I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 268 Chapter 0263: Painful evolution, five tough problems [Please subscribe]

It's night, and the cold wind is howling.

The biting wind came up the river and blew through the entire river city.

Jiangcheng at night is no longer as lively as it was during the day.

Few people linger on the streets.

The increasingly cold weather has become the easiest curfew order to implement.

The temperature along the river often drops below freezing after nightfall.

The waters near the shore are already showing signs of freezing.

A white mist of cold air spread everywhere.

If you stay by the river, your lungs will sting with every breath you take.

Of course, the cold climate caused those damn aquatic alien species, especially the amphibian alien species, to die down and enter hibernation one after another.

The only person still active in the river is probably the huge Changlong River Demon.

No matter what, the spirit of winter is already showing.

This is still within the borders of the Pan-Asian Union, which is not too high in latitude.

You can imagine how cold Siberia, known as the northern border, must be.

At this moment, inside the athletic conference park.

In a small building where the violent oil crew lives.

Wu Debao was pacing in the dark bedroom.

His eyes were bloodshot, and there was a slightly crazy smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

He is holding a thorn vine about 1.2 meters long in his hand.

The spikes on it look like short fangs.

Through the darkness, you can see that it is stained with a lot of blood, and there are even some remnants of skin and flesh tissue.

In front of him, the thick-browed boy knelt on the ground with his eyes closed.

The young man straightened his body, his chest and back were all marked by the strong whipping.

The shocking gaps are like the open mouth of a baby.

Blood dripped out and flowed down the body.

"Feel the pain?"

"Do you feel the sublimation it brings to your body?"

Wu Debao's tone was gloomy, and his voice echoed faintly in the room.

These words sound crazy, at least to anyone in their right mind, who would think he must be crazy.

However, these words, which do not contain any puzzling meaning, contain an inexplicable sense of credibility.

He seemed to firmly believe that what he said was true.

This sense of reality comes from his heart.

The thick-browed boy did not answer, but his frown gradually relaxed.

After about a few minutes, the young man suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes glowed as red as fire the moment they first opened.

"Teacher, I feel it..."

Upon hearing this, Wu Debao dropped the thorn vine in his hand and grinned.

It looked like a roaring skeletal god of death.

"Ha ha ha ha!"


"We are all unique beings."

"It's not in vain that I will inject the last K dose into you."

"Feel the pain, taste the killing, it will bring you sublimation."

"This is the true meaning of evolution!"

"Don't let any opponent go, kill them."

“Let them be nourishment for your evolution.”

Wu Debao's voice became hoarse.

The thick-browed boy suddenly stood up and stood face to face with him.

At a certain moment, a very similar smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

The next day, early morning.

Rosen, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes silently.

The competitive meeting will be officially held today.

The schedule is 2 days.

At 10 a.m. everyone will go to the Wild Beast Arena to draw groups and decide who will compete in the first round.

Then from 1 p.m. to 22 p.m., there are almost 3 to 4 games.

The strongest player in the group will be selected first, and then the finals will be held.

Rosen twisted his neck, and now he became a little excited.

As you can imagine, you can definitely see many interesting guys in today's game, even freaks with super strength.

In addition to not taking common stimulant drugs such as [Bali Pills].

The competition does not have any clear restrictions on the deep transformation of the body.

There are only two standards on the table.

The first is that the injection marks behind the body must meet the requirements.

The second is that any form of mechanical modification inside and outside the body is prohibited.

In other words, implicit biological modifications that are not genetic enhancements are allowed by default.

This kind of competition is more advantageous for forces with strong biotechnology reserves.

The perfect baby mentioned earlier is just one form of this.

In fact, the modification of living organisms involves all aspects.

Put aside the various biological agents.

The more common methods include visceral modification, muscle fiber stimulation, body fluid strengthening, etc.

Taking visceral modification as an example, additional strengthening of viscera can produce a series of effects.

The heart controls blood circulation and is the source of power for the whole body.

A stronger heart can give the transformer more exaggerated physical endurance and explosive power.

The spleen dominates immunity, can strengthen its own resistance, enhance self-healing ability, and reduce aging.

