I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 244 Chapter 0239: Erosion and Rosen’s Experiment [Please subscribe]


The heavy black machine suddenly fell into a large pit in the locust forest.

The Forsaken's power armor crushed the soft floating soil.

The particle cannon and the electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon are filled with arc light and are ready to fire at any time.

After initially ruling out the possibility of enemies around him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The huge pit on the spot made him realize that he was indeed being pursued.

I couldn't help but secretly feel glad that I ran fast just now.

Some kind of earth-shattering change has definitely occurred in Kushui Town.

Whether it was the Rakshasa ghosts, the Black Bee thieves or the barbarians from the Western Regions, they were all affected indiscriminately.

All became the walking dead in the town.

But the poisons that emerged from the ground were more like the work of the Qingkong Sect.

The water here is very deep, so we must meet Zou Xiao immediately.

There is no doubt that Master Cheap must know something inside.

"It seems that the Eight Desolate Realms are not as simple as they appear on the surface."

Rosen frowned and disappeared again.

When he appeared again, he changed back to the K-0 power armor with the ability to fly.

The engine started and continued to fly forward for dozens of kilometers before suddenly turning and flying towards Rega Mountain according to the general direction.

That was the meeting place of the sects as told by Zou Xiao.

He and Qin Yujiao also agreed to meet there.

Now that the situation has changed, Kushui Town has become a dead zone, and Qin Yujiao's revenge mission is nothing.

And in Rosen's view, maybe this mission was a cover from the beginning.

Only Zou Xiao knows the truth. He and Qin Yujiao are just supporting roles.

That's why he didn't fight in Kushuizhen and left this place of right and wrong directly.

He still had many doubts in his mind.

For example, why do antique keys cause throbbing.

And which force does the mastermind behind this come from?

Regarding all this, he planned to get the answer from Zou Xiao.

Rosen also has to re-evaluate some things.

Combined with the double Z emblem forces in the wasteland and the eight wastelands, a rather bold guess emerged in his mind.

Rega Mountain.

This is called Little Flame Mountain.

In summer, especially at the beginning of summer, it is as hot as a steamer here.

There is no vegetation within dozens of miles.

The gravel on the ground was baked hot, like a stone slab for roasting meat.

The air expands due to heat, making it impossible to breathe here.

However, after autumn, Rega Mountain will gradually cool down.

It has become a barren mountain that no one cares about.

This cyclical change makes Rega Mountain quite famous in the local area.

But that's all.

There were great monks who were good at surveying the terrain and stayed here for several months.

It was discovered that there is a vein of fire flowing periodically under the Rega Mountain.

This fire vein leads to Helan Mountain in the east and Qilian Mountain in the north.

In addition, there is a stone pit about a hundred feet deep on the top of Rega Mountain.

There is often magma inside it. In summer, the magma is relatively full and close to the pit mouth.

In autumn and winter, the magma inside is at a lower level.

In short, Rega Mountain is a wonderful place.

For thousands of years, the northwest mountain people living nearby have also been accustomed to its existence.

When Rosen came to the edge of Rega Mountain, the sun was slowly setting.

The sunlight turns from white to a faint orange.

Against the backdrop of the vast Gobi desert below, the color also changed.

Along the way, he found that the route was also extremely deserted, with no human beings to be seen.

Originally, this was an area with a relatively sparse population in Tianqing, so it was not surprising that it was a little desolate.

But after seeing Kushui Town turned into a dead zone, such a scene always made Rosen feel very suspicious.

With the guidance of the talisman token, he quickly found an inner recess in the rock wall.

This is a natural shelter from the wind.

There is a rock wall extending out like a parrot at the top, which can protect you from wind and rain.

The ground is relatively flat and hard, with traces of campfires and campsites.

There are also a few scattered baggage and luggage boxes placed on the inner rock wall.

But there was no one here at this time.

But there were no signs of fighting.

Rosen didn't move anything, just observed with a mini scout bee two kilometers away.

He took out the drone terminal and began to deploy a reconnaissance matrix within a radius of twenty or thirty kilometers with himself as the center of the circle.

After waiting for more than an hour, the so-called responder of the sect still did not appear.

On the contrary, I saw Qin Yujiao lying on the horse with a tired look on the road on the side of Rega Mountain.

