I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 269 Chapter 0264: The first preliminary round, Rosen wins [Please subscribe]

Although I don’t understand where Rosen’s calm confidence comes from.

But his words still made Yuan Yewen feel slightly relaxed.

No matter what, having confidence is definitely better than having no confidence.

"That's good…"

He replied with a smile and said nothing more.

Young people are arrogant, and too much advice will only be counterproductive.

Rather than doing this, it would be better for Rosen to have a good attitude.

After breakfast, Yuan Yewen and Rosen rode their respective motorcycles and headed to the Wild Beast Arena, guarded by more than 20 Bosozokus.

It is located to the southwest of the outer city.

The overall building shape is similar to the ancient Colosseum and covers a large area.

A large number of stone pillars are used as decoration, but actually there is another mystery inside.

There are a variety of seats that can be raised and lowered, as well as a virtual grandstand with holographic projection.

There are six entrances and exits in all directions.

There is a parking lot outside.

Yuan Yewen led the people to park the car, then walked into the entrance and walked through the spacious passage.

He didn't take his younger brother with him, only the two maids followed him.

There was still a cigar in his mouth, and the sunglasses he wore every day were clipped to his collar.

The leather boots on her feet were brushed spotlessly, and the hair on her head was gathered together with hair wax.

This middle-aged punk looks quite cool.

In order to keep out the cold, he also wore a cloak-style windproof cape behind him.

Rosen was relatively simple, not even wearing a combat uniform.

I just put on a light and loose long-sleeved training uniform.

In fact, for genetic enhancers, the current temperature is far from embarrassing.

Entering the gathering place of the arena, there is an elevated platform with a clear view of the arena.

You can see that the entire arena is divided into 12 square arenas.

Surrounding it are groups of ladder-shaped lift seats.

They're like slices of pizza, with the ability to adjust their layout to suit the situation.

This platform was very large, and hundreds of people gathered in a short time.

Most of them are the big and small bosses of various camps.

All the bosses look powerful and have different dressing styles.

They either exchanged pleasantries or glared at each other.

But they all behaved very restrainedly.

And above this platform, there is a smaller stand.

There are more than a dozen large chairs with backrests placed on it.

The entire stand was completely enveloped in a special light and shadow.

Looking up from below, you can see vague and condescending figures sitting above.

Representatives of the organizer have been waiting for a long time.

That was a highly mechanized reformer.

Under the chest are almost all mechanical mechanisms, and the face is that of a slightly aging middle-aged man.

The representative at this time was looking at the time.

When the gathering time passed, the loudspeaker on his robotic arm sounded a loud whistle.


"Let's start the roll call."

"Anyone who has not arrived after the roll call is completed will be deemed to have given up!"

The roll call session lasted for more than ten minutes.

No one was late, and no one got stuck.

Even the unruly or surly leader remained silent.

Including the skeleton man Butokubo.

Even though he always had a disdainful sneer on his face, he did not jump out to sing any negative tune.

The real battle will come later, not now.

When a life was lost in the arena, these bosses became quite quarrelsome.

After the roll call was over, the competition representatives began to introduce the rules as usual.

"I, Zhang Weishan, am the controller of Changping Machinery Workshop in Jiangcheng."

"We are all old acquaintances, so I won't waste my time."

"Try to simplify the introduction process as much as possible."

"The size of this arena is 10 meters by 10 meters."

"A high-speed nitrogen wall will be deployed around the perimeter, which can block 2.5KG mass bullets, so there is no such thing as going out of bounds."

"The competition is a one-game, one-win system, with no rematches,"

"As long as you fall to the ground for more than 3 seconds or surrender, you will be the loser."

"The rest of the rules are the same as in previous years."

Zhang Weishan looked around, but his lips were not opened.

All the sounds are coming from the loudspeakers on each arm, so it looks a bit weird.

After a slight pause, he added.

"There are 372 contestants in total this time."

"There are 168 people in the E-level group, 102 people in the D-level group, 69 people in the C-level group, and 33 people in the B-level group."

"Therefore, the E-level group took the lead in drawing lots and was divided into 14 groups, with 6 pairs in each group and a total of 12 people."

"If you win one round in the preliminary round, you can enter the semi-finals."

"All subsequent draws will be conducted electronically, and the procedures used are subject to everyone's supervision."

"The D-class groups are as follows..."

