I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 279 Chapter 0274: A large amount of ordnance, negotiated [Please subscribe]

Because Rosen knew very well that the old woman must know the deal Yuan Yewen made with him.

And the violent oil crew is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

It has a complete and abundant arsenal.

However, due to the characteristics of the Bosozoku, many heavy equipment can only lie in the warehouse and eat dust.

Far less popular than those modified armed motorcycles.

The most important thing is that the old woman in front of me is not a simple old lady.

She is a ruthless character.

Especially the ability to hypnotize.

It should be a combination of hypnosis and spiritual power.

And it’s used very cleverly.

If Rosen hadn't opened up the sea of ​​consciousness and was particularly sensitive to this kind of external mental invasion, and if he only practiced martial arts, he might have fallen victim to it with his current level of cultivation.

It is not surprising that there are ways to use spiritual power in the wasteland world.

Those talented brain-controlled flyers are basically young people with outstanding mental talents.

Even before the war, there was quite complete research on spiritual power.

Top-notch brain-controlled pilots can control special alloy spears to perform explosive penetration at speeds above Mach 5 without the aid of equipment.

This kind of mental strength is almost comparable to the third-level resting monks in the Bahuang Realm.

Of course, he is a monk who has not performed any techniques.

In addition, there are some operations similar to telekinesis.

Such as using mental power to bend a metal spoon, or photographing objects from a short distance.

Such research was not known to most ordinary people before the war.

But it’s not some far-fetched top-secret concept.

Now it seems that the old woman in front of me must have used the power of hypnosis to control the entire Explosive Oil Machine Group from top to bottom.

Maybe even the concept of bosozoku was adapted from a theme specially chosen to facilitate hypnosis and subconscious implantation.

Because the unnamed old woman in front of her didn't look like a bosozoku no matter how she looked.

Although thoughts were surging in his heart, Rosen still maintained a gentle smile on the surface.

He even recited "Guess the God" silently.

This simple technique can protect the mind and prevent thoughts and emotional fluctuations from prying eyes.

The sea of ​​consciousness is fully opened, and the ancient key continues to emit a warm radiance that nourishes the mind.

The old woman sitting across from her was smiling broadly, as if she had forgotten about the failure of hypnosis just now.

"It's true, young man."

"I have everything you want on hand."

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Hong Xueyan. You can call me Aunt Hong."

After saying that, she stretched out her withered hand to touch the hanging hair beside her forehead, and seemed to add something unnecessary.

"I'm not as old as I look."

Rosen opened his mouth slightly and said "Oh" casually.

Then he shouted as a junior: "Hello Aunt Hong."

He was more concerned about business matters and didn't want to hear the other person's story.

If a powerful leader communicated secretly with her, he would have to count the money for her even if he was betrayed.

So Rosen's strategy is actually very simple.

If you can talk about business, then do it.

When there is no shortage of money, if the problem can be solved directly with money, it is much better than resorting to violence or other fancy means.

If it really can't be done, he will think of another way.

The development strategy in the wasteland is actually very simple, and you are right to go the militaristic route.

As for other aspects of development issues, they need to be considered only after a certain foundation is established.

Hong Xueyan nodded slightly, then shook his head.

“Our organization is not starved for money.”

"Normally, no matter whether it is medium-range ballistic missiles, nuclear warheads, or equipment such as power armor, they are not for sale."

Rosen raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

At this time, Hong Xueyan's conversation suddenly changed.

"But it's not like we can't make an exception."

“50 T-30 Interceptor powered armors, 4 Black Eagle quadruped tanks, 12 hover tanks, 20 Jungle Rogue pickup trucks, 30 5,000-ton equivalent nuclear warheads, 10 50,000-ton equivalent nuclear warheads, 3 A hydrogen warhead with a yield of 200,000 tons.”

"Here's the price list, along with the missile options."

"If you need it, my factory can also accept a certain degree of modification requirements."

"By the way, all ordnance does not accept counter-offers."

After saying that, Hong Xueyan coughed twice, and a waiter immediately brought a special terminal the size of a palm.

She worked on it and sent Rosen a price list.

The total price of this batch of power armor alone is as high as 8.5 million dark crystals.

The unit price is calculated as 170,000 dark crystals.

This price is much higher than the average transaction price of heavy power armor at auctions.

