I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 267 Chapter 0262: In Jiangcheng [Please subscribe]

As soon as these words came out, Rosen looked at the girl with interest.

Then he asked in a calm tone.

"Why do you say that?"

As he asked, he stretched out his thumb to wipe away the crumbs stuck to the corners of his lips.

But Qi Mu smiled.

"It's just intuition."

"I just think you don't have this name.

"What an interesting reason." Rosen was noncommittal and didn't explain much.

Whether it's his real name or his pseudonym, it actually doesn't matter to Rosen now.

The reason why he used a pseudonym in the first place was just to be more defensive.

In fact, a few months ago, "Rosen" was a name that had no sense of existence.

At the moment, it doesn't matter even if Golden Ear finds out about his past as a scavenger.

He was certain that he had never seen Qi Mu before.

Moreover, through the perception of his spiritual mind, Rosen discovered that the other party's heart rate, blood pressure and other indicators were very stable.

There is a high probability that he is telling the truth.

This is all just her personal intuition.

Rosen, who was not full, ordered another meal with the same configuration.

After sitting down again, Qi Mu was still watching him.

"You look interested in me?"

He raised the corners of his mouth, smiled, and said bluntly.

These words made Qi Mu purse his lips and smile.


"There seems to be nothing about me that deserves your attention."

Rosen replied as he spread the sparse jam evenly again.

Breakfast is provided free of charge, but each person is limited to ten servings per day and can only receive one at a time.

To be honest, Rosen couldn't eat enough at all.

At best, it’s just pad bar pad bar.

In the meal he ordered, jam was more precious than bread.

Seeing Rosen focusing on his food, Qi Mu couldn't help laughing: "Is it so delicious?"

"It's okay, I gave you too little jam." Rosen told the truth, then he stuffed the bread into his mouth, chewing it carefully while asking again.

"By the way, you haven't told me the reason yet."

At this time, Qi Mu stood up lightly.

"I'll wait until you beat me in the game."

She walked out of the restaurant briskly with half a piece of bread in her mouth.

Looking at the girl's beautiful back, Rosen narrowed his eyes slightly.

This Qi Mu doesn't seem to be a Sanren.

Because her light and calm temperament is not something that individual survivors can possess.

She is a contestant selected by Zang Qiu, and she may have some hidden secrets.

After all, Yuan Yewen did not introduce the people brought by the other three leaders Jin Xun yesterday.

Rosen shook his head and put this episode behind him.

Enjoy breakfast attentively.

It wasn't until all ten portions were finished that he slowly left the restaurant.

After becoming a warrior, his appetite increased greatly.

Normally, you need to eat a lot of food to feel full.

His stomach seemed to have turned into a furnace, giving him terrifying digestive abilities.

The most filling food is beast meat.

After walking out of the restaurant, Rosen stood under the eaves and did not move forward.

I don’t know when it began to rain lightly outside.

In late autumn and early winter, it is even more chilly when it rains in the early morning.

In addition, the winter in the wasteland is colder than ordinary winter.

The most terrible thing is that these light rains emit a strange smell immediately after falling to the ground.

Taking a deep breath, I felt my nose was itching.

Rainwater is rich in various pollutants, and acid rain is only one of the more common ones.

The shower in front of us obviously contains other pollution.

After standing there for a moment, Rosen walked into the thin curtain of rain with his hands in his pockets.

This move may seem heroic, but in fact, the polluted rainwater cannot reach him at all.

If a high-speed camera were set up next to him at this time.

Then you can find that all the rainwater has slipped from his body surface.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier a few millimeters outside his body.

causing all rainwater to be repelled.

And because he moved quickly, nothing looked out of the ordinary to the naked eye.

The sudden figure in the rain walked out of the park, and soon passed through the paths leading to the main blocks of Jiangcheng.

Taking advantage of the rare free time, he planned to inspect the market in Jiangcheng.

Different settlements often have different specialties.

Moreover, the control and rules of contraband are different in each settlement.

Some things that may be difficult to buy in the Golden Sunshine District can be easily bought here.

Considering his status as a contestant, there is no need to think about purchasing bulk commodities directly.

He planned to inspect it and send someone to purchase it afterwards.

