I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 262 Chapter 0257: The gradual progression of the cross lines [Please subscribe]

Rosen first sent those engineering robots to the maintenance workshop.

One of the most sought-after professions in the wasteland is that of the mechanic.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as you master the relevant skills of a mechanic, even a novice can make a living.

Because demand determines everything.

Mechanical products are almost every wastelander's closest companion.

Not limited to robots, but also various related armored vehicles and mechanical equipment.

So in terms of maintenance, any workshop that can gain a foothold in the neighborhood has a few brushes.

In less than half an hour, the faults of these construction robots were eliminated.

Rosen also asked the mechanics to replace the worn parts and perform maintenance on them.

Every gap in the gear compartment is coated with high-temperature grease.

Electric pumps used to transport concrete were also maintained.

Just like his power armor needs maintenance from time to time, most mechanical products also need regular maintenance, and the machinery itself has limitations on working hours and working conditions.

Check the maintenance status carefully.

After confirming that everything was correct, Rosen simply paid and left.

There was no hesitation, not even haggling.

That time-wasting disguise is completely unnecessary.

Now he has the ability to deal with the coveting of those bits and pieces.

In fact, neither the squatting predators nor the lone rangers would have any idea of ​​him.

Because at this time Rosen looked like a senior wasteland warrior.

Robbing him was a thankless task.

Rosen temporarily stored these robots, including Xiaowei No. 1, who was responsible for towing, with Otok.

Two or three months later, Ottok still looks lazy.

He began planning for retirement.

Gradually, the business was reduced and the inventory was significantly reduced.

The arms factory in Black Town only operates 15% of its production capacity.

Most of what is produced is ammunition.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the number of soldiers in Black Town.

Although Otok plans to retire, his industry is still there after all.

An unguarded property is dangerous.

What's more, those Black Town soldiers were all trained by him. Not only were they loyal, but their combat qualities were no less than those of the elite in the neighborhood corps.

When Rosen saw Ottok, he was using a sharp cutter to cut open the mutated mole-tanned leather in Old Jim's Shoe Shop.

This guy actually started working as a shoemaker.

And he had a leisurely smile on his face while he was working.

Rosen, who had a keen sense of perception, could detect that he was feeling joy from the bottom of his heart.

As the largest weapons dealer in all the survivor settlements around Shenhai City.

Ottok can also be considered a hero.

But he was completely different from the powerful men in Rosen's impression.

This is true whether it is his living habits or his character.

"Hi, Asen."

"You sit down first. Don't leave in a hurry. I have something to tell you. Let's just have a drink."

"But you have to wait until I finish the work at hand. It's not my style to give up halfway."

Noticing Rosen's arrival, Otok, who was sitting on the small bench, raised his head and raised his arms with a smile.

Hearing this, he smiled back, and then leaned against the metal shelf filled with the smell of tanning potion with his hands folded across his chest.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Ottok placed the cutting knife on the tool rack.

Holding the cut leather in hand, he walked into the workshop inside the shoe store.

He stretched out and walked out of the store again, casually took off his apron, and took out two bottles of water beer from the cabinet next to him.

"My little buddy."

"It seems we haven't seen each other for a while."

Ottok raised the wine bottle and said in a casual tone.

Rosen, who was leaning on the shelf next to him, popped open the bottle cap with his fingers, raised his neck and took a sip.

When the slightly astringent bubbles poured into his throat, he exhaled comfortably.

Then he said softly "Yeah".

He immediately turned his head and looked at Ottok with a serious look on his face.

"Old man, when are you leaving?" Rosen asked.

The question made Otok yawn.

"It should be before December."

"I have to take care of Black Town's belongings, and I have to pick a suitable weather."

"When the time comes, we will fly directly to the north from Golden Sunshine."

He flattened his palms and made a flying gesture.

Rosen nodded and said no more.

At this time, Ottok suddenly said: "Don't worry, my little guy."

He shook the beer bottle, causing bubbles to escape from the bottle.

"Before disposing of the Black Town property, I will free up 20% of the production lines and sell them to you first as agreed."

