I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 246 Chapter 0241: Mysterious Stone Arch, Cloud Sword Gate VS Evil [Please subscribe]

The red magma on the top of the mountain makes Rega Mountain look like a bread covered with jam.

The magma it erupted was actually not much, not enough to form a lava flow.

Unlike normal volcanic eruptions, there is no volcanic dust scattered throughout the sky.

On the contrary, the spiritual thoughts released by Rosen felt a little bit dry.

Previously, he had deployed a reconnaissance drone to take a closer look at the top of the mountain.

I found that the diameter of the lava pit was not small, and it was an oval with irregular edges.

The diameter at the longest point is about 30 meters, and the narrowest point is about 20 meters.

The red magma is at the liquid level several meters below the top of the mountain.

There are traces of black melting around the pit.

There are also diffuse volcanic rock gullies.

It is formed when magma covers the surrounding area and cools.

Grooves are the "scars" left after cooling and shrinkage.

The drone was sent closer again, and the feedback screen was bright, all filled with orange light.

The bright light blurs the details in the picture.

However, Rosen could still vaguely see that the magma pit was overflowing.

From an overhead perspective, it looks like a pimple showing through the pores.

And the fluctuations of the magma have not subsided, they are rippling one after another like the waves on the lakeside.

It seems like something is trying to escape from inside...

Seeing this scene, Rosen no longer hesitated and directly controlled K-0 to take off.

At the same time, the terminal and most of the reconnaissance bee drones wandering in the surrounding airspace were taken away.

The gushing lava is as eye-catching as a high-wattage light bulb at night.

The commotion here might be enough to be noticed dozens of miles away.

Rosen flew further and landed on a boulder protruding from the ground.

Take out the light deflection force field generating device and enter the hidden state.

Since Zou Xiao used Rega Mountain as the meeting place, it means that he must be paying attention to the situation here.

Just use Regashan as bait and see what characters will be attracted.

Qin Yujiao, who was in the distance, saw magma erupting from Rega Mountain and subconsciously stopped.

But soon she saw the drone hovering above her head, and knew that Rosen wanted her to leave here as soon as possible.

"Time is also destiny..."

After muttering something to herself, her feet mutated into thick, recurved limbs.

The joints flexed slightly, then suddenly exerted force.


The ground beneath his feet suddenly cracked, leaving a striking pit.

Qin Yujiao's whole body was ejected.

Running at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour, it created a trail of smoke and dust all over the place.

Running on land is different from flying.

There will be obvious marginal effects in the pursuit of top speed.

Being able to run at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour with the physical body is considered very powerful.

Under such circumstances, Qin Yujiao transformed into a high-speed train and soon disappeared from the sight of the undulating Gobi desert.

In the distance, Rosen's hiding place.

With the Scout Drone retracted, he lost multiple viewing angles.

Without a terminal, the drone's detection range was limited, so he simply chose to focus on the surroundings and focus on observing the conditions around Regashan and himself.

Time passed by minute by minute.

About a quarter of an hour after the magma erupted from the top of the mountain.

A new situation arises.

The magma pit on the top of the mountain shook more and more violently.

The hot magma swayed like dishes in a chef's pot.

Then a huge building slowly floated up from the magma pit.

First, an arched door top was exposed, and then the stone pillars on both sides were exposed.

The magma slid off its surface without staining it at all.

It never left any traces of burning.

Looking at the picture projected on his retina, Rosen was stunned.

Because the drone terminal was put away and retreated some distance away.

So he lost the best view of the picture.

The feedback picture this time is a bit blurry.

He vaguely saw that it was a large, solemn stone arch.

There are also complex carvings on the pillars on both sides.

It's a pity that he can't see any details.

And at this moment, the ancient key in the sea of ​​consciousness also trembled slightly.

Mysterious unknown words emerge in the mind.

It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

[Discover unknown space-time coordinates]

[Please perform coordinate anchoring after contact]

[Time Travel], which has never changed, has a new option.

In addition to the previous interpenetration between the wasteland and the eight wastelands, there is also an [unknown time and space coordinate].

Just because it is not anchored yet, this coordinate is in an inactive state.

Rosen's mouth opened slightly, and he was very surprised.

But soon his expression returned to normal.

