I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 243 Chapter 0238: Escape and Weirdness [Please subscribe]

"Find a way to break out!"

Rosen flicked his wrist and put away the flamethrower.

Although he has made great progress in martial arts recently.

But it has not expanded enough to use his strong bone realm cultivation to face the crisis head on.

So he directly took out the K-0 power armor and took advantage of the precious time to complete the weaponization.

It wouldn't be too late to explain things like picking things out of thin air until after the fact.

And now time is money, my friend!

While Rosen was arming himself, Qin Yujiao was constantly wielding her sword to kill the poisonous creatures around her that were trying to get closer.

The physical toughness of a great martial artist in the Condensing Marrow Realm, coupled with the protection of rune treasure armor and horizontal training external skills, Qin Yujiao was not afraid of the attack of these poisons in a short period of time.

But if there are many ants, the protective effect is not endless.

Regardless of whether it is a talisman or a hard skill, there is a limit after all.

On the contrary, it was Rosen who entered the power armor who truly breathed a sigh of relief.

The physical defense provided by high-strength lightweight composite steel does not involve much energy loss.

Unless those poisonous teeth can chew alloy steel, there is no need to worry.

Without any time to speak, Rosen's left robotic arm grabbed Qin Yujiao's waist, and his right arm grabbed the leather saddle of the iron-scaled horse.

Then the vortex engine and ion propulsion engine boosted their power at the same time, and soared into the air amidst the surging sound of electricity.

After takeoff, Rosen also left a smart bomb in place.

K-0 does not have a very strong armament configuration. It only has electromagnetic sniper cannons on the shoulders and flying bombs mounted on the back. It has high maneuverability and can avoid most attacks from the ground after taking off.

Of course, this will also make them more visible.

The previously shot down mini-reconnaissance bee drone meant that the monsters that destroyed Bitterwater Town had some kind of long-range attack method.

Without any hesitation, Rosen flew toward the edge of the black curtain.

The smart bomb in place suddenly detonated when the poisonous substances swarmed over.

An orange fireball illuminated the bottom, tearing apart an unknown number of poisonous substances.

There is a boundary to this shady curtain. It's not that it's really dark outside, but that they are covered by the shady curtain.

Therefore, the entire black screen is like an inverted black glass bowl, with clear boundaries and blurry light and shadow seeping in from the outside.

The situation in Bitterwater Town is unknown.

Exactly how many monsters there are is still unknown.

When darkness fell, the walking dead in the town ran out.

Taking into account the poisons that emerged from the ground, this battle was no longer something that the two of them could handle.

What's more, the mysterious mastermind behind the scenes has never officially appeared.

If you continue to stay here, you will be in trouble.

Rosen still has a 10,000-ton nuclear bomb on hand, but using it here is not a good idea.

Therefore, the optimal solution he came up with was to run away.

The premise is that you can run out.

That layer of darkness seems to have the dual function of prohibition and trapping.

After flying into the sky, Rosen immediately activated the electromagnetic sniper cannon on his shoulder.

A 1.25KG mass bomb was fired at the edge of the black screen about one kilometer away.

This is a weapon that can threaten medium and light armored vehicles. Even if it cannot penetrate with one blow, it can definitely have a destructive effect on the black screen.

"call out!"


Not long after the blue arc flashed, the mass bomb hit the target.

It only takes about 0.4 seconds for a mass bomb traveling at Mach 7 to cover a distance of one kilometer.

The mass bomb hit the black screen, deforming visible to the naked eye and making a loud noise.

The surface of the black curtain rippled with seemingly elastic ripples.

It's like a mass bomb hitting a piece of black non-Newtonian fluid.

Rosen frowned slightly at this scene.

The darkness shrouding the town of Bitter Water was stronger than he imagined.

Qin Yujiao was horrified. She found that she could not see through Rosen more and more, and she even felt a sense of awe when facing senior seniors.

"Junior Brother Luo...what should we do now?"

Unconsciously, she began to regard Rosen as her backbone.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the situation here is not good, and if you stay here, you will probably die.

But the black curtain was so solid that it really formed a prison.

There is quite a feeling that the sky should not be called and the earth and the earth are not working!

“Get to the border first, figure it out later!”

