I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 275 Chapter 0270: The five-stripe blood crystal in the heart [Please subscribe]

A few minutes later, Yuan Yewen returned to him with his head held high.

Several bosozokus wearing deerskin jackets from behind crudely carried the dying Bian Yuwei.

Her vitality is terrifyingly tenacious.

Even though her body was broken like a loose puppet, she still had a chance to survive as long as she was willing to spend the Dark Crystal.

Jiangcheng has a paid medical warehouse.

And it's the top-notch kind.

It can even heal mutilated internal organs and limbs.

But it charges by the hour.

The hourly fee starts at at least 30,000 dark crystals.

And the treatment time depends on the severity of the injury.

Serious injuries often take more than 20 hours to fully heal.

Roche Machinery Industry obviously will not bear the treatment costs, which can easily cost hundreds of thousands.

After all, the defeated Bian Yuwei had lost all value.

Not all contestants and forces represented can have a relatively equal status.

A considerable proportion of the contestants were even coerced by those forces.

Some are similar to slaves.

Of course, there are some cooperative relationships like Yuan Yewen and Rosen.

This kind of cooperation is closer to employment.

For Yuan Yewen at that time, his ability to agree to those conditions was also an element of gambling.

Now it seems there is no doubt that he won the bet.

The benefits Rosen brought him had already recouped the cost.

As long as he successfully enters the top three or even wins the championship, he can make a lot of money during this trip.

As their interests deepened, the relationship between him and Rosen in this event gradually became tied.

Both sides will be prosperous and both will suffer.

So he was willing to handle Rosen's affairs as his own.

As long as the God of Wealth is in a good mood and performs well in the ring, then everything will be worth it.

Rosen had just asked him to negotiate with the representatives of Roche Machinery Industry.

He offered a not-so-low price and bought Bian Yuwei directly.

Rosen was intrigued by her skeletal mutations.

And Bian Yuwei is actually a fighter with great potential.

She lost to Tom Delay entirely because she was restrained.

Tom's enhancement is reflected in muscle specificity.

Therefore, his physique and defensive capabilities are very strong.

In the duel, as long as Bian Yuwei's bone blades and bone spurs cannot hit him hard immediately, he will fall into a passive situation.

The most important thing is that it doesn't cost Rosen much to save her.

Otherwise, it would be totally uneconomical to smash hundreds of thousands of dark crystals for treatment.

Using so much money to save a mutant would be worse than purchasing armaments of equal value.

At this time, the arena has begun to be cleared, and the quick-drying concrete is accelerated and solidified by the hot air blower, making the damaged ground smooth again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Rosen and several bosozokus took Bian Yuwei into the relatively private waiting room.

After he dismissed the crowd, he reached into his pocket.

In fact, he took out a fourth-level healing elixir from the [Consciousness Space].

Its effect is very significant. Although it cannot kill people and make bones, it has an excellent healing effect on most physical injuries.

After feeding the elixir, Rosen called the waitress Xiao Fei.

Instruct her to replenish Bian Yuwei's water by drip feeding every ten minutes.

The effect of the fourth-level elixir is actually not as good as that of the treatment cabin, but it is enough to extend her life.

Judging from Bian Yuwei's violent skeleton exposure and mutated form.

She should have a way to restore herself.

Otherwise, in her previous transformations, she would have completely solidified into the form of a monster.

Some clues can be seen from the fact that her exoskeleton can melt into gel and retract into the body.

So Rosen first renewed her life, and then decided what to do based on her situation.

After doing these things, the bell outside urging the players to come on stage has already rang.

After walking out of the waiting room, Rosen stepped directly onto the ring.

The damaged areas have been completely repaired, with only a slight color difference proving the existence of the battle just now.

Two-hearted Park Jin-tae tied her messy hair into a short ponytail.

With his eyelids lowered, he looked like a lifeless toad.

The skin is dull and yellow, giving people a sickly feeling.

He said nothing, and the silence was terrible.

Rosen watched silently with the mentality of an observer.

The temperaments displayed by both sides are completely different.

After experiencing several games before and after, Rosen has always shown a calm mental outlook.

His ease almost became a personal characteristic.

"Game start."

The referee blew the whistle, and walls of nitrogen rose on all sides.

The 30 second countdown is in progress.

