I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 245 Chapter 0240: The mutated Qin Yujiao, magma eruption [Please subscribe]

Qin Yujiao stood there blankly.

Her expression was confused and dull, and her hands clenched and then unclenched unconsciously.

There had never been a time when she felt so unfamiliar with her body as she did at this moment.

It was as if this was not her body, but the body of some kind of monster.

"Sister Yujiao..."

Rosen's voice came from the loudspeaker, a little distorted and a little stiff.

To be honest, he didn't quite know what kind of state Qin Yujiao was in now.

But he has no regrets.

It was a foregone conclusion that something would happen in Kushui Town. Even if he was not traveling with him, Qin Yujiao would still go there.

Destiny seems irreversible.

Even without Rosen present, there is a high probability that she would not be able to escape the shady situation.

"I...it's okay..."

She smiled sadly, unable to hide the sadness in her heart.

Immediately she turned her head to face Rosen and said:

"Thank you, Junior Brother Luo, for your help!"

Qin Yujiao, who barely came back to her senses, thanked him with her hands.

It seems that she has also figured out that it is better to die than live.

No matter what the body has become, as long as the consciousness and the self are still there, that is enough.

Rosen nodded slowly.

The biological detection process was initiated.

Qin Yujiao's body temperature, heart rate and other indicators were quickly monitored.

It was discovered that her heart rate had not actually disappeared, but had become extremely slow.

The heart rate is only 6 beats per minute.

For example, a turtle only beats 20-30 times per minute, and its heart rate can drop to single digits during hibernation.

Heart rate indicators also represent metabolic indicators to a certain extent.

There are also studies showing that the lower the heart rate, the longer the lifespan and the lower the wear and tear on the body.

Like in the wasteland, when entering the cryo-sleep chamber, the heart rate will also decrease to 1 to 12 beats per minute.

Determine the most appropriate sleep heart rate based on the theoretical cryo-sleep period.

In addition, Qin Yujiao's body temperature dropped by about 5℃.

Such a body temperature is far lower than that of an ordinary person, let alone a warrior with strong energy and blood.

But it doesn't turn her into a cold monster.

Just look at these physiological indicators.

Qin Yujiao is not dead!

So Rosen told her the conclusion.

This made Qin Yujiao, who had always been tense, relax a little.

Relaxation is a good sign.

Changes are not scary, what is really scary is the collapse of consciousness.

Then she would really turn into a monster.

"Then my current state is not far different from the state after practicing health-preserving skills."

"But I have no energy and blood in my body, and my body can turn into a monster..."

"And...these two runes..."

Qin Yujiao bit her lips lightly, knowing that she could not go back.

At this time, she was half-dressed. If it weren't for the magic vest to cover her shame, she would have been naked long ago.

The skin on her body is smooth and delicate, like the finest mutton-fat white jade.

The wound on his waist has also completely healed, and not even a faint scar can be seen.

But the two runes, one blue and one red, are still eye-catching.

It's like a unique code imprinted on her body.

Upon seeing this, Rosen simply broke away from the K-0 powered armor and came to Qin Yujiao in person.

He has a disposable holy shield hanging on his waist, but he is not worried that the other party will suddenly go berserk.

"Sister Yujiao, your current state is very complicated."

"I don't recommend you return to the sect in the short term."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be imprisoned as a monster."

Qin Yujiao's changes were unheard of in the entire Bahuang Realm.

A variety of FEV forced evolution viruses plus suppressive serum, and finally mixed with the unknown power of weird pollution and erosion. What has become of her now, even Rosen can't draw an accurate conclusion.

As soon as these words came out, Qin Yujiao frowned, but she soon relaxed.


"But I don't know where to go."

She has no family left.

His parents died at the hands of black bee thieves.

The sect steward who protected and took her in back then also died of illness four years ago.

The only people familiar with her in the sect are her master and Elder Chen Yunling.

Previously harboring hatred, she was cold and aloof in the sect, and she only wanted to practice revenge.

Now the Black Bee Thieves are inexplicably destroyed along with Kuishui Town.

Her revenge was avenged so easily.

And by chance, he became a monster.

Suddenly looking back, Qin Yujiao felt empty in her heart.

No relatives, no support.

Now even the sect can't go back.

"I can take you in."

Rosen seemed to understand what she was thinking and said with a frank expression.

These words are very weighty, similar to "I will support you", with the nature of a promise.

