I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 265 Chapter 0260: Jiangcheng, the fourth leader Jin Xun [Please subscribe]

The Yangtze River is the largest river in the Pan-Asian Union.

It is also the third largest river in the world, with a total length of more than 6,000 kilometers.

Both it and the Huangsha River are known as the mother rivers of the Pan-Asian Union.

After the Great Destruction, the waters became a breeding ground for alien species.

Especially those mutated and extremely ferocious amphibian species are rampant.

Among them, the largest number are various mutant frogs and toads.

In the past ten years, they have spawned countless branches.

Coupled with the amazing fecundity and short growth cycle, this results in a large number of alien species coming ashore in the Changlong River to lay eggs and hunt for food in those few months almost every year.

They will even invade the hinterland more than 100 kilometers away from both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The fact that Jiangcheng has been able to stand in the area adjacent to the river bank for so many years is enough to illustrate its strength.

Rosen actually doesn’t know much about this place.

I've only heard some news occasionally.

At this time, he was riding the "Prison Breaker" motorcycle and following the others towards the city gate opposite the river bank.

There were two infantry fighting vehicles flying the flags of the Jiangcheng settlement leading the way.

This high wall and city gate are the strongest of the four defensive walls in the settlement.

The concrete wall is gear-shaped, with teeth protruding every few meters.

Such a structure can increase impact resistance, and the protruding tooth-shaped wall is the best place to place firepower.

The high wall is divided into two levels.

The first high wall on the outside is about 15 meters, and next to it is a wall about 25 meters high. The two walls look like biscuits stacked on top of each other.

As far as the eye can see, there are various defensive forts.

Some proudly protrude their thick barrels, while others are hidden in hemispherical steel covers.

In addition, there are missile launchers, multiple parallel groups of large-caliber cannons, electromagnetic guns and other heavy support weapons.

There are also densely packed spherical shooting positions on the wall.

Laser launchers and heavy machine guns were set up above.

Those spherical shooting positions look interesting, like pimples growing out of the wall.

It can shoot almost without blind spots.

Rosen understood that this was in addition to close firepower.

Although the fire points located at high places are full of deterrence, they have limitations on the shooting angle.

In short, it is to fight far rather than near.

The closer to the wall, the more blind spots for firepower.

These spherical shooting positions can make up for this problem to a certain extent.

The firepower that Rosen could see alone was scary enough.

Not to mention the densely distributed cement sentry towers on the periphery.

Each sentry tower is an independent defense node.

It can station 10 to 12 soldiers and deploy support weapons.

Trenches were also dug around the tower and horses with iron corners were deployed.

Also standing is a strange robot.

The main body of this robot is a square box.

There are mechanical legs on both sides, and the end is a triangular crawler.

It is three meters above the ground and looks like a door.

All the firepower is on that square box.

However, due to its special design structure, it can cooperate with infantry to form temporary positions.

In addition, Rosen also saw a mechanical dog as big as a horse.

What he carried on his back was actually two electromagnetic guns that fired 2.0KG.

There is also a 20mm cannon on each side.

There is also a gun barrel looming in the bloody mouth that imitates a hound.

Rosen observed secretly and kept the defense layout in mind.

These are all experiences worth learning from.

Including the peculiar toothed wall.

In fact, the deployment of force is still secondary.

Those defense facilities hidden in the dark are the real focus.

Any large settlement is indispensable for advanced defense equipment.

Jiangcheng must also have a defense system similar to the Holy Shield.

The steel gate, about forty meters wide, slides to both sides.

Two passages leading into the city were revealed.

There are fire points set up along each passage, as well as soldiers in power armor and exoskeletons.

The most outrageous thing is that the street facing the gate is not the street that everyone imagined.

Rather, it is a strong and towering battle fortress.

At this time, Yuan Yewen was riding a bicycle in parallel with Rosen.

"It looks mighty here, doesn't it?"

"Like a cold steel hedgehog."

"The force it displays is enough to deter any outsider."

"But in fact, the entire Jiangcheng's defense deployment is uneven."

"The reason why the defense intensity here is so high that it can even be said that it was built according to fortress standards. Its purpose is mainly to deal with the tide of alien species."

"Every year when the alien wave breaks out, this is the front line that bears the impact."

