I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 199 I am convinced by my second sister-in-law

When Yao Wenxian and the other three arrived at the open grassland of the star airport, Zhuang Shu was straightening his back and speaking with a serious face, "Your mission this time is to pick fruits and vegetables on Muyuan Planet. As long as you see anything you can eat, We picked them all and returned to the village at 5 pm for a centralized inventory.

The chief's wife said that today you can eat freely on Muyuan Planet. You can pick whatever you want. In the evening, everyone will be treated to a free buffet barbecue. The team that picks the most will be rewarded with a thousand kilograms of fruits and vegetables. , the type is up to you to choose. The commander also gave clear instructions. Each soldier participating in the picking can add a military merit point, but it is only for military merit exchange and is not responsible for the military rank within the legion. "

"Do you understand?"

"I understand." The well-trained soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms lined up in a square formation, each with their backs straight and passionate, and their resolute faces were full of eagerness to try after the words fell.

"Okay, let's go."

The soldiers instantly broke into pieces and were divided into more than ten teams.

All the captains began to gather their team members, "Team 1, follow me to the south, where there are the most red fruits."

"Yes, Captain."

"Team 2, let's go north. I saw the durian tree. Let's eat this for lunch."

"Yes, captain, captain is mighty."

The captains of other teams were not far behind. "We, the teammates of the third team, also went north to grab their durians and grab their first place. We tried to get free fruits and vegetables so that the chief's wife would remember our abilities."

"Oh, the captain is right, get ahead of them."

Swish, swish, each one of the camouflage uniforms were well-trained and jumped out with vigorous movements. In a short while, they plunged into the vast forest. The leaves rustled a few times, and the people disappeared.

In just a few seconds, Zhuang Shu was the only one left standing in the starry sky port where there had been a group of people just now. He turned his feet in military boots neatly and looked in the direction of Yao Wenxian and the others, his serious expression relaxed. He smiled a little, and even had a slight smile on his lips, "Manager Yao is here."

It was a very simple and casual greeting, no different from usual.

But the look in Yao Wenxian's eyes, who was not at peace at this moment, made him think uncontrollably. He rubbed his temples, walked over on his own initiative, raised the corners of his lips and asked with a smile, "Here we come, I happened to hear Adjutant Zhuang Shu What about the majestic instruction? Why did the sir’s wife issue a mission to pick fruits and vegetables on the Muyuan planet?”

Such generosity is not in line with the ancient doctor's style of demanding money!

"Eh-" Zhuang Shu raised his eyes suspiciously on his face, "Don't you know, Manager Yao, that our chief's wife is the Lord of Muyuan Star?"

"What-" Yao Wenxian opened his mouth wide and his ears were buzzing.

After hearing this new identity, his jaw almost dropped in shock. His mind had not yet recovered from the confusion about Bai Qianchun, the poor wife of the ancient doctor who was equal to the second child. Now another one was delivered to him. Such a heavy impact caused his face to turn red and he was in a trance. He was unable to regain his speech function for a long time.

Seeing his shocked expression, Zhuang Shu smiled happily, "It turns out that Manager Yao didn't know about it before. It seems that our chief's wife is really low-key and hides her identity very well. But speaking of it, our chief has a good taste. Without knowing it, he was able to find a hidden gem like our wife among millions of people. Aren’t the Lord of Jinyuan Star and the Lord of Muyuan Star a perfect match and have the same status?”

As he spoke, Zhuang Shu's interest in gossip changed from the secret poking in his heart to the overt interest. He pulled Yao Wenxian and continued talking, "Speaking of which, our chief and his wife were still having fun as a couple before. I just Knowing that our chief will leave the main star and go to the Shaking Star in person, he must be going to pick up the chief’s wife who has run away from home. However, the chief refused to admit it and pretended not to know the chief’s wife without telling me. But who am I? These piercing eyes have long seen that the relationship between them is unusual, and the sweet aura between this couple standing together is different from ordinary people."

Yao Wenxian's thoughts were confused. He knew every word separately, but he couldn't understand them when put together.

Why did the chief come out from the main star to go to the Shaking Light Star in person? It must be to pick up the chief's wife who ran away from home?

Didn't the second brother go to Shaking Star to investigate the person behind the disappearance of Li Chao and Jin Leisha?

Why do the chief and his wife pretend not to know each other?

It can't be the second child. He really didn't recognize his wife.

And what the hell do you have those piercing eyes? You could tell that even the second person didn’t know that she was his wife?

Then he heard Zhuang Shu say again, "Ah, by the way, Manager Yao, do you know that the sir's wife is the ancient doctor who made the vitality pill? Sir, it's so shameless that you didn't tell us this in advance. I have to ask you to come over and negotiate the purchase contract with the chief’s wife. Hey, I know, this must be a little fun between them as husband and wife. If Feng’s cousin had not exposed the identity of the chief’s wife in public yesterday, the chief would not have known that he had to hide it. How long do we have?"

The corner of Yao Wenxian's mouth twitched, what a fucking little fun between husband and wife!

He was sure that yesterday's public scene was the first time the second child knew that the ancient doctor was his poor little wife.

Yao Wenxian was no match for anyone, so he nodded and pretended to be calm, "Oh, I've known for a long time that the ancient doctor is your chief's wife."

A few hours earlier is also early!

Zhuang Shu glanced at him with small eyes and said in a slightly sour voice, "Oh, that's good. Manager Yao has indeed been the chief's friend since childhood."

Alas, as the chief's closest lieutenant, it is true that he still does not have the chief's greatest trust. He has to work harder.

So, this misunderstanding passed by accident.

Zhuang Shu took the lead and led Yao Wenxian, who was in a daze and still immersed in the world of shock and confusion, toward the path, followed by two strong men, Lao Liu and Lao Qi, who also had their jaws dropped.

The second sister-in-law is the ancient doctor who made the vitality pill and saved their lives. The second sister-in-law is also the star master of Muyuan Planet! ! ! !

They didn't know this at all before.

The two looked at each other. They had previously discussed that the second sister-in-law was timid and cowardly and not worthy of their outstanding and wealthy second brother, but now, they were a perfect match, a perfect match!

The two people who came out of the garbage star have always believed in respecting the strong and respected people with special abilities. Obviously their second sister-in-law is this kind of person and deserves their respect and admiration.

At this moment, they abandoned their previous depression and doubts and truly became convinced of the second sister-in-law whom they had not yet met.

The second brother didn't tell them before because he wanted them to change their mindset on the junk planet and stop looking down on others. Now they understand that the second brother and the fourth brother have really good intentions!

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