I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 276 Chapter 0271: How to open the final game [Please subscribe]

"His aura became stronger."

Rosen quietly sensed the state of the thick-browed boy Sanhei.

The characteristic of getting stronger with more battles and becoming more courageous with more setbacks becomes more obvious.

This is both unreasonable and against the rules.

At least it goes against the law of strength growth in the wasteland world.

Thinking of this, Rosen tilted his head slightly and whispered.

"The boy brought by Wu Debao seems to have an inexplicable desire for pain."

His words made Yuan Yewen turn his head and take a look.

"It's normal. After all, it was trained by the lunatic himself."

Rosen was obviously not very satisfied with this answer.

He shook his head and reminded again.

"After all these years, haven't you discovered what they have in common?"

At this point, Yuan Yewen finally understood the meaning of Rosen's words.


"I know what you want to ask."

"But this matter is confidential. Only the boss knows about Wu Debao."

He explained a few words helplessly. Seeing Rosen's expression of thoughtfulness, Yuan Yewen continued to add.

"Don't think about it. I guess Wu Debao and the disciples he trained must have been injected with some special strengthening medicine."

"There was a period before the war when the three major forces invested a lot of money, time and top-notch scientific research capabilities in developing enhanced potions."

"There are at least hundreds of classified and unclassified medicines."

"To be honest, the mainstream gene enhancement drugs we are currently injecting are not the most effective."

"It is just a strengthening potion that is most suitable for mass production after combining the strengthening success rate and manufacturing cost."


Yuan Yewen still hasn't finished speaking. After all, this is just his guess.

Rosen nodded slightly, feeling that this statement was somewhat reliable.

It was basically in line with his previous guesses.

He immediately withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at the thick-browed young man with a crazy look on his face.

"By the way, where is the representative of the island city settlement?"

This issue is what he is most concerned about right now.

It is known that Park Jintae with two hearts is a half-demon transformed through special techniques.

Then there must be big problems in the island city settlement that sent him to compete.

Recalling the two days' schedule, Rosen suddenly noticed a detail.

That is, he has never seen anyone from the Island City settlement guarding Park Jintai in the arena.

Hearing this question, Yuan Yewen thought it was Rosen who was worried about retaliation.

So he said in a relieved tone: "Don't worry, the island city settlement did not send anyone, they only sent a team of intelligent robots."

After saying that, he didn't forget to raise his finger and point to the ring.

"The robots put the bodies in body bags and left."

Rosen nodded silently and returned to his previous calm state.

At this point, it can basically be determined that the island city settlement is related to the Double Z forces.

The new problem is that Rosen may have been exposed to the opponent's vision.

Through the contestant's belongings, it is not difficult to find out the location of his camp whenever the other party serves snacks.

This matter is likely to turn into a high-profile confrontation.

If those monsters knew that there were suspected warriors in the wasteland world, they might be as surprised as Rosen was.

Of course, there is another possibility that Park Jintae has not had time to send the information back.

Because the only real close contact between the two was today.

During yesterday's preliminary round, Park Jintae never came within ten meters of him.

And that unusual look was only revealed today.

However, this possibility is still very low.

The time Bian Yuwei faced against Tom Del Rey in the first game was enough for him to send a message.

"You must be prepared when you go back..."

The Double Z forces entrenched in Shenhai also possess powerful force.

The only one in the entire surrounding area that can compete with it is the Golden Sunshine District.

Moreover, if the Golden Sunshine District, which is twisted into a rope, breaks into scattered sand, it will not be a match for the Double Z forces.

Because the other party has a large amount of pre-war armaments.

In addition, it can also be seen from this incident that the Double Z forces are quietly integrating into the world.

While he was thinking about it, the promotion match was over.

Among the top six, Rosen, Manquan Li Keda, Tom Delay, and qigong master Qi Mu are all eye-catching dark horse players.

In addition, two young people, a boy and a girl, also made the cut.

They were promoted normally and encountered evenly matched opponents throughout the process.

There were no peeing spots or explosive spots, so it was an average and stable performance.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that no one of them can avoid losing when they face Rosen and the others.

After a 1-hour break, a new round of drawing begins.

Rosen drew Tom Dray and felt neither sadness nor joy.