"Without such a strong defense deployment, Jiangcheng would have long been reduced to a nest of alien species."

Yuan Yewen wore sunglasses and looked around with a smile.

He saw Rosen looking at the defensive walls along the way and couldn't help but take the initiative to explain.

Hearing his words, Rosen nodded.

"Since there will be periodic outbreaks of alien species here."

"Then why does Jiangcheng insist on setting up the settlement here?"

Taking this opportunity, he raised his doubts.

Yuan Yewen was holding a cigar in his mouth.

Hearing this, he freed up one hand to hold the cigar, blowing out a leisurely puff of smoke, and then slowly explained.

"Because this settlement was originally part of the pre-war Jiangcheng."

"This used to be Jiangcheng New Smart Science and Technology Park, and there were a large number of machinery factories nearby."

"There is also a top pre-war biological laboratory underground."

"There are only three laboratories of this size in the entire Pan-Asian Federation."

"Even if you look at the whole world, it is one of the best."

"It was originally expected to be bombarded by multiple heavy-duty Rods of God of 1,200 to 1,500 tons, but at the last moment, the space-based platform aimed at here was detonated..."

Rosen held the handlebars with both hands and listened with interest to Yuan Yewen's story about Jiangcheng's past.

Turning his head and taking a look at Rosen's entranced expression, Yuan Yewen smiled with satisfaction.

He is actually a person who has a great desire to communicate.

The prerequisite is that there must be a qualified audience.

If the audience is not qualified, his conversation will not be too lively.

In his eyes, Rosen was obviously a very qualified listener.

So after a pause, Yuan Yewen continued.

"The Kunpeng commando team affiliated with the Pan-Asian Joint Nantianmen Project blew up most of the space-based platforms at the last moment."

"As a result, this area has been relatively intact."

"A large number of production equipment, industrial machine tools, raw materials, and an entire high-level biological laboratory have become the basis for the establishment of a settlement in Jiangcheng."

"With this, Jiangcheng quickly established a foothold here."

"And the annual tide of alien species is both a danger and an opportunity."

"Almost every time the alien wave ends, tens of millions of dark crystals can be harvested, as well as many unique alien materials."

"In addition, they produce many more types of combat robots than Roche Machinery Industry."

"At the same time, because Jiangcheng has excellent biotechnology, this competitive competition will have B-level gene enhancement potions as prizes."

"Furthermore, Jiangcheng's biological agents and auxiliary technology are also first-rate when looking at the settlements in the entire Pan-Asian joint region."

"I heard that in the early years, even the mysterious Noah sent envoys to Jiangcheng to exchange a large amount of materials for some secret-level technologies."

Yuan Yewen talked eloquently and basically revealed the situation in Jiangcheng.

Rosen gained a lot from this and felt like he had learned a lot.

"It seems that Mr. Yuan knows Jiangcheng very well."

"Ordinary people don't know these things so clearly."

Rosen said calmly.

Yuan Yewen nodded slightly, confirming his guess.

"The birthplace of the Rampage Oil Crew is in Jiangcheng."

"Our big boss is a member of the River City Committee."

Rosen looked stunned and did not continue to ask.

The team was directed to a dedicated garrison area.

The athletics conference will officially start tomorrow night, and they arrived a day early.

But this is relatively late among all the forces that sent people to participate.

There are more than three hundred forces participating this time.

Covering most of the settlements and larger camps in the entire Pan-Asian United East, Central and South China regions.

Only the Explosive Oil Machinery Group had representatives from four teams.

The other three teams are each led by a golden knight. Like Yuan Yewen, they are the big bosses of a certain camp.

Basically, the camps of the Rage Oil Machine Group were stolen.

Being able to manage a camp alone is considered a "prince" in the berserk group.

There is also a competitive relationship between them.

After entering the settlement, Rosen was assigned a separate dormitory next to Yuan Yewen.

It is only about 30 square meters and has a separate bathroom and washing cabin.

Rosen wanted to go out for a walk, but was stopped by Yuan Yewen.

He took Rosen to meet the other three leaders of the Explosive Oil Machine Group who were leading people to participate in the competition.

Because they are all camp-level forces.

Therefore, the four registered groups are concentrated in the D and E levels.

