I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 263 Chapter 0258: Intelligence, departure for Jiangcheng [Please subscribe]

Rosen heard his words and asked curiously: "Noah?"

Commissioner No. 7 nodded.

This made him even more confused.

"Didn't Noah always adopt the principle of avoiding the world?"

"Those guys never seem to need to get resources from the ground."

"Occasionally showing up is also to attract the talents they like."

Rosen's words made Commissioner No. 7 reveal an intriguing smile.

"It seems that Mr. Zhang also knows something about Noah."

"That's certainly been the case in the past."

"They have rarely done anything like this for at least the last decade."

"This just shows that the unknown spores and the heterogeneous ecology in Shenhai City are undergoing some changes that we cannot detect yet."

"After all, Noah's technical achievements in the fields of biochemistry and bionic machinery were at the top level before the war."

"They are also one of the few organizations whose technical reserves have increased instead of falling after the Great Destruction."

The current Rosen has certain authority within Golden Ears.

Therefore, No. 7 has a lot of extended news that can be told to him.

Rosen lowered his head and thought, then nodded slightly in realization.

"Golden Ear should be following up on this information closely, right?"

"Anyone who knows these things will easily guess that sooner or later something will happen in Shenhai City."

"By then, Jinguangguang Street, as the largest residential area around Shenhai, will probably bear the brunt of the impact."

he asked tentatively.

At this time, Commissioner No. 7 gave a somewhat serious answer.


"The mysterious force with the double Z mark has a strange origin."

"We consulted some classified files from before the war."

"I found that the shelters occupied by those guys were all affiliated to the Shenhai garrison and the official reconstruction agency before the war."

"It often reserves a large amount of ordnance, war vehicles, advanced experimental equipment, special talents, etc."

"These shelters were once the hope for Shenhai's reconstruction and are not in the regular sequence."

"But it was inexplicably occupied by those people."

"So we have reason to suspect that they completed their planning before the big bust happened."

"This plan requires a withered and disordered world to implement."

"In addition, based on feedback from our foreign attachés."

"Except Shenhai, there seem to be traces of Double Z forces hiding in other areas,"

"But the scale is not as good as Shenhai's."

"Please don't worry, Mr. Zhang."

"If anything unusual happens, we will notify you as soon as possible."

At the end of the sentence, he took the initiative to express comfort.

But in fact, Rosen didn't care about this, but he didn't explain anything to Commissioner No. 7.

Instead, he smiled and thanked her.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

The rare courtesy made No. 7 feel flattered.

You must know that since his attempt to induce Rosen to go to the Sihai Street Police Station to test the void beast failed.

Rosen rarely had a good look towards him.

He keeps a straight face most of the time.

A few times, he even showed a hint of murderous intent.

At that time, No. 7 even had the illusion of facing the Deathclaw.

"You're... you're welcome."

"The boss has already given instructions. You are one of Golden Ears' most important customers."

This made Commissioner No. 7's expression become more solemn.

The smile on Rosen's face became even bigger.

"I'm still not sure about that mysterious force."

"After all, the camp has only been established for a few months and has no ability to withstand the risk of major fluctuations in the region."

"So I hope that you can send relevant information to the camp regularly in the future. This is very important to me."

"By the way, I have one more thing to ask you for help this time."

"Please help me purchase the supplies on this list."

He grinned and looked particularly cheerful.

In fact, he unceremoniously asked Commissioner No. 7 to run errands for him.

Again, don’t treat business as friendship.

Regarding the convenience that Golden Ears can bring, it is simply a waste of time.

Because the relationship between the two parties is maintained by interests rather than favors.

So whether he uses it or not, Golden Ear's attitude towards him will not change.

As for cultivating favors, Rosen never considered it at all.

If you talk to an organization with an intelligence background like this, you won't even know that your bones have been swallowed.

And he had no chance to cultivate a relationship with Jin Yangguang’s boss, Tie Xin.

Talking about living and dying together and fighting side by side is even more nonsense. There is no such opportunity at all.

So there is no need to think about comparing one's heart to one's heart.

People are concentrating on talking about money with you, but you are talking about relationships with others. Isn’t this a false statement?

Therefore, Rosen was never polite when he took advantage of the convenience brought by Golden Ears.

After taking the list, Commissioner No. 7 took a look at it and nodded in agreement without changing his expression.

