I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 310 Secretly hiding private money

Bai Qianchun glanced back at him, her eyes were cold and her expression was clear, not as if her soul had been seduced.

Feng Youyu twitched at her with a suspicious look that said, "You have a bad throat!" Then he turned back to look at Huo Quancheng, "What about that, brother-in-law, you want to buy whitening pills and beauty pills?" , Sister, do you know, why didn’t you buy it before? And brother-in-law, are you secretly hiding your private money again? "

Huo Quancheng turned away his eyes, his handsome and cold face was slightly shy, and his voice was a little low, "Don't tell your eldest sister, she doesn't know, because something happened a few days ago and she spent a lot of money. The remaining money will be It was reserved to give benefits to soldiers, so she endured not buying it.

But she also wants to have things that others have, and I plan to give her a surprise after buying them. "

Bai Qianchun once again looked at Marshal Huo with admiration. This man looked cold but he doted on his wife. Look how considerate and domineering these words were. His wife wanted to have what others had. What a good guy and a good man!

In this regard, Bai Qianchun certainly supports this good man to be a good husband.

Seeing that the couple did not hesitate to help tonight, Bai Qianchun had to give him a preferential price. In the end, she lowered the price to the cost price and sold it to him.

As for why it is not given for free, isn’t this to give the Marshal a chance to show off? The ones given for free were given by her, and those bought at cost price were given by the Marshal himself!

Feng Youyu understood her operation, and the sourness in her heart disappeared immediately, and she stood up happily and patted Huo Quancheng on the shoulder, "Brother-in-law, don't worry, I won't tell eldest sister that you hid private money, such a surprise It’s gone, I understand this, so can you tell me how much private money you still have?”

Huo Quancheng got the two small porcelain bottles and put them into the space with some excitement. Hearing this, he turned sideways to avoid his hand, and his voice returned to his usual cold and domineering voice, "You don't need to know."

Tsk. Feng Youyu knew there was no chance and didn't say anything else. When he saw Huo Quancheng turning around and wanting to leave with his long legs after buying things, he quickly stopped him and then went back to Bai Qianchun to discuss with her, "Daughter-in-law , you see we have a lot of kebabs at night, and there is such a big roasted leg of lamb that the two of us can’t finish, how about asking my brother-in-law to pack some and take them away to eat on the road?”

Bai Qianchun opened her eyelids and stared at Feng Youyu's face with a pair of beautiful black eyes.

Oh, my daughter-in-law, she screamed smoothly.

Feng Youyu's back was sweating at the sight of her, her smile was stiff, and she looked away with guilty eyes before she said, "Well, pack more."

"Okay." Feng Youyu raised the corners of his mouth, and said to Huo Quancheng with a proud smile on his enchanting face, "Brother-in-law, wait a minute, I'll pack you some skewers, and some roasted chestnuts. You can also bring some. I remember that my eldest sister doesn’t like to eat it, but you, a grown man, like this one.”

Huo Quancheng's cold face almost split open. This kid really wants to ruin his image of a tough guy all the time!

But in the end he could only sigh, what else could he do, just hold it in.

If he beats this guy, his wife will teach him a lesson later. Besides, his sister-in-law is still here, so he can’t deal with her man in front of her. After all, his sister-in-law gave him a preferential treatment, so he still has to face it. watch.

If Bai Qianchun knew what he was thinking, she would be depressed. Don't, not only would she not stop her, but she would happily urge him to hit him faster. Feng Youyu is a man who deserves a beating. Don't worry about her. Show mercy on face!

Feng Youyu was still mumbling, "Brother-in-law, do you want this big leg of lamb? The two of us can't finish it, but it's not hot enough now, so you have to wait. By the way, when are you going to leave Mu?" Departing from Yuanxing?"

Huo Quancheng straightened his back and stood on the spot with a cold look, not moving at all. Hearing this, his eyes followed the direction of Feng Youyu. The roasted lamb leg was sizzling and dripping with oil, and the surface was covered with a beautiful layer of Golden and crispy, his deep and cold eyes moved slightly.

Roast leg of lamb, not only he likes to eat, but his wife also likes to eat. His Adam's apple rolled twice in restraint, why don't you wait?

After Huo Quancheng made his decision, he quickly replied, "Then I'll wait. It's still early. The durians that need to be traded are still being picked with the star citizens of Muyuan Planet. It will take at least three hours."

"Oh, it's really early. Don't stand around. Sit down and wait." Feng Youyu said in a casual tone, then handed him a bunch of mutton skewers, "You eat first, and when you leave, I’ll bake another batch for you and pack it up.”

Huo Quan took it and took a bite. His cold voice was tainted with the smell of fireworks, "You give me a few skewers first. I will send them to your eldest sister first, and then come back to get them."

"That's okay." Feng Youyu had no objection, then pointed to the meat skewers on the iron plate next to him and said, "I have grilled the few skewers here. Leave three skewers for my wife, and you can give the others first. Sister, send it over."

"Yeah." Huo Quancheng responded in a dull voice. He took the remaining mutton on the bamboo stick and took it into his mouth. He chewed it for a few times and swallowed it. Then he stood up and reached out with a big hand to grab a piece of meat regardless of the greasiness. Holding the bamboo sticks and Feng Youyu beside him to help open the bag, Huo Quancheng put the skewers in his hands, then took the bag with his big hands, stepped forward with his long legs, and his tall and straight figure quickly walked away into the darkness.

Bai Qianchun:

The two men cooperated so well and the process was so smooth that she couldn't find a chance to interrupt.

If anyone said in the future that the relationship between the two men was bad, she wouldn't believe it.

"What's wrong?" Feng Youyu looked at her expressionless face, staring dimly at the direction Huo Quancheng left, and felt a little guilty. He definitely did not admit that he had moved so quickly just now to send Huo Quanchen away as soon as possible. He wanted two people. A world of two.

Thinking like this, he didn't show it at all on his face. He reached for a skewer, wiped off the grease and then thoughtfully handed it to her hand. He said with a cheerful voice, "Eat quickly, I think you are quite good." I like eating this kebab.”

Bai Qianchun clenched her fingers and stared, "Do you still remember that I have something important to say?"

Feng Youyu's smile was stuck, and there was a hint of embarrassment on the monster's face, "What, what's the matter?"

He rubbed his face by mistake and smiled flatteringly at her, "How about you tell me first, and then I'll tell them."

Bai Qianchun frowned, "Can you guarantee that the eavesdropping information will not be leaked when you are transmitting information to them?"

She knew that there were some unscrupulous hackers on the Star Network.

Feng Youyu raised her lips proudly, "Don't worry, I can use the encrypted channel. The Feng Group has developed it in the past two years, and I guarantee that the information will not be leaked."

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