I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 257 Chapter 0252: Get them all [Please subscribe]

Those mud walls were like soft clay.

It quickly shapes and becomes rounded, and then covers the entire area.

The combat effectiveness of elemental aliens or evil monsters depends largely on the environment.

For example, if a water-type alien is by the rivers, lakes and seas, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort when using related powers.

This is why Sigma and others try their best to isolate it from contact with the ground.

At the same time, this feature was also paid attention to by Rosen.

Although the abilities of the aliens are not comprehensive, it seems that everyone is the darling of the relevant elements.

The battlefield at the entrance of the college is huge.

The mud wall stretched spiritually and turned into a large upside-down mud bowl.

Just when Rosen thought that Dihu was going to trap and kill the team.

The whole big clay bowl collapsed.

This caused a mudslide on the flat ground.

The bodies of the team members and the violent bear were each covered with light of corresponding elements.

But he couldn't help being covered in mud.

As the mud slumps, the curing effect occurs.

The soft mud turned into hard scab.

Seeing this scene, Rosen couldn't help but give it a single bet of six.

The place where the two sides fought was not far from the minefield.

After completing this operation, the Earth Tiger Demon chose to run away.

There should be its nest in this engineering college.

According to the habits of cutworms, the location of the nest must be underground.

Rosen had searched around but couldn't find where the entrance was.

When I saw the direction it was running, I suddenly knew the answer.

It attempted to follow the main road into the school and reach the college's drainage channel.

There is an almost exhausted artificial lake in Haicheng Institute of Technology.

Just beside the lake you can see several thick drainage pipes with fences.

Drainage pipes like this generally belong to city sewer branches.

This means that the cutworm has set up its nest in the sewer.

Therefore, the fierce reaction of the earth tiger is not only due to the hunting instinct.

It's more about territorial awareness.

Thousands of thoughts, only a blink of an eye.

When Rosen guessed the location of the tiger's lair.

The earth tiger monster, running wildly, stepped into a minefield and stepped on a frozen mine.

The liquid nitrogen storage tank inside exploded, and white mist instantly dispersed and covered the surface of the earth tiger.

The sudden change caused the earth tiger's running posture to stagger.

With a slight deviation of his body, he stepped on the plasma mine buried nearby, and the blue plasma spread out like a donut.

Although it dissipated in an instant, it also caused great trauma to the earth tiger.

The instantaneous killing ability of plasma is very strong.

Enough to melt most alloys.

It can cause serious damage even to power armor.

Short-term immunity can only be achieved by equipping an energy shield.

Caught off guard, Dihu's right forelimb and shoulder were melted.


There was an angry roar and it tilted to one side.

Then let your body turn to earth and absorb the soil from the ground to repair itself.

This move may seem like a shameless move, but in fact, every repair consumes part of its physical strength.

This should have been an opportunity to beat the fallen tiger, but Rosen still didn't take action.

Because Sigma and others broke free from the solidified mud.

The majestic Frost Bear's body surface is stained with a lot of dirt.

Its nose exhaled cold air, and its eyes turned pure white.

A trace of blood slowly flowed from the right nostril of the Cailing woman who controlled it in the distance.

It's obvious that he's serious about it.

After such a battle, everyone looked disgraced.

Due to the obstruction of the mud, they did not see the land tiger stepping on the landmine with their own eyes.

But it doesn’t matter even if you see it.

They will never retreat easily after fighting till now.

The Froststorm Bear slapped its chest vigorously, and large ice flowers splashed.

His legs were as thick as pillars and he ran towards the earth tiger.

Every step leaves a frozen trail behind.

In terms of freezing effect alone, the freezing caused by its every move is even more powerful than liquid nitrogen.

Using it as an elemental refrigerant, wouldn't it develop extraordinary productivity?

Heavy violent bears trample the earth.

When Dihu had just recovered his right limb, it came behind him.

The white bear paw smacked down suddenly, as if it was going to crush everything.


The earth tiger's huge body suddenly fell downwards.

Countless chills drifted around.

One after another, ice spikes emerged from where the bear's paw struck.

They made the back of the earth tiger almost unrecognizable, as if an ice-edge flower had bloomed.

When these ice spikes emerged, they also brought with them a cloud of blood and dust.

The ground tiger was seriously injured, and its body could not turn to earth in time.

