I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 277 Chapter 0272: Li Keda dies, overconfident Qi Mu【Please subscribe】

The huge arena seemed to be freed from the shackles of the entire world.

All the comments and heckles coming from outside did not affect the three of them.

Barbarian Fist Li Keda's fists swelled up like steamed buns, and the surface of his skin was as matte as dark steel.

Rosen used the third form of Yunqi Fist to engage the enemy, his energy and blood flowed, and his physical strength suddenly increased.

The ethereal lightness of Yunqi's fist also instantly transformed into a torrential momentum like a dark cloud covering his head.

Two fists collided in mid-air.

The turbulent air flow spread out like a shock wave.

The air whined under the disturbance.

Then there was a violent collision that made your bones ache.


Rosen's wrist ached slightly, and he immediately stretched out his other hand to grab Barbarian Fist Li Keda's neck.

The opponent's arms were crossed to parry, and they fell from the air together at this moment.

There was some damage on the surface of the fist that Li Keda had punched before.

Rosen's fist was also slightly red.

After the two sides landed, they each took a few steps back and re-arranged their postures.

"Looks like we have to use martial arts."

"I'm afraid that strength, strength, and moves alone won't be able to control him."

Rosen thought in his mind.

Worthy of being a leader in the competitive competition, if Manquan Li Keda had the opportunity to go to the Bahuang Realm, he would definitely be regarded as an amazingly talented person by the big men of the boxing sect.

Those fists were as hard as alloy steel plates, and the resistance from muscles to bones was beyond imagination.

At this time, Barbarian Fist Li Keda, who was standing opposite, was also secretly frightened.

"Is this young man a monster?"

"It actually shook my fists made of beta matrix..."

Li Keda, whose face looked a little old, looked at the wound on his fist and was surprised.

He stretched his five fingers, and all the joints made a crisp sound.

There is also soreness at the base of the elbow.

That is the sequelae of head-on confrontation.

Qi Mu sat aside and enjoyed the game.

She knew very well that both Rosen and Li Keda were arrogant guys.

It is impossible for them to join forces, they will only decide the winner first and then come to trouble her.

Fights between strong men are fleeting.

After standing still for a moment, the two started fighting again.

This time it was Rosen who launched the offensive first.

He moves forward with a fortune-like pace, his steps are like ghosts and phantoms.

The blessing of Qi and blood makes his movement trajectory enough to make people feel dizzy.


Rosen shouted in his heart.

The fists came out alternately, and in an instant, he hit twenty or thirty punches.

Each punch is superimposed on each other, as if hitting at the same moment, qi and blood stimulate the meridians, producing the effect of transforming the mundane into the extraordinary.

This kind of boxing technique cannot be performed just by relying on physical strength.

Martial arts is one of Rosen's hidden trump cards.

You must know that there are many kinds of martial arts. For example, the "Transformation" he found before can even condense several phantom bodies in a short time with the power of blood.

But that move was too incredible, and using it here would only cause trouble.

He won't have so many problems attacking with the quick-attack martial art [Cloud Surge].

Even high-speed cameras can't decipher the mystery.

At best, it can be seen that his punch speed is almost beyond human limits.

This set of combo moves flowed smoothly without any stagnation, which made Li Keda's nervous reaction a little unable to keep up.

As a warrior who has been immersed in fighting since the Great Destruction, Li Keda is extremely rich in physical combat.

In fact, as soon as Rosen's footsteps moved, he instinctively made a gesture of parry.

At the same time, ideas for counterattack were brewing in his mind.

However, both the pace of Rosen's advance and the speed of his sudden punches were beyond his imagination.

His arms that were on the defensive were hit like a violent storm.

It was as if he had received dozens of rounds of large-caliber ammunition in an instant, and the skin and flesh on the surface of the hard forearm were shattered.

Li Keda took a dozen steps back before reluctantly stopping.

You can see that his entire forearm has become pitted.

The flesh and blood had an abnormal translucency, somewhat similar to ballistic gel.

The discussion outside the court became more intense.

"Damn, what happened just now?"

"That Yaojiao's pace is more elusive than a brain-eating monster!"

There was a bearded contestant in the B-level group who couldn't help but speak loudly. His voice was as loud as a broken gong, suppressing most of the noise in the scene.

Another female contestant from Group B narrowed her eyes slightly and said in an evaluative tone.

"That kid's fists are as fast as his steps."

