I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 247 Chapter 0242: Coordinate Anchoring [Please subscribe]

There were not many choices before Rosen.

The wisest choice is probably to fish in troubled waters.

Zou Xiao is not a foolhardy person, since he came in person with his sect disciples.

It means that he must have prepared a backup plan.

So Rosen put his chances of winning on Zou Xiao's side.

But those exotic demons that control many Rakshasa demons and walking zombies are probably not vegetarians either.

Judging from the current situation, even if Zou Xiao can win, he will have to pay a certain price.

Even in a close fight, the winner cannot be determined in a short period of time.

If Rosen wants to attack, he must choose a suitable moment.

Taking another deep breath, he suppressed the restlessness in his heart and the vague echo produced by the ancient keys in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Now he is caught between Zou Xiao and the evil forces.

It looks like a wild grass blown by two strong winds.

If you are not careful, you will be shattered into pieces.

The battle ahead is about to get intense.

It's still a king vs. king and pawn vs. pawn situation.

The large group of walking corpses pushed forward like a tide, while the sword formation formed by the Yunjian Sect disciples was like a reef cutting through thorns.

The two sides collided violently, and countless corpses flew everywhere.

The light of blood, the light of swords, the light of battle...

Countless lights are flashing, making people feel dazzled involuntarily.

The shouts of killing and the manic roars converged, making the earth tremble slightly.

Life has become extremely fragile at this moment.

People die every minute.

The blood stained the earth and dyed the flowers red.

In the sky, Zou Xiao rushed towards the flying werewolf that had transformed into a three-headed and four-armed form.

Carrying an indomitable momentum.

Chongyun Sword instantly transformed into a giant phantom sword that was a hundred times larger.

The bright sword light illuminated half of the night sky.

The length of the sword is dozens of feet, and if placed in the city, it would be enough to cut through half a street.

It looks incomparably intimidating and full of unparalleled oppression.

There is also a flowing sword belt like a fairy ribbon on the left and right sides, which is sweeping towards the flying werewolf.

These gleaming sword belts look dazzling and beautiful.

In fact, he is the messenger of hell.

Hidden behind the beauty is unparalleled destructive power.

Because they are composed of thousands of sharp sword wires.

Zou Xiao had no desire to talk to him at all, and launched a fierce attack and killing move.

In this regard, the mysterious demon behind the flying werewolf did not dare to slack off.

I saw the three heads of the werewolf opening their fangs and mouths one after another.

Fire, ice and sound waves emitted at the same time.

Different energies intertwined together, creating a mixture of destructive aura and heading towards the huge sword gang above the head.

Then, its four arms intertwined in a gesture of resistance.

A faint shield appeared faintly.

The mysterious demon behind him also waved a short staff, and small and strange magic circles appeared in the space in front of him.

These circles emit a purple halo that represents the void.

Immediately afterwards, purple-skinned tentacles shot out from the magic circle, as straight as javelins.

While defending, it did not forget to attack Zou Xiao.

The demon is obviously quite confident in the four-armed flying werewolf's defense.

Both sides make and receive moves in an instant.

Their movements left afterimages in the footage captured by the drone.

The attack, which was a mixture of flames, frost and sound waves, first hit the huge phantom sword beam emitted by the Chongyun Sword, causing an invisible collision.

Suddenly, it seemed as if even the space was shaking and stagnant for a moment.

In the end, Jian Gang was slightly better, directly breaking up the confusing attack.

Jian Gang shrank in size, but still struck with power.

A screen of light appeared in front of the flying wolf man with his arms crossed.

The collision of the two once again produced turbulent aftermath.

At this time, the two sword belts also scraped past each other, one on the left and the other on the right.


An invisible shock wave swept across, and the Flying Werewolf was completely enveloped by the dazzling light.

At the same time, the tentacles that rushed out of the magic circle shot towards Zou Xiao with the same goal.

There is also an eye on the top of the tentacle.

They stared directly at Zou Xiao and flashed purple light at the same time.

Like a drop of purple ink smeared on the rice paper, the surrounding space is dyed with a layer of purple.

From a distance, it looks like an eerie aurora.

But in fact this is a ban.

Zou Xiao's expression remained unchanged, but the golden light surrounding him suddenly became brighter.

The purple-stained space collapsed inch by inch.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

It's also like some kind of spreading contamination.


Suddenly, a clear cracking sound appeared, and the ban collapsed.

