I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 250 Chapter 0245: Girl Lilia and the Foundation of the World [Please subscribe]


"And...it's sweet..."

The girl quickly came to a conclusion.

This is the experience that survival has given her.

Without it, just familiarity with your hands.

No matter whether something is poisonous or edible after entering her mouth, she will know it as soon as she tastes it.

In order to increase her food options, she ate almost all poisonous and non-poisonous monster meat.

If she hadn't been a stranger with a body that was as powerful as an evil monster, she would have died of food poisoning long ago.

Sucking on the nutritional mixture, the girl's hanging heart relaxed slightly.

She didn't know what it was made of, but it tasted pretty good and was obviously made with standard craftsmanship.

Rosen didn't know what the red-haired girl in front of him was thinking.

I just saw her quickly sucking the nutritional mixture into her mouth with a serious and pious expression.

The seriousness with which she took the food seemed to make her forget that she was a prisoner.

It was obvious that this guy had been hungry for quite some time.

I guess it's even worse than before.

In retrospect, Rosen, who had just struggled out of food and clothing, took food very seriously.

The girl's ponytail just passed the midline of her back.

He was wearing a very comfortable combat uniform.

This combat uniform seems to be made of some kind of flesh skin, and it actually has a passive optical camouflage effect.

It's just that the effect is very weak, and it can change the optical color by about 15% depending on the environment.

Similar to a weakened version of a chameleon.

However, the girl's figure is not plump, but rather thin, so she looks very thin.

There were a pair of strange gloves and sneakers on his hands and feet.

The strangeness here does not refer to the shape, but to the fact that there are purple crystals about the size of a pinky knuckle on each one.

It can be seen that there are vaguely unknown runes flowing inside the crystal.

Apart from the weird features of [Disaster and Evil Realm], runes seem to be another crucial factor.

It doesn't seem to have much presence, but you can see it everywhere.

Although her figure is not very good, the girl's appearance is not bad.

There was a little nervousness in his cunning eyes.

The thin cheeks can't hide the exquisite facial features.

But that's it. Rosen has become accustomed to seeing beautiful women recently.

Especially within the sect of Yunjian Mountain, there are many women with excellent appearance and temperament.

Without any questioning or urging, Rosen patiently waited for the girl to finish sucking a nutritional mixture.

Seeing that her face had regained some color from the white paper-like paleness visible to the naked eye, she suddenly spoke.

"Who are you?"

"What is ability?"

Rosen asked in a more vague and simple way.

Asking questions is actually a two-way understanding process, because the questioner often reveals a lot of information in the question.

So the simpler and more vague the initial question, the better.

"Gudong..." The girl swallowed the nutritional mixture in her mouth and spit out the empty skin.

After calming down for a while, she answered: "Sir, my name is Lilia. I am 17 years old. I used to live in Yunhai Town. My ability is fire, and the evil energy is enhanced to level 4..."

The girl explained her origin like pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

Rosen monitored her heart rate, body temperature and facial micro-expressions inside the Abandoned Power Armor.

Over there in the wasteland, the technology of detecting lies through the fluctuation of relevant physiological indicators is already very mature.

The accuracy is also very high.

However, this method is of little use to those who are sophisticated, have shielded perception, or have brain control.

If it is just used as a reference for now, it is more than enough.

Based on the indicators, the conclusion drawn was that the girl in front of her who called herself Lilia was not lying, but was a little nervous.

She seemed to be a bit chatty because of her nervousness, and by the end of her explanation, she almost turned into a babble to herself.

He even talked about his first time hunting evil monsters.

Rosen did not interrupt her, but listened patiently.

The other party's nagging is also a good thing, as it helps him collect as much information as possible.

But there is such a saying in tongue catching.

That is, no matter how credible the information spoken by the first tongue caught is, it cannot be fully believed.

In order to avoid being filled with spam or confusing information, you need to wait for it to be used before catching more tongues for multi-factor verification.

So now the girl is in charge, and Rosen is in charge.

After talking for more than half an hour, the girl stopped talking because she was dumb.

She looked at Rosen cautiously, looking a little timid.

In fact, Rosen could see cunning and thoughtfulness in her micro-expressions.