"Please wait…"

Coaxing Rosen, this cash cow, is the most important task for him and No. 5 these days.

As long as the existing cooperation model is maintained, Golden Ear can earn at least 30 million to 40 million more dark crystals every year through this method.

Especially high-end hotels.

Rare and high-quality dishes have become the best means of attracting customers.

The follow-up projects prepared by Golden Ear in the hotel are the biggest money-drawers.

In just over a month, it has become the new favorite of the big guys in the Hangzhou Liantong District.

Even traveling merchants and wealthy loners from outside are willing to pay to try it out.

Looking at the back of No. 7 walking out, Rosen leaned back and leaned on the sofa.

The next day, early morning.

Rosen came to the medical station in Jinyangguang District.

All the supplies purchased by Commissioner No. 7 were transported back to the camp.

The increasingly abundant supplies and ordnance formed the basis for a camp to remain stable.

Even the original Blood Wolf Group can no longer accommodate a camp of this size.

All kinds of defense and air defense weapons have already achieved full coverage.

Even if it is simple and crude to launch a small nuclear bomb here.

It will also be intercepted by the medium-sized laser system at a distance of 5,500 meters.

All core defense facilities have been treated with EMP resistance.

Just to increase the territory's defense system, Rosen recently spent nearly one million dark crystals.

If it weren't for the fact that the Holy Shield was so difficult to use, he would have planned to build a medium-sized Holy Shield system.

Rosen stayed up almost all night in order to deal with matters at the camp.

Fortunately, his physique is different from ordinary people. As long as he does not engage in high-intensity fighting, he can go without sleep for ten and a half days without any problem.

At this time, he came to get the potion.

Walking into the medical station, he squatted in the corner, raised his wrist and dialed a series of codes with BP.

The communication was not connected, but was quickly hung up.

This is a secret code agreed upon by both parties.

Half a minute later, a doctor wearing an isolation gown walked over quickly.

He stood still in front of Rosen, then looked left and right.

There is a rusted container stacked in front of this corner, which is a blind spot in the courtyard.

"What you want."

The doctor took out a cold tank of liquid nitrogen.

Rosen took it and unscrewed the cover, and the cold white air suddenly came out.

Just take a casual look at the label, and the other party probably won't come up with a fake.

Anyway, Rosen didn't plan to take the injection for a while.

When it was time to take the injection, he would also ask Xiao Yunli to conduct a test for confirmation first.

Taking out the storage bag containing enough dark crystals, both parties got their money and goods.

Rosen left calmly and went straight to the Iron Tomb Camp.

After meeting with Li Li first, he went to the fortress located in the core area.

When he arrived at the fortress, the convoy of the violent oil machine group had already completed its assembly.

Black smoke spewed from the tailpipe of a large-displacement fuel locomotive.

The track-type heavy trucks equipped with steel plates also rumbled.

Everyone is doing final checks before departure.

Yuan Yewen wore a punk vest decorated with bright nails and a red forehead band on his head.

On her feet were a pair of freshly waxed high-top leather boots.

The two maids who were quite capable of fighting put on one-piece black leather clothes.

It is a style that can be pulled down all the way with one zipper, showing off your proud figure.

The distance from Shenhai to Jiangcheng is almost 800 kilometers.

The roads were badly damaged after the war.

If you use ground vehicles to get there, it will take two days at the earliest.

This was when the road was smooth.

The situation in the wasteland is ever-changing. Maybe the route that was still passable last time will be occupied by ferocious alien species or predators this time.

Because of this, Yuan Yewen brought hundreds of people with him this time.

Dozens of armed motorcycles, six tracked heavy trucks, two RVs for rest and recuperation, and a suspended jeep responsible for clearing the road.

Such a generous configuration is enough to solve most problems on the road.

After seeing Rosen, Yuan Yewen seemed very happy.

After the two sides exchanged a few words, he took the initiative to ask.

“Are you going to take the RV or ride on your own?”

"We still have extra heavy-duty motorcycles in the camp."

"Those were all modified by your little girlfriend."

Yuan Yewen said with a smile. As the manager of the Iron Tomb Camp, he knew that Rosen often came to see Li Qi.

Just looking at his appearance, he is at least two rounds older than Rosen.