"C-level and B-level each have a bye spot in the preliminary round..."

The grouping rules may sound complicated, but they are actually a single promotion system.

Because there are no rematches, the process is actually not complicated.

For a competitor like Rosen, he just needs to get through continuously.

After all the rules have been explained, the next step is the electronic lottery.

The draw is conducted by the contestants through BP or other smart terminals.

Let’s not mention the tedious binding and verification for now.

By the time the grouping and drawing of lots ended, it was already half past eleven in the morning.

There's still an hour and a half left until the first game.

This is the final rest and preparation time for all contestants.

At the same time, electronic handicap and satellite broadcast are also being debugged.

Several large holographic projection screens appeared inside and outside Jiangcheng.

Rosen was assigned to the third group of Class E and will face a contestant named Gao Mulan in the preliminary round.

Looking at the information, this person is from Pengcheng Base City.

Entering the waiting room, the atmosphere immediately became tense.

Yuan Yewen asked two waitresses to give Rosen a muscle massage.

After taking a tube of nutritional mixture and solving the problem of physiological excretion, Rosen had nothing to prepare for.

Yuan Yewen, on the other hand, stared closely at the handicap feedback on the holographic computer.

The odds for the preliminary rounds are out.

Rosen's odds are very low because of his relatively mysterious origins and no past record.

The current odds between him and Gao Mulan are 2.23:1.84.

There is no draw odds, because there is no draw in the game decision.

In rare cases, the bet will be void.

Based on the current odds, his estimated winning rate is only about 44.84%.

Gao Mulan's estimated winning rate is about 55%.

There is no Kelly Index, and the odds will be dynamically adjusted according to the betting situation of the market.

The overflow will be shared evenly by the pool of the total market.

At present, in Rosen's preliminary round alone, the total amount of bets has exceeded 6 million Dark Crystals.

Nearly two million of them were bets made by Yuan Yewen himself.

Veins appeared on his forehead as he stared at the fluctuating odds.

Rosen also asked his acquaintances Hailsen and Qijun to put 500,000 dark crystals on him.

However, the odds remain roughly unchanged because the opposing funds are always under pressure.

That's not a bad thing for Rosen.

He wished that most people didn't think highly of him.

The preliminary round is actually the best time to make money, but the total score in a single round is too small.

In the finals, the handicap for a single game can easily reach tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

Those who participate in betting are not limited to those present.

And those big guys who watch live satellite broadcasts.

After all, precious satellite resources were used for this purpose.

There was almost no post-war event comparable to the Athletic Conference.

Judging from the current situation, more people will win by overpowering Mulan.

Of course, there are many games in the preliminary round, and those scattered gamblers may not put their limited funds on such an unpopular game.

In the E-level field, the hottest ones are still the five people mentioned in the previous information.

Yuan Yewen's confidants are guarding the trading point set up in Jiangcheng with a large sum of source crystals.

Because there is no virtual currency in Jiangcheng, the transaction model is still relatively old-fashioned.

Compared to the tense atmosphere of these power leaders.

Rosen seemed much more relaxed.

He also has no psychological pressure.

If you want to talk about martial arts, then use martial arts to suppress people.

If he didn't care about martial ethics, he could go directly to spiritual thoughts.

After receiving the massage and making the final adjustments, he went directly to the waiting area.

The time soon came to 13:24 pm.

Although the groups are clear, the arena is limited.

Therefore, we still have to arrange events.

He and Gao Mulan were in the third game.

Across the ring, he saw that the other person was a very special woman.

An exceptionally tall and burly woman.

He is over 1.9 meters tall and his shoulders are nearly five times as wide as his head.

The arms are strong and straight, reaching past the middle of the thighs when dropped.

There are almost no female curves on her body, only the outline of bulging muscles.

There is a tight-fitting vest underneath and a loose short-sleeved blouse outside.

The lower body is wearing sports shorts, and the tight thigh muscles look like swollen bullfrogs.

"Tsk, it turns out to be a King Kong Barbie."

"No wonder the odds are much higher than mine."

Rosen was amazed in his heart.

All contestants will take a full-body photo, along with data such as height and weight.

He is also 1.8 meters tall, and his figure is definitely not thin.

But compared with Gao Mulan, the gap is obvious.

The other person's expression is stern and his appearance is more neutral, and his facial lines are also very strong.

