I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 252 Chapter 0247: The three violent brothers, Rosen’s strength [Please subscribe]

Mass projectiles with several times the speed of sound were fired from two to three meters away from her side.

The strong air current picked up the wind, causing the tips of her red ponytail to sway constantly.

These mass bombs competed to hit a campus minibus that rolled over in front and was blocked in the middle of the road.

"Bang bang bang!"

The tungsten-tipped mass bullet knocked it crooked instantly.

Then there was a roar.

Several large holes were ripped open in the minibus, and the rusty iron sheet rubbed against the muddy ground, making a harsh sound.

At the same time, the road surface instantly rose up, forming a barrier made of dirt and gravel.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, three figures jumped out from behind the earthen wall.

Their bodies were covered with a layer of earthy brown light.

Hundreds of stone bullets gathered behind him, and they were so densely packed that it was eye-catching.

"This is a grenade!"

"An alien from the earth element system!"

Lilia let out an exclamation.

The flames that had long been covered in the gloves suddenly became stronger.

"Directed flame blast!"

She put her palms together and sprayed out a stream of flames that hit the earth wall directly.

Then it exploded.

Orange fireballs shot into the sky.

At the same time, Xiaowei No. 1, who was guarding both sides, opened fire.

Rosen then activated the vortex engine and bipedal sliding system to suddenly speed up.

The pulleys on the armored feet rubbed two deep marks on the ground.

Because those three guys had already thrown hundreds of stone bullets at them!

Less than half a second later, the place where Rosen was originally was bombarded by stone bullets.

The entire ground was obscured by smoke and flying dirt.

The renouncer with full mobility is like a dexterous steel beast.

It rushed out of the smoke on the side, and the green particle cannon was fired instantly and hit one of the guys.

The brown light on the human body failed to block the particle cannon.

A big hole was immediately penetrated in the chest.


"Damn it!"

The other two people both let out roars of shock and fury.

Rosen ignored it and finally returned to a position suitable for output.

"Gray Time Domain, activate!"

With a thought, he activated [Gray Time Domain].

A gray force field enveloped him.

At this time, there is a timing difference of 120 times between the inside and outside.

Within the field, to people outside, his actions are equivalent to speeding up 120 times.

Rosen can do 120 seconds of things in 1 second outside.

Without any hesitation, the sliding wheels retracted into the foot armor.

Maintain the most stable body mode.

Then the electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon on the shoulder officially showed its power!


Dull electromagnetic whistles continued to appear, and 0.85KG mass bullets came out one after another.

They lag at time boundaries.

Taking advantage of the time difference, Rosen fired continuously for 120 seconds, shooting a large barrage of quality.

At this time, the outside world had only passed for a second.

Rosen re-determined the area covered by the barrage, and immediately released the [Gray Timing] after confirming that it was correct.

Suddenly, a shocking scene appeared.

The projectiles fired one after another in these 120 seconds lost their shackles and hit the target area almost at the same time!

Dust that was countless times larger than the previous stone bombardment was raised.

The area where the remaining two people were standing was completely included in the attack range of the mass bomb.

This method allowed Rosen to condense a 120-second attack into one second.

In other words, the attack strength for one second is suddenly increased by 120 times.

Who can stop this sudden surge in firepower density?

"Boom boom boom!"

Explosions comparable to bomb blasts were heard one after another.

When the dust settled, there were only two corpses that were almost turned into minced meat.

Rosen was not surprised by the results.

In fact, using [Gray Time Domain] to launch superimposed saturation strikes is a bit too hard.

But this was his first time fighting against an alien, so he tried his best to win a quick victory.

From the time he suddenly opened fire to the end of the battle, there was less than five seconds.

Lilia didn't even have time to launch the first wave of flame offensive.

This made her a little sluggish.

What followed was deep fear.

She took a deep breath and quickly inspected the body.

The alien who was pierced through the chest by the particle cannon did not die immediately.

He was lying on the ground vomiting blood.

His lungs were done.

Death is only a matter of time, and the fact that he can barely hold on to his breath at this time all depends on the alien's strong physique.

And the layer of earthy brown light also reduced some of the power of the particle cannon.

After a brief inspection, Lilia immediately reported to Rosen.

"Master, we are the three brothers of Baotu."

