I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 293 Chapter 0288: Hong Xueyan’s way of life [Please subscribe]

The wasteland in winter is chilly.

The snow has indeed stopped, but the cold has not stopped at all.

Especially the Changlong River, most of it has been completely frozen.

The ice is covered with cold mist, and the cold river water under the ice is still rushing.

In such a harsh environment, both cleaning the battlefield and carrying out reconstruction work are far more difficult than in other seasons.

The war has completely subsided, and at least a million alien species and an even greater number of corpses have died here.

From the last shot to now, there had been no gunshots for several hours.

The intensive firepower and high-frequency explosions eliminated the possibility of leaving any survivors.

Subsequently, the twelve committee members also sent elites to different areas to perform follow-up attacks.

By the time Rosen arrived, the battle had been over for a long time.

There was desolation inside and outside Jiangcheng.

All four walls were severely damaged.

The most tragic thing was the North City Wall, where a section of several hundred meters of defense zone was wiped out by the nuclear explosion.

There was only a shocking huge explosion crater in place.

Anyone who sees the traces of melted edges curling up will shudder.

Although the remaining three city walls have become crumbling and incomplete, at least the main body is still intact.

In addition, many buildings in the outer city were affected.

The crude shacks were burned down.

Those buildings made of reinforced concrete are generally in good condition.

After all, strictly speaking, there are only a few alien species and corpses that can break into the outer circle.

The core area is undoubtedly in the best condition.

The buildings inside are well preserved and almost the same as before the war.

The warehouses of large companies are also preserved in the core area.

Rosen met Qi Mu in the territory of the Explosive Oil Machine Group.

From her mouth, Rosen learned that the defensive light curtain in the core area would not be broken until the end of the battle.

This kind of defensive strength is simply outrageous.

Qi Mu guessed that there should be a complete city-level holy shield system underground in the core area.

When the defense range is reduced, the defense intensity naturally increases.

The same energy allows the system to last longer.

The Aegis system is the colony's secret.

Hong Xueyan knew the inside story, but she did not reveal it casually.

The Twelve Committee members have always been highly consistent on these life-threatening issues.

"How's the situation?" Rosen asked softly.

The war between Jiangcheng and the alien species had just ended.

There was much to deal with inside and outside the settlement.

So Hong Xueyan was not at the station at all.

The meeting between Rosen and Qi Mu was semi-public.

Anyway, there is nothing private between the two of them.

Compared to Rosen, Qi Mu must trust Hong Xueyan more.

Therefore, he played his cards right from beginning to end.

Qi Mu was silent for a moment before slowly speaking.

"The situation is normal. The losses in Jiangcheng are not big. The casualties are mainly soldiers from the garrison and the assisting defense troops hired by the Twelve Committee members all year round."

"Most factories and warehouses are in the core area."

"As for the peripheral losses, they are immeasurable, but most of them have nothing to do with the Twelve Committee members."

"When the loot inside those alien species and corpses is collected, maybe the Twelve Committee members can still make a lot of money."

She spoke a very contrasting fact in a calm tone.

It must be said that this fact is a travesty.

But it is also a true portrayal of the wasteland settlement today.

Jiangcheng is the Jiangcheng of the Twelve Committee members.

But not entirely.

They concentrated most of their industry and wealth in the surprisingly defensive inner circle.

The outer circle layer is suitable for the development of market economy.

When a settlement is formed, countless loners, mercenaries, adventurers and merchants will flock here to bring wealth, eager to enjoy order and increase the value of their wealth.

In fact, in the eyes of the Twelve Committee members.

The outer circle of the settlement is a dispensable victim.

But taking a step back, the outer circle layer still has meaning.

At least there are high walls, solid protection, and small energy shields and airflow shields.

It’s just that the outer circle can never enjoy the same treatment as the inner circle.

Judging from what Rosen observed, the sturdy buildings in the outer circle that were spared in the use of materials have basically been preserved.

The overall loss rate of buildings and materials should not exceed 30% of the total.

What is truly immeasurable is the human toll.

Because the twelve committee members were able to control the spoils outside the city.

Therefore, after careful calculation, the Twelve Committee members not only did not lose money this time, but also made a lot of money.

Of course, this is just a simple calculation on a numerical level.

For the Jiangcheng settlement, the overall damage will be difficult to heal in a short period of time.

