I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 273 Chapter 0268: Some past events, final day [Please subscribe]

The New Day format is simple.

The game will start at 14:00.

Normally the winner can be decided before 18:00 in the evening.

Then the Jiangcheng Committee of Twelve will award awards to the top three in each group.

Finally, there is the dinner party. The top three in each group are eligible to dine with the twelve committee members of Jiangcheng together with the leaders of the forces they represent.

And those contestants who didn't die in the ring also had a buffet banquet waiting for them.

But according to the current food supply in the wasteland, there is a high probability that the buffet banquet will not have any good dishes. At best, it will be canned meat and dried meat.

But the dinner for the top three is worth looking forward to.

The status of the Twelve Committee members and the heads of various forces determined that the standards of the dinner would not be much different.

Of course, Rosen was not one to be greedy for dinner food.

What interested him was the opportunity to network at the dinner party.

But I heard that the dinner party is also a part of the win-win process.

Those big guys will offer generous offers to win over the best in each group.

Although Rosen does not intend to accept any influence, he can definitely seek opportunities for cooperation.

Either way it's much better than working behind closed doors.

As for the risks, there are naturally them.

But now he is no longer the young boy he was then.

Even if there is any situation, Rosen prides himself on being able to deal with it.

As the saying goes, nothing in the world is perfect, and you still have to try to find the path you need to take.

He planned to win today's game quickly.

Before facing Qi Mu, try to deal with the opponent as quickly as possible.

After the battle with Rand Little, he was tired of pretending.

Since the goal is to be number one, then simply show some edge.

Considering that Qimu specifically chatted with him for a while before the game.

Rosen believes that Qi Mu may not care about winning or losing in competitive competitions.

She was also looking for something.

That's a very smart girl.

There is a kind of orchid and heart-like temperament.

Everything can deceive people, but the temperament that exudes from the inside out cannot lie, especially for a monk with a keen sense like Rosen.

Perhaps she is also exploring her own life experience.

Rosen thought to himself, and then quickly gathered his thoughts.

Get up, wash up and get dressed.

Then seeing that it was still early, he practiced Zhuang Kung Fu in the room for a while and did a set of Yun Qi Quan.

Then he walked out of the single room where he lived and went to the door next door and knocked on Yuan Yewen's door.

It took nearly two minutes before the door was opened.

The door was opened by the maid Xiao Fei.

She rubbed her hazy sleepy eyes and was wrapped in a loose nightgown.

It can only barely cover the spring sunshine.

"Mr. Zhang..."

"Mr. Yuan is changing clothes. He asks you to come in and wait for two minutes."

Xiaofei said respectfully.

Rosen nodded and walked into the house without hesitation.

He knew that Yuan Yewen lived in a small two-bedroom suite with its own small bar and living room.

So don’t worry about being embarrassed.

He went straight to the living room and sat on the soft sofa.

The waitress Xiao Fei tightened the straps of her nightgown and came to the small bar to pour him water.

Rosen's eyes casually glanced at a cutie lace piece in the gap of the sofa next to him.

It was obviously something that was left out in the rush to clean up.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that Lao Yuan has not been idle these two days."

He turned his eyes away and looked at a decorative painting on the wall.

It depicts birds and farmsteads.

The autumnal yellow has become the main color in the painting.

The rich ears of wheat are hanging down. The scene in this painting perfectly fits Rosen's dream.

But now his dream has quietly changed.

Once a person gains stronger power and has a broader vision, the dreams in his heart will also change accordingly.

What is really rare is the sentence of never forgetting your original intention.

But as people go higher and water flows lower, the first dream may not be the best dream.

The current Rosen has greater ambitions and goals.

He works hard to achieve the future he wants in his heart.

This is probably what people often refer to as Bentou.

I didn't wait too long, as the maid Xiao Fei put down a glass of clean water and walked into the bedroom.

Yuan Yewen came to the living room wearing a casual shirt.

It's warm inside.

Electric oil-filled heaters powered by nuclear fusion cores are releasing heat.

"Why did you get up so early?"

"Don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

Yuan Yewen smiled broadly, looking at Rosen with only fervent concern in his eyes.

Just kidding, this is the God of Wealth.