"Even if we can't break through for a while, we can still reduce the enemy's attack surface."

K-0's external amplifier produced a slightly distorted electronic sound.

Even though the electromagnetic sniper cannon could not destroy the black curtain, he still decided to continue rushing to the edge.

Here, he can try more ways to break out.

And it won't be directly surrounded like before and become an isolated island in the wave of monsters.

Qin Yujiao didn't say anything else, she just clenched her sword tightly and stared in all directions with solemn eyebrows.

Powered armor dragging one person and one horse takes up an extremely high load.

Fortunately, the engine was not overloaded and could maintain flight at normal speed.

So they are getting closer and closer to the shady border.

500 meters…400 meters…300 meters…


At this moment, Qin Yujiao suddenly shouted loudly.

Rosen also felt an attack within the scope of his spiritual thoughts.

Immediately, a silver-gray afterimage was seen rushing towards the K-0 power armor from the sky behind.

It was a werewolf, a werewolf with three pairs of silver wings.

And there is a strange and evil-looking mark on its forehead.

The brand was glowing with bloody red light.

It was very fast, as if it were jumping out of the bloody crescent moon inside the black screen.

Rosen took out six suicide bee drones out of thin air and set them in smart lock mode.

All the suicide bees entered the shuttle state, ejecting a boosting wake from the end, and exploded towards the silver figure at a faster speed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Six small groups of fireballs exploded one after another, successfully stopping the six-winged werewolf's attacking posture.

At this time, Rosen chose to fall in an area about 100 meters away from the border of the shady scene.

"Sister Yujiao, hold the horse and follow me closely!"

"Don't leave me even three feet away."

Not caring about explaining too much, Rosen put down his iron-scaled horse and warned Qin Yujiao loudly.

The two feet popped out of the pulley block and reached the black screen with the help of the plane boost of the engine.

As he guessed, this black curtain had the effect of isolating entities and energy.

The best way to crack it is to break it by force.

But judging from its coverage, it is not easy to break through it by force.

If there was enough time, Rosen could arrange it slowly.

Now he can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Thinking of this, he quickly came to the border.

Qin Yujiao bit her red lips and followed him.

The flying werewolf behind him fell straight down, saliva dripping from his bloody mouth.

The two sharp claws were also covered with a layer of cold light.

This is definitely a big demon with six lines or above, and there is also a chilling evil aura about him!

Qin Yujiao waved her sword to parry, and the silver sword light on the front shattered instantly.

The radiance of the sharp claws flashed across her side, and the talisman was opened with one blow.

Then a wound about two centimeters deep was left on the skin that had been blessed with hard skills, and blood immediately gurgled out.

The werewolf was slightly forced back by the sword light coming from the side.

It can be seen that it is very calm and does not show an overly eager desire to attack.

This is not a good sign, it means that the other party has stronger strength.

But this is a good opportunity for the two of them to buy more time.

Qin Yujiao gritted her teeth and let out a groan, then slapped her belt with one hand and took out a brown pill and stuffed it into her mouth.

The muscles in the waist tightened, forcing the wound to close.

The corner of the Flying Werewolf's mouth, which bore the mark of evil, curled up with a hint of teasing.

The feet with recurved joints are ready to attack again.

Its speed became faster, and even Qin Yujiao's keen eyesight could not catch his trajectory.

At this moment, Rosen's hidden method was activated!

Invisible time series fluctuations rippled out instantly.

A force field suddenly spread out around him.

With him as the center of the circle, this force field covered a spherical area of ​​about three to four feet around him, almost isolating the inside and outside.

At that moment, both Luo Sen and Qin Yujiao felt that everything was completely silent.

The front of the force field directly squeezed through the black curtain, like a bean that was forced into it.

And the silver-gray afterimage hit the other side of the force field straightly.

The figure of the Flying Wolfman immediately appeared.

But an even more incredible scene happened!

I saw that the werewolf's body got stuck the moment it came into contact with the force field.

As if it was stuck in a quagmire, its body became like a twist due to the distortion of time inside and outside the force field.

There was also a hint of contradictory fear on the evil face.

But its vitality is extremely tenacious and it is trying to correct its twisted body.

