I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 256 Chapter 0251: You fight and I observe [Please subscribe]

All the white ferocious vines were broken into pieces.

Vine residue burst out all over the sky.

This kind of vine has little moisture, is very tough as a whole, and has a texture somewhat like thin steel wire.

It is indeed a good means of restraint.

The huge body of the Earth Tiger appeared.

The muscles all over its body swelled, and its body became much larger visibly to the naked eye.

Once you get close, you can see that it is very different from ordinary tigers.

Although they have similar coat colors and shapes, they are very different in details.

The first is the cutworm's limbs, which look more like a mole, with longer claws at the end.

Not great for scratching, better for digging.

Secondly, its upper jaw does not have sharp, curved teeth.

It's just that the head with feline characteristics gives people a preconceived sense of ferocity.

Of course, as an evil monster, the earth tiger is inherently much more ferocious than the tiger in the traditional concept.

The moment it broke free from the shackles of the vine cocoon, two light blue swords slashed at it head-on.

Because the speed is too fast, the naked eye can only capture a series of light blue afterimages.

Dao Gang hit the earth tiger almost in the blink of an eye.

The light and shadow in the distance blurred for a while, and only the wind blade and earth-yellow light could be seen bursting into collision.

Those earthy awns are all coming out from the surface of the earth tiger's body, and it looks like a light mask.


A violent impact sounded.

The air near the impact point is compressed, looking like layers of white air waves.

These air waves eventually turned into shock waves, sweeping towards the surrounding areas unbridled.

This wasn't the end yet, what followed was the ax blade swung by Sigma.

The fierce electric arc sometimes spreads and sometimes condenses together.

It only takes a fraction of a second to go from the power grid to the blade.

There was almost no gap between the horizontal slash of the electric ax blade and the two light cyan wind demon blades wielded by the silent sword, and they were connected perfectly.

"Zi la..."

The bright and dazzling arc light flashed, instantly brightening the campus that had become gloomy due to the approaching sunset.

The scene was completely shrouded in electric light, making it impossible to see clearly what was going on inside.

"While it's now, it's paralyzed by the arc!"

"The white vine has solidified the ground, and it can't escape through the ground!"

The voice of the rugged man Sigma came out from the light.

The attack from the six-man squad had just begun.

What responded to him was the roar of the projectiles being fired and the sound of the arrows.



Not far away, an orange-red projectile flew towards him.

The projectile looked red and fiery, almost no different from a ball of magma.

Another three flying arrows came with blue-white water mist.

This is the [Lava Shot] and [Sparkling Water Arrow] fired by the twin brothers Liu Qian and Liu Queen.

They attach elemental powers to long-range weapons and can also launch powerful attacks.

After the projectile hit, another scene comparable to a volcanic eruption appeared in the lightning.

The magma exploded like fireworks, bringing scorching heat and scalding.

The three arrows covered with water mist formed a new reaction with the bursting flames.

A large amount of water vapor appears.

This caused the place to become hazy again after the white light dissipated.

The water vapor is misty.

There was a brief moment of silence.

These strange combos were completed within a few seconds, without any sloppiness.

The most important thing is that their moves are intertwined.

When the water vapor dispersed, the entire doorway changed.

The poured concrete porch collapsed.

Spider-web-like depressions appeared on the ground.

As soon as the poor earth tiger broke free from the shackles of the vines, it was wrapped in a black stone shell in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the severely damaged ground was unknowingly covered by a layer of white vines in order to isolate the ground tiger from the ground.

As an evil monster with earth-based abilities.

Isolate it from contact with the ground, and its capabilities will be greatly reduced.

The black stone shell turned the earth tiger into a stone statue.

The attacks launched by Sigma and Silent Sword are to break through the evil earth energy that automatically protects the body.

The water and fire attacks of the two Liu brothers were the real means of condensing this obsidian shell.

The function of the stone shell is still to trap and seal.

It's not to trap the earth tiger to death, but to master the rhythm of the battle!

From the moment the earth tiger appeared, the six-man team was ready.

They must firmly grasp the initiative in their own hands.

The purpose of this combination of skills is to defeat the Earth Tiger and weaken it as much as possible.

The advantage of Yiren is that his abilities are relatively explosive.

