I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 311 What a big and important thing

"That's okay."

Bai Qianchun took a bite of the meat and thought about it. It would be more convenient for her to tell him first, and then let him tell others.

Then Bai Qianchun slowly told him about her discoveries and speculations on Shaking Light Star, including that the red thread cells may be related to the battle on the border of the Orc Empire, and the poison in the bird's nest today was not an ordinary poison. This red silk cell, the mastermind behind the scenes is still hidden in the Huayao Empire, and his hands are still very long, and the matter of Mas is also very likely to be the mastermind behind the scenes, and then he arranged it perfectly. The personnel, plot, etc. were all discussed in one go.

He didn't hide anything, not even his previous speculation and analysis.

Her idea is very simple, that is, she is tired enough of developing Muyuan Star. She should let others worry about investigating the conspiracy behind the scenes and defending the Huayao Empire.

Feng Youyu and the male and female protagonist Huo Quancheng and Sheng Beining are both people she likes and can be trusted, so she will leave it to them to investigate.

After Feng Youyu heard this, he suddenly felt that the meat in his hands no longer smelled good!

It is indeed such a big and important thing!

No wonder he felt that Mas's death went too smoothly today. Although the clues from the investigation seemed reasonable, and even the past between Mas and Qin Yushan was clearly revealed, he always felt that it was an anticlimax and that the clues came too smoothly. .

It turns out that there is such a mastermind controlling the whole scene hidden behind this!

Feng Youyu felt a chill in his heart, and his beautiful peach blossom eyes were also filled with a dark glow.

He had no doubt that what Bai Qianchun said was even a guess. Judging from the many days of getting along and the previous confrontations, he understood how smart this woman was. The guess she spoke out was that it was nine out of ten possible. It's true.

Thinking of this, Feng Youyu couldn't sit still.

Unlike Bai Qianchun, an outsider, he is a native of the Huayao Empire, and he has the glory of the Huayao Empire in his heart. Now that someone is endangering the empire, and may even be related to the conspiracy of the enemy's orc empire, then he cannot Just sit back and do nothing.

Bai Qianchun looked at him with a solemn look on his face, leisurely chewing meat next to him. It was great to pass on the pressure. Feng Youyu should take care of this mess.

However, she herself is still involved, and she doesn’t know if the mastermind behind the scenes will continue to regard her as a player in the situation. However, no matter what, if Feng Youyu’s actions are slightly inadvertent, they attract the attention of the mastermind behind the scenes. , then she, the insider, will definitely be the first to be suspected, and will be involved in the end, so it is impossible for her to relax completely if she wants to.

She took over Feng Youyu's job of applying the secret sauce to the roasted lamb leg. While applying the sauce, she asked casually, "So what are you going to do now?"

Feng Youyu glanced at her and didn't hide anything. His teasing voice was restrained and he told her the thoughts he had compiled in a few seconds with a hint of solemnity.

"Since you said that the red silk cells were probably contracted by Shi Kun and Jian Zhan during the border war a year ago, then their situation is probably not an exception. The border wars have been going on for years, and many soldiers and soldiers have had conflicts. These two people are very similar or have the same condition of super-power core fragmentation. They should not be the first batch and definitely not the last batch. Therefore, I plan to first investigate the soldiers who have problems with the super-power core in the legion to see if they are caused by red. It's caused by silk cells, to confirm your inference."

If it is true, then

Feng Youyu's face looked a little solemn. If it was true, then the situation would be troublesome.

In recent years, the mortality rate of soldiers dying due to problems with the superpower core has remained high, but the hospital and research institute have not been able to find out the cause before, so Bai Qianchun's discovery is very important.

She changed the cause of the problem with the superpower core from the original definition of natural accidental damage to a man-made conspiracy, a shocking conspiracy hanging over the heads of the soldiers of the Huayao Empire Legion.

It was terrifying to think about it, if she had not discovered it, then the legion soldiers of the Huayao Empire would have died silently, and they would not be able to figure out where their nuclear power problem was or what caused it until they died. The rest of them knew nothing, could do nothing, and were helpless.

What if there are more and more red silk cells, and more soldiers die silently? A gloom fell under Feng Youyu's eyelids, and the sense of crisis in his heart rose rapidly.

He pursed his dry thin lips and said firmly with his eyes, "We can no longer allow this red thread cell to continue to exist in the legion. It has already endangered the security of the empire. So I plan to contact my cousin, one of the people I trust most. With him alone, and besides, he is the prince of the empire and the clear heir to the empire, things will be much easier if he takes the initiative, and the first legion he belongs to is also very important."

"The First Legion controlled by the royal family now ranks first in number in the empire. In addition, the First Legion has previously annexed the Thirteenth Army of the third prince's mother's family. Now the number is even larger and the personnel are mixed. Preliminary estimates are that the first legion ranks first The total number of people in the legion is more than twice that of the second-ranked Sheng Family Second Legion.

The number of soldiers who retired and died due to super-power nuclear problems in the First Legion is also directly proportional to the total number of legions, far exceeding that of other legions. If the problem with the super-power core is due to this red thread cell, then the First Legion is the number one A key object that needs to be investigated.

I can't reach into the First Legion yet, but my cousin has the second-ranking management authority in the First Legion and has a high say. It is easiest for the First Legion to let him investigate. "

"Yeah." Bai Qianchun nodded. There was nothing wrong with Feng Youyu's idea.

Moreover, she did trust the imperial prince Lou Yuchen, but she could not trust the people around Lou Yuchen.

Because Lou Yuchen's death in the dream is very doubtful. He did not enter the planet that caused his death alone. According to his ability, he could not have died easily, so Bai Qianchun doubted him. Something happened to someone or some people he trusted around him, so he stayed on that planet and could not come back.

So Bai Qianchun specifically said, "Only tell him. No one else needs to know about the red silk cells except him."

A sharp glimmer flashed across Feng Youyu's eyes, "You mean the people around my cousin are suspicious?"

Bai Qianchun blinked innocently, "I didn't say that, it's just that this matter is of great importance, so as not to alert others, the fewer people know about it, the better, and if those people in the First Legion who have problems with their superpower cores are found, It's all because of the red thread cells, so there is a high possibility that there will be problems within the First Legion, and the man behind the scenes may have placed an informant in the First Legion, and the informant may even have climbed to a high position, so."

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