He knew very well that this gentle tough guy was no match for him.

Rosen was somewhat impressed by the opponent's upright fighting style, which was a breath of fresh air in the wasteland.

He thought about putting some pressure on him during the game, at least to avoid beating him to death or maiming him.

Barbarian Fist Li Keda and Qi Mu respectively drew the two advancers with average strength.

The top three will be determined in three games, and this is the lineup for the semi-finals.

Rosen won the first game this time.

He checked Bian Yuwei's condition in the waiting room, then took a nap for half an hour and returned to the sidelines in high spirits.

Tom Dray stood not far away, surrounded by the forces he represented.

There is a thick bandage wrapped around his waist.

Most of the slash wounds on the body were sutured and tightened.

Those puncture wounds were basically filled and disinfected, and were covered by blood scabs.

Although his body is strong, he cannot heal himself visible to the naked eye.

Without using the medical warehouse, it would take at least 5 to 7 days to recover from the injuries caused by Bian Yuwei, assuming a relatively stable environment and adequate nutrition.

Sensing Rosen's gaze, he smiled peacefully.

Rosen nodded slightly and responded.

Soon it was time for the two to take the stage.

Tom Dre said with a smile as the wall of nitrogen rose.

"You're strong and I'm scarred."

"So I'm going to throw in the towel."

"Welcome to Green Lake Base as a guest if you have the opportunity."

"I am the squadron leader of the base security force."

He spread his palms and spoke with a hint of humor.

He took the initiative to introduce it to Rosen.

“A wise choice.”

"I'll go find you for a drink when I get the chance."

Rosen agreed.

The wall of nitrogen came down and Tom Dray immediately raised a hand in surrender.

This is the easiest match Rosen has ever won.

After coming off the field, he sat quietly on the edge of the stage and watched the game without any suspense.

Both Qi Mu and Li Keda resolved the battle within three minutes.

The top three in the E-class group were officially determined.

The same goes for the D-class group next to them. The thick-browed boy Sanhei had some difficulty getting into the top three.

There were more and more injuries on his body.

The injuries sustained in previous games are showing initial signs of healing.

The bright red scars resemble winding centipedes.

In fact, he had a very difficult time in today's game.

If it weren't for the fact that he gets stronger with each battle, he might have been eliminated long ago.

Due to the brutality he showed the day before, all his opponents would be extremely wary whenever they stepped into the ring.

Whenever you are slightly behind, you will immediately throw up your hands and admit defeat.

As a result, he had no chance to act cruelly again.

Although he advanced to the top three, both of his opponents were in much better shape than him.

Rested for an hour again, as night fell outside.

The finals officially begin.

The venue was changed to a large arena of 15 meters x 15 meters.

The three Rosens stepped onto the ring together, forming an equilateral triangle position.

The situation that should have led to team formation did not happen.

The three of them were unusually silent.

The countdown passed quietly.

It’s no exaggeration to describe this arena as attracting everyone’s attention.

The images here are broadcast by satellite to large settlements in Central China, South China, East China and other regions.

Many powerful people are paying attention.

This also includes the Golden Sunshine District.

During the game, Rosen naturally came into their sight.

Inside the office of Roche Machinery Industry.

Luo Feng was holding a cigar in his mouth and crossed his legs on the large desk.

Two maids with extremely hot bodies rubbed his back and shoulders.

The holographic projection in front of him showed the game.

"Zhang Zhenyu...the representative of the Iron Tomb Camp Branch of the Explosive Oil Machine Regiment..."

"Entrust Golden Ear to investigate."

Luo Feng ordered casually.

Then he took out the cigar from his mouth and pressed it hard into the pipe.

"By the way, is Bian Yuwei's crippled brother still training in the brain control unit?"

The maid who was beating her back quickly replied.

"Yes, he got a C+ in the latest assessment."

"Almost close to service level."

Luo Feng licked his lips, nodded and asked again.

"Secretary Song just asked me for instructions."

"Yuan Yewen from the Iron Tomb Camp offered 150,000 dark crystals to buy Bian Yuwei. I have approved it."

"She is crippled. It will cost a lot of money to cure her. If not, she will turn into a corpse sooner or later."

"Send someone to the Iron Tomb Camp in a few days to see if we can fish out Zhang Zhenyu on the condition of Bian Yuwei's disabled brother."