Even if it is offered as a treasure, it is not an exaggeration.

But Rosen smiled.

"It's daybreak."

"And I have a few things I want to ask you for advice."

"Haha, just ask whatever you want. As long as it's not a secret in the group, I'll tell you everything." Yuan Yewen laughed boldly.

However, what Rosen said the next second made his laughter stop abruptly.

"I'm going to build a settlement."

Yuan Yewen turned his head blankly, his eyes filled with disbelief.

He asked in an unrealistic and absurd tone: "Are you serious?"

"Do you know how many resources it takes to build a settlement?" He frowned.

Rosen had expected Yuan Yewen's violent reaction.

"Resources can be accumulated slowly."

"And I have a stable way to make money."

Rosen spoke calmly. His words were actually quite reserved and he did not reveal any details.

But Yuan Yewen combined the information he had found before and it was not difficult to guess something.

He suddenly fell silent.

After pondering for a moment, he persuaded him earnestly.

“Establishing a settlement was a big deal.”

"In addition to the most basic resource reserves, regional attractiveness, environment, material supply, and military strength are all critical factors, and all are indispensable."

"There is no shortage of ambitious careerists in this ruined wasteland of civilization."

“Some people rise to the occasion and take advantage of the situation, while others turn into withered bones in the wasteland through misfortunes.”

"It's a skill to have a way to earn dark crystals."

"You can definitely save enough money and live in a relatively stable settlement."

He was not optimistic about Rosen's idea of ​​establishing a settlement.

A camp and a settlement are two completely different things.

Although the former is often regarded as the prototype of the latter.

Yuan Yewen couldn't help but sigh when he saw Rosen's expression unchanged.

He began to tell him some things about the early days of the Great Destruction.

After all, in his eyes, Rosen is just a child.

Nineteen years ago, I may not have remembered this.

Little did he know that Rosen had many memories before the war, but the more than ten years after the war were like a blank slate.

Yuan Yewen naturally couldn't guess such a weird life experience.

So he regarded himself as an elder, and he was in a good mood these past two days, so he couldn't help but have some thoughts about getting to know Rosen sincerely.

That's half an hour.

Rosen was quite pleased with what he heard.

It just so happened that he was very curious about the past events in the early days of the Great Destruction.

Throughout the vast wasteland, there are thousands of camps.

However, there are only at most two or three large-scale settlements in each province.

And basically only by mastering the advantages in the early stages of the Great Destruction can they rise quickly.

In the early days of the Great Destruction, the survivors were in chaos.

A large number of civilians who had no chance to enter shelters or underground facilities, as well as rebels from both sides of the war, corporate consortiums, etc., were all fighting together.

The external radiation value at the beginning was ridiculously high.

Fortunately, before the war broke out, the Pan-Asian Federation produced war emergency kits in advance and distributed them to families as a compulsory quota.

It contains a certain amount of iodine tablets, nutritional mixtures, etc.

These supplies became the key for most survivors to get through the early days.

In the remaining months after the great devastation, the survivors who had stabilized somewhat began to search for supplies spontaneously.

Starting from rural areas with better conditions, we gradually moved towards the suburbs.

Even though the city was torn to pieces, many buildings were still preserved.

Especially those standard warehouses that meet the construction strength.

As long as you find one, you can eat and drink without worries.

That period of time is actually the best time for survivors to accumulate their first pot of gold.

Later, groups emerged among survivors.

Because it is human nature to stick together.

The emergence of groups leads to the emergence of classes.

The strong dominate the weak and use force to maintain order.

Gangs often fight for resources.

At the same time, many survivors suffered from radiation sickness and were abandoned in the wilderness.

At that time, people had relatively sufficient food and did not use humans to make nutritional mixtures.

The following months were a period of merger and expansion where the big fish ate up the small fish.

Six months after the nuclear explosion, real trouble emerged.

Those abandoned survivors turned into ghouls under the influence of radiation and the leaked FEV forced evolution virus.

The animals that originally lived in the city and the monsters that escaped from the laboratory formed the original team of alien species.

Of course, evolution requires a process.

The earliest zombies and alien species were far less terrifying than they are today.