But in terms of power trading, it's still fair.

As Hong Xueyan said, normally these weapons would not be sold.

When Yuan Yewen initially expressed his position, he only said that certain authority and quotas were needed to use the headquarters' ordnance supplies.

There is no doubt that the pre-war armaments in the hands of the Rampage Oil Group must be very rich.

The price of future suspension tanks will be 320,000 dark crystals, and the price of black eagle tanks will be as high as 1.07 million dark crystals.

The reason is that they all come with equipment.

But in fact, such a pricing ratio is actually unreasonable compared to pre-war production costs.

In terms of cost alone, one hover tank is worth three heavy power armors.

The Black Eagle is worth at least fifteen pieces of heavy power armor.

It was just that after the Great Destruction, the pre-war cost ratios did not fully apply.

The reason is also very simple. Powered armor is undoubtedly the most in demand equipment.

It has the widest applicability.

Whether it's a group of mercenaries, a group of marauders or a lone ranger wandering the wasteland, they all have a need for power armor.

A single person can easily operate power armor, but cannot control vultures and hover tanks.

Unless you are willing to spend a lot of money to equip those war vehicles with neuron AI systems.

During the war period before the Great Destruction, in order to prevent information intrusion.

Core functions such as fire control require crew authorization.

This is written into the underlying logic of all vehicle AIs.

Either rewrite a new program and risk being hacked.

Or replace it with a more advanced AI system.

Therefore, the multi-crew mode is retained.

There are advantages and disadvantages to dehumanization.

People before the war had already made up their minds.

No matter what, these weapons were a temptation that Rosen could not refuse.

But he still looked embarrassed.

If the purchase is made according to this order, add the missiles expected to be purchased.

Then the total amount of this order will reach tens of millions of dark crystals.

Even if Lawson cooperates with Golden Ear to make money, it will take him one or two years to save enough.

If you only purchase light weapons and individual support weapons, you can spend hundreds of thousands of dark crystals to buy a vehicle.

You must know that a pistol is only twenty or thirty dark crystals.

But here, hundreds of thousands of dark crystals are just a fraction.

Hong Xueyan has been observing the changes in his expression.

She knew what such a large amount of money meant.

She conducted a preliminary investigation on this little guy who called himself Zhang Zhenyu.

Knowing that he had created a camp with his own hands.

It is also learned that he has a close working relationship with Golden Ears.

The other party is rich, but certainly not rich enough to be able to take out such a large sum of dark crystals without frowning.

Rosen thought seriously.

He prides himself on being able to resist any temptation, except for weapons, which he cannot give up.

Ordnance was part of the military force. If Rosen had to give it up, it would be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Aunt Hong, to be honest, I don't have such sufficient funds for the time being."

Rosen said frankly, with a bit of helplessness in his tone.

Just when Hong Xueyan was about to speak, he added in time.

"However, I have a prepared plan."

"I can provide high-quality canned, nitrogen-sealed vegetables as payment for this batch of ordnance."

Hearing this, Hong Xueyan, who was sitting opposite, paused for a moment, then showed a look of surprise.

She seemed to have thought of something.

"Are you the mysterious supplier behind Golden Ears?"

The Golden Ear shipment is no secret.

However, since they intentionally blocked Rosen's information, most people knew the inside story.

But in fact, if you pay attention, it is not difficult to guess who the supplier is.

After all, Jin Yangguang's trucks often travel between Shenhai and Hangcheng.

The approximate supplier area must be within this range.

Now that Rosen took the initiative to propose, Hong Xueyan guessed the truth immediately.

Faced with her questioning, Rosen just nodded.

At this time, Hong Xueyan raised a new question.

"But there's still a problem."

"If you bring goods to me, doesn't it violate the trade agreement between you and Golden Ear?"

"Or is it that you and Golden Ear didn't sign a contract at all?"

This question is actually a test.

Both canned and pure foods are a lucrative business.

If Golden Ear can do it, so can her raging oil crew.

If there is a chance, Hong Xueyan wouldn't mind grabbing an exclusive agent.

But Rosen shook his head and let out a sneer.

"Haha...of course I signed a contract."

"It's just that the supply agreement I signed with Golden Ear only selected three regions: East China, Central China, and South China."

"If you are confident that you can sell to other regions, you will naturally be able to get the goods."