Sure enough, no simple guy can survive in this city full of monsters.

Isn't it a way of survival to be understanding and submissive to the red-haired girl in front of me?

Throwing out a water bag, Rosen motioned for her to drink the water and continue.

The girl picked up the water bag and took a sip without any hesitation.

This respect for food and drinking water is not an act.

But after talking for so long, the girl obviously had some guesses about Rosen's identity.

In her opinion, the mysterious strong man in front of her should have come from somewhere else.

Don't know much about the local situation.

It's just that Lilia has never seen evil armor with such fine craftsmanship.

This is much better than the skills of the evil mechanics in Tower Town.

Evil energy armor is a special armor that is amplified by evil crystals. It is expensive, so people who are not wealthy and strong cannot afford evil armor.

As for the concept of power armor, it is too abstract for Lilia, who was born and raised in the [Evil Disaster Realm].

Because she was born after the evil disaster, during the most barren period for spiritual entertainment.

So the first thing Lilia could think of was Evil Armor.

But she didn't mention it, just rambled on about some things she knew.

Including nearby situations, etc.

She had little choice but to cooperate as much as possible.

While chattering, she was also observing secretly.

After talking like this for more than two hours, she finally had nothing to say.

Rosen slightly refined the information she said, and came up with the general framework and basic model of [Disaster and Evil Realm].

So far, evil disasters have occurred for 76 years.

The source was the sudden appearance of a bloody moon in the sky.

It and the silver moon are like twin mirror images, rising and setting at the same time every night.

The blood moon brings a power called fel energy.

These evil energies were initially infused into all living beings without distinction, even humans were no exception.

The reason why it is called evil energy is because this energy is very evil.

In the early stages of evil energy entering the body, one must go through a mental test.

Will become violent, murderous, and evil.

All negative emotions and desires in the heart will be magnified exponentially.

This situation is called "Heart Evil Tribulation".

If you can survive the calamity of evil heart, you can realize supernatural powers.

If you can't survive it, your only fate is to become a mindless monster.

There are many types of superpowers, which can be roughly divided into elemental systems, special systems and causal systems.

It is best to understand the elemental system. Ice, fire, thunder and lightning are all elements.

Special lines are more complicated.

Object control, summoning, swords, knives, and other weapon spells are all considered special systems.

The causal system is the least powerful system and is also recognized as the most awesome.

Including mysterious curses, blessings, and directional abilities with certain rules.

However, there are often clear limits to these capabilities.

Lilia's superpower is the fire element, a very common elemental element.

It's just that she understood the branch of flame blasting on her own.

The explosion just now was Lilia's work.

Superpowers have levels, and they need to be upgraded by swallowing specific levels of evil crystals.

For example, level 5 abilities mean that you have to swallow level 1 to level 5 evil crystals step by step.

At this point, the extraordinary system of [Realm of Evil Disasters] actually becomes very clear.

In addition, the most critical rule in this world is actually the sun, moon, morning and evening.

Night and day can be said to be two worlds.

Whenever night falls, the terror of the [Evil Disaster Realm] will increase countless times.

A giant monster named "Moon Evil" will appear everywhere.

They are like city rangers, possessing the power to destroy heaven and earth.

When the night ends, the sun covered with blue mist will rise.

That layer of blue mist is actually the protector of humans in this world.

It is the remnant of the so-called Gaia will.

And human beings are this swaddling baby.

The intensity and types of evil spirits during the day are much weaker than those at night.

Speaking of evil spirits, the rune system cannot be avoided.

It is roughly divided into 46 kinds of lower runes, 24 kinds of middle runes and 10 kinds of upper runes.

Runes represent the specialization of a certain power in [The Realm of Evil Disaster].

There will be corresponding runes in the evil crystals of different specializations.

Evil crystals have many uses and can be used to make equipment and props.

Lilia's gloves, clothes, and shoes are all made of evil crystals and evil materials.

There are many types of evil spirits themselves, and they have already formed a certain cycle and self-consistency.

After the evil disaster broke out, humans mainly lived in scattered towns.

Those towns were relatively safe areas and part of Gaia's infancy.