"Fill, bury, collapse."

Lilia bowed.

Unexpectedly, when she raised her head again, the barrel of the electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon was already pressed against her head.

"What a coincidence."

"When we entered Haicheng Institute of Technology, these three guys happened to complete the ambush."

"I need a reasonable explanation."

In the loudspeaker, his voice was cold and stern, and contained a hint of murderous intent.


"I met you by chance."

"There is no chance to do anything."

"And...and I have put on the collar and taken the poison as you ordered..."


Lilia knelt down tremblingly.

Then he twitched all over, let out a scream, and fell to the ground with tears streaming down his face.

That's a stimulating current delivered directly to the back of the neck by the slave collar.

Ignoring her, Xiaowei No. 1 stepped forward, aiming the triangular machine gun at Lilia.

Rosen has no mercy when it comes to exploring new worlds.

It is better to be wrong than to miss something.

He controlled the Abandoned Power Armor to reach the only survivor.

The guy looked miserable, as if he might die at any moment.

The eyeballs were covered with red bloodshot eyes due to lack of oxygen.

However, his blood oxygen reserve is obviously richer than that of ordinary people.

It looks like I can barely hold on for a while.

This man also wore a battle suit made of evil hide.

Next to the hole on the chest, there is also a large character written in this world's language embroidered on it.


These three brothers do have strange one-letter names.

It could also be a nickname.

Rosen didn't say anything, this guy was already useless.

He took out a yellow talisman with his backhand, his spiritual thoughts stirred, and he activated it after chanting a spell briefly.

I saw the yellow talisman instantly turning into a bright ball of light and sinking into this guy's Tianling Cap.

Not long after, the guy named [Bai] started twitching violently.

There was more blood foam in the mouth.

The chest that leaked from the wind rose violently, and then quickly calmed down.

Until he calmed down completely and no longer had any heartbeat.

he died.

At this time, a ball of light as small as a dragon's eye appeared.

Rosen raised his hand and used his spiritual thoughts to wrap the small ball of light in the air.

This thing is a small part of the memory extracted from [Bai]'s mind.

It is almost a memory fragment of the 24 hours before death.

The effect stems from the talisman.

Using spiritual power to quickly absorb it, the ball of light quickly disappeared.

At the same time, Rosen felt a faint stabbing pain in his head.

Strange memories filled my mind.

After a quick refining of his thinking, he quickly understood the cause and effect.

At the same time, he also realized that he had wrongly blamed Lilia.

The three violent earth brothers came here to ambush a level four earth tiger monster that had recently moved to Haicheng Institute of Technology.

That ground tiger was the culprit that tore open the retractable door outside.

Moreover, it is in the period of giving birth, and is infused with additional evil energy every night.

If you can kill it, you can get the special state of the breeding body evil crystal.

The value of this kind of evil crystal is more than thirty times that of ordinary evil crystal of the same level!

Moreover, breeding evil crystals has a certain chance of awakening the second innate ability of strangers.

It's just that the odds are very low, it's almost like playing lottery, it's just for fun.

But its value is still not low.

The three violent brothers belong to a medium-sized rogue organization.

It's called the Elemental Walker.

The organization is full of elemental aliens.

There is a feeling of hugging each other for warmth.

But what the three brothers did this time was private work.

It is confidential within the organization.

When it comes to hunting, all aliens are very strict.

At least in [Bang]'s memory, he strictly emphasized the need for absolute confidentiality.

In other words, being able to meet Rosen and others was indeed not a beautiful coincidence.

Rosen casually took out the evil crystals from their bodies from the back of their heads.

In fact, the evil crystals of aliens are also called alien crystals, and they are somewhat different from the evil crystals in evil monsters.

But for convenience, we usually just call them evil crystals collectively.

After taking away the evil crystal, he threw a plasma grenade on each of the three corpses.

The blue plasma engulfed the corpses in an instant.

The "little sun" that appeared instantly turned everything into ashes.

Then Rosen threw three more small detonators with about 150 grams of powder.

I felt relieved after detonating it.

This time there is really no trace at all.

As long as you delay for a day or two, the natural changes in the climate will obliterate all traces.

It only takes a few minutes to complete these tasks.

Lilia fell to the ground weakly.