Apart from anything else, the decline of the outer circle will cause Jiangcheng's economy to decline, and I'm afraid it won't be able to recover for at least half a year.

Hong Xueyan has been busy and has no time to meet Qi Mu.

Therefore, the acquisition of prismatic crystals naturally did not make any progress.

The elite army took over the battlefield outside the city, with drones in the sky and mechanical dogs on the ground.

Even if Rosen wanted to fish in troubled waters, there was no way.

Just wait, he has plenty of time today anyway.

"Hey! The scale of yesterday's alien wave was probably the largest in the entire central China region in the past ten years!"

Yuan Yewen sat on the back chair and said to Rosen in a mysterious tone.

In his opinion, Rosen has always been a child.

So he especially likes to show off his experience and experience.

Rosen didn't mind this, and even wanted Yuan Yewen to say more about this.

At this time, he and Qi Mu were sitting opposite Yuan Yewen, with expressions of interest on their faces.

This greatly increased Yuan Yewen's interest in talking.

It was already afternoon, and Boss Hong had not returned yet.

Yuan Yewen, who was summoned and rushed back to support, was also bored.

Having two juniors listening to his bragging was a good way to pass the time.

"Have you ever seen a wave of alien species of similar scale?"

Rosen crossed his hands and asked with interest.


"Eleven years ago, there was a wave of alien species with a scale of nearly ten million."

"Many of these species are unheard of."

"There were even super-giant alien species that were over three hundred meters long."

"Strange flowers that can swallow light radiation, and large groups of alienated corpses."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that year was like a ghost. Everything I had seen and never seen appeared."

"For the first time, people realized that the wasteland has completely become a breeding ground for mutant creatures."

Rosen was confused and instead of continuing to praise, he questioned.

"Can Jiangcheng at that time be able to stop such a large corpse tide?"

But Yuan Yewen smiled.

"It's definitely unstoppable."

"But at that time, internal strife broke out among the alien species, and they were divided into two factions to attack each other."

"Strange to say, since that year, the number of alien species and corpses in the wasteland has decreased a lot."

"No, it cannot be described as decreasing, it should be described as disappearing."

"Many terrifying alien species have disappeared."

"Because no one is going deep into the wasteland to conduct real-time monitoring, there are still many people who are simply unaware of this."

"As time goes by, those who were familiar with it no longer care."

Yuan Yewen said with a look of reminiscence.

"Is there such a thing?" Rosen opened his mouth slightly, looking a little surprised.

Qi Mu also showed a concerned expression.

The news Yuan Yewen said this time really made the two of them quite concerned.

The reason is also very simple, because they all know the concept of another world.

Yuan Yewen didn't have this level of information, so he naturally spoke openly and wouldn't have those associations.

"Most of the survivors back then knew about this."

"At first I thought that the alien wave only broke out near Jiangcheng."

"Later I learned that similar situations had occurred in settlements in most of the territories of the Pan-Asian Union."

He continued to add, which made Luo and Qi look thoughtful at the same time.

Internal strife, more ferocious unknown alien species, tens of millions of alien species...

All the elements combined together turned into a huge secret in the eyes of the two.

"It's really surprising."

"Brother Yuan, I'm very interested in that alien wave. Tell me more about it next time."

Rosen said it just right, leaving a clue for future inquiries.

The main reason is to continue the other party's conversation.

But he estimated that Yuan Yewen didn't know any more inside information.

If you want to find out the truth, I'm afraid you can only use this as a clue to find those big guys back then.

While he was thinking about it in his mind, his mind was sensing his surroundings.

Suddenly, he noticed an aircraft hovering above his head and couldn't help but raise his head and look.

I saw a shuttle slowly descending, and finally landed in the open space outside.

After the shuttle comes to a stop, the cabin ladder on the side will unfold.

Hong Xueyan stepped off the shuttle with a tired look on his face.

She wears a tailor-made exoskeleton that supports her rickety body.

Use mechanical force to relieve your own physical exertion.

When they saw her coming back, Qi Mu and Yuan Yewen immediately greeted her.

Rosen also followed behind the two of them and moved in together.

"Hong Ma!"


The two of them called out fervently,

They really care about Hong Xueyan.

Rosen also said hello politely.

Hong Xueyan, who was slightly tired, nodded in greeting one by one.

