I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 323: True love with the third princess

"Now this matter has spread throughout the upper circles of the empire. I know that brother, you have some friendship with the third princess, so I came to see brother immediately after getting the news."

After Bai Ruling finished speaking, she looked at Bai Chengjun with a pair of watery eyes, full of concern and worry.

Bai Chengjun didn't notice her superb acting skills, but was shocked by her words.

"What, how can His Majesty the Emperor do anything? What is the difference between this and selling your daughter?"

He raised his eyebrows, feeling anxious and worried for the third princess. She would definitely be very sad if she heard about this.

But a dude next to him didn't think so. He rolled his eyes and came up with an idea, "Mr. Bai, I think this is your chance. According to the previous situation, the third princess has a noble status and is the acting duke. The possibility of marriage between the palace and the royal family is very small, but now the opportunity has come. The third princess's lowered style is just right for the acting duke's palace. Besides, it is only 60 billion. If your family is so rich, Mr. Bai, you will definitely be able to Those who can afford this betrothal gift."

The other dandies immediately agreed, "Yes, yes, this is an opportunity for you, Mr. Bai, to marry the royal family. Although His Majesty the Emperor has spoken out, the third princess has not been deposed. She is still the third princess of the empire. Yesterday may have been just a moment for His Majesty the Emperor." Angry, after waiting for a long time, he will be fine after his anger subsides. The third princess is His Majesty the Emperor's favorite daughter. No matter how big a mistake a biological child makes, it is still his child. No parent will forgive the child. "

Bai Chengjun, who had a deep understanding of this, immediately agreed with what he said. Yes, no parent would ever forgive their children. No matter how bastard he was before, wasn't he still his father's favorite son?

So Bai Chengjun's petty thoughts revived under the persuasion of a few friends.

Bai Ruling was watching the show from the side, her lowered eyes full of excitement. It seemed that Bai Chengjun stepped into the pit himself without her pushing the flames. These few friends were really amazing!

If she had to tell her, if His Majesty the Emperor could say such a thing, he would obviously have trampled Qin Yushan's face to the ground. Would a father who dotes on his daughter really do this?

Definitely not.

Family scandals should not be made public. Since His Majesty the Emperor has done this, he must not regard Qin Yushan as his biological daughter. Even if Qin Yushan is not removed, Qin Yushan's status must have plummeted.

Without the support of her mother clan and the favor of His Majesty the Emperor, her value would not be as high as Shen Xiang's.

Bai Ruling didn't want a high-value man to marry and suppress her, and Shen Shenxiang was known to have a bad temper and was difficult to get along with. It would not be so easy for her to take advantage of Bai Chengjun in the future.

But Qin Yushan is different. A worthless princess has no use value in his father's eyes. She will never want to be rampant in the White Duke's Palace in the future. And although Qin Yushan is not worth much, her position as a princess has not been abolished. She The circle she can reach must be higher than that of Shen Sixiang. When the time comes, she can also use this princess sister-in-law to attend higher-end banquets and attract better men.

So after several analyses, Bai Ruling felt that Qin Yushan would be more beneficial to her than Shen Shenxiang being her sister-in-law, so she wanted to push this matter forward.

It now appears that the plan was successful.

The most important step in the plan was once Bai Chengjun had thought about it.

Bai Chengjun, who was thinking about it, was still a little worried at this moment, and his eyebrows were raised, "But my father will not agree. We have also agreed with the Shen family, and the only thing left is the engagement ceremony."

The great assists started to cheer again, "This is not easy, you can kill first and then play."

"Yes, yes, it's just a preliminary agreement with the Shen family. It doesn't count if there is no formal engagement ceremony. In our circle, as long as there is no engagement, it is common for things to change after just a verbal agreement."

Anyway, the friends who were scolded by Shen Shenxiang for being poisonous and stupid just now are not happy for her to marry. If Shen Shenxiang really gets married, how will they coax Bai Chengjun and take advantage of him? They and Bai Ruling both want to know this. It's the same thing, it's better to bring Bai Chengjun and the third princess together.

So Bai Chengjun was directly deceived by them. His original three-point love for Qin Yushan suddenly developed into nine-points under the coaxing of these amazing helpers. He felt dizzy that he and the third princess were truly in love. If you don’t fight for it, you’re not a man.

Bai Chengjun gritted his teeth and decided to do it!

So ten minutes later, outside the Sifang Cage, after Bai Chengjun delivered strawberry juice and meals to Qin Yushan, he pledged to Qin Yushan through the iron-wood fence and said affectionately, "Third princess, don't worry, I will never let you If you marry someone else, even if you disobey my father, I will become your fiancé. Just wait, and when I return to the main star, I will promise to His Majesty the Emperor to marry you with a bride price of 60 billion."

Qin Yushan froze in front of his beauty's sad and grateful expression, and even the strawberries in her mouth were no longer sweet.

What's going on? What's the 60 billion betrothal gift?

What nonsense is this man talking about? No matter what she does, she won't marry such a stupid waste, right?

And isn't he engaged to Shen Sixiang?

If he hadn't been engaged to Shen Shenxiang and she was trying to piss off Shen Shenxiang, would she have been able to flirt with Bai Chengjun like that before?

There are so many high-quality men chasing after her, and any one she picks out at random will be better than him and have a better family background!

Qin Yushan is confident that as long as she leaves the hellish place of Mu Yuan and returns to the main star, there will be many men under her skirt who will come to show their courtesy. However, those men did not come to Mu Yuan. She had made do with Bai Chengjun, who happened to be next to her. Just a Minato man.

Qin Yushan, who was restricted from communicating with the outside world due to her limited optical brain signals, still didn't know what was going on outside. None of the followers who followed her in the past came to visit her after she was imprisoned. , which made her feel very uneasy. Now after hearing what Bai Chengjun said, she felt even more flustered.

She had some bad guesses. Could it be that something happened to her father?

She suppressed her displeasure with Bai Chengjun, and asked with a hint of real nervousness, "Can you, can you tell me what happened? Is it from my father's side?"

Bai Chengjun looked at the ray of melancholy between her eyebrows but still tried hard to maintain the princess' dignity. His love and pity became even stronger in his heart, and he immediately spoke out words of comfort, "Third Princess, you don't have to worry, what His Majesty the Emperor said is true." Angry words.”

Then Qin Yushan learned about her father's punishment and marriage arrangements from Bai Chengjun. Qin Yushan's feet softened, her lips turned white, and she sat on the ground in a daze, with strawberries scattered all over the floor.

It's over, it's all over.

Father is cutting off her future!

As soon as the news came out about the 60 billion betrothal gift to pay off debts, no one knew that she had completely fallen out of favor, and who would marry a worthless princess like her?

"Third Princess, Third Princess, what's wrong with you, are you okay?" Bai Chengjun was anxiously circling around outside the square cage, shouting anxiously, wanting to get in and help her.

Qin Yushan raised her head to look at him with a stiff neck. Seeing no trace of false worry on his face, her darkened eyes began to light up again.

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