I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 322 Sixty Billion Betrothal Gift

It's a pity that Bai Chengjun is destined to miss Yaowanzi today, because he was already targeted by a group of noble ladies because of what happened just now.

As soon as the whistle sounded for panic buying, Bai Chengjun, who was pushed sideways by Bu Wen next to him, staggered. Pu Yi immediately hit him behind him, and Bai Chengjun rushed forward with a bullish charge.

The other noble ladies also flirted with each other and then showed off their skills. No one was better than them in doing these little secret tricks. After a while, Bai Chengjun had several footprints on his body, and he curled up pitifully with his head in his arms. on the ground, and then listened to the sound of the large army of people rushing away.

Bai Chengjun carefully removed his arm, revealing a face with two symmetrical footprints on the left and right sides. He was crying with sadness and twisted in pain: Damn, those vengeful women!

Why is he always the one who gets hurt?

After the rush to buy, Shen Shenxiang, who failed to grab the pills again, passed by and looked down at her fiancé on the ground. She had already bought a whitening pill from Xingmin at a high price. At this time, her face showed a well-proportioned complexion. With a look of disgust.

But even if she was no longer dissatisfied with his stupidity and arrogance, because the other party was already her fiancé, and the interests between the two were closely related in the future, she still kindly reminded him, "Stay away from your bad friends in the future. , His brain is already stupid enough, and he hangs out with a group of stupid and poisonous people, and he doesn’t know how he will die in the future.”

After saying that, she raised her eyes and glanced contemptuously at the few dudes who were coming this way. When she saw their guilty eyes and dodge, she snorted, raised her chin, and walked away arrogantly.

Bai Chengjun, who was lying on the ground, had a gloomy face and gritted his teeth viciously, "What does that woman mean? When will it be her turn to teach me a lesson?"

The dandies hurried over, helped him up with all their hands, and then said skillfully and flatteringly, "That's right, Miss Bai, when will it be her turn to speak."

"Stupid and poisonous are clearly how people used to describe her, and now they use it to scold us. She must be jealous that we can be so good with you, Mr. Bai."

Bai Chengjun's face turned pale with anger, he threw away the hand that was supporting him, and cursed sullenly, "Oh, she was right about that, you are indeed vicious and stupid, and you just caused me to be taught a lesson by those women, then Why don’t you stand up and speak out now?”

One of the dudes quickly cried out in grievance, "Mr. Bai, why do you say that? We have been playing together for so long, and you still don't know who we are. We are just timid and don't dare to offend those who are richer than our family." Powerful people, you also know that although we are nobles, nobles are also divided into high and low. If we offend those big nobles, the elders in the family can break our legs and send us to apologize. After all, we don't For example, Mr. Bai, you have such a capable father who still dotes on you, Mr. Bai."

After a few words, they stepped on the ground and lifted Bai Chengjun to the sky. Bai Chengjun, who was originally furious, finally relaxed.

Several dudes were already very familiar with Bai Chengjun. They winked at each other, and another person came up and continued to complain.

"And we knew that you, Mr. Bai, were unhappy about the third princess, so we had the courage to say bad things about the Ancient Medicine Star Lord behind our backs. It was just to make you, Mr. Bai, vent your anger and be happy. Otherwise, with her status, we How dare these people talk nonsense?"

"Yes, yes, we are all here to make you happy, Mr. Bai."

After some flattery, we are all because of you and other coaxing remarks, the anger on Bai Chengjun's face gradually disappeared. After saying with a straight face that he would not make an exception next time, he was coaxed by several dudes to smile again in the blink of an eye. .

Bai Ruling, who was watching the whole process not far away, was very speechless. Bai Chengjun really didn't have a long memory at all. He said the same thing last time, and he said the same thing this time, as long as he held him and followed him to reveal the matter. It's over. Her future sister-in-law was right. Sooner or later, Bai Chengjun would be tricked to death by these gangsters.

But Bai Ruling didn't want to remind him at all, because it would be more beneficial to her if Bai Chengjun was stupid.

She walked towards them with a smile, and was immediately greeted warmly by several dudes, "Sister Ruling is here, come on, come on, I just bought some big strawberries for you to have as dessert. "

Not to be outdone, another person said, "Sister Ruling, you are white again today, and your complexion is good again. You are even prettier than yesterday. I bought grape juice. I heard that grapes can also improve your skin. Sister Ruling, come and try it."

Bai Ruling raised her lips and said thank you shyly. She really liked the feeling of being held by these men. No wonder Bai Chengjun was so confused by their few words. The only blame is that although these people are... He's a dandy, but his coaxing words are really nice.

After eating the strawberries and drinking the grape juice, Bai Ruling finally revealed the purpose of her visit.

She looked at Bai Chengjun with a hesitant look on her face, which made Bai Chengjun tired of looking at him. She looked at him impatiently and said, "Just say what you want to say."

"Oh." Bai Ruling seemed to be hesitant, "I heard some news about the third princess from Uncle Zeyue."

Bai Chengjun frowned, looked at her with his eyes, and asked urgently, "What's the news? Tell me quickly."

To say that he did have some feelings for the third princess, his father had analyzed to him before that the third princess was not as noble as he thought, and he understood it, but the third princess was beautiful, and he really looked at her with those hooked eyes. His heart felt very itchy, especially yesterday when the third princess pitifully asked him for help. A superior goddess suddenly bent down to him. That feeling satisfied his vanity and gave him an unprecedented sense of protection. want.

How could that ugly shrew Shen Shenxiang compare to his third princess?

But he couldn't do anything last night. He could only watch the third princess being taken away and locked up, so he felt even more guilty.

He also planned to send some food to the third princess later.

As for the fact that the third princess paid for the murder, he selectively forgot about it. He only remembered her pitiful and beautiful appearance as she begged him for help.

Bai Ruling looked at his expression and could tell at a glance what this big pig was thinking, but it was just in line with her purpose.

She smiled softly and said in a tactful tone, "Uncle Zeyue said that little Lord Feng sent a message to His Majesty the Emperor yesterday. His Majesty the Emperor was very angry about the fact that the three princesses paid to kill Muyuan Star Master and would never tolerate it. His princess was a mistress, coveting a married man, and even announced on the spot that he would get engaged to the third princess, which cut off her thoughts. As long as someone could come up with a betrothal gift of more than 60 billion to pay off the debt of the third princess, anyone would do it. He can be a candidate for the third princess’s fiancé.”

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