"In the short time just now, that guy threw at least ten...no...twenty punches!"

The contestants in Group B are basically the little bosses with heads and faces.

While they were chatting, no one around them dared to boo.

Speaking of which, Group B is also the group with the lowest casualty rate.

Everyone is well aware of the principle of just a few clicks.

Except for a few occasions when rivals competed on the same stage, most of the time it was still very harmonious.

The discussion outside the court was lively, but inside the court it was not affected by the outside world at all.

After being hit, Li Keda's arms trembled slightly.

But before he could recover from the blow, Rosen approached again.

This was followed by a cross kick.

The tibia covered with blood was stronger than steel and swung his arms away.

The next second, Barbarian Fist Li Keda's neck was pinched.

Rosen felt that what he was holding in his palm was not a human neck but an iron pillar.

When I was about to exert myself, I felt pain in my abdomen.

Li Keda raised his knee and gave him a hard blow.

Without hesitation, the palm of his neck suddenly exerted force.

The hoop's neck shrinks inwards visibly.

Barbarian Fist Li Keda's dark face was as red as an inflated balloon.

From the side of the face to the top of the forehead, there are wrinkled veins all over.

His fists hammered Rosen's arms hard, and his knees buckled restlessly.

But at this moment, there is no room for skill in the competition, and it all relies on the brute force of both sides.

Barbarian Fist Li Keda, who prides himself on his extraordinary physical strength, was suppressed in terms of strength for the first time in the E-class group.

The Rosen in front of him was as strong as a stubborn stone.

"Admit defeat."

"There's no need to continue."

Rosen raised his legs to block his constantly arching knees.

Li Keda, who had always seemed calm these past two days, suddenly became furious when he heard this.

"Young man, you don't understand at all!"

"Cough cough cough..."

"Win or die!"

His voice was particularly hoarse and obscure when he was in a chokehold.

After shouting this sentence with all his strength, his neck suddenly expanded outward like an elastic rubber tire.

This time he broke away from Rosen's hand.

The texture of the neck also seemed to have turned into gel.

Sensing the determination mixed with the will to die, Rosen chose to respect it even though he didn't understand it.

There is no doubt that Barbarian Fist Li Keda's strong body also has a secret.

Just like the kind of substance that makes muscles gel.

After his palm was freed, he decisively grabbed the opponent's arms.

Then he collided with Li Keda's head with his hard forehead.


Li Keda's head fell back instantly, and blood stains appeared on his forehead.

The substance on his body couldn't protect his whole body at the same time.

Even though Li Keda's physique is quite tough, without the protection and blessing of that kind of material, he can't stop Rosen's attack at all.

"Yun Cao!"

Rosen withdrew his right arm, a large amount of energy and blood gathered, and at the same time he strengthened Yun Shengjin.

Attack with the martial skill [Yun Cao]. Different from the previous fast punch [Yun Yong], this move is a heavy punch.

Suddenly, the edge of his fist seemed to have some kind of attraction, and countless airflows gathered on it.

Suddenly, his fist seemed to be filled with a faint halo.

This punch hit Li Keda directly on the head.


The crisp echo was like a big watermelon being broken.

Li Keda's forehead was broken and sunken, and his eyes suddenly bulged out.

Life flowed away like water.

Rosen panted slightly and slowly let go of Li Keda's fallen body.

There were bursts of pain in his abdomen, and he knew there must have been a big shock there without looking.

About half of the energy and blood in the body has been consumed.

It had only been a few rounds since the fight, but he still suffered a certain amount of physical exertion.

Especially the move [Yun Cao] consumes a lot of energy and blood.

Off the field, the representative of the Hongdu settlement was a balding middle-aged man.

Seeing that Barbarian Quan Li Keda was killed, he was so angry that he stamped his feet.

He was jumping up and down angrily and scolding Rosen.

Hongdu is located in Gan Province, where the situation is quite complicated.

The Shen family of Global Trading is also a force from Gan Province.

After shaking off the blood and brain fluid stained on his fists, Rosen looked at Qi Mu who was standing up.

"Li Keda is a very good warrior."

"Countless aliens and corpses died under his fists."

"He saved hundreds of survivors."

Qi Mu talked about heavy topics with a smile on his face.

Rosen frowned slightly: "This is his choice, and I just fulfilled it for him."

"Everyone should be responsible for their own choices."

Qi Mu nodded gently and continued in a gentle tone.

