I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 280 Chapter 0275: K Potion, waiting for auction [Please subscribe]

Wu Debao's gloomy and hoarse voice came from outside the door.

He was the only one in the entire Explosive Oil Machine Group who had the guts to call Hong Xueyan an old woman.

Hearing this, Yuan Yewen and Zang Qiu frowned at the same time.

Even Zang Qiu, a little girl, couldn't help but take off the electric whip from her waist.

It was a specially made weapon made of a large number of exposed wires.

The instantaneous release of electric current is enough to paralyze alien species.

Even Yuan Yewen clenched his fists.

Rosen observed their reactions with interest, without saying much.

The calmest one was Hong Xueyan, who was obviously used to Wu Debao's rudeness.

In fact, Rosen still remembers that before the meeting, Yuan Yewen mentioned with great confidence that Wu Debao was completely controlled by the big boss.

Even his origins are kept secret within the oil crew.

The silence in the room didn't last long.

Hong Xueyan raised his hand and waved lightly, and the waiter opened the door.

The loud knocking on the door suddenly stopped.

Wu Debao, whose face was covered with tattoos, walked in with a rebellious expression.

Behind him was Sanhei, a young man with thick eyebrows.

At this time, Sanhei's body was covered with bandages and his face was covered with plaster.

There was only calm emotion in the dark eyes.

Outside the ring, this guy looks like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world.

However, when it comes to hurting people, he is truly crazy.

Everyone present knew that he and Wu Debao were the same person, so naturally they would not be fooled by his harmless appearance.

Wu Debao glanced at everyone with his wild eyes.

When he saw Rosen, he immediately showed a dismissive expression.

Just as he was about to say some sarcastic trash talk, Hong Xueyan spoke first.

"Debao, sit down."

She raised her wrist as she spoke.

During this period, the pocket watch in his hand shook inadvertently.

I saw Wu Debao's body trembling slightly.

The sarcastic smile on his face had not dissipated, but his body sat down involuntarily.

The same goes for the thick-browed boy behind him.

Rosen wasn't surprised by the results.

The pocket watch is a hypnotic switch, or signal.

And this method is Hong Xueyan's main method of control.

It is no wonder that the power of the violent oil machine group has become so great and it has developed many branches.

However, those big guys on the same level as Hong Xueyan must be wary of her methods.

Hypnosis is not a panacea if you are prepared.

Many mind-controlled training devices can break hypnosis.

Both Zang Qiu and Yuan Yewen turned a blind eye to this, and hypnosis changed their subconscious concepts.

It can achieve the effect of "one leaf blinding the eyes" to a certain extent.

Only Qi Mu's eyes flashed with strange color, but they quickly returned to their original state.

Rosen saw all the changes in her expression.

The ability to control Qi is closely related to mental power, so it is not surprising that Hong Xueyan was unable to hypnotize Qi Mu.

After being comforted, Wu Debao became visibly calmer.

But the occasional twitching of the corners of his eyes proved that the tyranny in his heart was not easy to calm down.

"It's easier for you this time."

"If I hadn't planned to train the three blacks, your people would never have won the first place."

Wu Debao moved his buttocks and challenged Yuan Yewen, who was sitting next to Hong Xueyan.

I saw Yuan Yewen rolling his eyes: "Humph."

He replied with a cold snort without arguing with him.

Competing with such a lunatic is a waste of time.

The young man with thick eyebrows said nothing and silently looked at Rosen.

He recognized the winner of the E-class group.

A strong murderous intention emerged in his heart.

"Is this the murderous intention that the teacher said?" Sanhei muttered to himself.

The emergence of this idea means that Sanhei will be able to understand his thoughts as long as he can kill Rosen.

At the same time, after feeling the stinging sensation brought by hostility, Luo, who was sitting upright, slowly turned his eyes.

His bright eyes looked at Sanhei's dripping eyes.

The latter immediately raised the corners of his mouth, a seemingly gentle smile hiding cruelty.

Rosen glanced and looked away.

I was wondering if I should find a chance to kill him.

However, considering the agreement he had just reached with Hong Xueyan, he reluctantly restrained himself from this idea.

Wu Debao is the killer in the violent oil machine group, including the camp he is in charge of, and he is also responsible for dirty jobs that are not on the table.

