I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 292 Chapter 0287: Arrangement and calming down the battle [Please subscribe]

If the prismatic crystals in the mutated eel and crocodile can really promote spiritual thoughts.

Then this time he will make a fortune.

You must know that there are fewer quick ways to refine the spirit than to refine the body.

The purple prismatic crystal previously found in the body of the two-headed ghoul made his spiritual consciousness surge.

Rosen still remembers this.

Except for being larger in size, the crystals found in the eel and crocodile bodies have almost the same characteristics in other aspects.

They have the same shape, color and subtle mental power fluctuations.

No matter what, it’s always a good idea to seize the time to collect them first.

After the Yangtze River demons took the lead in charging, only corpses were left on the tidal flat where they had wandered before. At least hundreds of mutant eels and crocodiles died in the attack just now.

Rosen asked Qimu to collect all the crystals he found.

Smaller source crystals are put directly into the storage bag. If larger crystals are dug, they are piled in a reef nest on the shore.

After the aliens' battle lines moved, the location where the two were located turned into a small transparent zone.

The situation at the scene was too chaotic.

Explosions, gunshots, beam scorching sounds and alien roars are all heard.

There were explosions everywhere and fire everywhere.

This makes Rosen and Qi Mu almost have no sense of existence hanging around the beach.

The huge mutated eel and crocodile corpses look like hills, making the terrain of the tidal flat complex.

The smallest mutant eel crocodile has a length of more than ten meters from head to tail.

The mainstream sizes are above twenty meters.

As a giant alien species, the mutated eel-crocodile's flesh contains toxins.

Although it cannot be eaten directly, it can be made into a nutritional mixture.

Each eel and crocodile of this size can produce a lot of mixture.

There are also those hard scales covering the body surface. With a little modification, they can become good biological armor.

Not to mention the source crystals and dark crystals hidden in the alien bodies.

Jiangcheng started a war, and Rosen picked up the slack.

He also paid some attention to the Changlong River Demon.

Thinking that when the war was over, he would find a way to buy all the prismatic crystals.

Without any hesitation, he harvested the crystals quickly.

After Jiangcheng's Twelve Committee members took action one after another, the situation immediately reversed.

Various weapons that cost a lot of money and were equally powerful were deployed, and the earth continued to tremble and moan amidst the fierce bombing.

Several groups of reinforcements originally guarding the other side also took advantage of the opportunity to cross the river to provide support.

In more than 20 minutes, Rosen and Qi Mu collected 79 prismatic crystals of different sizes, as well as more than 400 source crystals and dark crystals with a total energy storage value of about 200,000.

Rosen used the net bag he found to fish out the larger crystals together.

Then he chose to take Qi Mu across the river.

Seeing the situation in Jiangcheng reversed, Qi Mu's originally worried heart slowly relaxed.

Obediently follow Rosen from the river further upstream and return to the other side as quietly as possible.

Returning to where the helicopter was parked, Rosen threw all the crystals into the cabin.

When crossing the river, he washed these crystals away to avoid mucus splashing.

The smart Qi Mu saw that Rosen was very concerned about those purple prisms.

In fact, in the past nearly twenty years, many unknown stones and crystals have been discovered in the bodies of alien species and ghouls.

Most found no use.

For the sake of caution, all major districts will collect all the unknown crystals they obtain.

Almost all forces are no exception.

Including Jiangcheng and Jinyangguang District, as long as there is an external pioneering corps, there will be regular eradication offensives against alien species and ghouls every year.

Although Qi Mu didn't know the details of those prismatic crystals, he could get a clue from Rosen's reaction.

After placing the crystal, Rosen looked at Qi Mu.

He used the power armor's external loudspeaker to speak directly.

"Qi Mu, I have a task for you."

"Next, you continue to stay here in Jiangcheng, and after the battle is over, you will have full authority to purchase this crystal for me."

"I will come again tomorrow morning. I hope that the storm in Jiangcheng will have been settled by then."

Rosen didn't hide his intentions.

Divine thoughts are a form of expression of spiritual power.

It is very connotative.

There are signs and principles to follow in refining the gods, and it does not solely depend on talent.

Therefore, what spiritual thought can refine and absorb, simple mental power may not be able to do.

In addition, since he needs Qi Mu to help him, appropriate honesty is also necessary.

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Qi Mu hesitated for a moment and chose to ask directly.