But like online games, there is CD time.

This time is not strictly digitized, but varies based on people and abilities.

In short, aliens cannot use their abilities continuously at will.

Just like Lilia before, she couldn't launch flame blasts multiple times in a short period of time.

In addition, the methods of alien individuals are relatively simple.

All of the above problems can be perfectly solved through teamwork.

Forming a team not only allows different members to complement and match their capabilities.

It can also control the battle rhythm through reasonable tactical arrangements so that the team can have the best output opportunity.

Speaking of which, it is somewhat similar to teaming up to fight a boss in a game.

So the alien is actually not as powerful as Rosen expected.

The earth tiger, which was completely wrapped in a black stone shell, fell heavily to the ground.

It hit the ground covered with white vines heavily, making a dull echo.

The six people did not approach rashly.

Sigma held the battle ax tightly, and his whole body was surrounded by thunder and lightning.

His hair stood straight up, and even his eyes had arcs of electricity flashing like tadpoles.

He looks majestic and has real electric eyes.

They are very confident in the sealing ability of the stone shell and do not seem to worry that the earth tiger will break free soon.

This kind of stone shell formed by condensation of fire elements is quite special.

Not that it's indestructible.

But because it is not a product of the earth element, Earth Tiger cannot use its ability to control the stone shell.

In addition, it is formed closely to the body surface of the cutworm, like an extremely fitting hard coat.

When the earth tiger broke free from the vines, its size skyrocketed again, which made the effect of the stone shell even better.

The fierce battle was short-lived.

The real fight only lasts a few seconds.

The heavy "stone statue" of cutworm stands quietly on a base made of vines.

Sigma was still the leader, and everyone did not relax their vigilance.

They all maintained a fighting state and were preparing for the next wave of ability offensive.

According to their hunting experience, this layer of stone shell can trap the cutworm for at least 20 seconds.

And this is enough for the team to prepare the next round of fatal blow.

Hunting is not a head-on fight, nor does it have to be a one-shot decision.

It is a game and an art.

Relaxation and reasonable regulation are the real foundation.

Use minimal losses to maximize advantages.

If necessary, you must be prepared for a second, third, or even fourth battle.

In addition to Sigma, Bai Teng's body surface sprouted fine roots like bean sprouts.

The roots danced slowly like fluff.

Just above her head, there were branches extending out from the soft hair.

Green leaves sprouted from the branches, and a small flower sprouted from the top.

All the roots are beating with surging vitality.

The child's gomer sword was completely surrounded by sharp wind blades, and it looked like a human-shaped tornado.

The bodies of brothers Liu Qian and Liu Hou, who were at the commanding heights not far away, were surrounded by the light of the elements.

Those are the powers of water and fire respectively.

Compared to others, these two brothers don't seem to be as powerful.

But using the characteristics of water and fire, the two brothers have many incredible combinations of moves.

The reconnaissance bee drone in the sky faithfully transmitted the battle situation to Rosen.

"A very interesting battle mode."

With the drone's bird's-eye view, he can have a panoramic view of the battle situation.

This is called God's perspective.

For Rosen, the previous battles were indeed full of visual effects.

In his eyes, the superpower system has outstanding advantages, but its shortcomings are also obvious.

It is not a complete transcendental path.

In fact, it is more like a split power.

But then again.

Although the individual aliens have obvious shortcomings, their overall strength after teaming up is indeed not weak.

And this is only the cooperative performance of the element system

If the special system and causal system have more weird and changeable methods, it will definitely be more exciting.

Rosen was not in a hurry to take action, he remained calm.

The reason is also very simple.

The life radio signal emitted by the earth tiger trapped in the stone shell is still stable.

This means the guy didn't have any serious injuries.

As long as you can escape from the stone shell, you will still be able to fight.

Although the six people cooperated tacitly and could synchronize their attacks within a few seconds, they obviously lacked the means to kill with one blow.

Even if there is, such a method is not easy to use.

It can be seen that they intend to "spawn monsters" without any harm.

So the real show hasn’t started yet!

Rosen's mind was spinning rapidly, analyzing the situation on the field.

Taking advantage of this brief pause, he paid attention to the Cailing woman who had been standing not far behind.

She still maintained her original posture.