It is no exaggeration to say that today, most of his notoriety is borne by the organization.

Hong Xueyan was also observing secretly.

The atmosphere at the scene was very subtle.

"Debao, you will go to the north immediately after the competition."

"Reopen our trade route to Ankang Base."

"This task must be completed before the heavy snow falls."

Hong Xueyan suddenly gave instructions without any concern for Rosen, an outsider.

Hearing this, the skeleton man Wu Debao twitched the corners of his mouth and muttered in response.

"I know, old woman."

"The Skeleton Army will deal with this problem within three days."

"It's time for Sanhei to learn how to kill those damn aliens."

After speaking, he paused and then suddenly added.

"Old woman, this time Sanhei exceeded his quota and got the top three spots in Group D. You won't default on the rewards you promised, right?"

But he saw Hong Xueyan smiling and shaking his wrist to signal him to calm down.

"Two high-quality products will be delivered to you at this time tomorrow."

"Two is obviously not enough as payment..."

"Its success rate is so low."

Wu Debao was still mumbling.

However, at this time, Hong Xueyan ignored him and looked at Rosen instead.

Said with explanation.

"K potion."

"Also known as the Thought Guidance Potion."

Rosen suddenly showed a half-smiling expression.

I have to say that this old woman is very smart.

Or maybe she had already done her homework from Yuan Yewen before they met, and learned from clues that Rosen was interested in the strengthening medicine injected by Wu Debao.

"Then please add a K potion to our trade list."

In this regard, Rosen has no intention of concealing his intentions.

A niche medicine like this either has a very low success rate or has some kind of hidden danger that cannot be ignored.

As Jiangcheng is the location of the top biological laboratory, it is not surprising that all kinds of fancy experimental genetic medicines will be leaked out.


Hong Xueyan readily agreed.

Then he started to introduce the situation of the banquet later and the possible solicitation that Rosen might face.

Rosen attaches great importance to this opportunity to understand the forces in this region.

After all, Jiangcheng can be regarded as the hub of Central China, and it is the chokepoint between the north and the south.

Judging from its geographical location alone, its importance is far greater than that of Golden Sunshine.

It's just that Jin Yangyang has Shen Hai's back, and the ruins hiding countless wealth are risks and opportunities.

Each has its own characteristics.

More than twenty minutes later, everyone arrived at the banquet hall.

There were twenty or thirty people attending the banquet this time.

So it also takes the form of a buffet.

The waiter has already begun to bring electric heating pots one by one.

Inside are various vegetables.

Golden Ear's nitrogen-sealed food business also reached Jiangcheng.

In fact, even without Golden Ears, the powerful people in Jiangcheng can grow enough vegetables for personal consumption at a relatively high cost by relying on small Eden gardens or smart planting towers.

The same goes for poultry and livestock.

Relying on high-cost supply chain and production equipment, it can fully meet the needs of the powerful.

The emergence of golden ear nitrogen-sealed vegetables has given the powerful a more cost-effective alternative.

Although their pricing is not cheap, it is at least more affordable than producing it yourself.

The variety and quantity of various dishes are basically the same as before the war.

Luxurious crystal headlights cast warm light throughout the restaurant.

There was a smile on everyone's face.

The male and female waiters wore neat uniforms and walked briskly as they came and went.

A champagne tower was placed on the side table, and golden sparkling wine fell into each glass like a waterfall.

A circular bandstand was set up in the corner.

There is a small classical band above, playing soothing music with various string instruments.

Stepping here feels like stepping into another world.

Hong Xueyan was quietly studying Rosen's expression throughout the whole process.

Seeing his expression change slightly, I couldn't help but feel surprised.

Normally, young people like him would most likely have little memory before the war.

After getting used to seeing the decay of the wasteland, when suddenly seeing such a scene, no matter how good-hearted you are, you will inevitably become temporarily distracted.

But Rosen didn't lose any composure, and there was more mockery in his eyes.

This is a mockery of the unevenness of the wasteland world.

Even after the war, the rich and powerful could still enjoy the pre-war quality of life.

It will always be the majority of ordinary people who feel the withering.

Wherever there are people, there must be classes.

Of course, Rosen was not an absolute opponent of classism.

After all, no one is a clone. Their abilities and talents are different, and their circumstances are different.

These are all reasons for the emergence of class gaps.

