I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 274 Chapter 0269: Wonderful Showdown [Please subscribe]

Rosen raised his head and glanced silently.

Then he looked back calmly.

The competition is just a way of entertainment to please these powerful men.

It's like dog fighting, cock fighting, or even grasshopper fighting, which is popular in the Bahuang world.

Even if it is covered up with lies such as talent selection, it cannot conceal its essence.

Rosen did not feel any emotion about this matter.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a part of it or it doesn’t matter if it’s condescending.

The world is still uncertain, and everyone is just a coward in this world.

There are 11 people participating in the E-level group today, and everyone is staying in the waiting area.

The first round is divided into five games, and one lucky person will also get a bye.

The six people who advance will be divided into three games in the second round to determine the top three in the E-class group.

The final round will be a melee to determine the winner.

For this reason, the arena will be replaced with a larger area.

Melee mode involves a certain amount of luck and strategy.

Judging from past situations, the stronger player in the melee is often besieged by two people who feel they are weaker.

Of course, there are also cases of people waiting for opportunities to fight, and then sneak attacks to win.

If the excitement of the entire group of events is 100 points.

Then the final melee session will be exclusive for at least 30 points.

Rosen looked at the rules pushed from BP and suddenly had an idea.

Immediately, he released his spiritual thoughts to cover his body.

His keen mind allowed him to catch several eyes that were quietly sizing him up.

The five dark horse players in the E-level group, except for Rand Little and Barbarian Fist Li Keda, who were beaten to death by him yesterday, were almost all staring at him.

Barbarian Fist Li Keda is a bald, thin old man.

Although his body is not strong, his arms are extremely strong.

This kind of strength seems very abrupt.

It was like a small puppet with a pair of extremely inconsistent arms.

His arms are alienated, which is where his name "Barbarian Fist" comes from.

Rosen doubted that his thin body could support the continuous exertion of his arms.

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, his palms flat on his knees.

There is a feeling of being deaf to what is going on outside the window.

Among the three people staring at him.

Qi Mu didn't need to say anything more.

This girl was inexplicably interested in him.

Although even Rosen didn't know what her point of interest was.

One can only guess that she might have seen something.

After all, Rosen himself is an alien with a big secret.

It is easy for heterogeneous and heterogeneous people to have some inexplicable attractions.

As for the double-hearted Park Jintae, the Peninsular who always had a gloomy face, looked at him with hatred in his eyes. Rosen was a little baffled by this jealousy that came from nowhere.

Finally, there is the woman named Bian Yuwei, nicknamed Cyborg.

She looks seven or eight years older than Rosen, with a mature and steady face.

Wearing a loose round neck long sleeves and trousers.

Through the observation perspective of his spiritual mind, Rosen could see circles of bandages wrapped around her torso from inside the collar.

Compared to Park Jintai, she looked at Rosen more calmly.

It's the kind of look that pays attention to competitors without too much emotion.

If Rosen were asked to choose an opponent more worthy of attention among the two.

Then he would choose Bian Yuwei without hesitation.

The reason is also very simple, because this woman has a very strong desire to win.

The purer it is, the more powerful it is.

Park Jintae's emotions are all written on his face, and what he pursues in his heart is extremely complicated.

Having said that, everyone will meet in the ring sooner or later.

As for the occasional glances from other people, most of them are filled with fear and fear.

Rosen sensed everything with his spiritual mind.

This is actually a kind of practice.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

The electronic lottery begins.

The remaining 11 contestants in Group E started operating on their respective terminals.

The results of the draw are displayed instantly.

As one of the highly anticipated dark horses, Qi Mu received a bye.

The remaining 10 people have to prepare to play.

The lucky guy who got a bye last night looked very ugly.

Unlike others who relied on strength to get promoted, he truly got here by luck.

Facing the top ten in Group E, he had no confidence that he could deal with any of them.

The person with the second ugliest face is Park Jin-tae with two hearts.

As luck would have it, the opponent he drew was none other than Rosen.

There is a saying that is well said, and if you never forget it, there will be an echo.

This guy's wish came true.

However, despite being so displeased with Rosen, when he actually faced Rosen, his expression was as if he was mourning for his concubine.

It seems that the courage of this peninsula man is not as strong as he showed.