In fact, the electric shock had ended long ago. The reason why she didn't get up was because of various emotions such as grievance, fear, and worry.

Rosen felt a little guilty.

But no regrets.

If he does it again, he will be just as harsh.

There is nothing to regret about this kind of thing.

Even if he wronged Lilia, he could only blame the world.

Because he didn't want to bet on any bad possibilities.

Taking Lilia with you is taking risks.

The huge power armor squatted down, and a shadow enveloped Lilia.

At this time, the red-haired girl was crying silently, as if she thought of something sad because of what happened just now.


Rosen sighed slightly in his heart.

He took out a few things with his backhand and placed them beside her.

They were a piece of beast meat jerky wrapped in oil paper, a few cans of canned beef and fruit, and a bottle of lemon-flavored soda water.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you."

"These...can be considered compensation..."

"Get up quickly, those three guys are here to ambush an earth tiger monster."

Rosen said hesitantly.

His words restored some brightness to Lilia's eyes.


The sanity that was almost collapsed due to the influence of emotions returned to the body.

Lilia returns from the emotional world to the real world.

In fact, living in a catastrophic world like this puts everyone under great mental pressure.

Emotional breakdown can cause consciousness to be withdrawn, resulting in a sense of decadence and abandonment of everything.

There is a high rate of mental disorders in the wasteland.

At least seven or eight out of ten people have mental problems.

The difference is only in severity.

Strictly speaking, Rosen's mentality is not very normal.

Extreme patience is also pathological.

Lilia carefully put the compensation given by Rosen into the storage bag.

"We're going to have an ambush here."

"Just follow the plan."

"But Haicheng Institute of Technology is no longer suitable as a stronghold."

"I have just observed that several other colleges and universities around here are very good."

Rosen regained his composure and made arrangements in an orderly manner.

"Lilia, you are responsible for luring the enemy."

"I will lay mine arrays in advance."

"Do you know about mines?"

After hearing his words, Lilia nodded blankly.

"I see…"

After receiving a positive answer, Rosen did not hesitate to take out various mines and asked the two Xiaowei No. 1 to lay them in the designated area.

There were obscure marks in the middle, leaving a path that was not straight.

Incendiary mines, anti-vehicle mines, fragmentation mines, plasma mines, freezing mines...

Rosen is no longer what it used to be, and all kinds of armaments are emerging one after another.

After laying dozens of different mines, he equipped the two Xiaowei 1s with 20mm cannons, together with small turret bases.

Two firepower commanding heights were set up not far from the main road into the school.

The 20mm cannon with tungsten core bullets is not a vegetarian.

Not to mention the earth tiger monster, even a boulder or iron ingot can be easily torn into pieces.

Rosen walked into the teaching building and found a relatively secluded place to change into a power armor.

The scumbag was replaced by the T-21 firepower power armor that has been modified by the [Lagging Center Defender·Scavenger].

The right arm of this power armor is the "Magic Tongue" wheeled missile launcher, and the left arm is the Shenguang-2 generation beam energy particle cannon that Rosen loves to see.

The right shoulder directly carries an electromagnetic sniper gun with a mass of 1.25KG.

The left shoulder is equipped with a "Little Golden Crow" plasma cannon.

This is the firepower configuration of [Drawing Central Defender·Scavenger].

Apart from poor armor protection, this power armor has no shortcomings.

In addition, Zong Shen also replenished the ammunition for the electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon for the abandoned person, and checked the loss of the electromagnetic coil to ensure that it was in good condition.

Lilia was shocked again when Rosen appeared again.

Because he changed his armor.

It is also suspected of possessing a space talisman, showing the ability to pick up objects out of thin air.

Lilia's expression was a bit complicated, not as lively as when they first met.

It can be seen that this is also a girl with a story.

And his previous behavior of wrongfully accusing the other party obviously brought back some bad memories.

"Take a break."

Rosen didn't say anything else. He released the scout bees and then asked Lilia to sit down.

Pointing to the storage bag she carried behind her back.

"There is an oil paper bag inside, which contains delicious dried meat."

"Try it."

he said proactively.

Lilia nodded gently when she heard this.

He politely took off the storage bag, took out the oil paper bag, and saw the dried beast meat jerky.

Then he stuffed it stiffly into his mouth and chewed it.

Just after tasting it, she was stunned.

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