He landed a reconnaissance drone and shouted remotely.

Hearing his voice, the exhausted Qin Yujiao regained some energy.

He quickly followed Rosen's instructions and took a detour instead of going straight to the top of Rega Mountain.

The two soon met at a pile of rocks two kilometers away next to Rega Mountain.

"Junior Brother Luo..."

Qin Yujiao turned over from the iron-scale horseback with chapped lips.

His figure actually looked a little staggered.

He is no longer as heroic as he was when he was practicing in the sect.

"Sister Yujiao, has your injury worsened?"

Qin Yujiao had briefly fought against the Flying Werewolf before.

A gap was opened in her waist by the light of the sharp claws.

Such injuries are nothing to a great martial artist in the Marrow Realm.

What's more, she took the medicine herself.

But looking at Qin Yujiao's condition, her wounds didn't seem to be getting better.

Even that resolute face was pale and weak.

Without saying anything, Qin Yujiao pulled off the corner of her clothes.

The cloth wrapped around his waist was soaked in black blood.

The surface was covered with hard bloody scabs.

Pulling off the simple bandage, the wound was immediately exposed.

Originally, Qin Yujiao forcibly stopped the bleeding by tightening her muscles.

But now the wound is winding and bulging like a centipede.

This left the wound unhealed, leaving it looking like a gaping mouth.

The most frightening thing is that there are bulging blood vessels bouncing around the wound.

Those blood vessels are like roots.


Rosen was speechless.

No wonder Qin Yujiao didn't approach him, and there was a hint of death in her expression.

This wound is not a simple trauma, it looks more like some kind of contamination or...parasitism.

Moreover, the veins near the wound were spreading to her entire upper body, almost like runes imprinted in the flesh.

Rosen wanted to save her, but there was no way.

"Junior Brother Luo, please leave quickly..."

Suddenly, Qin Yujiao spoke weakly.

She put down her clothes, the struggle on her face gradually faded away, and she sat on the ground very tiredly.

The two sides were separated by a few feet of distance, like an insurmountable safety line.

"Things aren't right here."

"Elder Zou should know what's going on here."

"He must know something about it."

As she spoke, she threw the belt containing the spare elixir over.

Rosen did not take the initiative to pick it up. He watched the belt fall to the ground, creating a cloud of dust.

"Sister Yujiao, have you heard or seen situations similar to those in Kushui Town elsewhere?"

This question made Qin Yujiao shake her head slightly.


"That is definitely not the way of demons, nor is it the method of Tianqing martial arts and god refining."

"It's a curse and an erosion."

"I can feel a cold, unknown energy occupying my meridians and eroding my blood."

"If this continues, within two hours at most, the meridians in my body will be completely occupied by that evil force, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to maintain my sanity..."

Qin Yujiao's tone was calm and desolate.

On the way here, she had tried many methods, but she could not reverse the erosion process.

Rosen did not answer any more, but took out a water bag and threw it to Qin Yujiao.

After a few minutes of silence, he spoke again.

"Sister Yujiao, do you think the strange things here are related to the sect?"

Faced with this question, Qin Yujiao shook her head firmly.

"Absolutely impossible."

"The Yunjian Sect has a long heritage. It is a family that existed before the First Emperor unified the world."

"Such a method that resembles an evil spirit cannot be done by Yunjian Sect."

Rosen nodded gently without comment.

When he saw the cold energy in Qin Yujiao's waist that was frantically occupying her meridians.

It reminds me of the FEV forced evolution virus that is also synonymous with disorder in the wasteland.

One that can enhance one's own potential almost unlimitedly.

And the other is crazy devouring.

Thinking of this, he suddenly said.

"Sister Yujiao, if I can have some hope, I can save your life."

"Are you willing to try?"

He planned to conduct a bold experiment.

If you're lucky, you might be able to save Qin Yujiao's life.

The worst result is that she turns into a mutated monster.

It's a dead end anyway, so it's better to give it a try.

As for the monsters appearing in the Bahuang Realm, Rosen was not worried at all.

When the sky falls, there is a tall person holding it up.

With over one hundred and eighty golden bodies, any monster would be stunned.

Hearing her words, Qin Yujiao was startled.

After hesitating for a moment, he nodded and agreed.