The liver is the main detoxification organ. It can also synthesize a variety of proteins and store and release glucose to provide the body with a steady stream of energy.

Gene enhancement will have varying degrees of impact on organs.

But it does not hinder the effect of this additional transformation in any way.

Of course, compared to pure genetic enhancement, Rosen, who practiced martial arts, received more comprehensive physical training.

The first six realms of martial arts.

It trains the skin, tempers the body, relaxes tendons, strengthens bones, accumulates internal organs, and condenses marrow.

It is a comprehensive training of the body from the outside to the inside.

Among them, Yun Zang is the stage that focuses on strengthening your own organs.

Therefore, we might encounter some difficult opponents in this competition.

The competition is to see who has the bigger hook.

With Rosen's strong bone level martial arts cultivation and E-level genetic enhancement, it shouldn't be difficult to become the overlord of the novice village.

Some time ago, Yuan Yewen sent a video material to his camp.

That was a video of a competition from a competitive conference in previous years.

The champions of the E-class group are indeed guys with extraordinary strength.

However, various indicators are roughly the same as D-level to C-level enhancement.

Even compared to previous E-class champions, Rosen's personal strength has a crushing advantage.

With this in mind, he stopped thinking about it.

After twisting his neck and stretching, he got up and washed himself.

Then I found Yuan Yewen, who also got up early, and had an enhanced breakfast together.

There are canned meats, fragrant bacon and bread sprinkled with chopped nuts.

There are even leafy greens.

Looking at the nitrogen-sealed packaging, Rosen knew where they came from without even thinking.

I ate enough breakfast for eight people.

Only then did Rosen pat his belly.

He hasn't consumed much these days, and his body is full of energy and blood.

After entering the strong bone realm, the tempered Qi and blood spontaneously flow through the limbs and bones starting from the heart.

Finally, the dragon penetrated the spine, which made him feel indescribable pleasure.

"How are you doing today?"

"You can't let anything slip in the official competition."

"According to the agreement, all we need to do is get the top three."

"With the strength you have shown before, there should be no problem, as long as you don't meet those ruthless characters."

Yuan Yewen sat across from him, looking at the dining table with messy cups and plates, and secretly clicked his tongue.

He prepared this meal out of his own pocket.

In just a short time, Rosen had eaten hundreds of dark crystals.

But he didn't care about the food expenses, but gave serious instructions.

As long as Rosen can get into the top three, he will refer to the betting formula calculated before.

He can earn at least tens of millions of dark crystals this time.

This is no small amount.

Moreover, he also has other benefits within the Explosive Oil Crew.

Because this competitive meeting involves the distribution of interests for the vast majority of the forces in the three regions of East China, South China, and Central China.

What is divided up are the Savior Plan sequence shelters, which are located at 29 clear coordinate points in the above three areas.

It is worth mentioning that it is foreign forces that provide these coordinates.

The main activities are in the "Garden of Eden", a large survivor force of the Star Alliance.

This force expanded rapidly. In just a few years, it almost completely wiped out the entire east coast area and gathered millions of survivors.

Order was initially restored.

A religious state was even established.

The leader of this force claims to be the son of God.

The coordinates they provided came from deciphering top-secret intelligence before the war.

The condition is at least 3,000 biological samples.

Contains humans, regional xenomorphs, wights, and special mutants.

The human sample must be a high-fit reinforcer.

This information was sent by "Eden" to hundreds of camps and settlements with electromagnetic activity in the Pan-Asian Union at the same time.

However, it is affected by geographical location and strong electromagnetic pulse areas.

In the end, only the large settlements in the three major regions of East China, South China, and Central China received this news accurately.

Therefore, after some discussion, everyone decided to jointly complete the "Garden of Eden" requirements.

Simply decide on the specific interests and task allocation through the competitive meeting.

The envoy of "Garden of Eden" will arrive in Jiangcheng in the near future by aerospace plane.

Including the Golden Sunshine District, basically every large settlement sent people to participate.

Only the Hangcheng United District has no interest in the competition.

At the same time, he remained silent on the message of "Eden" and did not make any reply.

To sum up, if Rosen can enter the top three this time, Yuan Yewen will gain many benefits.