"There are also Black Town soldiers and the vehicles and ordnance they are equipped with. If you need them, they will all be packaged for you."

"They are the best warriors in the wasteland."

"I know what you want."

“Get your wallet ready, they won’t let you down.”

"And you only have one chance."

Otok gave him a meaningful look.

The relationship between the two is pretty good.

But Ottok would not hand over his huge industry to Rosen.

He has an unusual pursuit of wealth.

In fact, he has already accumulated a huge fortune.

On the surface, Otok seems to be just a salty fish tycoon with a loose personality, a bit greedy for money, and who only wants to retire.

Rosen felt that things were not that simple.

Ortok may have his own desires and mission.

On this issue, Rosen has a good sense of proportion.

Because none of this has anything to do with it.

He and Otok are like crossed lines, and they will drift apart after their intersection.

After a moment of silence, Rosen nodded lightly.

"I see."

"I'll come back to you in ten days."

It was only early November.

There were only a few days left before the competitive competition he was going to participate in.

But Otok won't leave until the end of the month.

The disposal of assets inherently takes time.

This is especially true for a large asset like this.

If you want to handle it completely, there is still a lot of preparation work to be done.

"no problem."

"At that time, just go directly to Black Town."

“My warehouse on the block is almost empty.”

"By the way, this underground warehouse can also be transferred."

"Old Jim plans to stay here."

Ottok returned to his smiling demeanor and said unhurriedly.

In this regard, Rosen just nodded without saying a word.

He drank the beer in his hand silently.

Rosen was about to leave.

He didn't feel any regrets, he just wished Ottok a good future in his heart.

If you want to say goodbye, let's save it for the real separation.

Waving his hands, he walked toward the street with steps like the wind.

Looking at his back, Ottok suddenly shouted.


This made Rosen stop and turned his head in confusion.

"Please take care of old Jim while I'm not here."

"He is old and lame, and his eyesight is not working well."

"In return, I will give you a 90% off friendly price, hehe."

After hearing his words, Rosen raised the corners of his mouth.

But he didn't say anything, he just raised his hand and made an OK gesture.

Then he walked away again.

Seeing this, Otok smiled reassuringly.

In the past six months, he had seen Rosen's character.

Either you don't agree, but as long as you agree, you will basically try your best to do it.

For Rosen, it was just a piece of cake.

With his current power, it is very simple to take care of an old shoemaker.

Anyway, the camp also sent a team of personnel to the Golden Sunshine Block.

The main task of this team is to keep an eye on neighborhood dynamics.

Rotate every two weeks.

When the time comes, just send someone to keep an eye on Old Jim's Shoe Store.

After all, he understood that he still owed Ottok a favor.

When he was attacked by the Universal Business Alliance, he relied entirely on Ottok to help him out.

And he is also maintaining an amazing growth rate.

In Ottok's view, no matter what secrets Rosen had.

He will eventually make his mark in the future.

More than ten minutes later, Jinyangguang District Medical Station.

In addition to treating patients, it can also install biological nerves, mechanical prostheses, and inject genetic enhancement drugs.

The main body of the medical station is a four-story building with a dedicated courtyard.

There are also high-temperature incinerators for treating medical waste.

There are neighborhood guards inside and outside the medical station.

Moreover, this is also one of the firepower and air defense points in the outer circle.

In terms of ownership, the medical station belongs to Al Biotech among the four major consortiums.

The neighborhood agreed to open

Aierson's general manager Hong Yuanting played an important role in injecting D and E-level gene-enhancing drugs for free.

Facing the harsh wasteland environment.

Not restricting the injection of low-level gene-enhancing agents would allow more people to survive.

As long as the high-end potions are well controlled, the four major consortiums' rule over the Golden Sunshine District will not be affected.

But as early as half a month ago, the medical station suddenly stopped the injection business of D-level gene enhancement drugs.

The order was given directly by the top management of El Bio.

Since then, the medical station has been unable to obtain a supply of D-class pharmaceuticals.

At this time, Rosen was standing in the corner next to the injection room, talking quietly with a doctor wearing a white isolation suit.

"Can't you really be accommodating?"

"I'll pay double."