A large amount of blood gushes out, making the ice spikes glow a bright red.

By the time it allowed its body to belatedly enter the state of earth, the injury was already a foregone conclusion.

In pain, the earth tiger turned around and bit the violent bear's shoulder blade.

"Bang bang!"

The crackle of ice armor and bones appeared.

The strong bite force directly shattered the violent bear's shoulder blade and tore off large pieces of flesh.

This caused half of the violent bear's arms to droop, unable to exert any more force.


The Cailing woman in the distance spit out a large mouthful of blood and covered her shoulder.

At this time, Sigmar descended from the sky holding a battle ax.

"Silent Sword! Empress Liu! Thunder Cloud Storm!"

The veins on his forehead were bulging, showing a very decisive and fierce fighting style.

The whole body was filled with electric arcs.

All arcs spread spontaneously to the surroundings.

After he issued the command, Silent Sword sent out a light cyan wind tornado.

Queen Liu also shot several arrows with water mist attached to them.

After the arcs spread out, they condensed into two clouds with purple light in the air more than ten meters above the ground, and the water mist arrows shot into the clouds shortly after.

Let the two purple clouds be covered with a layer of water vapor.

Finally, there is the silent sword's wind tornado.

Its addition made the purple clouds surge and agitate.

After the three people took action, their faces turned pale.

But then the momentum of this move was extremely amazing!

I saw the purple thundercloud that softened the wind and water rapidly expanding in a very short period of time.

Covering a distance of about a hundred meters in radius.

The air smells of ozone.


There was lightning and thunder in the purple clouds.

There was also a strong wind blowing below.

Dead trees on the roadside were swaying, and gravel and rubble were flying in the wind.

Wherever the wind blew, whether it was brick walls or land, it left behind a series of slashed gullies.

That is what is left by the wind blade hidden in the wind.


Another sound of thunder appeared.

Ziyun struck out streaks of lightning as thick as an arm's length downwards.

There was also light rain falling simultaneously.

The dense rain formed a line and became a carrier of lightning transmission.

Along with the wind blade wrapped in it, the range of this move is large and fast.

They spread to minefields and exploded many mines.

Fortunately, the thundercloud struck with such force that the exploded mines were less conspicuous.

After being injured, the Frost Bear also made a counterattack.

While it kept slapping the Earth Tiger with its giant palm, it opened its big mouth and spit out a strong stream of cold air. The Earth Tiger's body was frozen visibly to the naked eye.

Bearing the blow of the thunderstorm forcefully.

The scene was chaotic and nothing could be seen clearly.


A few seconds later, a shrill roar appeared.

It contains a sense of dying sadness.

The ground exploded with a bang, as if someone had planted high explosives underground.

The whole ground shook upward.

Then, a broken giant shadow rushed out from the rain curtain.

Like a disjointed locomotive moving at high speed.

It was an earth tiger with only half of its body left.

It was extremely miserable at this time, with its entire lower body torn apart.

The hope that had been conceived was completely shattered, and even the vitality was like a candle in the wind.

Hunting is so cruel.

The tiger that rushed out rushed towards Liu Qian who was at the edge of the battlefield, holding a blunderbuss.

The speed is extremely fast, and there are earth-yellow tracks floating behind him.

This is a sign of all the power it brings to the body.

"Fire Shield!"

Caught off guard, Liu Qian was unable to avoid it.

He only had time to throw out a palm-sized red turtle shell.

It is branded with runes representing the element of fire and protection.

The turtle shell suddenly lit up, creating a shield of flames that stood in front of him at the last moment.

The earth tiger looks ferocious.

It’s hard to imagine that such a feline brain could convey such profound emotions.

Its remains shattered the fire shield.

He pulled off half of Liu Qian's arm with his sharp mouth.

He fell heavily to the ground with severed limbs and spilled blood.

"Liu Qian!"

Queen Liu, who was guarding the other side, exclaimed.

Others felt relieved in their hearts.

The sprint just now was the last counterattack that the exhausted Earth Tiger could make.

Next comes the last hit and collecting the loot.

As for Liu Qian who lost an arm, they were very sorry.

But this is the awareness you should have when participating in hunting.

Afterwards, go to Mokomeng Town and pay a certain price to have a doctor with high-level healing ability restore the severed limb.

Just as the thunderstorm dispersed, Sigma jumped up to prepare for a last strike.