Because of this, he was willing to take out 20 T-30 powered armor, 4 fission warheads with a yield of 10,000 tons, and a medium-range ballistic missile with 16 tactical nuclear warheads with a yield of 1,500 tons in the warhead and in good condition, plus 12 type IV spider robots.

And half of it was delivered within 7 days.

Just the cost of exchanging these weapons within the Explosive Oil Machine Group is as high as millions of Dark Crystals.

Don't look at how easy it is for Rosen to earn Dark Crystal. He can earn so much in just two or three months, but you must know that he is engaged in some huge profit projects.

Under normal circumstances, taking the Iron Tomb Camp as an example, as a camp manager, the total of the commission and industry income for the whole year is about the same.

What's more, Yuan Yewen also has a large group of bosozokus to feed.

There are also those heavily refurbished locomotives stored in the hangar. Annual modifications and repairs are a considerable cost.

That's why Yuan Yewen paid special attention to his condition.

If Rosen overturned, he would probably turn against him immediately and attack Rosen's camp at the risk of provoking Golden Ears to recover the losses.

Normally, Rosen has great hopes of entering the top three.

After all, he had studied previous game videos and tested Rosen's strength before.

But things in the world are unpredictable, and no one dares to say that it is perfect.

If Rosen draws those tough picks in the first two rounds.

Then the path to promotion will be frustrated.

Faced with Yuan Yewen's concerned inquiry, Rosen nodded calmly.

"I feel very motivated."

"That's good…"

Yuan Yewen looked at the calm face, but he couldn't see the energy on his face.

"In the E-class group, you need to pay special attention to these guys."

He said using BP to send several individually listed details.

Rosen glanced down and saw that the information contained several pictures of men and women.

[Barbarian Boxing Li Keda]

[From: Hongdu settlement]

[Features: E-level gene enhancement, suspected specialization of both arms, capable of delivering continuous punches comparable to a power hammer]

【Hot-blooded Monster Rand Little】

[From: Luyang Base]

[Features: E-level gene enhancement, body temperature can be raised to 45°C, immune to most viruses and germs, greatly improving the body's response ability, but it is not sustainable]

[Qigong Master Qimu]

[From: Explosive Oil Machine Group]

[Characteristics: E-level genetic enhancement, the body has unknown mutations, and can use specific techniques to gather some invisible force field and air flow to launch attacks that exceed physical strength]

【Double Heart Park Jin Tae】

[From: Island City Settlement]

[Characteristics: E-level genetic enhancement, born with two hearts, suspected to be heart-enhanced, with strong endurance and physical strength]

【Steel Bone Bian Yuwei】

[From: Luoche Machinery Industry in Jinyangguang District]

[Features: E-level gene enhancement, bone mutation, whole body bone strength exceeds 300% of normal level, and bone structure can be adjusted to a certain extent]

Yuan Yewen focused on giving information about five people.

Among them was the ponytail girl Qi Mu.

And her nickname is actually Qigong Master.

It can mobilize Qi and the so-called invisible force field. The explanation in the data is "unknown mutation".

After all, considering the situation in the wasteland, basically any messy abnormality can be simply and crudely attributed to mutation.

But Rosen sees things differently.

"Things seem to be getting interesting."

Ever since the concept of dimensional intersection was speculated.

He will pay special attention to similar situations in the Eight Wastelands and the Wasteland.

Look for that trace of unusual power mixed in the mundane world.

As for the others, he also looked at them carefully.

There are indeed different styles.

For example, Park Jin-tae, who has two hearts, was a Peninsular before the war.

The avatar looks dull and gloomy.

There's also Rand Little, who can raise his body temperature to 45 degrees Celsius.

A body temperature environment of 45°C is enough to kill most germs without any drugs.

The premise is that the host itself is not killed by high body temperature.

This is a man with a Western face, smiling, but the blond hair on his head is very sparse.

All in all, these five people are indeed very distinctive.

Yuan Yewen believes that if Rosen faces any of the five of them, the outcome will become unpredictable.

It would be best not to face them in the first two rounds. He even hoped that Rosen would not be assigned to the same group as these guys.

Rosen remained calm.

He tied his newly grown hair back.

Said softly.

"Just leave it to me."

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