She didn't know how Rosen planned to save her, but now she could only treat a dead horse as a living horse.

Faced with the outcome of death, what other consequences do they have?

Seeing her promise, Rosen took out several vials of virus fluid and medicine.

During this time in the wasteland, he spent a lot of money to collect these things.

He carefully drove K-0 to Qin Yujiao's side.

He lined up three bottles of virus liquid.

These three viral fluids come from wights, death claws and brood fragments respectively.

No one can tell the consequences of their injection. There is a high probability that people will produce unknown and terrifying mutations.

Ordinary flesh cannot withstand such drastic changes.

In addition, there is a serum, which is the first-generation restraint serum of the FEV forced evolution virus.

It is said that it can greatly reduce the probability of uncontrollable mutation.

It can be regarded as an early version of genetic enhancement potion.

Experimenters at that time injected viruses directly and then injected restraints for control.

And that potion is a pure energy supplement.

It is used to maintain life and is rich in various energy elements necessary for the body.

After all the injections were completed, the blood vessels in Qin Yujiao's neck immediately swelled.

His eyes suddenly widened, and a painful whimper came from his throat.

Rosen did not hesitate and took off directly with the drone terminal.

The two did not say goodbye, and were prepared to say goodbye before the injection.

No one can predict how the virus in the wasteland world and the erosion curse in the other world will react, because there is no precedent for this matter.

To be honest, Rosen did not do this temporarily.

But to verify a guess in my mind.

What's more, the FEV forced evolution virus does have unlimited potential for physical expansion.

Maybe it can really give Qin Yujiao a chance of survival.

To sum up, he still made this decision.

Now that the situation here in the Bahuang Realm has become more and more complicated, he is also prepared to be more radical.

Rosen, who was carrying the drone terminal, did not fly far, but quietly landed on another slope a few hundred meters away.

The environment here is relatively open, making it easier for him to observe the situation everywhere.

The sun sets in the distance, and the earth takes on a cold tone.

Qin Yujiao fell on the spot and trembled all over.

The body of a marrow-condensing martial artist has become the best breeding ground for the FEV virus.

Feedback from the approaching reconnaissance bee drone.

Rosen saw Qin Yujiao's arm sometimes covered with bone spurs and sometimes covered with scales.

The clothes on his body were stretched open, leaving only the sturdy rune armor.

The wound on the waist has also changed.

The black meridians that originally spread wantonly collapsed.

The black marks spread and then slowly faded away.


At this time, Qin Yujiao's right arm suddenly expanded several times and turned into a giant hammer.

A sudden hammering of the ground.

A rock pit with a diameter of about 1 meter immediately appeared below, as if a detonator had been detonated there.

And her eyes turned blood red.

It looks very much like a corpse after a mutation.

At the same time, the veins in his waist continued to shrink.

Wounds also heal quickly due to the powerful self-healing power endowed by the virus.

It didn't take long for it to return to its original state, and all the black veins finally collapsed into two unknown weird runes, attached to Qin Yujiao's waist like tattoos.

These two runes are emitting different lights.

One red and one blue.

The mutation in Qin Yujiao also ended at this moment.

All the changes that had occurred in the body were gone.

She stood up slowly and stared at her hands in confusion.

Then he felt the pulse on his neck.

After careful sensing, a look of surprise and uncertainty appeared on his face.

The contest between viruses and mysterious erosion was decided within ten minutes.

This was beyond Rosen's expectation.

But now it seems that Qin Yujiao should be fine.

He controlled a scout bee to approach and shout.

"Junior Brother Luo...I seem to be dead..."

Looking at the reconnaissance drone, Qin Yujiao's first words were so explosive.

"I had no pulse or heartbeat."

"The qi and blood in the body are completely transformed into another kind of power."

"And my body..."

She waved her left arm as she spoke.

The delicate and white lotus root arm turned into a blade arm covered with black scales on the spot.

Then it changed again visibly to the naked eye, transforming into a giant hammer, a sharp claw, and a bone spear.

The mutation can be local or global.

The two runes on her waist allowed her to control two peculiar flames.

One red flame, one blue flame.

It can also be used as a basis to cause more changes in the body.

Although her body has undergone changes, her sanity still exists

It can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

Rosen ventured back to his original place and was not attacked by Qin Yujiao.

This relieved him.

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