Since the wasteland world and the eight wasteland worlds are independent of each other, it has been proved that the multiverse theory is established.

The two worlds are by no means a beautiful accident.

With this premise, it is not unacceptable for a new world to appear.

"what to do?"

“Want to try anchoring?”

Rosen's thoughts were racing, and he didn't know how to anchor the space-time coordinates.

But I think there is a high probability that close contact will be required.

After a slight delay of more than ten seconds, the stone arch in the magma pit completely emerged.

You can see it is decorated with flowers and vines.

The door was closed tightly, and the surface was covered with a faint gray halo.

Let’s not talk about other aspects, just the shape carrier of “door” contains the meaning of connection and shuttle.

Rosen hesitated for a moment, and just when he was about to take the risk, a new situation emerged.

In the direction facing Kushui Town, there was a roar like a surging tide.

Turning the scout bee's perspective, Rosen saw a black shadow approaching through the silver moonlight.

Those dark shadows are made of thousands of walking dead.

In the dark shadows, there are dancing demons from time to time.

The visitors should be those monsters from Kushui Town!

Among them was a pale golden flying werewolf flying straight to the top of the mountain.

A special saddle was installed behind it, and a short man seemed to be sitting on it.

"Yuntian Sword Formation!"


At this time, a clear shout appeared.

It was Zou Xiao’s voice!

In the other direction of Rega Mountain, Zou Xiao jumped into the air, his whole body shining brightly like a small sun.

Below him, hundreds of Yunjian Sect disciples formed formations with each other.

Shadows of flying swords appeared all over the sky.

Both parties seemed to come for Rega Mountain.

Rosen quietly lay dormant on the spot, trying to be a little transparent for the time being, and decide whether to enter or not.

The large and small sword formations in the distance look like blooming lotus flowers after taking shape.

The shadow of the sword swayed, attacking and defending together.

There are sharp and cutting sword energy everywhere.

The Gobi Desert and the boulders along the way were opened by the sword energy, leaving eye-catching ravines.

Rosen was far away from the core circle of Rega Mountain at this time, and was covered by optical invisibility. As long as he did not approach rashly, he would not be exposed.

But he was very interested in the ancient stone arch.

After all, there might be another new world there.

Now that he has [time travel], he doesn't mind whether he wears one or two.

As long as he has the quaint key close by, it's up to him when and how he wears it.

So the risk is still worth taking.

In addition, he also vaguely discovered a thread related to the connection of the world.

However, because the information obtained is insufficient, no conclusion can be made yet.

He witnessed with his own eyes that the two parties collided and fought with each other using the Gobi open space in front of Rega Mountain as the battlefield.

Nearly tens of thousands of walking corpses look like mutated corpses.

They still retain roughly their human form.

But there are also physical variations.

For example, the arms turned into tentacles, black blood spurted out of the mouth, and the legs twisted and decomposed like multi-legged caterpillars.

All the walking zombies are very violent, especially the blood they spurt out, which is comparable to a beam weapon. It can corrode the ground when sweeping around, and when it encounters a hard object, it scatters like blood.

Fortunately, Yunjianmen's sword array is not vegetarian.

The sword light that integrates offense and defense blocks the blood light, but it will sway after every collision.

The walking dead in a state of madness is almost like the undead rising from the dead.

They didn't howl, but their fearless attack was terrifying.

Even though the sword energy on the periphery of the sword formation was strangling and the corpses were split like rain, they remained fearless and pounced on the sword formation one after another, biting, hammering, and chopping through the light curtain.

From time to time, he would spray a mouthful of corrosive blood.

This made the battle on the scene become fierce from the beginning.

One side has a large amount of resources and is not afraid of death.

The other side is well-trained and relies on the sword formation to advance and retreat in a controlled manner.

At first glance, it seems that Yunjianmen has the upper hand.

Because almost instantly the walking corpses at the front were strangled to death by more than a dozen sword formations blocking the front.

But things quickly became tense.

More walking zombies came, and they almost covered the sword formation.

Even the sword energy can't strangle it.

No matter how strong the sword formation is, no matter how good the coordination is, there are limits.

The sword array at the front began to collapse.

Like a broken eggshell.

The Yunjianmen disciples in the sword formation fought desperately, but were quickly swallowed up.

