I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 261 Chapter 0256: Time flies, return to the wasteland [Please subscribe]

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, Rosen would go to the Jianwu Hall where Chen Yunling was to practice as usual.

The little fat Zong Shenchen and Su Fengwen saw that he was the only one returning, but there was no trace of Qin Yujiao.

I was also deeply confused.

However, Rosen and Qin Yujiao's mission involved sect secrets, so they did not dare to ask more questions.

Among them, Su Fengwen admired Qin Yujiao.

So I had the courage to ask Chen Yunling in private.

What he got was a cold scolding.

He even felt a trace of murderous aura leaking out of Chen Yunling.

Xiantian realm warriors have long been able to control murderous aura freely.

Unless the mood swings are too intense.

These situations made him feel bad.

In the end, Su Fengwen approached Rosen again because he and Qin Yujiao were absent from class at almost the same time.

At the foot of Yunfeng, Su Fengwen caught up with Rosen, who was about to return to the hospital.

Not all disciples can enter this Yunfeng Peak.


"I have something to ask you..."

Su Fengwen chased after him, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

He was eager to know the whereabouts of Qin Yujiao.

Because many times, coincidences are never just coincidences.

Rosen, whose arms were wrapped in boxing cloths, stopped in front of Yunfeng's path after hearing his voice.

Turning around, he looked at Su Fengwen calmly.

"What's wrong?"

In fact, he doesn't have much contact with Su Fengwen.

On the contrary, I would chat with the little fat man from time to time.

Sometimes Su Fengwen would join in.

He heard the little fat man call Rosen Asen, so he started shouting that too.

Facing this face as calm as an ancient well.

The words Su Fengwen had been holding back for a long time suddenly choked in his throat.

His throat slid, and he swallowed hard before asking eagerly.

"A Sen, do you really not know the whereabouts of Yu Jiao?"

"We are all from the same sect, don't lie to me!"

When he talked about the second half, his expression subconsciously became a little ferocious.

After all, he came from a gangster background, and Su Fengwen's training was indeed hard.

He and the little fat man go there every three days, but they are always the first to arrive.

Therefore, Su Fengwen and Qin Yujiao were both jokingly called "morning monsters" by Rosen.

But in terms of human relations and sophistication, this guy is just a fool.

The gangs in the Bahuang Realm have no favors to care about, and their status is determined only by their fists.

When facing Chen Yunling, he was submissive, but when facing Rosen, he punched hard.

Hearing his threatening question, Rosen narrowed his eyes.

The next moment, air waves surged, Su Fengwen bowed like a shrimp, and his whole body flew backwards under the blow of Shengyun Jin.


There was a little white energy rippling from the tip of Rosen's fist.

It was a sudden compressed airflow.

Su Fengwen flew four to five feet away and did not stop until he hit the rock wall.

When he fell, a stream of blood mist spurted out of his mouth.


Although he and Rosen are both in the strong bone realm.

Even in terms of the progress of the realm alone, Su Fengwen is still far ahead.

But this does not mean that he is better than Rosen.

At least with a bit of brute force, Rosen was able to get away from him.

The reason is also very simple.

Because Rosen had been injected with an E-class gene-enhancing agent.

The potion not only improved his martial arts qualifications, but also enhanced his basic strength.

Either don't take action, or make the final decision.

He had no intention of arguing with Su Fengwen.

Looking at the other party's face twisted in pain, Rosen still said in a calm tone.

"I said I didn't know."

"If you continue to be so presumptuous, I will kill you directly next time."

"Remember, I am the direct disciple of Elder Jinshen, and you are only the disciple of Elder Xiantian. In terms of seniority, you are one level behind me. Remember to call me Senior Brother Luo from now on."

After saying that, he turned around and left, embarking on the path of Yunfeng.

If it was a life and death fight, Rosen had more than a hundred ways to kill him.

He put this little episode behind him in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yujiao's matter is not just a secret that Rosen wants to keep.

The sect itself is also guilty.

Su Fengwen was seriously injured by his punch this time. Not only was he unable to regain his position, but he might also be beaten by his own direct master in the future.

Back in the hospital, Rosen took a shower as usual.

Then watch Chen Yunling’s demonstration.

Tonight is his last night in the sect for a while.

He said hello to Zou Xiao and asked for 14 days of leave.