Those tentacles retracted suddenly, and then pierced him again like elastic ropes.

But this time, before he even got close, he was strangled by the invisible sword energy and turned into pieces that exploded in the sky.

While Zou Xiao was dealing with these tentacles, the flying werewolf on the other side who was hit by the sword belt and sword gang also appeared.

Compared to Zou Xiao, the Flying Werewolf who also chose to resist was much more embarrassed.

Only three of its four arms were left, and one of its heads was blown off.

The body that is more than ten meters high is covered with ravine-like cutting wounds.

The evil monster behind it was wearing a thick lavender shield, making it difficult to see its current state clearly.

There is no doubt that the combination of Demon and Light Gold Flying Werewolf is good.

But that's all.

He didn't look like Zou Xiao's opponent at all.

The demon seemed to understand this, and after a round of fighting, it retreated decisively.

I saw the membrane wings behind the flying werewolf suddenly opened up, fanning out milky white compressed airflow like a jetliner and flying towards the south.

Zou Xiao frowned slightly, seeming hesitant.

First he glanced at the top of the mountain, and then at the Yunjian Sect disciples who were still fighting fiercely.

He immediately raised his eyebrows and chose to pursue.

The golden flame wake was particularly brilliant, and accompanied by the sound of sonic boom, he chased further and further away.

Seeing this scene, Rosen, who was dormant in the distance, understood that his opportunity had come!

He started the engine decisively.

Affected by action, the effect of optical invisibility is greatly reduced.

But fortunately, the cover of night was enough to eliminate most of his traces.

There isn't much time left for him.

According to Zou Xiao's strength, he can get back in five or six minutes at most.

What Rosen wants to do is fly to the top of Rega Mountain and touch the mysterious stone arch.

Then regardless of whether Gu Pu Key reacts or not, he will immediately evacuate, and may even choose to hide across borders.

First go to the wasteland and hide for a few days to avoid the limelight.

With the engine running at full power, he crossed the several kilometers at top speed.

As he passed over the empty desert field, his heart was in his throat.

Afraid of being sensed by others.

Fortunately, the road ahead was surprisingly smooth. After all, it was located several hundred meters in the air, and the ground below was affected by fierce fighting, so there was no time left to sense the situation above.

Not far away, the top of Rega Mountain is ablaze with fire.

As he approaches, the outside temperature climbs.

According to K-0's sensor, the temperature near the top of the mountain reached 63°C.

Rosen firmly locked onto the lava pit in the middle of the mountaintop, where an unknown stone arch was hanging steadily in the magma without any fluctuations, as stable as if it had been raised and lowered from below.

Affected by high temperatures, the airflow expands and rises.

Under the orange light and shadow, the air was twisting.

The strong light difference makes the light deflection effect almost useless.

K-0 was immediately exposed, like a metal armor falling from the sky.

Rosen simply accelerated the landing speed and turned off the descent jet.

This gave him the feeling of free fall.


"call out!"

There was a noisy wind blast, followed by a sharp emergency descent brake sound.

When it was less than 50 meters above the ground, K-0's feet, lower back, and arms all sprayed out slow-falling airflow.

This caused Rosen's speed to slow down a lot, as if he were in free fall.

But after all, this distance from the ground is still too extreme.

K-0's body crashed directly into the magma pit lake.


The hot magma splashed and exploded into an orange flame flower!

However, K-0 did not fall very deep and floated up in the magma lake.

At this time, the panels projected in front of Rosen's retina were all red with high temperature warnings.

[The external temperature exceeds the limit, and the current body mechanism is expected to maintain it for 2 minutes and 19 seconds]

[Constant temperature system starts]

[Precision component protection mode is turned on, and some functions enter sleep state]

[Energy consumption increased by 1379.73%]

[The cabin temperature is 27°C, and the coolant stock is 79%]

[The first insulation layer melts down]

Thick reminders poured out like flowers.

The temperature of magma is usually 700℃~1200℃.

This level of high temperature is not enough to melt the special steel produced in the wasteland.

This is true even if K-0 uses lightweight alloy.

But the problem is not structural meltdown, but thermal conduction damage.

Maintaining a constant internal temperature is a great test for the quality of the body.

The multiple layers of thermal insulation coatings inside and outside the body will gradually melt away under long-term high-temperature baking.

In addition, long-term exposure to this extremely high temperature environment will cause permanent damage to energy pipelines and weapon mechanisms.

