I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 251 Chapter 0246: Haicheng, land reclamation plan [Please subscribe]


"Do I have a third option?"

The red-haired girl Lilia asked timidly.

Rosen in the power armor sneered when he heard this.


"Of course."

"That means being shot to death by me."

The muzzle of the particle cannon, which was brewing with a cold green light, was raised and aimed at Lilia's thin body.

Not long ago, she saw with her own eyes that this energy cannon penetrated Yamalu's thick carapace.

Recalling the power of the particle cannon, Lilia couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Ah...I am willing to serve you, sir..."

She let out a sigh or a cry of fear, and then knelt down on one knee knowingly.

Under the supervision of the icy helmet of the Forsaken, she put on the slave collar, and then slowly took the [Black Tiger Yun Poison Pill].

Immediately, a wisp of black energy emerged from her neck.

That wisp of black energy was aimed at the heart and lungs and could kill him at any time.

The slave collar has also been locked, and the current anchored terminal is the Forsaken Power Armor.

Without setting up signal relay, the control range is 10 kilometers.

When offline, there is another set of supervision modes.

It can monitor heart rate and other physiological indicators in real time, and has a variety of response options when betraying and counterattacking.

The theoretical battery life of the collar itself is as long as 10 years.

There is a built-in energy battery.

This time it is considered to be double insurance.

After accepting her fate, Lilia felt a little relieved.

If you want to survive in the [Evil Disaster Realm], your mentality is also very important.

Now that you have put on the collar, taken the poison, and are officially under the control of others, you should be aware of the relevant issues instead of having unrealistic illusions.


"What are we going to do now."

Lilia asked respectfully.

Such a quick change of attitude once again made Rosen admire her with admiration.

Smart minions are always likable.

The purpose of subduing your subordinates is to save trouble.

After all, it would be too laborious to do everything by yourself.

This question is what Rosen will do next.

He only said after he thought for a moment.

"Choose a suitable place, I plan to establish a stronghold here."

After saying that, he stepped towards the broken glass curtain wall.

Facing the street here, you can see the desolate ruins of the city.

In Lilia's description, both the city and the wilderness are hunting grounds.

In this strange world, no place that can be illuminated by the moonlight can be said to be absolutely safe.

However, the city is empty and lonely, and there are not enough evil spirits to occupy every corner.

In addition, most buildings in the city are relatively complete.

Rooms in many buildings can be used as temporary residences.

But temporary residence is completely different from establishing a base.

Considering that moon evil monsters will appear after nightfall, it is normally not recommended to establish a stronghold in the city.

But nothing is absolute.

As far as Lilia knew, there were indeed several rogue forces in the city.

The so-called wanderers refer to the forces composed of strangers who live outside the safe zone.

Their nature is somewhere between the predators in the wasteland and the camp forces.

Has its own set of rules.

Strictly speaking, Lilia is also a wanderer.

It's just the scattered people among them.

She was born in a safe zone town hundreds of kilometers away.

It’s just that I failed to obtain permanent residence status later.

The city we are currently in was called "Haicheng" before the evil disaster broke out.

Lilia has a miniature photocopied map. It can be seen that the geographical distribution of this world is slightly similar to that of the two worlds, but there are also many differences in details.

The same goes for coastlines.

Three worlds, different eras and different encounters.

Rosen had some guesses about this, but did not jump to conclusions.

After hearing his request, Lilia didn't answer for a long time. She stood blankly for a moment before asking in an uncertain tone.

"Are you sure you want to establish a base in the city...?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Or do you have a better suggestion?"

Rosen heard hesitation in her words.

"Ahem..." Lilia coughed a few times before answering.

"It's really inappropriate. The city after nightfall is the home of the moon evil monster."

"The rogue forces active in the city have established their bases underground or in other relatively hidden buildings."

"If you really want to develop locally and build a stronghold outside the safe zone."

"You can go to Mokomeng Town to report and pay a certain fee."

"The town management will plan a suitable land for you to establish a stronghold, and will also include it within the protection scope of the town patrol team."

Lilia gave her suggestion.

Mokomeng Town is a safe zone town around Haicheng.

The reason why it is called Mokomeng is because the city lord has this name.

