I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 266 Chapter 0261: Murder expert, girl Qi Mu [Please subscribe]

Rosen keenly observed the reactions of the other three Jin Xun leaders.

Yuan Yewen, who was walking in front, ignored the skull-faced sneer and said hello to the bald woman and the bearded wig respectively.

"Zang Qiu, Sakata, you are still the same."

"He loves to quarrel, but he's not afraid of his subordinates making fun of him."

Yuan Yewen sat across from the two of them with a smile.

The bald girl's name is Zang Qiu, the youngest of the four Jin Xun leaders.

After the great destruction, he was adopted by the leader of the oil machine gang.

Advocating the art of body piercing.

Therefore, nails are often drilled into the body.

Basically, she hit all the places that could and could not be hit.

In addition, she also loves gothic dark makeup and clothing styles.

He often wears a crown full of black raven feathers while riding his bicycle on the streets.

This is a unique woman.

There are also some unruly and willful things that belong to the "eldest princess" of power.

The bearded man with a wig who quarreled with her was named Nobuyoshi Sakata from Japan.

Before the war, he was a sailor in the East-Japan Combined Fleet, a member of the Star Alliance community.

Wandering on the land of the Pan-Asian Union, he eventually integrated into the local survivors.

He pursues the so-called visual culture.

I like wigs with various colors and exaggerated styles.

This style happens to be disliked by Zang Qiu, and the two sides dislike each other.

Being able to sneak into the position of leader Jin Xun is enough to prove that Sakata Nobuyoshi still has two brushes within the Rage Oil Machine Group.

As an organization with relatively loose rules.

The big boss of the violent oil crew will not intervene in the quarrel between the two.

After all, from the overall perspective, these can only be regarded as trivial matters.

Yuan Yewen is a good old man with good human nature.

Both Sakata Nobuyoshi and Zang Qiu have a good relationship with him.

Especially Zang Qiu.

More than ten years ago, for a period of half a year, she was entrusted by the big boss to Yuan Yewen to take care of her.

Yuan Yewen's eyes moved and he quickly adjusted his position.

As for the skeleton man, he has no interest in dating at all.

That guy is not an orthodox bosozoku at all.

Even the culture they admire has nothing to do with the freedom and romance of the bosozoku.

The skeleton man's name is Wu Debao, and what he worships is life nihilism.

This doctrine comes from a pre-war heretical organization called "Death Sonata".

All three major forces defined it as heresy.

The doctrine it pursues essentially relies on killing to complete its self-evolution.

This is almost unreasonable.

Because there is no evidence that killing can promote evolution.

At that time, the "Death Sonata" believers once frequently launched horrific mass murders all over the world.

Wu Debao is a fanatical believer.

The outrageous thing is that he is only in his early thirties this year.

In other words, he was probably not even twelve years old before the war.

He only joined the Explosive Oil Crew in recent years. No one knows how he got there in the post-war years. From the day he became famous, this guy had a nickname——

——Homicide expert.

The number of people he has killed is countless.

There are some David and Goliath and cleverly designed murders.

It is said that he has honed his simple killing skills to the pinnacle.

And the target he chooses is random.

According to him, it is to follow your inner choice.

So Wu Debao did not become a professional killer.

Unfortunately, he really wanted to kill Yuan Yewen.

If the big boss hadn't psychologically corrected him, I'm afraid he would have taken action long ago.

Even now, he was somewhat unable to restrain the desire to kill in his heart.

Therefore, in Wu Debao's eyes, Yuan Yewen was not a person, but a prey.

It looked like four knights of gold honors were meeting, but in fact it had nothing to do with him.

Only Yuan Yewen, Zang Qiu and Sakata Xinyi can communicate normally.

At this time, there was a thin and short boy with thick eyebrows standing behind Wu Debao.

This young man's expression was serious, but his eyes were particularly sharp.

It is different from other people who have to specifically look for people with high potion compatibility as contestants.

Skeleton Man Takekubo directly brought his disciples or successors.

That's the young man with thick eyebrows.

The injection grade is D, and the fit is average.

But no one will underestimate him because he is a disciple of a murder expert.

In addition, behind Zang Qiu and Sakata Nobuyoshi also stood a long-haired girl with a ponytail and a gloomy boy with shaved eyebrows.