These two levels also have the largest number of participants among all levels.

There are not so many people in Class C and Class B going up.

As for Class A, there is no such event at all.

Because there are so few A-level enhancers in the outside world, I am afraid that even if the entire Pan-Asian Alliance area of ​​influence is turned upside down, there will be no 150 A-level enhancers.

The reason is also very simple.

A-level gene enhancement potion itself is an unfinished product.

The stock before the war was limited, configuration was very difficult, and the success rate was extremely low.

To successfully achieve the level of A-level enhancement is as difficult as killing three in and three out at Guimen Pass.

The iron bull Mars who follows Ottok is an A-level enhancer.

But he was not a successful reinforcer.

The side effects affected his IQ and mood to a certain extent.

Therefore, there is no A-level group in the competitive competition.

The scarcity of numbers is only part of the reason. Those A-level enhancers who have successful versions are without exception heroes or giants everywhere.

For example, the boss of Golden Ears, the muscular girl Tiexin, is also an A-level enhancer.

As beings that can withstand 20mm tungsten core armor-piercing bullets, they are already freaks among humans.

In terms of physical strength alone, even the martial arts system of the Eight Desolate Realms can compete with the strong ones in the Xiantian Realm.

Of course, this does not take into account the true energy, strength and various martial arts blessings, and is only the result of comparing the physical body.

I heard that there are S-level and SSS-level potions at higher levels.

But in reality, there has never been an enhancer of this level.

Therefore, in the competitive competition, the most fierce competition is the two groups D and E.

The river city below is controlled by a committee.

The actual organizational structure is similar to that of the Golden Sunshine Block.

It's just that in name it doesn't call itself a consortium, but is dominated by major trade unions.

Therefore, the commercial atmosphere of the entire Jiangcheng is not that strong.

There are twelve committee members, each representing an industry or influence.

It was only after they got together that today's Jiangcheng was formed.

As a participating team of the Explosive Oil Machine Group, this can be regarded as half of the home field.

Although the Oil Machinery Regiment has another main location, they also have their territory in Jiangcheng.

Under such circumstances, the four teams representing the oil engine regiment were all placed together.

There is no need to crowd with other forces.

In every athletic competition, private fights, murders and armed fights occurred from time to time.

Staying with your own people will undoubtedly avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Their residence is four moderately tall apartment buildings.

There is a small square in the middle of these four buildings.

This happens to be the place where the four bosses meet.

Yuan Yewen did not change his clothes and came directly to the square with the two waitresses and Rosen.

When he arrived, there were already three people chatting boldly.

But judging from the angry curses that came from time to time, the atmosphere of the chat was not harmonious.

Rosen looked at the three guys silently.

They are a sinister man with a skull tattoo on his face, a middle-aged man with a big beard and a big belly wearing a pink punk wig, and a man wearing tight clothes with a shaved head and lipstick. , a woman with silver nails on her cheeks and nose.

In comparison, Yuan Yewen's dress is the most normal one.

Punk vest, leather pants, leather boots, sunglasses, standard motorcycle rider outfit.

Nothing too deviant.

At this time, the bald woman was having a fierce argument with the big man in the wig.

The sinister man was sitting next to him, yawning, looking lazy and uninterested in everything. This temperament was in line with the tattoo on his face.

He is like an idle skeleton, not interested in anything in the world of the living.

Rosen just took one more look at the sinister man, and he noticed it.

He raised his head, looked across the crowd, and looked back at Rosen.

Then he raised the corners of his mouth with interest.

"What a fierce evil spirit."

Rosen didn't look at him, he silently turned his gaze and sighed in his heart.

There is a strong evil spirit in the sinister man.

In the Bahuang Realm, the so-called evil spirit has nothing to do with ghosts and ghosts. It is essentially a kind of momentum.

Evil spirit is born out of murderous spirit.

It is a ferocious temperament born from the combination of one's own ruthlessness and killing.

In other words, this guy is definitely the most ruthless of the four Jin Xun leaders.

"Hey, isn't this Lao Yuan?"

"Brother Wen, long time no see."

The arrival of Yuan Yewen temporarily stopped the two quarreling people from venting their words.

They all raised their hands to greet him.

Only the sinister man had a sneer on his face.

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