She glanced at Rosen emphatically. Although she was smiling, there was an intriguing look in her eyes.

After saying hello, she walked to the conference room first.

Then they called Yuan Yewen and Qi Mu respectively.

It wasn't until an hour later that she took the time to see Rosen for a while.

At this time, there was chaos outside Jiangcheng.

As one of the Twelve Committee Members and the "Mother of the Bosozoku", Hong Xueyan still has many things to take care of.

"Xiaomu told me all your demands."

"I can make the decision privately about that prismatic crystal and leave it to you."

Hong Xueyan did not beat around the bush this time, but spoke directly to the point.

Rosen wasn't surprised that she had such a reaction.

In fact, he had this consideration in mind when he told Qi Mu about the function of the prismatic crystal.

Before he could speak, Hong Xueyan continued after a slight pause.

"The conditions are simple, you have to share with us how to use the prismatic crystal."

"Whether it is a finished product or a semi-finished product, the Blast Oil Group enjoys a quarter of the rights."

"Xiao Mu will be responsible for supervising this matter. If you agree, I can give you nearly nine hundred crystals."

"We almost wiped out all the mutant eels and crocodiles yesterday morning. Only the Huanglongjiang demon escaped with less than fifty mutant eels and crocodiles."

"In addition, I can also give you a few tubes of the purified liquid of the mysterious green mist."

"There are also some features that have been analyzed. Believe me, it will surprise you."

Rosen couldn't refuse the offer.

After two contacts with him, the smart Hong Xueyan knew that playing his cards right was the best way.

After lowering his head and thinking for a while, the busy Hong Xueyan did not rush.

It wasn't until two or three minutes later that Rosen nodded in agreement.


"But as I said before, I haven't found a way to generalize prismatic crystals yet."

"So there's risk in this."

He didn't lie.

Rosen only knew how to use his spiritual thoughts to absorb the purple liquid in the crystal.

But there is no guarantee that people with special mental powers can do this.

After all, there is no comparison between pure mental power and spiritual thoughts, and Qi Mu is also relatively slow to sense prismatic crystals, so there must be some hidden thresholds.

It takes some time to research, and the results are really not guaranteed.

Hearing his words, Hong Xueyan smiled and nodded.

"no problem."

"Do you need me to arrange a car?"

She seemed very decisive.

This made Rosen ask in surprise.

"Aren't you worried that I'll default on my debt?"

This sentence made Hong Xueyan laugh boldly.

"Hahaha, you are a proud young man."

“So trust is the biggest bargaining chip in dealing with you.”

"Okay, I believe we will have many opportunities to cooperate in the future. Xiaomu will be fully responsible for the next thing. I still have some things to deal with about the settlement, so I will leave now."

Hong Xueyan explained and then left directly.

At this moment, she showed the decisive and strong side of a strong woman.

Rosen couldn't help but narrowed his eyes as he looked at her stooped but still energetic figure.


"What a trust."

He suddenly laughed.

I have to admit that Hong Xueyan does have a way of judging people.

Rosen is a guy who loves soft things but not hard words.

As long as the other party doesn't dig holes, he really can't resist trust.

Nor will you betray your trust.

What's more, Hong Xueyan's proposal is quite fair.

The conditions offered were completely within his acceptable range.

After Hong Xueyan left, Qi Mu quickly came to hand over to him.

When they met again, her eyes were natural, and both parties understood each other tacitly.

As defined by Rosen, the two parties are actually cooperative rather than subordinate.

From the beginning to the end, he did not think that Qi Mu was sincerely surrendering.

That's why he later asked Qi Mu to be the microphone.

Reasonable definitions can prevent a lot of embarrassment.

At least Rosen's goal was achieved.

It will not hinder the arms trade with Hong Xueyan in the future.

Part of her ordnance is stored in the warehouse in the core area, and the other part is placed in the station of the violent oil machine group.

Hong Xueyan's strategy is to spread flowers everywhere, which can be seen from the fact that she lets each branch control the camp.

Yuan Yewen even came to the Shenhai area, 800 kilometers away.

She's not the kind of person who puts her eggs in one basket.

At night, Rosen did not choose to return.

Instead, he asked Qi Mu to leave in a bird aircraft.

He himself guarded the truck containing the prismatic crystals and personally drove it out of Jiangcheng.

...(End of chapter)

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