He will return to Tianmen in these 14 days to follow up on the progress.

By the way, the accumulated goods will be transported to the wasteland.

Then he focused on the wasteland for a while.

I mainly do two things during this time.

The first thing is to get a D-level gene enhancement potion while the order in Golden Sunshine Street still exists.

The half-year interval has passed and he can get a shot at any time.

The second thing is to follow Yuan Yewen to participate in the competitive competition and obtain high-level gene enhancement potions.

Take the opportunity to visit other large settlements to check out the situation.

If possible, it is actually much better to go out for a walk more than to stay behind closed doors.

The situation in the wasteland is ever-changing.

The Golden Sunshine Block and Double Z forces, who thought that a dispute would break out at any time, actually delayed a full-scale war until November.

The mysterious spores that originally had a sudden increase in concentration in the ruins of the city have mysteriously disappeared recently.

And because of the existence of the Double Z forces, the conflicts within the Golden Sunshine Block have also been suppressed.

When there are foreign enemies, it is difficult for a civil war to break out.

Even the most daring careerists are afraid of encountering foreign enemies during the civil war and being plucked by other forces.

As long as the Double Z forces still exist, the civil war in the neighborhood will not break out so easily.

These actually have nothing to do with Rosen, he is just a small role in the wasteland.

With a camp of two to three thousand people, his reputation is not outstanding in front of those powerful people.

But in fact, the reason why he paid close attention to the changes in the neighborhood was because he had already set his sights on the Golden Sunshine neighborhood.

Relying on blunt development, maybe in ten or eight years, he will be able to create a settlement with his own hands that is no less impressive than Golden Sunshine.

But this is too slow.

It is far less efficient than directly annexing the Golden Sunshine District.

But this idea, from the current point of view, is no less than a small python swallowing an elephant——

--wishful thinking!

So he needs an opportunity, a suitable entry point.

After washing, Rosen lay on the bed.

My mind subconsciously reviewed everything.

He is the only free intersection of the three worlds.

How to make good use of the respective advantages and complementary resources of the three worlds is the key.

It only took more than half a year for the ancient key in the sea of ​​consciousness to appear.

His life today has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Of course, this is compared to life during the scavenger period.

Regarding that slightly mysterious life experience, he was curious, but not anxious.

It is extremely irrational to care about an unknown past.

In the future, he will wait for his spiritual cultivation to improve, or to find a reliable spiritual person or someone with memory-related abilities in the [Realm of Evil Disasters].

Then he can try to trace the origins of his past.

The key that appeared in the dream, as well as the fragments that appeared in the unconscious dream, all represent that his past is definitely not simple.

And the key to all this seems to be hidden in dreams.

He shook his head to get rid of the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

I closed my eyes, breathed out a few times, and quickly fell into sleep.

A dreamless night.

The next day, before dawn, Rosen went down the mountain carrying a simple bag.

He does come and go freely.

After reporting to Zou Xiao in advance, no one stopped him from entering or exiting the mountain gate.

The previous apprenticeship meeting allowed him to show his face in front of the entire sect.

Although it was a bit arrogant, it did avoid a lot of trouble.

As the saying goes, look at the Buddha's face without looking at the monk's face.

Even if there are people who are jealous or envious of Rosen, no one dares to trouble him or use him to establish his authority because of Zou Xiao's face.

As for Su Fengwen's love brain, it's just an example.

Descend the mountain and enter the town in one go.

He came to the Zongmen Stables and used the token to take out the Western black horse that was fostered here.

Rosen bought some dry food at the nearest market in the town, and then rode away on a black horse.

In fact, he can choose to fly back with K-0.

But the black horse of Xifan trudged continuously, and in fact it was not much slower.

These exotic horses are also a little bit extraordinary. Both in terms of speed and endurance, they are much stronger than ordinary horses.

Although galloping on horseback is bumpy, it is not a lot of fun once you get used to it.

Rosen has been thinking about a lot of things lately.

In fact, life is just like this.

With his mind relaxed and no immediate existential crisis in sight, he decided to slow down.

On this day, heading east from the Yu Mansion, there was a black shadow riding away from the dust!

Early the next morning.

Rosen returned to Jinmen.

The main body of the new fortress of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association has been completed.

Currently, the other half of the street has been converted into a martial arts training ground.

Stables and other building facilities were also prepared.

