Fortunately, although the passage was frighteningly white and the atmosphere was strange, there were no dangers or accidents along the way. When they encountered a closed door, it would automatically slide open to both sides when they came to the door, silently welcoming them. Go in.

It seems that those three skewers of roasted potatoes were not in vain, little Xingling did a good job!

With the green light given all the way, Bai Qianchun and Feng Youyu crossed the underground passage unimpeded and arrived at the core area of ​​the underground laboratory.

It's just that this core area has countless equipment and construction details that are completely different from what Bai Qianchun imagined. No, it should be said that it was originally built with great details, but now the entire large laboratory is occupied by a red bryophyte. , there are large tracts of red moss.

I don’t know if it’s because of the huge properties of Mu Yuanxing, but the shape of the moss that was supposed to be so small and barely visible on the wall can now be clearly seen, each petal after another. It is similar in shape to a red maple leaf, and the leaves are fleshy and thick.

On the walls, ceilings, test benches and experimental equipment, this red moss almost covered the entire laboratory. Even the porcelain floor on the ground was lifted by them. If it weren't for an alloy door outside, If you block it, the red moss will probably grow outside.

As for equipment, test tubes and the like, all were destroyed by them. Bai Qianchun's sharp eyes could vaguely see some broken glass shards through the gaps in the red moss, and of course there were some intact test tubes, beakers and the like. Equipment was scattered everywhere, surrounded by red moss.

At this time, a secret door covered with red moss on the right side of the laboratory slid open, revealing a smaller control room. The little star spirit was standing on a large control platform, dancing with its little feet. From time to time, it flutters a pair of light wings and flies over, making breezy noises and pushing the control stick with all its strength. It looks quite skillful at this young age.

It is estimated that after this laboratory was built, it came to hang out a lot and even learned a few tricks from it.

Bai Qianchun stood outside the laboratory door and observed for a while, then her eyes flashed slightly, and she raised her feet to go to the little Xingling's room.

But as soon as she stepped into the room with one foot, she felt something was wrong with her feet, and there was still the sound of water gushing in her ears. She lowered her head and looked, and saw that her feet were wet, and the red moss was dented and dripping. Bring forth abundant clear water.

Bai Qianchun looked a little surprised, where did this water come from?

She subconsciously raised her eyes and scanned the laboratory for water sources. The room was dimly lit because of the rampant red moss, which almost covered several lights on the ceiling. Only a few rays of light leaked from the gaps in the moss. .

Bai Qianchun squinted her eyes and took a closer look in the dim room. It must be said that the vitality of these red moss is tenacious, and it can even spread and cover the ceiling made of unknown materials.

After a while, the water source was not found, but two large broken culture chambers were seen in the right corner. The birthplace of the red moss came from these two culture chambers.

The little star spirit said that there is something planted in this laboratory, maybe it is these red moss.

Bai Qianchun had a hunch that these red moss were the most important material needed for red silk cells.

After confirming that there was no problem in crossing the water, she continued walking inside with light steps, and Feng Youyu followed her step by step.

However, because he had never practiced Qing Gong and was heavier than Bai Qianchun, he made a clicking sound when he walked, and his feet sank into a deep pit with every step he took, and the water directly covered the uppers of his shoes. to his ankles.

Feng Youyu's handsome brows furrowed and she clicked her tongue in disgust. She regretted not wearing military boots. Otherwise, the military boots were made of waterproof and fireproof material and had high tubes, so they could be worn as rain boots.

"Are you wet? How about you wait for me outside." Bai Qianchun turned around and asked caringly.

Feng Youyu immediately relaxed his brows, raised the corners of his mouth and said, "No, it's already wet anyway, so I don't need much time."

"Oh." Bai Qianchun responded and turned back, walking lightly into the control room where the little Xingling was. Feng Youyu followed and took a look at the place where she walked. There was only a faint smile. The small puddle was in sharp contrast to the deep pit he had stepped on.

Feng Youyu: It seems that this woman is too thin and needs to be fed.

Then he pulled out his right foot and continued walking forward step by step.

Bai Qianchun had already walked behind Xiao Xingling. She stared at the console for a while, but couldn't figure out what was going on. She really didn't understand electronic operation.

When she saw that the little star spirit had finished its work and flew to a blank place to lie down and gasp for air, she poked its back with her finger and asked, "Where is the small bottle you mentioned?"

The little Xingling turned over and glared at her, "What little bottle?"

Bai Qianchun reminded it, "You're talking about the small bottle that contains the same flavor as what the pretty boy in the kitchen poured into the bird's nest."

"Oh." The little Xingling changed his position, spread himself out like a pancake, and said hummingly, "Wait for daddy to rest for a while, he won't be able to fly anymore."

Bai Qianchun's mouth twitched and she asked who the father was!

The little bad guy is so young and wants to be someone's father.

"Then tell me a location and I'll find it myself."

The little star spirit chuckled and said proudly, "No, you can't take it out without me. Those two-legged beasts in white clothes are very clever. They locked things into a thing called a safe. The Star Spirits thought they were hiding something so precious, but they didn’t expect it to be such an unpalatable thing, bah bah bah, it’s so unpalatable.”

Bai Qianchun's mouth twitched. She should be glad that the food was unpalatable, otherwise the big-eating elf would have eaten it secretly. Just like the medicinal materials and pills in her pharmacy, this little villain was not particular at all.

Seeing that it looked like a raw pancake that needed to be fried for a while, Bai Qianchun had to use his trump card, "Two skewers of baked potato slices."

"Deal." Jianbing Xiao Xingling immediately shouted excitedly, then turned over, a carp straightened his waist and stood up straight away, flapped his wings and flew out excitedly.

Bai Qianchun followed it, with the corner of her mouth raised. It seemed that this little bad guy really had a special liking for roasted potato skewers tonight. It was not in vain that she had brought a few skewers in just in case. Just put it to use.

Feng Youyu followed behind, her peach blossom eyes shining with pride, she was worthy of her, look at how well she controlled that bitchy little pervert, what a beautiful job!

He decided to keep more roasted potato skewers around him in the future, so that he could summon this little star spirit out for a stroll if something happened.

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