I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 272 Chapter 0267: Inquiry and origin [Please subscribe]

If it is the former, it is difficult to explain it by mutation.

But if it is the latter, everything does not transcend the framework of wasteland biotechnology.

Rosen knew a long time ago that gene-enhancing drugs or similar things in various countries were basically researched from the benignly guided FEV forced evolution virus parent.

At the same time, the FEV forced evolution virus was scattered in the wasteland after the war.

Together with the radioactive dust, it has become the largest source of mutant creatures.

After nearly twenty years of mutation and superposition, it has long been unknown how many branches have been extended.

In addition, before the war, there were countless pharmaceuticals developed based on FEV virus.

There are many potions that are much more effective than today's genetic enhancement potions.

It was just because the fatality rate and mutation rate were too high that it was shelved and not used as a direction for mass production.

But this does not mean that those trial versions of potions have no value.

If you are lucky enough, you do have a chance to become a powerful monster.

So let’s talk about will.

There were research results showing that the wasteland world existed more than a hundred years ago before the war.

Human consciousness, especially the subconscious mind, can control the body's potential to a certain extent and bring about some slow changes to the body.

This process often takes years to unfold.

So many people are unaware of it.

Consciousness can actually be used as a key to unlock the body's potential.

Many times, emotions are the means to mobilize this key.

Anger, joy, pain…

The stronger the stimulus, the more effective it is to stimulate stronger emotions.

It is not ruled out that Skeleton Man Takekuhiro and Sanhei have similar means.

Because Rosen has already seen it from Sanhei's performance in the ring.

He can benefit from killing.

Then there were rumors about the skeleton male murder expert, which gave him something to think about.

Of course, this is all just speculation.

And the result is not important. The opponent is in the D-level group and he is in the E-level group. They are not on the same page.

He also killed Rand Little in a very ruthless way just now.

They were all murders, so he had no reason to say anything from the moral high ground.

Even from a rational point of view, brutal killing is definitely more immoral than a straightforward killing.

But in essence, there is not much difference between what the two do.

Rosen put down the empty can and suddenly stretched out his hand and waved slightly behind him.

"Xiao Fei, my shoulders are a little sore..."

Hearing this, the maid Xiaofei quickly came behind him and started massaging him gently.

She also saw the scene where Rosen killed Rand Little just now.

I felt a little embarrassed about it.

Especially when I think about the time when she tested Rosen, I almost get goosebumps.

At that time, she was still a little unconvinced and wanted to do it again.

Fortunately, he was stopped by Yuan Yewen.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will become a corpse.

Rosen, who was enjoying the massage, did not have so much inner drama.

He opened another can of meat and ate it with relish while looking at it.

He did put in some effort when fighting the hot-blooded monster Rand.

But with the blessing of the breathing method, when he stepped off the ring, that little consumption was not worth mentioning.

Without the blessing of technological force, we can only talk about their respective achievements in the field of physical combat.

The martial arts of the Eight Desolate Realms must surpass the genes of the Wasteland to strengthen the Eighteen Streets.

Of course, genetic enhancement can directly improve martial arts qualifications, thus playing a feedback role.

It's just that only Rosen can grasp this advantage.

Therefore, there is no need to say more about how much advantage he has when he competes with the wastelanders as a person with martial arts skills and genetic enhancement.

His eyes returned to the arena.

It didn't take long for Sanhei to tear apart his opponent's chest and abdomen with cruel techniques.

Red and green internal organs slipped out.

The scene is bloody and disgusting.

After all, even when fighting alien species in the wild, such scenes are rarely seen.

Most xenomorphs follow their hunting instinct and will wait until their prey is completely dead before feasting on it.

As for Sanhei, this guy looks like he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he is actually more of a butcher than a butcher.

Disemboweling and tearing out internal organs has almost become his signature moves.

This also made him infamous.

The advantage is that opponents who are matched with him will be deeply afraid and often become timid before fighting.

As for Sanhei himself, he doesn't seem to care at all about his unexpected reputation.

He enjoyed it so much that he couldn't help himself.

Because with powerful insight, Rosen discovered that the trembling of his muscles and the excitement on his face when he was tearing out his internal organs could not lie.