"What is the function of this prismatic crystal?"

"Also, how much Dark Crystal are you willing to pay for them?"

Rosen glanced at the crystals piled in the cabin and wrapped in fishing nets and explained casually.

"They should be able to slowly nourish spiritual power."

"The specific methods still need to be explored."

Qi Mu's mental strength is mainly based on manipulation, which is far less intrusive than divine thoughts.

Through the thick crystal layer, Rosen could feel the mental fluctuations within it, but Qi Mu might not be able to do this.

In fact, if the function of the crystal was so easy to discover, Qi Mu wouldn't have to ask him at all.

If the crystal is broken, the liquefied spiritual power inside will gurgling out.

If it is not absorbed in time, it will dissipate quickly.

Of course, this is just Rosen's speculation.

Even if there is 80% certainty that it is the kind of crystal that can strengthen spiritual thoughts.

But two questions must be left for rigorous verification.

After hearing his words, Qi Mu's face under his anti-glare glasses showed a sudden realization.

Being near the battlefield, she mobilized the airflow to surround herself, blocking out a lot of pollution.

The superiority of special abilities is fully demonstrated at this moment.

Rosen explained some other matters and then chose to return.

There was no need for him to stay here forever.

But Qi Mu didn't care, Jiangcheng was half of her hometown after all.

Hong Xueyan is her adoptive mother who has a deep relationship with her.

Watching the bird aircraft carrying the K-0 power armor take off and disappear into the clouds.

Qi Mu stood quietly for a moment before turning back and leaving.

In the early hours of the morning, Rosen returned to the camp.

Birds and K-0 perform routine maintenance.

He hid in the bedroom in the name of rest.

In fact, he did not sleep, but quietly activated [Time Travel] to go to the Realm of Evil Disaster.

Over in the Bahuang Realm, he took half a month's leave and still had several days left.

And it doesn’t matter if I go back a few days later.

His relationship with Zou Xiao was a bit awkward.

But it doesn't matter, Rosen has no intention of settling down at Yunjianmen.

He just wanted to be safe and sound before he could cultivate to the Yunzang realm.

If Zou Xiao knows what's going on and doesn't show any intention of probing, then it's not a bad idea for him to treat Yunjian Sect as a sect that is both prosperous and prosperous.

In Rosen's view, the mission in Kushui Town was probably a test by Zou Xiao.

It was understandable that Qin Yujiao went to Kushui Town.

Zou Xiao later chose to send him to follow him, which was purely unnecessary.

Recalling the concept of dimensional intersection, it is not difficult to guess that Zou Xiao already suspected that he was a visitor from another world.

But Zou Xiao had no actual evidence, so he could only find ways to test it.

Rosen saw this clearly.

In fact, it is quite comfortable to practice within the sect.

Not only are there guidance from Xiantian realm masters, but there are also various resources that are suitable for practicing exercises.

Coupled with Rosen's own genetic enhancement and various methods, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

In addition to paying attention to the developments in the wasteland these days, he plans to spend all his spare time in the realm of evil disasters.

More than ten days have passed since his first trip.

During this period, he also delivered supplies several times.

Lilia led the captured six-man team to completely eliminate Haicheng Normal College.

A simple camp was opened.

What made Rosen a little strange was that the six people didn't even try to escape during the whole process.

In the past two days, he finally knew the reason.

It was entirely because of the supplies he sent.

The supplies he sent to the Evil Disaster Realm were mainly nutritional mixtures, supplemented by a small amount of compressed biscuits, milk powder and canned food.

But even the nutritional mixture that was eaten here in the wasteland still shocked Lilia and others.

It has become an indescribable delicacy.

The wasteland world and the evil disaster world seem to be inseparable, but in fact the situation is different.

From a more scientific perspective, the world of evil disasters means that the entire world is undergoing drastic changes.

The emergence of evil energy has changed most species, including humans.

All types of crops are no exception.

And human beings are considered semi-finished products in this change, because they have intelligence.

Therefore, although the body has supernatural powers and can accept evil energy, it cannot quickly adapt to the diet of evil crops.

Just like when he first met Lilia, he was in a state of not starving to death but not eating well.

To a stranger, the flesh of evil creatures and evil crops taste the same as a piece of shit.

Only with comparison can there be superiority.

The sweet taste of the nutritional mixture will naturally make them unforgettable.