In comparison, Rosen should be the most normal one in terms of image.

Although he didn't understand the love and hatred between the four Jin Xun leaders.

But on the way here, Yuan Yewen briefly introduced the other three people to him.

The boy with thick eyebrows brought by the skeleton man and the boy without eyebrows behind Nobuyoshi Sakata are both D-level scenes.

The long-haired girl who followed Zang Qiulai was an E-level scene.

So the atmosphere at the scene was a little weird.

The competitive competition is not only a cruel entertainment project, but also contains huge benefits.

For the real power bosses, it is just a game.

Yuan Yewen, Zang Qiu and Sakata Xinyi chatted for a while, and then talked about the competitive meeting, focusing on the news they had found out.

D and E are both popular venues.

45% of the prize pool in the entire event will be distributed between these two levels.

The remaining shares are divided between levels B and C.

There is also a small part that is handed over to the organizer and bears various odds and ends.

Moreover, levels D and E have the largest number of participants, and there will be more competitions.

Therefore, the number of available betting rounds and the final result may snowball.

This is very attractive to experienced gamblers.

During the conversation, the three shared the information they had obtained.

Mainly those seed players brought by various forces.

But Skeleton Man Takekubo still just sneered.

He seemed completely uninterested in this kind of intelligence sharing.

It can even be said that he had no feeling for the entire event.

"Boring mortals."

Sure enough, when the three of them were chatting most enthusiastically.

He stood up with his hands in his pockets.

Such an action immediately attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, Wu Debao said again in a disdainful tone.

"Three Blacks will kill all their opponents."

"This is a test for him."

"And I will quietly enjoy this good show."

"The brat without eyebrows, pray that you don't meet him before you lose."

"By the way, there is also you, the lovely Mr. Yuan Yewen."

"I hope the praise of life will always be with you, otherwise you will eventually become a stepping stone to the high point of death."

The skeleton man's voice was hoarse, like a piece of rough glass.

Every sentence carries an unbearable sense of obscurity.

No one paid any attention to him, as if they were accustomed to this situation.

On the other hand, the thick-browed young man bowed deeply to the three of them with an expressionless expression before leaving.

Before leaving, he took a focused look at the eyebrowless boy.

Thick eyebrows versus no eyebrows, whether this is a coincidence or not, it seems to indicate something.

Rosen also glanced at the ponytail girl inadvertently.

Compared to his calm eyes, there was obviously more curiosity in the other party's bright eyes.

The encounter lasted about an hour.

Shortly after returning to the dormitory, Yuan Yewen gave Rosen a form.

Listed above are some of the tough spots in the E-Class.

Rosen took one look and called him a good guy.

There are almost all kinds of ingredients in it.

What about the "Chosen One" plan, subconscious indoctrination, electrical pulse stimulation, etc.

For example, the so-called God's Chosen Project is actually a new generation of babies under genetic engineering.

Also known as the perfect baby.

There are also all kinds of opportunistic freaks.

Of course, no matter how outrageous they are, their genetic enhancement level is indeed E.

This made him have more snacks.

Is it easy for him to get a few big guys?

If it weren't for the generous rewards, there would still be the batch of restricted weapons promised by Yuan Yewen.

He wouldn't come here to fight in some bullshit competition.

However, judging from the current situation, maybe the competition itself is more interesting than he imagined, and it can broaden his horizons.

It's almost time to take a closer look at the situation in other areas besides Shenhai.

Today he will take a good rest to relieve the fatigue of traveling.

Tomorrow Rosen plans to have a free day and visit the Jiangcheng settlement.

This place was definitely more interesting than he imagined.

In addition, there is also a Golden Ear station in Jiangcheng.

The location is in a capsule hotel.

Their activities here are much more low-key than in the Golden Sunshine District.

After taking another hot shower, Rosen lay down on the relatively comfortable single bed.

This time, all contestants have hot water supply, and the daily cost of clean water and energy will reach more than 20,000 dark crystals.

Jiangcheng does not have LAN connectivity.

But there is local information push.

Rosen lay on the bed and opened BP and looked at the notifications.

These pushes are sent by local terminals and cannot be updated. They are considered a kind of stand-alone text.