"Boss Yuan?"

Rosen's greeting shocked Yuan Yewen, who was staring at the handicap.

He raised his head hurriedly: "Ah? What's wrong?"

Rosen raised his finger and pointed to the ring below where Sanhei was.

"How does Wu Debao behave in the Explosive Oil Machine Group?"

"The contestants he brought were really cruel."

Rosen pretended to be amazed and asked in a curious tone.

But Yuan Yewen raised his eyebrows, and a look of anger flashed across his face.

"That guy is a fucking mad dog!"

"He took pleasure in killing people."

"Over the years, we have eliminated many enemies in the regiment, but at the same time, we have also caused many new troubles."

"And he actually wants to attack me!"

"If it weren't for the boss..."

He spoke through gritted teeth, but stopped when he got to the key point.

Rosen nodded in agreement.

"Hmm...I can see that."

"But people like Wu Debao are bombs that can be detonated at any time."

He agreed and spoke more meaningfully.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wu Debao is definitely an unstable factor.

Hearing this, Yuan Yewen smiled bitterly.

"That's nothing to worry about."

"With the boss here, he can't make any trouble."

"By the way, I will introduce you after the game is over."

"Our boss may invite you by then, but don't worry, it doesn't matter even if you don't want to join. What we value in the Explosive Oil Machine Group is a sense of identity."

"As long as you get the approval of our boss, won't it be easy to get some missiles in the future?"

At the end of the speech, Yuan Yewen couldn't help but lower his voice and winked at him, seemingly hinting at something.

It was clear to him that Rosen had some need for missiles.

And this is exactly what the Explosive Oil Machine Group can provide.

Rosen was noncommittal and did not answer directly.

What made him curious was what the big boss of the violent oil machine group relied on to restrain the wild horse of Takebao.

There is no further extension on this topic.

Because Sanhei, a boy with thick eyebrows, has ended the game.

The guy was calmly leaving the venue, escorted by a few bosozokus wearing skeleton cowboy suits.

As he walked, he used a towel to wipe the plasma splashed on his hands and face.

The fanatical joy on his face had long since faded away, and all that remained was the seemingly simple and honest calm.

Even though his ears were full of accusations and curses against him.

There were even two medium-sized forces who wanted to start a war with Wu Debao by name, but Sanhei obviously didn't take it to heart.

His performance at the moment was in sharp contrast to his tyranny on stage.

It's impossible to tell which one is the real him.

But the more this happened, the angrier those people became.

Rosen looked away from the slowly walking away figure and looked at Yuan Yewen who was focusing on the handicap information.

"By the way, who is that Qi Mu?"

When Yuan Yewen heard his question, he subconsciously raised his head and glanced before answering.

"Xiao Mu, she is also one of the boss's adopted daughters."

"Adopted daughter?"

"Then why does she come to the competition?"

"This competition will kill people."

Rosen said in a casual tone.

But Yuan Yewen spread his hands helplessly.

"The boss has adopted hundreds of orphans."

"Both Zang Qiu and Xiaomu have embarked on their own path."

"Don't look at Zang Qiu like a little girl who doesn't do her job properly."

"In fact, she became the leader of the group, at least 80% through her own efforts."

"The only female bosozoku team in the group was created by her."

"At the beginning, we were not optimistic about her, but the performance of those girls in actual combat was amazing."

"Every girl is very focused, their shooting skills are very strong, and their ability to capture fighter jets is also great."

Yuan Yewen admired sincerely.

Seeing that Rosen didn't say anything, he then added: "The boss allows those children to embark on the path of their own choice."

Rosen's thoughts began to flow after hearing his introduction.

In fact, what he was concerned about was the origin of Qi Mu's special ability.

In this regard, he did not act too eagerly, but followed Yuan Yewen's words and complimented him.

"Then your boss is really a broad-minded person."

"Hehe, he is indeed a great boss." Yuan Yewen smiled.

Rosen nodded in agreement, and then asked the question that concerned him most.

"Then do you know where Qi Mu's ability comes from?"

"The strange air mass and invisible position cannot be explained by mutation."

"I can barely understand even Rand Little, a guy whose body temperature soars to a half-cooked level, but I really can't understand Qimu."