But it also caused huge casualties to the survivors who had no idea of ​​defense at the time.

They hide in the ruins of the city, and survivors who go to explore for resources will be hunted if they are not careful.

From 8 months to 1 year after the Great Destruction.

The mother nest begins to appear, and variation and diversification gradually appear.

The number of ghouls suddenly increased, but the source could not be found.

You must know that at that time, the ghouls were not able to absorb nutrients and reproduce through photosynthesis.

Yuan Yewen told a rumor that spread far and wide at that time.

It is said that a group of clones without memories have been released into cities all over the country.

It was those clones who became the supplementary strength of the wights.

Time continues to pass, and while human survivor groups are busy fighting and building camps and safe zones, aliens and ghouls are also quietly mutating.

The third year after the Great Destruction.

The first large-scale alien wave broke out.

The brood releases special pheromones, prompting all ghouls and alien species to flee the city.

Many nascent camps collapsed that year.

The people who survived gradually mastered some rules.

The alien tide brought not only destruction, but also prompted the survivor groups to further merge.

External pressure has always been the best way to get humans to let go of their prejudices.

During that period, large settlements and base cities emerged one after another in various places.

People noticed the cyclical nature of the alien tide and began to build targeted fortifications.

And soldiers will be sent out regularly to clear out the nest.

In fact, the regular tide of xenomorphs has only ended in recent years.

That period of time is also known as the "Alien Tide."

After further centralization of resources, the prototype of those large settlements was finally laid.

Looking back at the history of the rise of those settlements, we can only say that the right time, place and people are indispensable.

As long as there are enough dark crystals, it is almost impossible to build a settlement that can accommodate more than 100,000 people out of thin air.

The regional distribution of the population has been solidified. There will be refugees, but they will only become fewer and fewer.

Combined with lower birth rates and higher death rates.

The first difficulty facing us is population.

If dark crystal is used as a bait to attract the population, it will be difficult to be effective.

Because there is nothing in the startup camp, it is useless to ask for money.

All in all, in Yuan Yewen's opinion, Rosen's idea is just a wild daydream.

After he spoke until his mouth went dry.

Turning to look at Rosen, I thought this guy would give up.

Unexpectedly, a more interested expression appeared on his face.

"Thanks for the advice."

“I learned a lot from this conversation.”

Rosen nodded in greeting and expressed his gratitude to Yuan Yewen but never mentioned the establishment of a settlement.

As Yuan Yewen said, it is difficult to build a settlement for nothing nowadays.

But Rosen's plan exceeded his imagination.

Originally, he didn't plan to build it for nothing.

Without saying another word, he took Yuan Yewen to have breakfast together.

Change the topic to the competitive meeting again.

We hung out like this until noon.

He added another tube of nutrient mixture, and then went straight to the Wild Beast Arena.

Today was the final round, and he was eager to get to the reward settlement phase as soon as the game was over.

This is what Rosen expected.

Fighting with wasteland enhancers and mutants made him feel uninterested.

If you have this time, you might as well go to the Bahuang Realm to practice boxing a few more times, or catch a few more younger brothers in the Evil Disaster Realm.

He is actually very interested in evil energy and supernatural power systems.

That thing is like opening a blind box.

The most important thing is that it achieves some kind of self-consistency of rules.

This gave Rosen reason to suspect that it was a world of rules dominated by some mysterious force.

Know that rules are everywhere.

It's just that the rules of that world obviously have special limitations.

For example, safe zones, power awakening, etc.

Therefore, competitive competitions are actually quite boring for Rosen himself.

He came here solely to enhance his knowledge and earn armament rewards, and had little interest in fighting and fighting.

Nor does he enjoy killing like the bushy-browed boy Sanhei.

This is the difference in mentality.

With steady steps, he walked into the venue, followed by Yuan Yewen.

All the leaders did not enter the waiting room, but sat in the stands.

The hazy light and shadow originally shrouded on the highest platform also became slightly clearer.

Twelve figures sitting upright appeared.

These twelve figures are the twelve committee members of Jiangcheng.

At the same time, they are also the big guys in the area.

The light and shadow blurred their figures and blocked their voices.

This gave the Twelve Committee members an invisible power over everyone else.

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