With the current level of force in the camp, it is entirely possible to form an armed caravan that meets the requirements.

In terms of scale alone, the Jiangcheng settlement is somewhat larger than the Golden Sunshine Block.

Rosen entered Main Street and found a bar.

There weren't many customers in the bar early in the morning.

Either you are a drunkard with a hangover, or you are a lone ranger who is used to having a glass of wine to refresh yourself early in the morning. Many programs that save energy will not be performed in the morning.

Therefore, the bar seemed very quiet at this time.

Only soothing music and the strong smell of alcohol wafted around.

Sitting down in front of the bar, Rosen ordered a glass of water and threw two dark energy crystals worth about 20 points to the female bartender who was wearing a V-neck uniform and looked surging.

The female bartender wearing pink lipstick winked at him, then leaned forward slightly, seemingly saluting and thanking him, but in fact she took the opportunity to show off her impressive career line.

"Hello, handsome little brother."

"I still have two hours and seventeen minutes to get off work. Then I will show you the softest bed in the entire Jiangcheng."

Rosen rewarded her generously and allowed her to start climbing along the pole.

This is the survival wisdom of female bartenders.

It just so happened that it was too deserted in the morning to make much extra money.

But Rosen smiled.

“Great advice.”

"Too bad I'm not sleepy right now."

His words made the female bartender slightly confused. Wasn't the other party just looking for fun?

After coming back to her senses, she poured out a glass of clean water and was about to say something else when Rosen spoke first.

"Tell me about the situation in Jiangcheng."

"What do you want to know?"


"Competitions, the situation in the city, recent major events..."

Rosen shrugged, picked up the glass, and shook his head inwardly as he looked at the impurities floating in the purified water. After the conditions were improved, he would not even look at the purified water outside.

As long as conditions permit, he usually drinks the water he reserves in the [Consciousness Space].

His request was quickly granted.

Taking advantage of the fact that she was not busy now, the female bartender turned around and wiped her wine glass while talking about the situation in Jiangcheng under Rosen's questioning and guidance.

He's not the first guy to make a similar request.

In fact, many traveling businessmen or outsiders who come here for the first time do this.

More than an hour later, Rosen walked out of the bar briskly.

The rain outside has stopped.

But the sky did not light up, but a rather chilly breeze blew.

Large groups of dark clouds piled up in the air like dirty cotton wool.

From the female bartender's mouth, Rosen got a preliminary understanding of the situation in Jiangcheng.

This is similar to the Golden Sunshine District, and is also divided into two urban areas: inner and outer.

Within 100 meters of the city walls in each circle are military control areas, and strict management strategies are implemented.

Defense robots and detection equipment are deployed, drones roam the sky, and soldiers patrol regularly.

Trespassers will be severely punished.

Includes a starting penalty of at least 100 dark crystals.

It is said that this was done because there had been instances of outsiders destroying the city walls.

There are no clear commercial streets designated in the Jiangcheng settlement.

Just a few markets are planned.

They are food market, machinery market, grocery market, flea market, labor market, etc.

There are also locations such as the Stellar Auction House, Wild Beast Arena, and Hyacinth Airport.

As for the weapons business, it is exclusively run by the Jiangcheng Committee, and there are three weapons stores.

The small arms and support weapons are generally complete, and the strategy of separating guns and ammunition is implemented when selling.

Normally, heavy vehicles, power armor, and powerful weapons are also not for sale.

But this limit does not include the Stellar Auction House.

The nature of the organization that created this auction house was similar to that of Golden Ears.

Chains have been implemented in settlements within a certain range.

It just doesn’t cover the East China region.

There are often good items for sale in the auction house, and they are not restricted by control regulations.

I heard that the Hengxing Auction House is planning to hold a large-scale auction in the past few days by taking advantage of the popularity and traffic brought by the competition conference.

Rosen's [Consciousness Space] still has nearly four million dark crystals in reserve.

The money comes from food transactions in the past two months and hotel dividends.

He was also ready to join in the fun.

If this money can be put to practical use, he can also buy a batch of power armor.

Speaking of power armor, everyone knows that it is the ceiling of individual soldier equipment.

The reason it's hard to buy isn't because the price is outrageous.

But because it is strictly controlled, it is almost impossible to appear in the normal market.