Rosen shrugged.

The 11 people in the E-class group will decide the winner tomorrow.

Except for the lucky ones who continue to have byes.

There is a high probability that he will win the other four people including Qi Mu.

Faced with this question, Yuan Yewen's face showed a look of reminiscence.

"Xiaomu was picked up by the boss near the Great Tiankeng in Shanxi Province."

"Big Tiankeng?" Rosen was very unfamiliar with this place name.

But Yuan Yewen nodded to himself and said, "Yeah, it's hard to imagine that a little girl under three years old could be picked up in a barren place like the Great Tiankeng."

“That was two years after the Great Breaking.”

"And Xiaomu's ability suddenly appeared when she was ten years old."

"There are no signs."

"At first she could only control fist-sized air masses, and she could condense the air masses and shoot them one meter away. The power was about the same as a child's fist."

"As she grew older, her abilities continued to grow."

Having said this, he leaned into Rosen's ear and added.

"It is said that the current Xiaomu can crush a light jeep with all his strength."

"According to calculations, the maximum instantaneous impact force is probably not less than 20 tons..."

"Just doing this will greatly consume her energy."

Rosen kept the key word "Big Tiankeng" in his mind and prepared to check the information later.

As for the extreme impact force of twenty tons, he didn't take it to heart.

Even this level is definitely a dimensionality reduction blow within the E-class group.

But Rosen is still confident that he can handle it.

After all, what he had been calculating before was the impact generated by the explosion of muscle power.

In addition to Qi and blood, he also has third-level spiritual thoughts.

If you use the help of spiritual thoughts, it will be no problem to resist the impact of a mere twenty tons.

And judging from Yuan Yewen's description, this should be Qi Mu's trump card.

Compared with the opponent's strength, he was still more concerned about Qi Mu's origin.

After getting the information he wanted, Zong Shen began to chat with Yuan Yewen for a while.

It wasn't until all games ended today and the handicap was closed that the two of them left.

The big guy Hailsen brought the dark crystal he won on behalf of Rosen.

The initial 500,000 dark crystals turned into more than 3 million.

This allowed Rosen himself to make a solid profit.

He generously gave 50,000 yuan to Haiersen and 10,000 yuan to Qi Jun.

Then he returned to the dormitory.

Sitting on the bed, he threw the storage bag filled with dark crystals and source crystals on the sidelines and began to think.

Tomorrow is the fierce final game, but the focus of his attention is not on the game.

It's about Qi Mu's life experience and the big boss of the violent oil machine group.

Yuan Yewen guessed right, he really needed missiles.

To put it more accurately, the Bahuang Realm needs the help of missiles.

Preferably ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

Nuclear bombs are the most powerful weapon at his disposal.

And it’s also relatively easier to obtain.

However, Rosen lacked an effective way to deliver a nuclear bomb.

Small nuclear bombs can also be dropped by projectile delivery, but any nuclear bomb with a larger yield can easily affect itself.

If there are medium and long-range ballistic missiles, he can control the enemy thousands of miles away through manual remote control guidance, or find a way to launch a small satellite for auxiliary guidance.

Therefore, he must find a way to obtain a batch of suitable ballistic missiles.

At present, the breakthrough point lies with the Explosive Oil Machinery Group.

He thought seriously, then got up and took a hot bath.

This is one of the few benefits in the park.

After taking a shower, he sat cross-legged on the single bed and began to practice his spiritual thoughts.

About early in the morning, there was a burst of fierce gunfire outside.

The sound was from the building where Wu Debao and others lived.

Yuan Yewen was awakened.

There was a large group of people engaged in a shootout outside.

Fortunately, the Jiangcheng security forces arrived in time.

Through the balcony window, Rosen saw that the building opposite had been blasted with a hole.

Thick smoke billowed into the sky.

Affected by this incident, Rosen did not take a nap until after two o'clock in the morning.

The first day's battle did not consume much energy, so he did not consume much.

Simply resting can restore your body to its peak condition.

He got up just after six o'clock the next morning.

Today's schedule is relatively easy.

He was also prepared for everything.

When the game ends, this trip to Jiangcheng will also come to an end.

And Rosen will return with a full load.

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