At this moment, Park Jintai suddenly raised his head, his lips pursed, as if he had something to say.

But in the end all the words turned into a ferocious look.

Rosen found that the contestants in these competitions were more or less abnormal.

The abnormality here does not refer to the body, but the mental aspect.

Some people do it because they have a reason to get a good ranking.

Even Rosen can't see through the motives of some guys.

Such is the case with the double-hearted Park Jintae in front of him.

Rosen read worry, fear, resentment, etc. from his emotions.

But he didn't flinch.

The countdown is over soon.

Park Jintai raised his head and roared, his right chest pulsing violently.

He had no intention of holding back.

The mutation happened just like that, and his whole body was visibly swollen with blood.

The yellow skin was stretched open and replaced by hot red.

The veins on his forehead were bulging, as if they were about to burst at any moment.

Bright red mist comes out of the pores.

His swollen figure immediately became hazy.

Rosen gathered his energy and blood in his feet, and his spiritual thoughts spread around him like gentle lake water.

What surprised him was that in the blood mist, Park Jintae actually exuded blood that was almost like a demon.

Then the blood mist surged, and a swollen and deformed figure rushed over.

Park Jintae launched a charge with a shoulder-to-shoulder charge.

Rosen sank slightly, and blood flowed from his feet to his right arm.

Use Luoyun Jin to throw out a straight punch.

The surging force formed a spiral air wave at the edge of the fist.

It is undoubtedly stupid to use your fist to resist the impact on your shoulder.

Because this means using the power of a single punch to counter the impact of the opponent's whole body.

But at the moment of the collision, Park Jintae's body flew back directly.

The shoulder that was the horn continued to bleed, and a blood hole the size of a rubber ball was opened there.

Luoyun Jin is a downward force method, with the accompanying effects of crushing and concussion.

Therefore, Rosen's punch was no less powerful than a high-speed rotating alloy drill.

Feeling the numbness on his wrist, Rosen raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

"This kind of physical strength and power is no less than the first four realms of martial arts."

The two days of competitive competition really opened his eyes.

At the same time, it also made Rosen understand that he had always underestimated the mutation system of the wasteland.

He jumped up and chased Park Jintai who fell to the ground.

The punch just now tore Park Jintai's left shoulder, and also disabled one of his arms.

Seeing Rosen rushing towards him, Park Jintai ignored the injury and dizzy feeling, and quickly opened his mouth and spurted out a column of dark red blood.

This column of blood surged and splashed, turning into blood beads in mid-air.

Each blood bead is like a seed of flesh and blood, solidifying and squirming visibly to the naked eye.

Rosen frowned, and his spiritual thoughts turned into a big umbrella, sweeping back all the blood beads heading towards him.

Those blood drops fell back to Park Jintai's body surface and actually began to take root and sprout.

It's just that what grows is not plants, but distorted flesh and blood.

"This corrosiveness..."

Rosen frowned and stepped forward with his spiritual shield.

Park Jintai quickly raised the arm covered with deformed flesh and blood, as if he was planning to admit defeat.

However, as the two sides got closer, Rosen noticed a familiar yet unfamiliar aura.

"This is…"

Immediately, his brows tightened, and his murderous intent turned into reality.

Suddenly he stretched out his left arm and penetrated Park Jintai's right chest, which contained a mutated heart.

Then I caught something as elastic as an apple.

With a little force, Rosen grabbed it and exploded it.

From this mutated heart, he found a blood crystal about the size of his thumb.

Quickly withdrawing his arm, he put the blood crystal into the [Consciousness Space].

After all, Park Jintae did not raise his hand to admit defeat.

This scene caused an uproar among everyone at the scene.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see Park Jintae's intention to admit defeat, but Rosen, contrary to his previous calmness, chose to kill him before he said he would admit defeat.

This contrast between the before and after images surprised many people.

Only Rosen himself knew why he chose to kill at the last moment.

He stood there without shaking off the plasma stained on his arm, preparing to wait until later for sampling backup.

He didn't leave until the referee came on stage to announce the result.

He didn't pay attention to everyone's comments during the whole process.

Off the court, Yuan Yewen won another round, and his interest became even higher.

As for Park Jintae, who was beaten to death, he was completely ignored by him.

When you come to compete, you should be prepared to die.

No one is here to play house.