Moreover, the countdown in the timing sequence, which should have been at most 1200 seconds, dropped rapidly like a garbled code.

This means that its intrusion is affecting the existence of [Gray Time Domain].

Rosen made a prompt decision and dragged Qin Yujiao and the iron-scaled horse to break out of the shady area that was squeezed by the time domain force field.

Qin Yujiao rode the horse, and he started the engine and took off.

The two parties agreed to meet at Rega Mountain, more than a hundred miles to the north.

Before leaving, Rosen released all four smart flying bombs and let them hover over the border.

After breaking away from the shady world, the outside world is still Lang Lang Qiankun.

There is much less oppression from darkness.

Looking back, it seems that the inside and outside of the shady world have become two different worlds.

The iron-scaled horse left quickly under Qin Yujiao's pat, while Rosen chose to fly in another direction.

About four minutes after the two left, a gray figure with a twisted body and burning blood suddenly walked through the black screen.

It was the flying werewolf.

It's just that at this time, its body has long been out of shape, and it doesn't look like a living thing at all.

Rather, it is some kind of twisted monster that comes back from death.


It let out a shrill wolf howl.

Despite the blood dripping from his body, the muscles all over his body were squirming to recover.

This kind of vitality can no longer be described as powerful. A more appropriate adjective would be "weird".

At this time, four flying bombs fell from the sky.

Four violent explosions were triggered.

These explosions tore apart the Flying Werewolf's body, which had become brittle due to twisting.

Its tough body is roughly divided into several pieces.

Ribbons of flesh and blood appeared on the torn torso sections.

Flat like a tapeworm.

They work hard to extend, trying to rejoin the trunk.

The scariest thing is the wolf head with the weird mark.

The mouth was still opening and closing, and even the red light emitted by the brand became brighter.

"The bloodline of lower-class monsters is still too inferior."

"Even high-level magic patterns can't save their weak bodies."

At this moment, a sheep-headed monster about three meters tall and strong jumped out of the black screen.

It has a human-like upper body and a lower body with hard hooves.

The ferocious argali has large horns with reverse whorls, and its body is covered with dense green hair.

When it fell, it suddenly crushed the wolf's head with its huge hard hooves.

Green flames also ignited under the hooves.

The bearded goat has a look of human disdain on its face.

He was muttering in an unknown language.

"Barber, catch up with the guy in the armor."

"He just used the timing method!"

"Move quickly, I have a hunch that the powerful people in this world have discovered our arrival."

There was an erratic voice coming from within the black screen, the same unknown language.

The goat-headed monster nodded, stretched out his huge palm, took out a crystal stone from the broken wolf skull, stuffed it into his mouth, and started chewing it.

The next second, green flames ignited under its body, and its whole body rose into the sky.

The speed is almost twice the speed of sound, comparable to a rocket propelled by a small rocket.

And its goal was clear, chasing directly in the direction Rosen left.

In place, the darkness slowly dissipated, and everything in the dead Bishui Town remained as before.

The bloody crescent moon also disappeared.

It became quiet here again.

Among the walking dead that have run out of town

There are ghosts, civilians, and soldiers wearing black bee bandit uniforms.

Obviously this place has already fallen.

At the same time, Rosen was flying in mid-air seven or eight kilometers away from Bitter Water Town.

His expression was solemn.

Because just when it came out of the darkness, the ancient key phantom in its mind trembled slightly, causing some inexplicable reactions. Fortunately, its reaction was not too strong.

But this was enough to attract Rosen's attention.


An explosive sonic boom sounded from behind.

Rosen saw a green figure chasing after him from four to five kilometers away.

Without any hesitation, he chose to land on the spot.

There was a locust forest below. After falling, he directly activated [Time Travel] and disappeared in place.

Both his intuition and reason told him that the person coming was certainly not simple.

He won't fight stupidly.

About eight or nine seconds later, the goat-headed monster's figure wrapped in green flames fell from the sky like a meteor.

It hit the locust tree hard and immediately created a huge deep pit in place.

Those locust trees also fell radially outward.


"It seems that in addition to timing, that guy also seems to have mastered the power of space."


"You must report the situation here to your Excellency immediately!"

The goat-headed monster observed for a while, and decisively chose to return instead of staying any longer.

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