"Just get the D-level gene enhancement potion and give it to me."

Rosen took out a small storage bag filled with dark crystals and stuffed it into the doctor's hands.

The doctor wearing isolation glasses glanced at him, his eyes hesitant.

But in the end he didn't accept it.

He replied awkwardly.

"The medical station's inventory has long been exhausted."

"Now the only place in the neighborhood that can get the medicine is the company headquarters."

"The second is the company's biopharmaceutical laboratory."

"Of course, we don't rule out the possibility that some foreign merchants will have potions on hand..."

After hearing the doctor's words, Rosen quietly stuffed another bag of dark crystals into it.

Feeling the heavy weight, the other party swallowed unconsciously.

Before he could hesitate, Rosen stuffed another bag of dark crystals.

Three bags of dark crystals, six times the normal injection price!

"Can it be done?"

he asked in a deep voice.


"I'll bring the potion in two days."

The doctor's expression changed, and he was moved by the heroic handwriting.

Greed in the heart overcomes fear of risk

But Rosen shook his head.

"It's been too long. I'll wait for you in the hospital courtyard tomorrow morning."

"I will give you an additional 500 points of Dark Crystal!"

He is too lazy to talk, and there is no need to waste words when things can be done with money.

There were still two days before the departure date agreed between him and Yuan Yewen.

Therefore, Rosen can stay in the Golden Sunshine District until tomorrow night at most.

After finalizing the matter and leaving behind a bag of dark crystals, Rosen left happily.

He wasn't worried that the doctor would regret it.

You have to be conscious to do this kind of thing.

Not accepting the offer and regretting it after accepting the offer are two different things. The latter can easily lead to retaliation.

In the relatively loosely governed outer circles, murder is nothing unusual.

Drainage pipe grates are often clogged with human tissue and bone fragments.

Their origins are self-evident.

After initially settling the matter, Rosen headed straight for Golden Ear's stronghold.

He found Commissioner No. 7 and briefly explained the follow-up transactions.

Before leaving the camp, Rosen stored a batch of fresh meat in the cold storage.

A lot of canned and freeze-dried vegetables were also stuffed into the warehouse.

When he went to Jiangcheng to participate in the competition, the nitrogen-sealed vegetables could only be used for the last batch of stocks.

Just in case, you can use freeze-dried vegetables to deal with it for a while by changing the dishes.

The flavor gap between the two is huge, but as long as you explain it in advance, it will be fine for ten days and a half.

Even freeze-dried vegetables are still considered a luxury item for the survivors of the wasteland world.

Commissioner No. 7 seemed to know what Rosen was going to do.

But now he has learned to be smart and understands the truth of being a good friend even if you don't tell the truth.

I also understand who I can be clever with and who I can’t be clever with.

The two exchanged recent information.

This is one of the perks that comes with being a Golden Ear collaborator.

Most real-time information is free to him.

"Testing on unknown spores has yielded new results."

"It is unresponsive to the vast majority of free gases and substances."

"There is a proliferative response only to an unknown ray of negligibly low intensity."

"That ray is not in the known observational map."

"Let's call them alpha rays."

"Currently, there is no effective research method for this ray."

"The recent disappearance of mysterious spores in the ruins of Shenhai City is related to changes within the Double Z forces."

"But no matter what, this crisis should not break out yet."

"The four major consortiums in the Golden Sunshine District can still barely maintain restraint."

"It's just that as far as I know, the four major consortiums have not opened the alliance for a month."

“It used to be done once a week.”

Commissioner No. 7 was talking eloquently, and Rosen, who was sitting opposite him, also listened very carefully.

He didn't say a word.

Commissioner No. 7, who was wiping the electronic lenses, then added.

"By the way, Noah has started to be active on the surface frequently recently."

"The main event location happens to be in Shenhai."

"Noa's commissioner, the bionic monsters, and several biologists from the Northern Victoria region formed a sample collection team."

"They were active in the Shenhai ruins and collected at least hundreds of samples, including unknown spores."

"The four major consortiums speculate that the anomalies within the Double Z forces may be related to Noah."

"Of course, this is just speculation."

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