With Luo Feng's eyesight, it was not difficult to see that Bian Yuwei's real buyer was not Yuan Yewen, but the dark horse of Group E named Zhang Zhenyu.

It just so happens that he is very interested in highly compatible enhancers.

The maid nodded in agreement and conveyed his order through the intercom.

Luo Feng put down his extinguished cigar and took a sip from the wine glass filled with ice cubes on the table.

Immediately, he continued to watch the game with great interest.

At the same time, in the boss's room on the top floor of Anning Gourmet Hotel in Hangzhou's Liantong District.

Tiexin, who has a strong physique and beautiful appearance, is doing heavy bench presses in an exclusive private gym.

Next to her, the "pet dog" man was holding a projector and projecting the image onto the ceiling.

"This kid has something."

"Such a great fit."

"His E-class enhanced performance has reached at least a C+ or B- level."

Tie Xin put down a thick barbell weighing 680KG that was stacked with steel plates.

This weight is considered a warm-up set for her.

She took a sip of the energy drink she had on hand and stopped training.

The exciting final game is right in front of us, but compared with it, the training can be postponed a little bit.

Holding the drink bottle, Tie Xin looked amused.

"Our little God of Wealth is indeed very interested in building a strong army."

"But he had no idea what Eden was collecting those samples for."

"But it doesn't really matter. The Garden of Eden is across the ocean from us. There are North and South America there for them to toss around to their heart's content..."

"But I think it's still necessary to let him know more."

"I even had to suggest that he move his power to Hangzhou."

Tie Xin whispered to himself.

The dog man lying next to him stuck out his tongue just right and made a breathing gesture.

After she finished speaking, the shadow not far away shook slightly, and some of the commands contained in the words were conveyed.

His eyes returned to Jiangcheng.

In that condescending and light-shrouded stand.

Twelve committee members and several invited bosses were sitting on it.

They are both male and female, with different expressions.

"Two of the top three in the E-class group this time belong to the Rough Oil Aircraft Regiment branch."

"Old Hong, it seems you can take advantage of the distribution this time."

An old man wearing a large string of Buddhist beads, with gray hair on his temples but sparkling eyes, said with a half-smile.

Hearing this, the rickety figure sitting on one of the seats answered in a neither salty nor bland tone.

"How can I compare to you, Zhao Bin?"

"Control Linjiang's defense and make a fortune every year after the aliens land."

"You eat meat every year, so what's wrong with letting me drink some soup occasionally?"

The rickety figure was rubbing and playing with an antique silver pocket watch in his hand.

The old man named Zhao Bin was about to say something else.

The whistle below suddenly sounded.

At this time, the one-armed middle-aged man sitting on the other side took the initiative to come out and give him a haha.

"You two, stop arguing."

"Let's continue to appreciate the performance of young people."

"But then again, Mr. Hong, the little girl and the young man under you are performing very well. Are you interested in giving them to me?"

The middle-aged man has a ruthless look on his face, but he smiles broadly when he speaks.

The rickety figure waved his hand.

"No, I can't make the decision in this matter."

"That girl is my adopted daughter, and the other young man was recruited by Yewen himself."

"Haha, okay then."

The middle-aged man didn't say much, and the big guys in the stands began to wait for the start of the game with their own thoughts.

In the big arena, the three people's eyes met.

Rosen looked at Qi Mu first, and then at Li Keda.

The same goes for both of them.

With 10 seconds left in the countdown, Qi Mu suddenly spoke.

"How about you two come together."

Her tone was casual, and there was a strong sense of confidence behind her words.

Rosen was noncommittal and did not respond.

Barbarian Fist Li Keda glanced at her, but also said nothing.

Qi Mu looked at Rosen with another meaning.

As the countdown reached zero, the air wall separating the three people fell.

The next moment, two figures collided in front of Qi Mu.

Li Keda and Rosen actually chose to attack each other first.

At this time, Qi Mu's choice became very important.

Because she can influence the tilt of the victory scale.

But what is puzzling is that not only did she not join the battle group, but she sat cross-legged on the spot.

All the spectators at the scene became restless.

Because the way the final started was beyond their expectations.

There is quite an unexpected drama.

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