I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 200 Trying to be the second newlywed couple

Yao Wenxian, who had no idea that his image was getting better in the eyes of his two younger brothers, had been walking behind Zhuang Shu for half an hour now, and he didn't even think about the speeding incident just now.

A group of four people stepped on the quiet path, looking at the red ribbons around them and the faint voices coming from the front. Yao Wenxian finally digested the matter and was in a mood to look at the surrounding scenery.

"What are these red ribbons hanging for? I see some kind of venue is being built over there?"

"Oh, that's the venue where the Xue family will hold their wedding ceremony."

Yao Wenxian was surprised, "The Xue family? What's your background? You can actually hold the first wedding after the restart of Muyuan Star. It's such a great honor."

Zhuang Shu scratched his head, "Well, I heard that the mother-in-law of the Xue family was from the star people of Muyuan planet, and she went out after getting married. This time they happened to come to visit relatives and met the star master who restarted Muyuan planet. Xing, he took the initiative to request the star owner to hold a wedding here. The bride, Manager Yao, should also know her. She is a girl named Sheng Xiaoxiao. You and the chief’s eldest sister are a branch of the Sheng family. It is said that they helped you in the beginning. some things."

"Hey, it's a pity that the chief and his wife are not the first couple to hold a wedding after the restart of Muyuan Planet. Last night, Major General Sheng Beining also urged the chief to hold a wedding, and strive to become the second couple to hold a wedding on Muyuan Planet. Here’s the newcomer.”

"Ahem. Hold a wedding." Yao Wenxian choked on his saliva and coughed. The eldest sister is indeed the eldest sister. This hard-core urge to get married is absolutely amazing.

"Are you okay?" Zhuang Shu stopped and looked over with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay." Yao Wenxian waved his hand and continued with a strange look on his face, "Then what happened next, did your commander agree? When are you planning to hold the wedding?"

The question was asked with a hint of gloating.

Oh, look, how do you continue to play the second child's drama? Holding a wedding is different from registering a marriage. You have to kiss your bride at the wedding. With the temperament and strength of the ancient doctor, can he stand obediently and let him kiss her? Unless it costs tens of billions to make her unable to refuse, it is possible.

Sure enough, I heard Zhuang Shu say, "The officer hasn't said anything yet. He said he was going to ask the officer's wife, but as soon as he went there, he received news that the officer's wife was tired and wanted to go back to rest, so the matter was shelved for the time being."

"But it seems that Major General Bei Ning hasn't given up yet. He said he would come over and ask in person today."

"Oh, my eldest sister just cares about our life events." Yao Wenxian's voice was calm, as if he had expected it, but the corners of his mouth were raised high, as he watched some good shows and some good ones.

After a few casual words, he hurriedly walked forward.

Only Lao Liu and Lao Qi behind him sighed with Zhuang Shu sincerely, and also looked forward to the wedding.

"The stone house where the star citizens live is just ahead. There are quite a lot of people there."

Yao Wenxian looked at a group of people walking out of the village gate. They were still holding buns and rolling donkeys wrapped in leaves. They were all smiling while stuffing buns into their mouths and rolling on donkeys.

Among them, there are also several aristocratic ladies who have openly said that they like their middle-aged men in public. They also look the same. They eat while walking, the makeup on their faces fades, and they wear pants and sneakers for the first time in a century. They don't care. The cheeks of his eating posture were bulging, just like a little squirrel eating only pine nuts.

Yao Wenxian:

Why, he had only been away from the main star for more than ten days, and all these noble ladies were possessed by evil spirits? Miss Jiao is so down-to-earth among the people?

Also, didn’t they chase the men to Muyuan Planet just to steal the limelight from the men?

What's going on with everyone eating here and there now?

Looking back, the third princess Qin Yushan was wearing a long aqua dress and a round and plump pearl necklace around her neck. She was walking towards the village gate in a bright and beautiful dress. She was followed by five or six noble ladies. She is also flamboyant, wearing a skirt and high heels, showing off her arrogance, but her persona remains intact.

Well, this is the correct way for aristocratic ladies to open up, even though it is stupid to walk in high heels on the cobbled ground.

"Mr. Yao." Qin Yushan calmed down after a night's rest. She no longer lost her crazy gaffe yesterday, and returned to her usual elegance and calmness. When she saw Yao Wenxian, she greeted him politely with an elegant smile.

Facing Zhuang Shu and Lao Liu and Lao Qi behind him, he slightly raised his red lips and nodded.

"Hello, Third Princess." Yao Wenxian pushed up his glasses, revealing a shrewd and polite face, but there was alienation hidden deep in his eyes with a gentle smile.

"Mr. Yao, are you here to find Lord Feng? He should be in the village. Why don't we look for him together?" Qin Yushan invited with a smile.

Zhuang Shu frowned and looked at her with vigilance on his serious face. As a shrewd lieutenant who is vigilant, observant and imaginative, he could tell yesterday that the Third Princess had special feelings for his elder. , it’s still that kind of paranoid and twisted feeling, so he doesn’t think this sentence is just a casual invitation. This woman must have some purpose. He has to reject her, isolate her, and be on guard against her. She must not let her ruin the relationship between the chief and his wife. .

He stood firmly on the side of the chief's wife.

Yao Wenxian was also a keen person, and he saw Zhuang Shu's expression calmly. He curled his lips, and was about to refuse politely but gracefully, when out of the corner of his eye he saw a woman covered in blood and in embarrassment. Someone jumped out from the corner and stumbled towards this side.

His eyes flashed and he stepped aside, and the woman fell directly at Qin Yushan's feet. Her hands, which were mixed with blood and mud, quickly grabbed Qin Yushan's elegant pearlescent dress, raised her head, Revealing a face that looked miserable with its flesh turned outwards, a hoarse and dry voice shouted sternly, "Third princess, third princess, save me, save my face, my face."

Qin Yushan's elegant smiling face froze, and the muscles on her face twitched. She tried her best to control the urge to kick the person out. She suppressed her fake smile and lowered her head in surprise, "Oh, is it Si Xiang? Don't cry, hurry up, hurry up Come and help lift Si Xiang up."

The few ladies behind her looked away in disgust, and most of them were gloating. They didn't want to help this embarrassed woman at all. They were plastic sisters who were in competition and disliked each other before. She made them miserable now. It was too late for the child to cover his mouth and be happy.

But when the third princess glanced at her, they quickly stopped their smiles and pretended to be concerned, "Oh, Sixiang, what's wrong with you? Who beat you like this? This is too bad."

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