But even though he could understand it, after arriving at the banquet hall, he still felt an uncontrollable sense of ridicule in his heart.

Essentially, it is the decline of civilization that ultimately deepens the gap.

When the world is at peace, the total production volume increases, and although ordinary people are not rich, they can at least have enough to eat, keep warm, and have a stable enough moral bottom line.

But when the world is destroyed, ordinary people's lives lose all guarantees.

If you want to save the wasteland world, you must first restore order.

The prerequisite for achieving this is to integrate all survivor forces.

This goal is elusive.

After all, the entire world is currently in a state of disunity.

After Weiwei thought about it for a while, Rosen, Hong Xueyan and others each picked up a glass of pre-dinner wine.

Here, he met the other eleven committee members of Jiangcheng.

By the way, learn about their respective coffee positions and industries.

Jiangcheng’s model is different from that of Golden Sunshine District.

The Twelve Committee members are only the main representatives of the forces in the city.

The main industries of some of them are not even in Jiangcheng.

If they can all be integrated, I am afraid that the most powerful lineup in Central China can be assembled.

However, it is extremely difficult to achieve this.

Many people extended an olive branch to Hong Xueyan in front of him.

Rosen politely declined.

As Yuan Yewen said beforehand, none of these powerful men took this matter too seriously.

Many people even left their contact information for Rosen with a smile.

Rosen might actually be able to cooperate with them in the future.

For the big guys.

He is just the champion of the E-class group. He is very powerful, but that's all.

Just because they are well-informed, many of them have found out some of his background through various channels.

Even if you are arrogant, you will never forget to plant the seeds of friendship.

In formal occasions, the emotional intelligence of these powerful men is first-rate.

Their madness and violence are not present.

There are often only a few crazy people who have no brains.

Rosen was eating and drinking while observing carefully.

After confirming that he was not the protagonist of the scene, he was not disappointed and felt a little relaxed.

After the banquet, Hong Xueyan sent someone to deliver a dark red potion in a low-temperature storage tank.

There is also a dedicated electronic document.

Some notes are marked above.

This is the K potion.

Also known as the consciousness-guided gene enhancement agent.

There is no subsequent expanded version.

Rosen didn't plan on injecting, he was just interested in the ability of consciousness to guide its own strengthening.

Xiao Yunli can let Xiao Yunli think about it then.

Speaking of which, the talent pool in the camp is still a bit lacking.

Although Xiao Yunli has an A-level level in medicinal chemistry, she was also the person in charge of Dakang Pharmaceutical.

However, in terms of high-end biopharmaceutical research, there is still a big gap between specialists in formal laboratories.

Rosen certainly understands the importance of talent.

However, scientific research-level talents are real treasures in any force.

This is especially true in the biochemical and mechanical fields.

Putting the K potion and the cryogenic storage tank into the [Consciousness Space], Rosen chose to go to bed late and get up early.

The next day, he greeted Yuan Yewen first in the early morning.

Then he went straight to the Stellar Auction Hall.

Spending tens of thousands of dark crystals to buy a seat with a private passage and private room.

This can avoid a lot of trouble on the surface.

Of course, for those big bosses with powerful eyes and hands, doing so is the same as hiding their ears and stealing the bell.

With the reputation and background of Stellar Auction, Rosen is not worried about being missed by the big guys.

The ones who are most likely to offend him are those flashy little power leaders.

So spend the money wisely.

Under the guidance of the service robot, he entered the special passage.

The conveyor belt took him to the private room.

The holographic screen provides real-time feedback on the situation in the auction house.

There is also a certain quota of alcohol and drinks available, and the quality is pretty good.

At least it's much better than the low-quality drinks in the bar.

After Rosen took his seat, an android waitress in a enchanting maid outfit waited beside him.

After waving it away, the box became much cleaner.

At this time, the auction is still waiting.

The catalog of this auction is refreshed in the holographic projection.

Everything from slaves to armaments and a handful of pre-war equipment have been unearthed in the ruins.

And Rosen only focused on those kinds of armaments.

Equipment such as power armor must be highly competitive.

This thing is not only needed by the forces, but also by many individual people.

The ultimate dream of many lone rangers is to save money and buy a power armor.

Rosen planned to take pictures of as many of them as he could.

After all, he doesn't have too much power armor.

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