Therefore, at this time, he also boasted about his status as an elder and joked.

Rosen smiled noncommittally and did not care too much about these trivial matters.

After thinking for a moment, he chose to ride on his own.

With his control ability, it is relatively simple to control a heavy motorcycle.

His answer made Yuan Yewen show a hint of appreciation.

"Great, let's go to the garage now."

Without wasting any time, he led Rosen towards a garage painted with the letters A1 on the side of the fortress.

Standing at the door, I raised my wrist to operate the BP, and the heavy rail gate of the garage slid open.

Then, the lights in the garage suddenly came on.

Dozens of parking spaces are divided on the flat ground.

There is a motorcycle of different shapes parked in each parking space.

Some motorcycles even completely break away from the category of two-wheeled vehicles.

For example, Rosen saw a locomotive with a track composed of three pairs of road wheels in front.

At the rear is a widened dual tire.

Equipped with a 20mm cannon, laser gun and grenade launcher.

There is an AI program in the driver's seat that can be linked to BP or brain control equipment.

The rear is prepared with droppable spikes and four anti-vehicle mines.

There were also two small unknown missiles.

After scratching his head, Rosen looked at the next motorcycle.

His eyes were really opened this time.

Attacking with the high mobility of a motorcycle can be a real headache.

After shopping around, Rosen chose a decent one.

The standard two-wheel mode uses magnetic suspension, which has better shock absorption and passability.

There are a set of laser cannons on each side of the front.

In the back seat is the terminal of a hive of self-destructing drones.

There are 36 self-destructing shuttles inside.

Finally, it also has a built-in minelayer.

It can run at a speed of more than 460 kilometers per hour.

Using the characteristics of magnetic suspension, it can also be ejected on flat ground.

If you are brave enough, crossing the cliff and rift valley is not a problem at all.

A small jet engine with built-in balance and cushioning.

In other words, this is a motorcycle with average firepower but almost full maneuverability.

Under suitable road conditions, it can reach the top speed of land flight.

Yuan Yewen was a little surprised to see Rosen choose this car.

"I thought you would be interested in heavy firepower locomotives."

"Unexpectedly, I chose this 'Jailbreaker'. It is recognized as a guy that is difficult to tame because it is too fast and the speed is too violent."

"Even people who have undergone D-level genetic enhancement and response training may not be able to drive well."

"However, since you have made your choice, it will be as you wish."

"It's time for this guy to come out and do some activities."

“A car is like a person, it will become stiff if it is inactive for too long.”

When Yuan Yewen talks about motorcycles, he is no longer the philistine he was when he was a camp leader.

He even used an anthropomorphic tone to describe the motorcycle named "Jailbreaker".

Rosen nodded, reaching out and stroking the clean frame.

There were some indescribable touches in my heart.

"Come on, let's get ready."

Yuan Yewen patted him on the shoulder.

Let Rosen push the "Prison Breaker" out of the garage.

Half an hour later.

Rosen put on a light combat uniform.

There is also a polymer body armor on top.

He was not wearing a helmet, just a pair of goggles and a half-face mask.

He was riding on the Jailbreaker motorcycle, holding on to the handlebars with both hands.

Although the top speed of this thing can reach four to five hundred kilometers, most road conditions during the journey will not allow it to reach high speed.

Of course, if there is an emergency.

It also runs faster than other motorcycles.

After everything was ready, Yuan Yewen waved his hand and blew a whistle as loud as an eagle.

All the bosozokus cheered.

The engine roared loudly, and the tires rubbed against the rough ground.

Dozens of locomotives rolled out of the fort.

RVs and track trucks are centered.

The ones driving at the end were those floating jeeps.

The huge momentum attracted the attention of people in the camp.

Everyone gathered on the street and watched the locomotive drive by and leave the camp, raising large amounts of dust.

Head towards the direction of Jiangcheng!

Rosen, who was riding a motorcycle, felt the strong wind coming his way, as well as the changing scenery and bumps.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the freedom that the bosozokus talked about.

Compared to the majority of people who live in retreat.

Being able to roam the wasteland in a group is indeed a kind of freedom.

The scene changes like a flower, and everything is left behind.

The bosozoku roared with excitement.

The smoke rising behind the wheels was getting bigger and bigger, and they were getting further and further away from the Iron Tomb camp.

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