Rosen, who was standing there, also raised his head and looked at Park Jintae after seeing the lottery results pushed on BP.

He also grinned and showed a playful smile.

Park Jintae, whose eyes were gloomy, looked away decisively after looking at him for 0.01 seconds.

Rosen watched his in-ring duel yesterday.

To be honest, Park Jintae is not a weakling.

His twin-heart mutation allows him to take on three different forms.

The other of the two hearts is a mutated heart. After activating the mutation effect, his body strength can be increased by approximately 2 to 3 times, and his strength can be increased by more than 1.5 times.

The muscles all over the body will be rapidly congested and swollen due to blood pumping.

Apart from that, there is nothing else special about it.

Of course, this guy had fought relatively easily in the previous battles, so we cannot rule out the possibility that Park Jintae has another trump card.

Rosen didn't think too much, he just did it and it was done.

Qi Mu, as the lucky bye, does not have to play.

And Barbarian Boxing Li Keda faced the guy who had a bye yesterday.

That person last night was a well-deserved European Emperor.

But now, he only felt ashamed.

After paying a little attention to the situation, Rosen concentrated on waiting to play.

He was in the second game.

You don't have to wait too long.

The first one to take the stage was the steely Bian Yuwei.

He was up against a middle-aged muscular man named Tom Dray.

Before the war, he was a Marine of the Covenant Community.

Injected with the serum of the first stage of the super soldier.

Basically benchmark the E-type reinforcement here in Pan-Asian United.

Due to differences in the system, he was unable to inject D-level drugs, nor was he able to obtain the second-stage serum.

Although the base materials of both are FEV forced evolution viruses, they are not very compatible.

If injected randomly, the mortality rate is very high.

However, these years of crawling around in the wasteland and being exposed to radiation and various high-risk viruses for a long time have also caused some amazing changes in Tom Dre's body.

After all, he also relied on his own strength to advance to the top ten, and he is still somewhat famous.

The finals are played one game at a time.

So Rosen was interested in watching the game.

In his opinion, Bian Yuwei was a very strange woman.

After the two came on stage, they stood across the high-speed nitrogen wall and looked at each other.

The strong Tom Dre looks very calm and does not show a violent temperament.

There is only a kind of inner peace.

Rather than saying that he is a fighter, it is better to say that he is an uncle next door who is tired of the disputes and plans to retire and return to work.

This makes Tom Dre's impression of Rosen extremely contrasting.

"Be careful, I punch hard."

Halfway through the countdown, he suddenly spoke.

In response, Bian Yuwei just smiled and nodded.

They should be regarded as the most polite pair of players in the game so far.

There was no provocation or tense atmosphere.

As the countdown ends, the nitrogen wall quickly falls.

Tom Dre's huge back bulged slightly, like a beast ready to attack.

The muscles all over his body were ridged and bulging, with a copper color on the surface.

In just the blink of an eye, he jumped up high, held each other's fists and smashed them towards Bian Yuwei.

At the critical moment, Bian Yuwei managed to escape.

The wind of the fist lifted her bangs, and her fists hit the ground, causing the concrete on the surface to crack.

After all, he is the leader and outlier in the E-class group, and his attack power is definitely at the super-class level.

At this time Bian Yuwei's counterattack began.

After avoiding the heavy hammer, she immediately got close to him, and instead of using her fists, she used her forearm to strike hard at Tom's shoulder blade.

During the chopping process, the radius and ulna in her forearm suddenly deformed and broke through the flesh, turning into a bloody bone blade.

It is worth mentioning that the wound on the arm opened by the bone blade almost stopped the bleeding visible to the naked eye, and the pale flesh protected the sides like a knife.

The edge of the bone blade actually reflected a faint luster, giving it a metal-like texture.


Hit Tom Dray's body with a bone blade.

Cut his sleeveless vest directly.

But when the knife edge penetrates the meat, it is extremely obscure.

Bian Yuwei felt that what she had cut was not human flesh and blood, but a piece of elastic, high-tenacity rubber.

The blade only cuts a few centimeters and cannot go any deeper.

This wasn't the end yet, the cut muscles on Tom Dre's shoulder tightened instantly, and actually caught the bone blade like an iron pliers.