Rosen, who was sitting in the waiting room, was not in the mood to watch the next game.

He sat on the sofa and even refused Yuan Yewen's invitation to talk. Not far away from him lay Bian Yuwei wrapped in a bandage on a single bed.

Just as he expected, the elixir successfully extended his life.

Her own powerful self-healing powers also began to take effect.

Without paying much attention to the unconscious Bian Yuwei, he sat alone and took out the blood crystal.

There are five magic lines on it that penetrate the entire crystal.

Or a five-stripe blood crystal.

"Park Jintae comes from the island city settlement,"

"It's relatively close to the peninsula, and many peninsula people traveled and settled there before the war."

"The appearance of this demonic blood crystal may mean that the place has become the territory of the Double Z forces."

Rosen thought to himself and quickly figured everything out.

This can also explain Park Jintae's strange reaction after seeing him.

Because Rosen has used his energy and blood many times in the ring.

Park Jintai, who had the blood crystal implanted, could be regarded as half a demon, and Rosen had reason to believe that the person in charge behind him must have given instructions and instructions.

The reason why Rosen was ruthless at the last moment.

It was also because he felt the rhythm of the blood crystal.

Compared to the flow of Qi and blood, the rhythm of the blood crystal is much weaker.

Golden Ear's information was obviously correct.

The Double Z forces entrenched in Shenhai City are just one of them.

And all the double Z forces are inseparable from the demons in the Eight Desolate Realms.

Considering the concept of dimensional intersection, maybe the monsters that appear here are not the monsters of the current era.

There are many details that cannot be concluded by speculation.

But this discovery was enough to arouse Rosen's vigilance.

The Double Z forces are definitely brewing a big game.

It is so big that it may overturn the current structure of the wasteland and start a new round of war.

After gathering his thoughts, Rosen focused on the five-stripe blood crystal on hand.

Through the perception of his spiritual mind, he could detect that the demon blood in it was much thinner than the normal five-stripe blood crystal, with a gap of nearly two-thirds.

In short, this is most likely the legacy of some aging demon.

As a blood crystal implant, Park Jintai may have become a different person.

Putting away the demon blood crystal again, Rosen sighed that the trip was well worth it.

Sure enough, you still have to go out to see the wonders of the world.

After paying a little attention to Bian Yuwei's condition, and seeing that her breathing had returned to normal, Rosen left the waiting room.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Yuan Yewen came over with concern.

"What's wrong?"

"Ever since you killed Park Jin-tae with two hearts, you have had something on your mind."

Rosen's reaction cannot be concealed from the talented Yuan Yewen.

In response, he smiled easily and gave a random reason.

"Just thinking about those blood drops that will adhere and grow into distorted flesh makes me a little sick."

Hearing this, Yuan Yewen nodded doubtfully.

He echoed in his mouth.


"After your performance just now, the stage was cleaned with a small flamethrower for a long time."

"The third game was also delayed by a quarter of an hour."

"Jiangcheng also sent specialists to collect samples. This crazy proliferation is very similar to cancer cells."

Rosen said nothing, just nodded and sat quietly in the stands.

Today, he took out 1 million dark crystals to completely suppress himself as usual.

Yuan Yewen made a big profit, and he followed suit and made a small profit.

If you win completely, it will be relatively easy to earn millions of dark crystals.

The rest of the game looked a little lackluster.

Li Keda's opponent in Barbarian Boxing, yesterday's lucky guy, gave up at the very beginning.

The representative of the force to which the man belonged did not blame him.

After all, yesterday's bye allowed them to make a lot of money.

Qigong master Qi Mu didn't have to play because he had a bye. He was smiling and chatting quietly with Zang Qiu.

Her sense of relaxation is actually very similar to Rosen's performance in the ring.

The duel between the other two groups was more boring.

It's still the same style of punching to the flesh.

Although it can ignite the enthusiasm of spectators, it has little viewing value for Rosen.

In this case, more than an hour passed.

The top six of the E-class group were born.

There will be another promotion round next, until the melee begins after the top three are decided.

Rosen paid attention to the situation in the D-level field.

Sanhei, a boy with thick eyebrows, also advanced, but with a lot more injuries.

It was obvious that they had encountered a difficult situation.

But the violence and excitement on his face did not restrain at all.

This again attracted Rosen's attention.

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