However, the slightly exaggerated pectoralis major muscles still show the gender differences.

The contestants from the second group will decide the winner on the spot.

The nitrogen wall fell and after a brief clearing, Gao Mulan and Rosen entered the arena.

Yuan Yewen stood on the sidelines with an earnest expression. At this time, Rosen's victory or defeat was completely linked to his net worth.

A 30-second countdown of holographic projection appeared in the field.

This is basic preparation time.

There is a temporary air wall in the middle, so both sides can make final adjustments.

"Hey, kid."

"If you can't beat me, take the time to admit defeat."

"Otherwise, you might die."

Gao Mulan suddenly spoke.

The words were full of provocation, but his expression remained stern.

But Rosen smiled lightly.

"Hehehe, I will show mercy to you."

As soon as these words came out, Gao Mulan's face suddenly turned livid.

She hated her identity as a woman.

Rosen's words of "love the beauty and cherish the beauty" clearly meant he was looking down on her.

Treat her like one of those weak and pretentious playthings!

"very good."

"I will rip off your head and remove your lute bones as a souvenir."

Her tone became serious.

Rosen didn't answer anymore. He was a little tired of the verbal dispute.

Divine thoughts surged out like a tide, covering the entire arena silently.

At this time, the arena seemed to have become his domain.

Here, even if there is just a pin falling, he can instantly detect it.

The 30 seconds ended quickly.

The air wall in the middle of the ring fell.

There was a puff of dust on the ground.

Gao Mulan, who was a few meters away, suddenly stamped on the ground and jumped up like a cannonball.


She swung a powerful and heavy straight punch towards Rosen.

This punch created layers of air currents.

Rosen moved lightly and flashed past with astonishing reaction speed.

Gao Mulan leaned forward, swept his right foot, and whipped him where he was dodging.

The thick thighs are like large iron rods thrown out, and there are only afterimages in ordinary people's vision.

And now only two or three seconds have passed.

Rosen did not dodge this time. He could see Gao Mulan's strength from the previous attack.

Her sprint punch has almost 1.5 tons of power.

You must know that punching strength and lifting strength are completely different.

This is the difference between impact force and muscle strength.

An impact force of 1.5 tons means that Gao Mulan's single-arm muscle strength should be between 0.5 tons and 0.8 tons.

This value is more than double that of an ordinary E-level genetic enhancer.

He is indeed a highly compatible guy.

But it’s nothing to Rosen.

The muscle strength of his single arm is close to 3 tons, and he can double or triple the force after punching.

If you use specific martial arts power and add energy and blood, the amplification multiplier after punching can reach at least five times.

Considering that legs are large muscle groups, no matter how powerful her whip legs are, they will never exceed 2 tons.

Thoughts swirled, and he made a decision in an instant.

Rosen did not dodge or dodge, but grabbed the strong whip leg that was as fast as the wind with one hand.

He concentrated his energy and blood on that arm.

In this way, even if the opponent has a backhand, his arms can still be stronger than steel.


A huge sound erupted, and the airflow collided and reverberated.

Rosen's hair was brushed.

But his body was as motionless as an iron stake poured into the ground by molten metal.

He is like a wall.

On the contrary, Gao Mulan's expression changed, and her thighs made a crisp crackling sound.

Although there was no fracture on the spot, the force of the shock still damaged her muscles and tendons.

The areas where they touched were visibly red and swollen.

But this woman is also a crazy person.

Not only was he not timid, he suddenly roared furiously.

After staggering, he retracted his legs and struck at Rosen with a fist as big as a casserole.

She had already begun to play tangentially without any rules.

Rosen was as steady as a rock and still only used that hand to parry.

In the next ten seconds, she received hundreds of punches from the opponent.

Gao Mulan's heart rate began to fluctuate, and her chest heaved violently.

At this time, Rosen spoke slowly.

"Meeting you in the preliminary round is a blessing."

"Okay, save your energy."

After saying that, the energy and blood in his one arm swelled, and he suddenly launched a series of fists.

Then he punched Gao Mulan on the side shoulder.

The broad shoulders were visibly dented and deformed, and the huge body flew out and hit the air wall directly.

This punch is simple and unpretentious, but it is as fast as a thunderbolt.

He didn't even have Luo Yun or Sheng Yun Jin attached to his fists.

But after one punch, the winner is determined.

In the preliminary round, Rosen won!

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