A sudden change occurred!

Small missiles approaching three times the speed of sound are coming.

The missiles exploded with a bang.

Some exploded, others sent up large clouds of smoke.

Powerful sleeping gas and anesthetics dispersed instantly.

Technology from the wasteland makes it powerful enough to paralyze a group of deathclaws.

And there are many modes of action. In addition to inhalation, skin contact can also have effects.

The explosion was instead used to disrupt their defenses.

The radiance of the elements can provide some insulation.

So an explosion is needed to disturb the isolation effect.

The real highlight is the sleeping gas and anesthetics.

Rosen paid attention to the changes in the radio signals of life in the field.

As the gas and anesthetic are diluted by the wind.

The scene was peaceful.

Everyone fell to the ground unconscious.

This wave of diluted gas is estimated to affect living things within a one kilometer radius.

What a hearty anesthetic feast.

Lilia was wearing a simple protective suit and stood by the window of the teaching building with a dull expression.

And Rosen is even more unscrupulous, because the power armor comes with three defenses.

Speaking of these gases and anesthetics, they are of little significance to warriors who can take advantage of them at any time.

Because warriors can basically breathe internally, it’s just a matter of how long it takes.

It can also vigorously disperse gases and debris from the body surface.

It's completely possible to be completely clean in a short period of time.

But after these strangers experienced the war, they were bombarded by the magic tongue missile.

It’s normal for everyone to be knocked unconscious when caught off guard.

After the explosion subsided slightly, those Xiaowei No. 1 were dispatched.

They held tough steel wire ties and tied everyone into rice dumplings.

In order to prevent these guys from using supernatural powers to escape.

Subsequently, ropes made of composite materials that are impervious to water and fire were added.

Finally, put a slave collar on your neck.

All six members of the team were captured.

One of them lost a limb and two suffered minor injuries.

In addition, the Cailing woman's mental energy was seriously exhausted.

Rosen could only contain it temporarily.

At the same time, the corpse of the cutworm was dissected.

A fist-sized gestation evil crystal and an earth-yellow bead were dug out from the back of his head.

The beads have a certain resonance with the soil and rocks.

It seems to be some kind of rare thing, because even Lilia doesn't know what it is.

But it’s definitely related to the earth element.

Rosen put no effort in the whole process, but he enjoyed the show.

I also have an intuitive understanding of the fighting methods of strangers and evil monsters in [The Realm of Evil Disaster].

But compared to this world that also has a self-consistent system, this understanding is still relatively superficial, but at least it is much better than before.

Rosen is not in a hurry, he can explore the world slowly.

After collecting the loot, there were traces of destruction as usual.

Put away the heavy firepower deployed previously.

The scene was destroyed with flames and explosions.

Then he came to the entrance of the sewer,

After a closer inspection, he found that one of the drainage pipe fences was indeed damaged.

Following this long-drained drainage pipe, Rosen found the lair of the cutworm.

There are piles of corpses here, and a large amount of unknown minced meat is also stored.

The minced meat was in a semi-dried state and piled up into a hill in the corner.

It should be food prepared by cutworms after giving birth.

Now it seems that all these preparations were in vain.

Its children lost the chance to be born.

Without much emotion, he would not be able to empathize with evil spirits.

You must know that excessive sympathy is also a recipe for death.

This is especially true for random empathy,

After rummaging through the pile of corpses, Rosen actually found something.

Includes a leather backpack, a relatively good storage bag and a small box.

In addition, most of the items in the pile of bones were severely damaged.

Occasionally there are weapons left that are incomplete.

It is worth mentioning that Rosen also saw a line of twisted black runes in the corner of the wall.

Rosen didn’t recognize him, but that didn’t stop him from recording it first.

After the exploration, when he walked out of the drainage pipe, it was completely dark outside.

Two moons hang high in the sky.

The two-color moonlight casts a strange color on the earth.

No matter how much noise you make during the day, it doesn't matter.

Because high-level evil monsters are relatively scattered and have their own territories.

And low-level evil monsters don't dare to approach the territory of high-level evil monsters rashly.

Therefore, during the battle in the evening, there were no other evil spirits disrupting the situation.

But things are different at night.

As night falls, moon evil monsters appear all over the city.

This includes the area where the university town is located.

There was a huge green mantis walking outside the academy.

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