Rosen didn't dare to delay, but the engine couldn't start even if it was soaked in magma.

Fortunately, he still had the help of his spiritual thoughts. Despite the huge consumption of his spiritual thoughts, he forcibly turned part of his spiritual thoughts into reality for a short time, forming a temporary support platform under K-0.

With support, the upper part of the body is exposed to the magma lake.

Also exposed is the nozzle of the scroll engine.

"call out!"

The turbulent air flow opened a hole in the magma surface.

A lot of the magma poured into it was discharged.

After an upsurge, the body rose again.

There were lava dripping all over his body.

The coating on the surface has completely changed, revealing the silver-gray true color of the lightweight alloy.

It only took four or five seconds before Rosen was out of trouble.

The mysterious stone arch was less than ten meters away from him.

Looking closely, he could see that the carvings on the stone arch were rose vines.

The style is similar to the carvings on the simple keys.

If you want to say that the two are not related, even if you kill Rosen, you won't believe it.

The gate is more than twenty meters high and seven or eight meters wide, which looks a bit abrupt.

But it was inexplicably hard to take my eyes away.

It seems to have its own attraction.

Rosen flew towards the stone arch without hesitation.

The distance of more than ten meters passed almost instantly, but just when he was about to approach the stone arch.

A silver-gray spherical shock wave suddenly shot from the side.

The speed of this shock wave was extremely fast, and it directly blasted the K-0 power armor away from the side.

The armor of the left arm that suffered the blow was obviously deformed.

When Rosen was hit, he discovered the target, which turned out to be a silver flying werewolf.

The werewolf also had strange runes on his forehead.

It is obvious that he is also under the control of evil spirits.

Not caring about hiding, Rosen raised his hand and three Xiaowei No. 1 aircraft with jet modules appeared in mid-air.

The AI ​​responded immediately and launched an attack on the silver werewolf under his command.

Rosen started the scroll engine and headed straight for the stone arch.

The three Xiaowei No. 1s are destined to be no match for the Silver Flying Werewolf, but they can delay it for a while after all.

Just a moment is enough!

"Da da da da da!"

The roar of three-pronged rapid-fire machine guns echoed from the top of the mountain.

One of them, Xiaowei No. 1, was blown away by a new shock wave as soon as it appeared.

The remaining two Xiaowei No. 1 used jet modules to fly above the magma, approaching the werewolf without fear of death.

Under such circumstances, Rosen finally arrived at the stone arch safely.

He stretched out his armored arm and touched it lightly, but there was no reaction.

So with a thought, he directly used [Consciousness Space] to put away the K-0 power armor from the inside out.

This exposed Rosen's body directly to high temperatures.

Divine thoughts covered his body, barely resisting.

He pressed hard on the door with his fleshy palm.

But he didn't feel any heat coming from his palm.


A sudden roar sounded in his head.

The ancient key in the sea of ​​consciousness emits bright light.

Then it actually materialized.

The door suddenly lit up.

Immediately, with the ancient key as the center, spatial singularities and vortices appeared.

This vortex pulls everything, including the surrounding light, magma, and even space itself.

Even the flying werewolf not far away was affected.

The rock base at the top of the mountain was also twisted and pulled.

This place seems to have become a black hole.

The only person who was not affected was Luo himself.

His vision was chaotic, as if he was just watching a horse.

Eventually everything went dark.

Mysterious unknown words appear in the mind.

[Spatial coordinates have been anchored]

[Channel is being established]

The meaning of this line of text was immediately understood by him.

But at this time Rosen's consciousness was a little confused.

The only thing that was clear in my mind was the ancient key.

Fortunately, he was able to use his last bit of sanity to initiate the [time travel] back to the wasteland.

Half an hour later.

Zou Xiao floated over Rega Mountain surrounded by golden light.

It was empty below, and the entire upper half of Rega Mountain had disappeared.

It looked like it had been bitten by some kind of monster, leaving an obvious depression on the mountain after it disappeared.

The battle is over.

Zou Xiao killed the evil demon and the golden flying werewolf.

Then he assisted the sect disciples in strangulating the remaining walking corpses.

The demon had an old face and a dwarf-like figure, and looked particularly evil.

And Zou Xiao was not completely undamaged. His gown was torn and half of his body was exposed.

Purple spots the size of coins appeared on the originally smooth skin.

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