"I have properties in Tianjin and Xiangjiang. You can go to Xiangjiang." He added again, and then took out the enhanced blood collection needle from the [Consciousness Space].

Rosen was going to take some blood samples to the wasteland camp and give them to Xiao Yunli for testing.

From a scientific research perspective, Qin Yujiao's blood sample is definitely the only one.

Warrior physique + strange pollution + different FEV viruses after mutation.

The resulting organism is a truly unique being.

"That's all we can do..."

Qin Yujiao agreed, and looked at Rosen again with a hint of hidden attachment in her eyes.

Upon seeing this, Rosen turned on the recording device, took the blood collection needle and said solemnly: "Sister Yujiao, now I want to collect some of your blood, as well as hair, skin and a small amount of flesh and blood tissue. I hope you can cooperate with me."

His expression was solemn, trying not to let Qin Yujiao think that he was an experiment.

Carefully safeguard her fragile state of mind.

Qin Yujiao glanced at the pinhole at the end of the blood collection device and hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement.

Rosen stepped forward and first touched her skin with his hands to test the elasticity and other indicators under normal conditions to judge the impact on her.

Then he asked Qin Yujiao to take the initiative to transform.

First, he performed a partial transformation, showing a variety of forms, all of which were ferocious alien limbs.

During her demonstration, Rosen saw some of the Deathclaw's features.

So let’s just call this transformation alienation.

She can not only xenomorph an individual limb or torso, but also the entire body.

After complete transformation, her height will rise to about three meters.

Strength, speed, and destructive power can be comprehensively improved.

Far surpassing the experts in the Condensing Marrow Realm, even compared to the Grandmasters in the Xiantian Realm, they are not willing to give in too much.

The hammer-shaped arm can blast a giant crater with a diameter of more than 20 meters on the ground with full force, which is comparable to a heavy howitzer.

The blade arm can easily split a boulder more than ten meters high without any sluggishness or ambiguity.

Defense has also been significantly enhanced.

The first three rounds of 0.85KG mass bullets were unable to break through the defense.

The scales are the first layer of defense. After the scales are broken, a light red light will ooze from her body.

This light is brand new energy transformed from Qi and blood.

In addition to alienation, Qin Yujiao also demonstrated the changes brought about by the two runes.

The red runes allow her to run a blood-red flame, which is not very hot but can corrode organic matter.

Including flesh and blood, as long as it is touched, it will be melted into plasma and absorbed.

The blood flame can serve as an extension of her body, and can also adhere to the surface of her xenomorphed body to form an additional layer of defense.

The organic matter melted and absorbed by the blood flames can heal her injuries.

As for the blue rune, it is a kind of ice flame.

In fact, using ice flame to describe it is not thorough, because it has no freezing effect.

Like blood flames, ice flames also target living beings.

He can make creatures stiff.

Rosen caught a nest of wild rabbits nearby for testing.

The ice flame can make the wild rabbit become extremely stiff in an instant, almost causing instant death.

After retracting the ray of ice flame that killed the hare, Qin Yujiao said that the new energy she had previously consumed in her body had recovered a little.

The quantity of both blood flames and ice flames is limited.

They are more like accompanying spiritual creatures.

Able to attack and plunder for Qin Yujiao.

The most important thing is that they can be combined with each other to give her incredible combat power.

Although it is far from being as good as the Golden Body, Rosen estimates that if he fights with all his strength, it should not be a problem to win over the ordinary salted fish innate.

You must know that although they are both in the Xiantian realm, their actual combat power is also divided into three, six or nine levels.

Next is the further test on martial arts and breathing practice.

Fortunately, Qin Yujiao was in pretty good condition due to the injection of body energy supplements.

Therefore, at Rosen's request, she performed breathing exercises on the spot and practiced sword moves.

I was surprised to find that martial arts training can still temper Qi and blood.

It's just that the Qi and blood produced through cultivation will be converted into new energy in an instant.

There is a whole new cycle here.

In terms of sword moves, new energy can replace qi and blood to create sword light.

It is obviously different from qi and blood, but it can be compatible in many aspects.

It’s just that the conversion is one-way.

The Qi and blood produced through cultivation can be transformed into new energy.

But the new energy cannot be converted back into qi and blood.

Rosen speculated on this, but did not make a hasty assertion.

After you have an idea, the next step is to collect blood samples.