This is a special system, a powerful spiritual ability.

The city lord can be regarded as a powerful and powerful man in this world.

However, safe zones vary in size.

Small ones can only accommodate tens of thousands of people to survive.

The larger one can accommodate millions of people, and Mokomeng Town is considered a medium-sized safe zone.

Lilia's suggestion is that Rosen accept the jurisdiction of Mokomeng Town.

It can be regarded as a kind of controllable land reclamation behavior.

But Rosen didn't intend to do that.

I'm not going to go to the countryside either.

If you want to do it, do it in the evil lair!

So he rejected the suggestion directly.

I will definitely go to Mokomeng Town, but there is no need to contact it now.

He just wanted to wedge a small, non-existent nail into the [Realm of Evil Disaster] first.

You can figure it out later.

Finally decided to settle down in the city.

Although Lilia had objections in her heart, Rosen had already made a decision, and she did not dare to keep refuting anything.

For his own life, and for a better life.

She began to offer her advice and suggestions.

After all, it’s not just a day or two that I have been wandering around in Haicheng.

She often hunts evil monsters in the city during the day, strips away materials and evil crystals, and collects some supplies.

After so many years, most of the materials have deteriorated badly.

But there are also many materials that are better preserved and can be preserved.

Therefore, she knows this city quite well.

On the spot, he took a carbon block and drew a simple map of Haicheng on the painted wall inside the building.

It also marked the distribution of forces and evil monsters that she already knew.

Haicheng is a coastal city, close to the sea in the east. There are once prosperous deep-water port terminals, as well as gas reserve stations, shipyards, hoisting plants, etc.

There is the territory of the evil multi-eyed dragon.

The so-called falcon is a crocodile.

It's just that the multi-eyed musk dragon entrenched there is comparable in size to the moon evil monster, and it is amphibious on land and water.

There are mainly several large saurosaurs and hundreds of small saurosaurs.

Ordinary strangers would not dare to step into it.

Monsters are also territorial and will even fight each other.

The only exception is the moon evil monsters, who are truly wanderers.

Even if you enter the territory of other evil monsters, you will not be attacked.

The situation in the north is more complicated.

There are many kinds of evil monsters entrenched there, and in the sewers of the North District, there is also a rogue organization active there with about a hundred members called "Windrunners".

The middle part is the main urban area of ​​Haicheng.

There are many tall buildings there, but they are occupied by all kinds of bird monsters.

In the gymnasium in the central city, there is also a big red egg.

The egg was over 300 meters long, with fascial veins beating on its surface.

However, it appeared after the evil disaster came, and there has been no sign of hatching for so many years.

The situation in the west is about the same as that in the north.

The wanderers who hang out there call themselves "drifters."

Most of the people in the organization are strangers who have mastered the water element ability.

There are dense waterways left over from ancient times in that urban area, which is indeed a paradise for water-based strangers.

The situation is worst in the south, where there is a red evil dragon that is hundreds of meters long from head to tail.

There are also a group of evil many-legged horseshoes underground.

The current location of the two is close to the city to the west.

It just so happens that the direction of Mokomeng Town is also in the west.

So after a little consideration, Rosen made a decision in his mind.

"Just to the west."

“There needs to be a place big enough to accommodate thousands of people.”

He stated his request.

Lilia, who stood there, nodded gently and thought carefully for a while before speaking.

"Haicheng Institute of Technology."

"That's what you're looking for."

"There are no evil spirits, and there are no materials worth exploring."

Rosen shrugged. He didn't know much about the area.

Let’s just follow Lilia’s advice for now.

"Then go and have a look."

"By the way, do you recognize this rune?"

Rosen stretched out an armored finger and carved a rune directly on the wall.

This rune appeared on the body of the culprit who previously occupied Bitter Water Town.

Zou laughed and called the guy a demon.

In fact, Rosen did not see the other party's appearance clearly.

All I know is that he is a little thing in human form, about the same height as a dwarf.

All targets controlled by the opponent will have such a symbol on their forehead.

Lilia was shocked when she saw this symbol.

"This...this is [mental control], one of the ten superior symbols."

The symbol seemed to be quite famous because she recognized it immediately.

Without asking further questions, Rosen waited for the next step.