You can eat well, you can eat well, and there is no compulsory hunting mission.

Naturally, the six of them didn’t want to go back.

The principle of action as a team gives them a sense of belonging only within the team.

Rosen originally underestimated the allure of food in the evil disaster world.

Now it seems that the food is still useful.

Once the survival factors are met, the pursuit of taste will take over, just like Rosen's pure food trade in the wasteland.

A small gang of seven people was dormant in Haicheng Normal College.

I live a life where I don’t have to worry about food and drink, and I don’t have to face evil spirits.

On days like this, not to mention them, even Rosen before the appearance of the quaint key would be tempted.

When he came to the realm of evil disasters, it was night time.

Two strange moons hung high in the sky.

The silver moon and the blood moon complement each other, creating an even more eerie light.

Seeing Rosen again, the six of them were still a little embarrassed.

Lilia, on the other hand, completely accepted her fate and looked generous.

They haven't actually done much work recently.

Haicheng Normal College was not originally a habitat for evil spirits.

After the clearing was completed and a few buildings were vacated, there was nothing to do.

After all, Rosen and Lilia didn't have any material on hand that was applicable to this world.

At best, a few turrets and Xiaowei 1 can be deployed to participate in patrols.

If you want to find a breakthrough in the Evil Disaster Realm, the best way is to go to the safe zone.

Quickly acquire resources to establish a foothold in this world through trade.

At the same time, it completes the logical chain of interconnection between the advantages of the three realms.

So after temporarily summoning everyone, Rosen announced a new news.

"In a few days, I'm going to go to Mokomeng Town."

"You have to stay with me."

"At that time, a batch of food will arrive to exchange for evil crystals."

Rosen is concise and to the point.

The two parties were not familiar with each other, so there was no need for him to say too much.

When he makes time to spend more time in the Evil Disaster Realm in the future, everyone will get to know each other sooner or later.

No one had any objection to his words.

This makes sense.

To be honest, if they were left here to eat and die, then they would have to figure out Rosen's intentions.

After explaining some trivial matters, Rosen followed Lilia and others to climb to the commanding heights of the academy——

——The small broadcast tower standing on the top of the building.

Standing here, you can overlook half of the city.

The moon evil monsters active at night are all huge, no less than the Changlong River devils.

Observing from the commanding heights, there is a moon evil monster in almost every block.

They appear with the appearance of the moon and disappear completely at dawn.

Rosen looked into the distance and remained silent.

Among the three worlds, his understanding and development progress of the Evil Disaster Realm is the lowest.

We haven’t even been able to effectively utilize the resources of this world.

But Qin Yujiao may be a breakthrough.

She possesses a variety of powers, including evil energy, FEV forced evolution virus, martial arts energy and blood, etc.

The relevant blood samples were handed over to Xiao Yunli for testing a few days ago.

No clear results have been reached yet.

It is said that they are conducting sample comparison.

The identity of unknown substances in blood is analyzed by elimination method.

Rosen is in no rush.

The FEV forced evolution virus will also have a series of effects on Qin Yujiao.

It is no exaggeration to say that her real transformation is not over yet.

More blood samples will be available at that time.

All this will have to wait until he goes to Xiangjiang to meet Qin Yujiao.

Rosen shook his head and dismissed distracting thoughts.

Once again, he left some supplies for the seven people and left.

When Rosen returned to the wasteland, it was almost early morning.

After estimating the time, he still squeezed out two or three hours to sleep.

It wasn't until after eight o'clock in the morning that Rosen woke up.

After washing up briefly, he put on the prepared K-0 and then took the bird back to Jiangcheng.

The weather today is quite good, and the cold clouds have become slightly lighter.

The howling cold wind has also subsided.

The snow has basically stopped.

The good news is that the gray snow surface is basically not shiny.

The bad news is that some mutants will go out looking for food even more frantically after the snow stops.

At least today's air flight is not as stable as last night.

Near the cruising altitude of 6,000 meters, Rosen discovered at least three groups of flying alien species.

Fortunately, they were all narrowly avoided.

But it also cost a lot of time on the road and took a detour of hundreds of kilometers.

We set off around nine o'clock and usually arrive around ten thirty.

But this time it was delayed until almost twelve o'clock.

The battle in Jiangcheng has subsided, and the ground under the clouds is filled with smoke.

There is less danger of the storm and more desolation after the war. (End of chapter)

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