In addition to advertising and promotion of competitive conferences, there is some encouraging news.

For example, mutated orchards have a high yield, a certain basin of the Yangtze River has been reopened, or some available materials have been discovered.

The Committee of Twelve is still united to the outside world.

In the recent push information, Rosen also found the property of the Oil Machine Rampage Group in Jiangcheng.

The Bosozoku are members of the external exploration sequence in Jiangcheng.

The duty is to explore the surrounding information and the conditions along the river.

What surprised Rosen was that the Explosive Oil Machine Group actually controlled a weapons production line.

Capable of producing short- and medium-range missiles and rockets.

No wonder Yuan Yewen can offer cruise missiles as a price.

Rosen estimated that the Explosive Oil Group had found a missile warehouse with a production line.

However, due to the lack of some high-precision parts, there were certain performance differences between the missiles produced later and those before the war.

"It's not simple."

"No wonder there are so many missile launchers on the walls of Jiangcheng."

He put one arm behind his head and thought to himself while looking at the information on BP.

After scrolling through the notifications, Rosen yawned.

He took out a mini reconnaissance bee with one hand and let it float quietly against the ground.

Only then did he fall into sleep peacefully.

During these few days in Jiangcheng, he had no intention of going to the Eight Desolations Realm or the Evil Disaster Realm.

After all, this is other people's territory, and there may be hidden surveillance equipment in the room.

And even if there is no special preparation for monitoring, as long as a large-scale life radio scanning device is deployed outside, the biological dynamics in the area will be clear at a glance.

If Rosen disappeared suddenly, his life radio signal would also disappear in the area simultaneously, so to be on the safe side, he decided to survive these few days honestly.

In the early morning, Rosen slowly opened his eyes.

A very small mini-reconnaissance bee was recovered.

No one disturbed him that night, and he had a good and comfortable sleep.

Yuan Yewen was still sleeping, so he walked directly out of the station and walked towards the canteen in the park.

The place where they are currently is a small park, which is full of forces coming to compete.

It's just that the four Jin Xun leaders' men were arranged in several adjacent buildings.

There are canteens and other public facilities in the park.

For example, there are virtual reality fighting arenas used for training, and cryogenic cooling chambers used to eliminate muscle pain and swelling.

But forget it, Rosen saw a strange prosperity here.

Because there is a new order here.

Entering the canteen, Rosen ordered food on the machine.

I ordered a simple bread jam and a cup of milk from a mutated two-headed cow.

Rosen took the plate from the food outlet and sat in the corner.

The restaurant is large, but there are no people at this time.

Survivors in the wasteland generally do not have the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

This is true even for the guys who participated in the competition. They are not the kind of martial artists who are strict with themselves.

Most are just talents that happen to have a high level of empowering fit.

As soon as Rosen sat down, a loose gray dress floated across the table.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

A light female voice came.

Rosen raised his head and took a look.

The person who came was none other than the pony-tailed girl that Zang Qiu brought to the competition.

At this time, she had black hair disheveled, wearing a gray coat on the outside and an extremely slim-fitting combat uniform on the inside.

"Please take a seat."

Rosen replied calmly and politely.

Immediately, he concentrated on spreading the meager jam on the bread slices evenly.

Then he stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it.

The milk of the mutated two-headed cow is white-brown and looks a little turbid.

The taste is very rich, but also mixed with a lingering fishy smell.

But Rosen still ate and drank very sweetly.

He has always been religious about food, as long as it is not poisonous.

The girl sat opposite him, and there was only a simple piece of plain bread at the table.

She just looked at Rosen while nibbling on the bread.

By the time Rosen finished eating, she had only eaten a quarter of the piece of bread in her hand.

"My name is Qi Mu, what's yours?"

When he just raised his head, the girl stretched out her hands that were not fair compared to her face.

There were scars and traces of peeling calluses on that little hand.

Rosen paused for a moment, then stretched out his hand to shake her hand.

"Well, my name is Zhang Zhenyu."

He put on his vest as usual.

Because Rosen also calls himself Zhang Zhenyu for Yuan Yewen and Golden Ear.

After letting go of her hand, the girl's voice appeared again with a hint of smile.

"I guess this isn't your real name, right?"

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