Holding a short staff, he chanted with concentration.

The six-pointed star formation that appeared in front of her became more solid and was still rotating slowly.

Despite the intensity of the fight just now, only five of the six people actually made a move.

And this Cailing woman is undoubtedly one of their back-up men.

Rosen's face was full of interest.

After all, this is a new world for him.

So everything here is new and interesting.

After experiencing the wasteland and the eight wastelands, he was able to view these novel powers from a longer-term perspective.


Just when Rosen was getting excited.

The battlefield at the entrance of the college has undergone new changes.

A roar comparable to an explosion came.

The earth tiger finally broke free from the stone shell.

The entire black stone shell exploded instantly, and countless fragments of gravel swept out.

Each shot is as powerful as a rifle bullet.

Sigma and others used their own methods to resist the black stone fragments.

The current cutworms are covered in sharp, hard thorns.

Each thorn has the texture of crystal.

It relies on these crystal spikes that suddenly burst out from its body to break through the shackles of the stone shell.

The Tihu who had just escaped directly launched a sprint.

There are several striking slash wounds on its back shoulder blade.

The wound that should have been bloody and fleshy had a petrified effect, so not a drop of blood flowed out.

The slightly bulging belly proves its pregnancy status.

At this time, the cutworm looks like a big hedgehog.

It exerted force on its hind limbs and rushed out of the area covered by the vines.

The crystal spikes on his body were launched along the way.

It's buying itself time.

The result was still very smooth.

When it sets foot on real soil, the wounds on its body heal quickly.

The huge claws dug into the concrete.

The next moment, thorns sprouted up all around like mushrooms after rain.

These areas are probed very quickly.

From an overhead perspective, it looks like retractable fangs sprouting from the ground.

The short Silent Dao jumped up and avoided those thorns.

Sigma then struck the ground with his axe.

Thunder arcs surged on the ground, and the force of the recoil also allowed him to take off in a short distance.

As for the white vine, she had already shot out vines with her arms and swung away from the dead tree in the distance.

The Liu brothers were not affected by the thorns because they were far away.

They played very flexibly and did not choose to fight to the death.

The Earth Tiger Demon has some wisdom, after the large-scale ground thorns failed to achieve results.

The restlessness in its heart gradually faded away.

There was a hint of malice in the crimson beast eyes.

With a slight wave of his claws, there was a big pit on the ground.

In less than two strokes, half of its body sank into the ground.

This is to dig a hole and escape.


Sigma yelled.

The Cailing woman who had been singing finally stopped.

The six-pointed star's array was completely solidified.

Then suddenly disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was on top of the earth tiger's head.


A ferocious roar no less than that of a tiger appeared.

I saw a violent bear with a body length of more than four meters falling out of the six-pointed star formation!

This violent bear is extremely powerful and has blue and white transparent armor on its body.

It's made of frost.

The violent bear fell down and stepped on the hind limbs of the ground tiger before it had time to burrow into the ground.

The half-petrified hind limb shattered into pieces.

Even though it healed quickly, Dihu still cried out in pain.

This is not over yet, after landing, the violent bear seemed to have become a source of ice.

Centered on its landing point, the bone-chilling frost spread out.

Frozen white suddenly became the main color.

Both the potholes on the ground and the rubble exploded by the battle were all frozen.

This is the summoning ability of Niao Niao.

The long chanting pays off.

The Frost Storm Bear can fight head-on against level five evil monsters.

Coupled with the freezing effect of the frost system, it makes it even more invincible in terms of containment!

The curling eyes in the distance lost their pupils and turned into white.

She controls the Frost Bear with her mind.

If the violent bear is injured, she will also bear the mental trauma.

Seeing the freezing effect, Sigma and others immediately got up together.

They thoroughly implemented the sixteen-character motto of "we will retreat when the enemy advances, we will disturb the enemy when they are stationed, we will attack when the enemy is tired, and we will pursue the enemy when he retreats."

However, just when they were approaching the frozen area.

A new situation arises.

The entire ground collapsed and turned into a soft quagmire.

And it was spinning like a whirlpool.

The frozen ice shattered and became part of the vortex of the mire.

at the same time.

The edge dozens of meters away.

Mud walls rise from the ground...

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