"Because he signed a gambling agreement with the Hongdu settlement."

"The bargaining chip is the implementation of slave reform in Hongdu."

"Although it does not mean the complete abolition of slavery, if implemented, the lives of Hondu slaves will be greatly improved."

"So he has no reason to lose."

Rosen didn't seem surprised by the reason.

From the first moment he saw Li Keda, he understood that the thin old man had some kind of mission on his shoulders.

But Rosen did not regret his actions.

Li Keda may be right, but he is not wrong either.

They all longed for order, but the picture in Rosen's mind was much bigger than Li Keda's goal.

It is extremely difficult to reshape order in the wasteland and become the overlord of the generation.

He still has a long way to go.

But one day, he may be able to realize Li Keda's unfinished ideal with capital and profits.

"He's a good man, but so what?"

"This is an arena, not a charity."

"And everything you know is but a tiny glimpse into the world."

Rosen's words were profound, but he didn't explain much.

The so-called slave reform system was a pitiful trade-off between treating the symptoms and not the root cause.

He admired Li Keda, but also pitied Li Keda.

That's all.

Qi Mu said nothing.

She patted the dust on her buttocks and prepared herself to deal with it.

"Come on, I am your last stumbling block to victory."

"Show your ruthlessness, your determination and your indifference."

Rosen tilted his head, thinking there was something in Qi Mu's words.

"I don't know what exactly you're trying to say."

"People who are too sentimental tend to suffer more."

He told the truth.

Qi Mu's answer was the sudden appearance of a gray air mass above Rosen's head.

This air ball hit his head.

Rosen stepped back and watched as the air ball made a dent in the place where he originally stood.

Splatters of concrete splatted into his face.

This is not over yet, invisible energy is gathering in all directions.

She trapped Rosen in a wall of air.

He even controlled the energy to slowly squeeze towards the middle.

Qi Mu's face showed a look of victory.

"You are very powerful, very powerful."

"Whether it's fists, kicks or decisiveness, he is a well-deserved killing machine."

"I've never seen a freak as powerful as you in Group E."

"And I also sensed a trace of strange power from you."

She spoke confidently, her voice flowing into Rosen's eardrums without being caught by the outside world.

After hearing her words, Rosen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


"This woman is really not simple."

Now it seems that in addition to possessing the mysterious ability to control Qi, Qi Mu also has keen perception.

Can vaguely detect the flow of spiritual thoughts or qi and blood.

A flash of surprise flashed across Rosen's eyebrows.

He tried to use brute strength to struggle, but was unable to shake the air wall at all.

"Stop struggling."

"Admit defeat."

"Maybe we are the same kind and we can have a nice talk."

Qi Mu's voice relaxed.

When everyone around them saw this scene, they suddenly felt like things were turning upside down.

Zhang Zhenyu, who had just powerfully killed Barbarian Fist Li Keda, was subdued in the blink of an eye.

Rosen didn't answer.

At this time, Yuan Yewen stood beside the ring with concern.

He saw Rosen's restraint.

Qi is invisible, but being pressed by Qi is tangible.

Rosen's body was in an abnormally restrained posture, as if it were trapped in a square glass cover.

The arms are close to the body, and the restraint can be seen from the changes in the shape of the surface.

He decided to suppress his thoughts for the time being.

"I probably know what you mean.

Rosen answered vaguely.

The spectators in the audience were confused.

"If it doesn't work, just admit defeat."

Yuan Yewen suddenly said from the sidelines.

It's enough to get second place.

He developed a love for Rosen's talent and did not want to see him suffer in the ring due to being too stubborn.

In the ring, being too determined and stubborn is absolutely fatal.

Judging from the situation on the field, Qi Mu has an absolute advantage.

That unscientific ability allowed her to control Rosen without getting close.

After hearing Yuan Yewen's voice, Rosen gave him a difficult smile.

This guy is a bit interesting, he is both greedy for money and loyal.

Without explaining, Rosen looked back at Qi Mu, who was standing seven or eight meters away, and said with a smile:

"You seem to think you've got me?"

Hearing this, the smile on Qi Mu's face became even brighter.

Just when she was about to say something, her smile suddenly froze.

Because she suddenly couldn't mobilize the energy in front of her.

Rosen got out of trouble easily and rubbed his wrists calmly.

"Overconfidence is not a good habit."

This time, it was Rosen who smiled.

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