Unless it is obtained from the wasteland, currently only the big forces can produce power armor.

For example, the 20813 weapons manufacturing factory in Jinyangguang District.

Almost none of the power armor produced there goes to the San people.

But in the trade between forces, sometimes some of them will be used as flagship products.

Therefore, for Rosen, it is a good choice to try his luck at the auction house.

The future Wild Beast Arena was originally a project used for fun in Jiangcheng.

There will be all kinds of cruel fights there.

People and people, people and alien species.

When humans and aliens fight, the organizers often distribute some light weapons or cold weapons to the participants to increase the fun of the battle.

Those involved were either gamblers who had lost all their money, or slaves captured from outside.

Most of them are predators with a little resistance.

The reason is also very simple. Only when there is resistance is there something interesting.

Fights are held every three weeks and bets can also be placed.

Handicap will open one week in advance.

The most exciting showdown was a man in power armor taking on three deathclaws.

Of course, the man was wearing power armor that had its thermal weapons and scroll engines removed.

Equipped with a chainsword and power hammer.

The armor on the chest and back has been additionally reinforced.

The female bartender was deeply impressed by this fight, which was said to have created the biggest handicap in the Wild Beast Arena in the past ten years.

Hyacinth Airport is affiliated to Jiangcheng's Air Force.

There are 22 advanced J-67 fighter jets there, as well as several Bird Robbers and some aircraft found in the wasteland.

It is different from Golden Sunshine’s Magic Eagle aircraft.

The J-67 was the fist fighter of the pre-war Pan-Asian coalition.

The performance is much better than the Magic Eagle.

Of course, the Magic Eagle also has its advantages, such as its firepower being fully adapted to ground bombing in the wasteland.

A 10KG mass bomb can destroy most small and medium-sized bunkers with just one shot.

The rocket launch nest can be used for another wave of land clearing.

The J-67 prefers air-to-air combat and strategic strikes.

But if you use J-67 to fight the Magic Eagle, it will be like a father fighting his son.

So this is also an obvious strategic deterrence.

Except for those centrally managed stores.

Entertainment industries such as bars are distributed more casually.

There is no shortage of places to have fun in any settlement.

Without these places, the entire settlement would become a pool of stagnant water.

Jiangcheng is very lively, because a competitive competition will be held in the near future, so the streets are very crowded.

Rosen, who was wearing casual clothes, blended in with the crowd and didn't have much of a presence.

The buildings here are more regular than those in Golden Sunshine.

It looks like it was built uniformly during post-war reconstruction.

Although both have adopted a separate and joint system, Jiangcheng's policy unity is obviously much higher than that of Jinyangguang District.

In other words, the cooperation between the twelve-member committee is closer than within the Golden Sunshine Block.

Rosen observed everything around him in a low-key manner.

I first went to a few markets to check the supply situation, and then went to the Stellar Auction House.

There I received an electronic version of the auction list.

There is a T-32 powered armor codenamed "Turnover" inside.

It belongs to the heavy armor series and does not carry any weapons.

It can be equipped with powerful firepower.

The body needs to be larger and heavier.

The starting price is 75,000 dark crystals, and the final transaction price is usually not less than 150,000.

It's almost worth a strategic cruise missile targeting a ship.

The price is definitely not cheap to be able to buy thirty or forty tracked trucks produced after the war.

This does not include the subsequent cost of adding weapons.

There are also hover tanks and black vulture four-legged tanks, which are indeed a lot of money.

Rosen immediately paid 100 dark crystals and received an information plate.

To participate in the auction three days later.

The schedule of the competitive competition is very tight, and the champions of each group can basically be decided within two days.

It happened to be the third night to attend the auction.

Since there are good goods, Rosen wouldn't mind spending a fortune here.

As for the transportation issue, you can ask Yuan Yewen for help.

Or rent another warehouse and take it away with [Consciousness Space].

Anyway, buy it first, there will definitely be more solutions than difficulties.

In addition, Rosen also has some knowledge of the supply of goods in Jiangcheng.

Compared with the situation in Golden Sunshine Street, which has entered a period of chaos.

This seems to be more suitable for long-term and orderly business cooperation.

Rosen walked back to the park, thinking about this in his mind.

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