

Relying on the ancient key, he continued to understand the sea and expand his spiritual thoughts.

His cultivation efficiency is much higher than that of the same level.

This is the day of the apprenticeship meeting.

Before dawn, Zou Xiao summoned him.

The master and apprentice put on formal clothes and were ready to receive guests.

In the past two days, Zou Xiao has been out wandering again.

When Rosen saw him, this cheap master had an aura of being dusty.

It’s good to be able to physically fly at astonishing speeds of several Mach.

If Rosen had this ability, he would choose to hang out from time to time.

A thousand miles away, but only a moment.

This speed is almost as fast as the pre-war supersonic aerospace planes in the wasteland.

It won’t take long to complete the round-the-world flight.

After changing into formal clothes, he followed Zou Xiao to the sect's main hall and square.

It has already been decorated there.

Just wait until the bell rings later and all the guests will enter the mountain gate.

Rosen was not familiar with this process, and he was not an orthodox martial arts person.

Anyway, just stay with Zou Xiao.

When you see the boss, say hello, and when you see the bratty brother, nod.

In terms of communication, Zou Xiao is in charge.

He was just a fledgling little Karami.

Just follow the boss and shout 666.

This apprenticeship meeting itself was organized by Zou Xiao for himself.

The main purpose is to build momentum and gain a sense of presence in the martial arts world.

Live in a sect.

Things like the suffering of the people and the invasion of foreigners seemed to become extremely distant.

It can only be said that it is the same world, but different circumstances.

Soon, the ceremony bell rang.

Rosen was like a puppet, following the process and going through a tedious apprenticeship ceremony.

Not only do they have to serve tea, but they also have to pay homage to the founder of the sect and read out the major principles of Yunjian Sect.

Finally, they have to circle the mountain gate with swords and gods.

The whole process took a full hour, like a monkey.

The guests watching the ceremony didn't care about him.

But some people know that he is the person behind the Jinmen Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

But with Zou Xiao in person, even those who wanted to talk had no chance to join in.

The scene was decorated with lanterns and colors, and everyone was filled with joy.

All kinds of courtesies and chats are indispensable.

But none of this seemed to have anything to do with Luo, and this incompatibility seemed particularly profound at this moment.

Rosen knew very clearly that he was not a native of this world.

After finally hanging out at night, he and Zou Xiao were drinking and joking again.

I met several big guys who were also in the Golden Body Realm.

Most of them are also members of the Qinghong Society.

Everyone is half of us.

The spectacle didn't end until late at night.

Zou Xiao patted his shoulder and said nothing, but just told him to practice hard.

The Qinghong Club paid special attention to him.

Probably for the gold in his hands.

Now that things have happened, it’s already a big honor to not openly rob.

Rosen also waited for their follow-up words.

Let’s see what the plan is.

It is impossible to say that the other party has no purpose at all.

Including Zou Xiao.

If this cheap master really wants gold.

How to give and how much to give are all a matter of knowledge.

Although the gold in the wasteland is not valuable, he can't give it too happily.

How to maintain the tacit cooperative relationship between the two parties is the key point for Rosen to grasp.

He had to make this move.

At least after joining Yunjianmen, you really don’t have to worry about many trivial things.

Return to your own courtyard.

He shook his head and did not continue to think about this issue.

Instead, he washed up and went directly to bed.

Time flies by quickly, and tomorrow is the day to go to Jianwu Hall again.

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