"Superior symbol of mental control, ranked ninth."

"It represents the power of the same name. There are only nine aliens who have awakened [mind control] at the same time in the world, and the same is true among evil monsters."

Rosen narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that this world also had special channels to invade Bahuang.

It's just that the aliens and evil monsters here can't get any favors from the extraordinary system of the Eight Desolate Realms.

This is a catastrophic world.

Although it also has extraordinary power, it is far inferior to the Eight Desolate Realms.

It's not that there's a gap in power levels, it's a problem with the entire system.

The extraordinary power of the Eight Desolate Realms is like water with a source.

There are not only inheritances, but also various cultivation methods and a long history of cultivation.

Therefore, the invasion of the [Bahuang Realm] by the [Evil Disaster Realm] is a joke if there are big bosses involved.

Without asking any further, this clue can also be investigated slowly.

Now it seems that there are obvious limitations to that kind of intrusive travel.

It is far less flexible than the [Time Travel] given by the ancient key.

In addition, Rosen is also interested in supernatural powers.

Since he can practice martial arts and god refining in the Eight Desolate Realms.

Then he should also be able to master the [Evil Disaster Realm] ability.

However, the superpowers here have to pass the test of the evil heart calamity after all, and there are certain risks.

Even if Rosen is confident in his willpower, he will not rashly try to accept evil energy.

After all, Tianqing has a complete extraordinary system, so you just need to keep practicing step by step until the bottleneck appears.

What moved him was the possibility of complementarity among the three realms.

Therefore, as a traveler in the three realms, the correct solution is to make flexible use of resources from all realms.

For Rosen, [Evil Disaster Realm] still has great development potential.

Lilia didn't know what he was thinking.

The master and servant set off after preliminary finalizing the location of the stronghold.

Daytime is the best time to take action.

When night falls, those almost invincible moon evil monsters will appear one after another.

If you go out and run around again, you will be seeking death.

The journey went smoothly, and the evil monsters we occasionally encountered were killed by the barrage of the two Xiaowei No. 1s.

Rosen collected some evil crystals. He didn't know yet what effect these things had on warriors and monks, but he would be right to collect them first.

I saw the two Xiaowei No. 1s and the powerful firepower of the triangular rapid-fire machine guns.

Lilia felt awe-struck in her heart, and was even more uncertain about Rosen's background.

There are also firearms in this world.

But as time went by, firearms slowly became a luxury item.

After all, this is not a wasteland world with highly developed productivity and military technology.

We have never experienced any militancy comparable to a world war.

After seventy or eighty years of consumption, the stock of thermal weapons has long been exhausted.

Production equipment and raw materials also wear out over time.

This caused the indigenous people of the [Evil Disaster Realm] to experience technological regression in terms of thermal weapons.

Many aliens use traditional breech-loading shotguns and flintlock rifles to supplement their combat power.

"Advanced weapons" such as triangular rapid-fire machine guns are not common.

Power aside, this in itself has become a symbol of strength, proving that Rosen has an abundant supply of resources.

In the eyes of the third and fourth generations of disasters like Lilia.

Powerful thermal weapons are a distant rarity.

Concentrating on their journey, they arrived at Haicheng Institute of Technology in just over twenty minutes.

This is a university town.

The college occupies almost one-seventh of the entire university town.

The messy streets were also filled with various car wrecks.

The huge college sign is mottled and rusty.

The publicity board at the door has long been shattered, and the posters on it have almost fallen off.

Lilia walked in front, her hands covered with a layer of flames.

The two Xiaowei No. 1s are responsible for two pieces respectively.

As for Luo, who was driving the Abandoned Power Armor, he was walking behind.

The retractable electric door of the campus was violently torn open.

The road ahead is lined with dead sycamores on both sides.

The leafy green shrubs turned into puddles of black mud.

There was a muddy smell in the air.

Walking into the campus, just as Lilia turned around to introduce him.

I happened to see the electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon that suddenly opened fire.

Lilia was shocked by the sudden situation and thought Rosen was going to attack her.

Her reaction is not nearly as fast as the mass bullet's rate of fire.

It wasn't until several rounds of 0.85KG mass bullets passed by her side that Lilia finally came back to her senses.

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