Since that battle, the Iron Man Martial Arts Association's reputation has grown greatly.

In the past two months, thousands of warriors have traveled from all over Tianqing to seek refuge.

The power of the martial arts association has grown several times stronger than before.

The former Jinmen government huddled in the old city and completely abandoned the port area and other urban areas.

On the other hand, the people inside and outside Jinmen are living a relatively stable life again.

At least there are far fewer wars and bandits.

Rosen stayed in Jinmen for three days.

I went shopping with Zhang Yuening, and personally inspected several construction areas with Zhang Zhenyu.

Currently, building materials are plentiful, but construction robots are missing the mark.

Maybe it's because of working overtime.

Several construction robots are experiencing problems.

This makes construction efficiency plummet.

While Rosen was back, he could just bring these robots back to the neighborhood for repairs.

I didn't stay in Jinmen for too long.

He activated [Time Travel] in the old fortress on the outskirts and returned directly to the wasteland.

I quickly checked the situation of the camp and arranged the tasks for the new stage.

Rosen chose to go to the Golden Sunshine District.

With the end of the wind season, the streets in the neighborhood are less busy and crowded than in previous months.

Many wandering mercenaries and hunters have left here and returned to the settlements in the south.

The winter there is more comfortable than here.

The weather is getting colder.

Acid rain occurs frequently and the cold wind howls.

Cold acid rain falls in the morning, evening and dusk.

They will cause a lot of trouble in production and construction.

It doesn't bode well for the homeless survivors.

When scavenging, every time there is frequent acid rain, the time spent out can only be shortened.

The old-fashioned survivors called it the tears shed by God.

Acid rain accelerates the collapse of ruins.

It is gradually reducing the remains of human civilization to nothing.

For survivors, acid rain can also contaminate water supplies along with radiation.

Destroys the durability of buildings and equipment.

Damage to plants can also be fatal.

Edible mutant plants have good acid and alkali resistance.

However, if you are exposed to acid rain for a long time, you will inevitably die.

It is said that a few years ago.

It rained heavily around Shenhai for three months.

There is everything in the rain.

Radioactive dust particles, highly toxic compounds, non-degradable plastic fibers…

Therefore, you can often see light green puddles on the roadside.

That's also caused by rain and radiation.

In a sense, rainfall is a weather vane of climate change in the wasteland.

There is no such thing as "good rain" here.

All of the above means that the climate conditions in the wasteland have not really improved.

The precious hunting season brings only an illusory illusion of prosperity.

When the hunting season ends, all illusions are shattered.

Of course, Golden Sunshine Street is still undoubtedly the largest residential area in the neighborhood.

Wandering on the streets which were much deserted than before.

Plastic garbage swirled away from his feet in the street wind.

The wind also blew his hair.

The men of Yunjianmen have the habit of growing their hair.

Following the rules, Rosen started to grow his hair.

He would shave the sides and tie up the long hair on his head.

It doesn't look girly.

Behind him, there was Xiaowei No. 1, who was towing a large manual trailer similar to a pickup truck, which contained several construction robots that needed repair.

The hunting season is over and some prices have plummeted.

In addition to getting potions and repairing robots, he was also planning to stock up on a batch of supplies when he came to the neighborhood this time.

The transaction with Golden Ear in the past two months allowed him to accumulate a lot of dark crystals.

This dark crystal still has to be spent in exchange for supplies.

Energy is of course precious, but he doesn't have much energy demand yet.

And he earns dark crystals very quickly.

After working together for several months, Golden Ear paid more and more attention to him.

The cooperative hotel has also been completed and opened for business.

With a stable supply of ingredients, the hotel quickly gained a reputation.

Rosen didn't have time to go there in person, but an encrypted electronic account book would be delivered every month.

A formal dividend was also sent together.

The premise of cooperation is that everyone can make money. If this premise is met, it will be the honeymoon period.

So now Golden Ear can't wait to hold Rosen in the palm of his hand.

Life here in the wasteland has also begun to enter a relaxed mode.

It's just that there is no permanent ease in the world, only a moment of peace.

Taking advantage of this great opportunity, what Rosen needs to do is still strengthen his own power.

Blacksmith need its own hardware.

Strength is the best talisman.

Other strategies are just stopgaps.

Including the cooperation with Golden Ears, they are essentially just using each other.

Don't treat business as friendship.

vice versa!

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