Rosen watched the competition between the two with interest.

Bian Yuwei's face changed slightly as her bone blade was stuck.

And Tom Dray showed a gentle smile.

"A very powerful attack."

Before he finished speaking, a big hand like a fence grabbed Bian Yuwei.

As long as he is caught by Tom, the outcome will be determined quickly.


The next moment, the half of the bone blade that was stuck fell off Bian Yuwei's forearm.

Blood gushes out, and she quickly steps backwards.

Although it looked miserable, he was not captured directly.

The blood splattered all over Tom Dray's head and face

This approach seems a bit cruel indeed.

Everyone inside and outside the stands was curious.

How on earth is Bian Yuwei going to fight with one arm missing?

Tom Dray wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand.

Then he easily pulled out the bone knife stuck on his shoulder blade.

Bian Yuwei, who flashed a few meters away, looked pale, but her eyes remained firm.

She said nothing, and a new change suddenly occurred.

The clothes on her body exploded, and ribs were wrapped around her body in a ring.

Sharp bone spurs or sharp bone blades popped out from the joints of the limbs.

Even her legs were no exception. There were dense short bone spurs on the shins of her calves, and there were bone spurs and bone armor of different lengths on her heels and knees.

The arm that had previously had half of its bone blade turned into a bone hammer.

This change refreshed everyone's understanding of mutation.

Her bones moved out of her body.

It looks like it's wearing an exoskeleton armor.

In nature, crustaceans share similar body structures with arthropods, insects, and a few reptiles.

The most typical example is the turtle.

Then there are crabs, beetles, and lobsters.

Even snails, oysters, and shells can be considered to have exoskeletons.

But their exoskeletons are not just bone, but also chitin.

This degree of mutation makes Bian Yuwei transcend the category of human beings.

"You are strong, but I have to win!"

Bian Yuwei rarely spoke.

There was not much emotion in her words, only the persistence of desire to win.

"Admitting defeat is the most honorable ending for you."

"If you keep fighting, even if you can beat me, you won't be able to win the next one."

Without an answer, Bian Yuwei turned from passive to active.

Now she has completely turned into a monster.

Except for the head, the whole body is wrapped in a bony body.

And her speed not only did not slow down, but actually increased a lot.

It's just a little stiff when turning.

If you look carefully, you can see that those skeletal bodies are very organized.

It has a telescoping structure similar to a lobster shell.

The frame of the chest is mainly the ribs that extend around it.

They are stacked layer upon layer to form an extremely solid defense layer.

The two figures collided with each other.

The sound of fists pounding, dull collisions, and bones breaking were intertwined.

Everyone at the scene subconsciously kept quiet.

Even Rosen had an eye-opening feeling.

The gamblers outside the venue were even more excited.

The odds for Bian Yuwei and Tom Del Rey are also changing rapidly.

In the ring, the two started a brutal fight with punches for punches.

Tom Dre's physical strength is very high, approaching the category of B-level enhancement.

And the skeletal Bian Yuwei is equally fierce.

The fighting lasted for nearly ten minutes.

This situation is extremely rare in the ring.

The final winner was Tom Del Rey.

The bones in Bian Yuwei's body were broken, but she still had a breath left.

All her bones fell back into her body like melted gelatin, leaving a shattered body on the ground.

Tom's body was covered with bone spurs and wounds left by bone blades.

Even the visceral peritoneum can be seen at the deepest point.

If he hadn't been able to control his muscles, he would have suffered from diarrhea and intestinal bleeding.

He spared Bian Yuwei's life.

After the referee declared victory, he walked off the ring and received emergency treatment surrounded by his affiliated forces.

Bian Yuwei was lying on the ground miserably.

Speaking of which, she is still Rosen’s “fellow fellow”.

Represented by Luoche Machinery Industry in Jinyangguang District.

However, Chairman Luo Feng did not come to the scene in person.

The person in charge of leading the team was an indifferent woman wearing an OL suit.

She was very disappointed with Bian Yuwei's performance and was even unwilling to send someone to help her leave the ring.

Rosen captured this keenly.

He came to Yuan Yewen and whispered a few words.

"Are you sure?" Yuan Yewen was surprised.

After seeing Rosen nod again, he stopped questioning and got up and walked directly.

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