Her skin was so tough that she had to make an incision before taking blood.

After collecting 200cc of blood, and extracting nails, saliva, hair, and partially cut skin and muscle tissue from the legs, Rosen gave up.

All samples are first put into sterile containers according to a simple packaging process.

Then put it in a low temperature storage box.

Finally, it was stored in [Consciousness Space], waiting for him to return to the wasteland camp and transfer it to a better storage device.

After doing these things, it was already dark.

Rosen gave Qin Yujiao a new set of clothes.

There is also enough gold and silver for traveling expenses.

It's a pity that the iron-scaled horse was affected by her mutation and was cut into pieces.

"Sister Yujiao, you are leaving now."

"Go to the Gangcang District in Kowloon, Hong Kong, where there is the Tietin Chamber of Commerce."

"Take this token and someone will entertain you."

"By the way, wear this too. As long as you don't lose it, I can find you."

"As short as one month, as long as no more than three months, I will go to Xiangjiang to join you."

Rosen warned seriously.

The branch in Xiangjiang had been laid out a few months ago when Zhang Zhenyu was looking for sources of goods.

He established the Tiejin Chamber of Commerce there, specializing in selling foreign goods and collecting intelligence at home and abroad.

The team has just been formed and is running quite steadily.

And because it is located in Hong Kong, it is far away from the whirlpool of disputes.

No one outside knew that it was a branch of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

One of the two organizations is in the light and the other is in the dark.

Considering Qin Yujiao's current sensitive status, it is not suitable to hide her in Jinmen.

After much deliberation, Rosen decided to let her go directly to Xiangjiang.

Most of the westernization has been achieved there and it has become a mixed place.

The influence radiates to the southwestern region of Middle-Continent.

The passenger and cargo throughput is dozens of times larger than that of Tianjin.

The influence of the imperial court and the Green and Red Society was limited there.

After clarifying these details, Qin Yujiao took the luggage.

She looked at Rosen and hesitated to speak.

Finally, he said hesitantly: "When you go back, can you send a message to Elder Yun Ling for me?"

Rosen raised his chin slightly and asked with some embarrassment: "What words?" At this time, he took another breath and added, "I can't tell her the truth."

Qin Yujiao nodded in understanding.

"There's no need to tell her the truth." She lowered her head and sighed as if she was resigned to her fate.

Immediately he made up his mind and said: "You can tell her something at the right time, 'I have come out, Elder Yun Ling, it's time for you to come out too'."

After saying that, she turned around and walked towards the west.

As long as you go west and walk more than a hundred miles in this direction, you will reach another big town.

If it becomes a dead zone, then keep going.

When you see people and get on the carriage, it is only a matter of time before you reach your destination.

Rosen stared at her back silently.

Savoring the words she left for Chen Yunling.

Now it seems that the two have obviously made some agreement.

Chen Yunling is also a woman with a story.

After being slightly dazed, he began to get rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Qin Yujiao left decisively, probably wanting to be alone.

After all, just now she experienced the biggest drastic change in her life.

He also showed alienation to Rosen like a beast in a cage.

In this way, her consciousness has not collapsed, and it can be basically concluded that her autonomous consciousness is quite stable.

Fighting fire with fire works.

Inadvertently, he seemed to have created a new branch of transcendence.

After standing quietly for a moment, Rosen returned to the K-0 powered armor.

Dozens of reconnaissance bee drones, with the terminal as the core, include an area of ​​more than 20 kilometers within the monitoring range.

K-0's built-in processor performs simplified analysis.

It mainly provides feedback on anomalies in life radio signals and large-scale activity targets.

Unfortunately, there was no living creature around Rega Mountain except him and Qin Yujiao, who was leaving towards the west.

Rosen is considering whether to take out Xiaowei 1 and send it to explore the mountains through remote control.

It's great without electromagnetic pulse interference.

Just when he was about to implement this plan.

A few kilometers away, the top of Rega Mountain suddenly burst into orange-red flames.

Along with the sparks spurting out all over the sky and the earth trembling slightly,

There was actually a magma eruption there!

Although it is said that there is a pit full of magma on the top of Rega Mountain.

But after all, it is far from an active volcano.

But I didn't expect that magma would also erupt.

Fortunately, the eruption was not large in scale, like a whale spitting water, and it stopped after a while.

The whole top of the mountain turned red.

It looks magnificent and dazzling.

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