I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 317 Looking for companion plants

The little star flew all the way to the corner of the laboratory covered with red moss, and then plunged in.

Bai Qianchun raised his eyebrows, over here?

Looking at the place surrounded by several thick layers of red moss, come on, let’s pull these things away first.

She rolled up her sleeves and was about to start, but she didn't expect that as soon as she raised her hand, a long, warm hand grabbed her forearm.

Feng Youyu's superior magnetic voice sounded very close to her, "I'll do it."

Then without waiting for Bai Qianchun to speak, he tightened his hold on his forearm and pulled it directly behind him.

Then he raised his hand and stretched out, and golden light flashed in the dim light. A golden shovel made of condensed gold elements immediately appeared in his hand, and he shoveled down the wall neatly, returning a large piece with one shovel. Falling down with a splash.

I have to lament that letting people with metal powers do this kind of work is simply a professional counterpart!

Bai Qianchun immediately stopped thinking about helping, and stood behind him watching him work. After a while, he rubbed a few shovels, and the eroded gray-yellow wall was revealed.

"Okay, this should be it." Feng Youyu looked at the wall in front of him, his eyes flashing slightly, and then he stretched out his hand and groped on the wall. He didn't know where he pressed it, but it was a partition on the wall. It immediately rose up, revealing the silver-shining safe inside.

Feng Youyu stood in front, squinting his peach blossom eyes, and looked at the safe for a while, "Looking at the logo and production number, this safe should be an integrated destruction and insurance product made by the Lin Group ten years ago. Use a safe. It is the same as the protection program of this underground laboratory. It seems that the people who built this laboratory had the intention of destroying it when it was built. Your previous guess may be true. The suspicious transport ship before The crew members may not come to this laboratory to get things, but to destroy the laboratory."

"It seems that the earthquake catastrophes caused by your previous withdrawal of the wood element from Muyuan Planet were not all bad things, because those catastrophes caused plate changes, and the location of the underground laboratory also changed accordingly. I am afraid that the mastermind behind the scenes did not expect it. This, otherwise this underground laboratory might not wait until we can find it now."

This woman is indeed very smart, and sometimes she is lucky.

He felt proud in his heart.

It's just that after he finished speaking, he didn't wait for the response from the person behind him. He turned around suspiciously and saw that the woman who was standing behind him just now was squatting on the ground. She was still holding a Holding a small lighting lamp that he found somewhere, and holding a glove on the other hand, he was concentrating on searching for something in the pile of red moss that he had shoveled down.

Feng Youyu was suspicious and looked at the damp and dark environment around him. Should he come over and help search together?

But he didn't expect Bai Qianchun to take the first step.

She patted his wet pants with her hand, "Let it go, let it go, don't block the way."

"Oh." Feng Youyu touched his nose and moved to the side helplessly.

Forget it, he was just taking up space when he moved forward, so he should stay far away so as not to block her way. However, seeing how vigorously she was pulling at her, he still couldn't help but ask, "What are you looking for? Do you want my help?"

Bai Qianchun didn't even raise her head, and carefully rummaged through the pile of red moss. Because she was squatting, her voice came out in a dull voice, "Look for the companion plant of this red moss. Many poisonous plants grow nearby." There are companion plants that can restrain toxicity or eliminate toxicity. I suspect that this red moss is the main raw material for making red silk cells, so I plan to look for its companion plants. With these companion plants, can you ask about it before? There should be a drug that can be used to check whether there are red blood cells in the human body."

Feng Youyu's eyes lit up, "How sure are you?"

"If the things in the safe are red silk cells and these red moss are also confirmed to be the main material, I will be 99% sure as long as I find the companion plants."

Save one percent so you don't get too proud.

Bai Qianchun thought to herself, then raised her arm and rubbed her cheek, trying to brush aside the annoying hair that had fallen down and blocked her sight. However, after several attempts, she still didn't brush it back, and instead rubbed a few more hair away. .

Hey, when her temper got worse, her nose wrinkled, and when she straightened up, she put the lamp aside and got rid of these annoying hairs first.

Feng Youyu saw that she was so angry that a child with such a rare temper was angry with a few hairs. The corners of her mouth were raised crazily in amazement, ah, just, it's so cute!

"Are you laughing?" Bai Qianchun's sharp voice sounded in the quiet space. She raised her head and looked in the direction of Feng Youyu. A pair of beautiful black eyes narrowed and she observed with gaze.

Feng Youyu coughed slightly and suppressed it with a voice that still contained a hint of laughter, "No, no, let me help you."

Bai Qianchun looked at his face with suspicious eyes, but the lighting effect was really poor and she couldn't see the expression on his face clearly. She was silent, "Okay, help me put my hair back, they will affect I saw something.”

As she said that, she raised her face and signaled Feng Youyu to hurry up.

The lighting lamp in her hand had a white light and illuminated from her chin. Not only did it not make her look like a female ghost, but it also raised a small face that shone white, like a light elf in the night that was not soaked in darkness. Incredibly clean and beautiful.

Feng Youyu had to admit that every part of her delicate and beautiful face poked him. She was beautiful and soft, but her temperament was not that weak and pitiful. Instead, she was quite strong and powerful, and sometimes she was cold. In short, regardless of her appearance, It's his preference in terms of temperament. With such a beauty who can touch his heart everywhere right in front of him, it would be strange if he doesn't fall in love with her.

It's just that sometimes her force value is too high and her aggression is too strong, so she is not very friendly towards him. For example, it would be better if things like pressing him on the washstand don't happen again. She is as obedient and clever as she is now. How nice it would be to ask him to help with a straight face.

The next second, Bai Qianchun actually proved that he was thinking shit.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up. After finishing these things, I will go back and go to bed early. I will try to get the medicine you need to detect red blood cells tomorrow."

Feng Youyu's rippling smile fell as he was immersed in fantasy, and he wiped his face silently.

Okay, if you like someone, you not only have to like all her good qualities, but you also have to tolerate all her bad tempers. Although he was a little interested in her at first, but after he fell in love with her, he felt that everything about her was good.

Even the urging voice sounds very nice!

If Yao Wenxian were to stand here, he would definitely be scolded for being a romantic.

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