"Nitrogen-sealed foods have shelf life restrictions, but things like canned milk powder don't have these constraints."

Rosen spread his hands and revealed his plan.

This made Hong Xueyan thoughtful.

Jiangcheng is located in central China and is considered the heartland of the Pan-Asian Federation.

She can either go north or northwest, or she can expand her business in the southwest.

It's just that the transportation problem is not easy to solve.

If you go in the air, there won't be enough transport capacity.

Large transport planes can easily attract large groups of flying alien species after taking to the skies.

Only high-speed cruising aerospace transport aircraft can fly relatively safely.

But Jiangcheng does not have this type of aircraft.

If transported by land, the shelf life of those nitrogen-sealed vegetables will only be a few days after they arrive in the settlements in the north or southwest.

I don’t have this concern with canned goods, but the profit is much worse.

But if he insisted on paying for the goods with cans, Hong Xueyan wouldn't mind at all.

The premise is that he can come up with such a large number of cans.

"Then use cans."

Hong Xueyan moved his chair and replied softly.

"By the way, here's another batch of wine, fresh vegetables and meat."

"I'll keep it for myself."

Rosen smiled, this was the effect he wanted.

"As you wish."

After that, he also sent a price list.

This price list is the supply price list between him and Golden Ear.

It is the price after two consecutive price increases.

In fact, it is much higher than the purchase price of retail investors in those stores.

However, the supply of pre-war food for retail investors was unstable after all.

And the quality is not as good as Lawson's products.

Thanks to Golden Ear's shipments during this period, the quality of its cans has been well-established.

Hong Xueyan looked at the price and hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Next, it is calculated by the program. After both parties confirm that it is correct, they finalize the quantity and location of the first batch of delivery.

Since the total amount was too large, it was in the form of barter.

Therefore deliveries can only be made in batches.

The time is two months, sometimes there may be a fluctuation of one or two weeks.

Winter is coming, and blizzards will cover the earth at any time.

Most of the alien species will hibernate by then, but the one or two meters thick snow and the freezing temperature of minus 30 degrees Celsius will also interfere with the smooth logistics and transportation.

Before ending the conversation, Hong Xueyan gave Rosen a satellite phone and agreed on a communication code.

That is actually a call module.

Can be installed on most pre-war adapted power armor.

Hong Xueyan rented a satellite communication line.

That satellite belonged to a big boss in another settlement, and communications would be monitored, so code words had to be used for communication. After reaching a consensus, Rosen breathed a sigh of relief.

The cunning Hong Xueyan also showed a satisfied smile for the first time after his hypnosis failed.

Yuan Yewen, who was sitting next to him, was always smiling.

He selectively ignored Hong Xueyan's pocket watch and hypnosis.

It seems that the subconscious mind has been rewritten.

Rosen ignored the matter.

Even if you see through it without saying it, you are still a good friend.

Yuan Yewen is considered a high-ranking member of the Explosive Oil Machinery Group.

According to the classification of the oil machine group, his status is second only to the big boss Hong Xueyan.

Along with Wu Debao, Zang Qiu and other Jin Xun leaders.

We already have a deep bonding relationship.

There was no need for Rosen to tell him the truth, even if he told him, it would be useless.

While he was chatting with Hong Xueyan.

The door of the reception room was knocked again.

Rosen chose to remain silent, while the old woman Hong Xueyan looked at the door and said.

"come in."

Not long after, the door was opened.

The little girl dressed up Zang Qiu walked in while blowing bubble gum and hugging Qi Mu.

"Hey, Xiaomu is second."

"What about Hong Ma, we didn't embarrass you, did we?"

There was a hint of coquettishness in Zang Qiu's tone.

Looking at his two adopted daughters, Hong Xueyan's eyes also glowed with love.

"You guys are doing very well."

"Xiao Mu, after the dinner is over, maybe you can have a good chat with Xiao Zhang."

"There is no need to rush into exploring one's life experience. Many times the truth may lie inadvertently."

She glanced at Rosen and took the initiative to hint.

Qi Mu smiled as brightly as a flower, pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Nothing is hidden from your eyes."

The atmosphere in the room became a lot lighter.

Rosen remained silent, and he couldn't get a word in.

However, the communication between the girls did not last long, and there was a new knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

"Old woman, open the door."

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