Several hundred VS nearly ten thousand.

The quantitative gap between the two sides is really too big.

If we continue fighting at this pace, both sides will suffer in the end.

Rosen did not move and kept watching.

He doesn't have such a deep sense of belonging to Yunjianmen.

What's more, what happened here is inseparable from Zou Xiao himself.

Since Zou Xiao wasn't honest with him, he definitely had to hold back.

Speaking of Zou Xiao, he was standing proudly in the air at this time.

He held the Chongyun sword in his hand.

The other two light-edged swords surrounded him on the left and right, waiting for opportunities like wingmen.

He was like a golden meteor, heading straight towards the pale golden flying werewolf.

At this time, the unknown person on the saddle behind the Flying Wolfman suddenly stood up.

From the drone's distant perspective, its height is only half that of a normal person, and its whole body is covered by a hood.

After it stood up, it raised a short staff in its hand.

A strange rune was outlined like a picture.

Rosen recognized that this was the rune on the head of the flying werewolf from before.

After this rune was formed, it was submerged into the body of the pale golden flying werewolf.

Integrated into the runes, the werewolf suddenly let out a loud and painful howl.


The bright red light and the pale golden light are intertwined.

Suddenly, a cocoon of light seemed to be formed on it.

Zou Xiao didn't hesitate, his speed was a bit faster, and he even left a blurry afterimage in the screen.

The huge sword appeared out of thin air, like a gluttonous mouth devouring space.

This sword gang struck towards the light cocoon force.

When they were about to make contact, a huge wolf-headed shadow appeared outside the light cocoon.

It bit Jian Gang fiercely and annihilated it at the same time.

At the same time, two streams of light quickly pierced the light cocoon, which were two light-edged swords showing their power.


The endless sound of breaking wind echoed around.

The night was as torn as a cut black cloth.

The airspace around the place where they fought turned into a broken realm.

The passing birds were either blown away by the strong wind, or chopped into pieces by the invisible sword energy.


The two streams of light turned into gold, and their speed suddenly increased more than a hundred times under Zou Xiao's order.

It turned into light and shadow in an instant, constantly slashing at the light cocoon.

It can strike at least a thousand swords every second.

Because the speed was too fast, the light sword energy turned into a sharper sword wire.

Looking from a distance, it seems like there are countless streams of light surrounding it.

The light cocoon trembled violently.

The lines left by the blows gradually appeared on the surface.

Just when the tremors intensified and the light cocoon was about to burst at any time.

The strange rune appeared again, shaking the space and temporarily dispelling the attack of the two light-edged swords.

Until then, the light cocoon suddenly disappeared.

All the light differentiates and then converges together restrainedly.

A flying werewolf with a height of more than ten meters appeared in place, with three heads, four arms and four pairs of wings. Each head had that weird rune.

"Evil! Die!"

Zou Xiao's voice appeared again.

The tone was a little less calm and a little more high-spirited to fight.

Although Rosen couldn't see his face clearly, he knew that he was serious about it.

In other words, this mutated Flying Werewolf definitely has strength comparable to that of a golden body warrior.

And Zou laughed and called it an evil spirit...

It means that he must know something related to it.

Seeing this, Rosen basically understood.

What caused Kushui Town to turn into a dead zone was not necessarily the local power of the Eight Desolate Realms.

The greater possibility is that it is an evil spirit from another world.

In the Bahuang Realm, although few people know about other worlds, voids and the like, those high-level experts still know the inside story.

Further connect all the clues.

Zou Xiao deliberately asked him to come here, most likely to verify his identity.

Because Zou Xiao had every reason to suspect that he was a visitor from another world.

It's just that he is a smart man and chose a softer method.

Let’s analyze the current situation.

Things like void and different dimensions are not mainstream concepts.

Zou Xiao may have learned about related things from other channels.

That's why doubts arise.

Thinking of this, a cold sweat broke out on Rosen's back.

There is a local protection mechanism, and even if there is an invasion by foreign monsters, they will be wiped out.

After all, the extraordinary system of Bahuang Realm is not vegetarian.

Just like these things happening before our eyes.

Taking a deep breath, he managed to calm down.

He focused his attention on the battlefield ahead again, thinking about action strategies in his mind.

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