However, the area of ​​​​the safe zone is limited, and you have to come out to make a living.

The above is the basic common sense of [Evil Disaster Realm].

In addition, Lilia introduced the distribution of local forces.

In fact, you can also listen to the common sense content, because basic common sense is the least likely to be faked.

It is at the least valuable bottom of the chain of lies.

The reason is simple. Almost everyone knows the basic common sense.

Lilia itself did not focus on introducing this basic information. Most of it was scattered among other information, and was then extracted by Rosen.

The concept of time traveler has a natural threshold.

When you meet a stranger, it is more reliable to suspect that he is an outsider than to suspect that he is a time traveler.

In any case, Rosen finally had a preliminary understanding of the world.

In fact, he did not choose to cross the border and leave last night, but continued to stay in the [Evil Disaster Realm] for the purpose of observation.

The released Xiaowei No. 1 is not only responsible for looking out, but also responsible for recording the alternation between morning and dusk.

As well as testing the timing and physical constants of this world.

When he was checking relevant information in the early morning, he really found some interesting clues.

The physical constants here are similar to those of the two bounds.

But the timing is significantly different.

Based on the atomic clock in the wasteland, the time here is off by two hours.

The rhythm of dawn and dusk is also different. The total daily length of day and night is about 25 to 27 hours.

The planet here has a longer rotation period.

The time sequence of the hexadecimal system is related to the rules of the sun's shadow.

It involves mathematics, astronomy, true solar time, the angle of inclination of the sundial surface, etc.

The emergence of timekeeping and calendars has always been regarded as the step forward of human civilization.

This in itself makes sense.

Because the emergence of these two means the progress of human cognition and basic disciplines.

Comparing the situation in the [Evil Disaster Realm], one can see that the sun and moon system here is indeed significantly different from the two realms.

In Lilia's description, the sun and moon themselves are also inseparable from the emergence of evil energy.

Rosen pondered slightly and said nothing.

The scene fell into silence.

Just when Rosen was thinking about what to do with Lilia.

The other party spoke first.

"Sir...are you wearing fel armor?"

"It looks amazing!"

"Is that green bombardment a natural or wood-type energy cannon?"

Lilia asked curiously and cautiously.

In response, Rosen smiled noncommittally.

"You're in a good mood."

"But are you so sure that I won't plunder your evil crystal or sell you to those rogues?"

After Rosen learned some preliminary information, he quickly entered into the Aboriginal perspective.

He keenly caught the word [Evil Energy Armor], but did not ask further questions.

As long as you know this concept, you will have plenty of opportunities to query related information in the future.


"My lord, if you want to do this, you don't have to bring me here."

"He also generously gave me water and food."

Lilia smiled smoothly.

This skinny girl has her own survival wisdom.

Rosen suddenly admired this girl.

It's not because of lustful coveting, but when I see her, I feel like I'm seeing my former self.

Sometimes he is smooth and disguised, sometimes he is cold and arrogant.

It's all just to survive.

The pity in my heart flashed away.

He took out two things with his backhand.

A slave collar and a pill as black as ink.

"You can live."

"But you have to wear the collar and swallow the pill."

There is no electromagnetic interference in this world, and it is suitable for deploying short-range terminals within a range of 100 kilometers.

This can be used to keep the collar effective while limiting Lilia's range of activities.

The pill is called [Black Tiger Yun Poison Pill], and it is a poison that attacks regularly.

According to the grade level in the Bahuang Realm, it belongs to the sixth grade poison elixir and is priced at a high price.

The antidote needs to be taken every 7 days.

Lilia's physical strength is as strong as that of a fifth-level Yunzang monk, and she also has novel powers.

But as long as it has not broken away from the scope of carbon-based life and the structure of the human body, it cannot escape the control of [Black Tiger Yundu Pill].

Rosen directly placed a double insurance policy and at the same time established a secret stronghold in this city.

Lay out supporting terminals.

If this girl could escape through both means, it would be her fate.

Rosen has nothing to lose.

Anyway, he just arrived and didn’t leave any trace behind.

In this world, Rosen is a blank sheet of paper.

At best, it makes the girl feel that she has met a weirdo.

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