I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 324 The drama of the love triangle

Under a big banyan tree, Shen Shenxiang hid behind the tree, digging her fingernails into the bark of the tree. She stared fiercely at the couple holding hands across the cage and talking to each other, biting her lips with anger. .

How dare they, this couple of bitches, how dare they.

She originally heard the news from the main star and came to see Qin Yushan's joke, but she didn't expect that she saw a scene that almost made her crazy and turned her into a joke.

She knew that bitch Qin Yushan was not a good person.

And Bai Chengjun, this idiot, does he still remember that he has a fiancée who is about to get engaged? He is insulting her, he is nakedly insulting her!

Shen Shenxiang's eyes were red, and anger burst out from her heart. Suddenly she heard a crisp sound, her body stiffened slightly, she suppressed the murderous intention in her heart, and turned her head to look over with red eyes.

She saw Bai Qianchun standing not far behind her, and now he was looking in her direction, with a little strange fluctuation in his beautiful and indifferent eyes, as if he was watching some good show.

Shen Shenxiang's heart immediately broke, her resentment burst out, and she asked angrily, "You are seeing my joke, are you very proud of it?"

Shi Chancao's research had hit a bottleneck in the morning, so Bai Qianchun, who happened to come over to have a meal, relax, and then walk outside to look for inspiration, could never have imagined that she would encounter such a lively triangle drama.

She had known about the news about the main star from His Majesty the Emperor for a long time, and it was because Feng Youyu took some time out of his busy schedule to share this gossip with her.

To be honest, the reason why she walked here was to watch Qin Yushan's jokes, because with Qin Yushan's downfall, the things she had done before could not be concealed and were dug out.

For example, the slanderous rumor a year ago that Feng Youyu's hidden wife was actually a disfigured and ugly little pitiful person came from her;

For example, the rumor circulating in the aristocratic circles that Feng Youyu liked Sheng Beining and married her in order to reassure Sheng Beining also came from Qin Yushan;

And on the night when Feng Youyu returned to the main star, she planned to use the news that "Sheng Beining was ill" to trick her into attending the Sheng family banquet, so that she was left out and the expensive birthday dinner she prepared was in vain. This was also what Qin Yushan did after hearing about it deliberately arranged;

Even Shen Shenxiang deliberately broadcast the communication to her at the banquet and deliberately instigated a "husband and wife relationship" between her and Feng Youyu. This was because Qin Yushan secretly and deliberately guided her;

Good guy, after digging out this piece by piece, even if Bai Qianchun didn't like Feng Youyu, he was still angry at the fake couple. After all, no one likes to be plotted against!

Qin Yushan sent her to be a resident guest who was talked about and laughed at in the upper-class aristocratic circle for a whole year because of a man and her own calculations. Can she still smile and wish her to find her right husband as soon as possible?

Of course it's impossible, she just came to see Qin Yushan's jokes.

If Qin Yushan didn't know the news yet, Bai Qianchun planned to tell her personally.

However, she didn't expect that Bai Chengjun would get there first, and she didn't expect that Bai Chengjun's future fiancée, Shen Xiang, would be there next to her, and they would watch the entire process as Bai Chengjun, the man who was about to become her fiancé, expressed his loyalty to Qin Yushan and proposed to her affectionately.

This is so fun. In the past, Qin Yushan and Shen Sixiang worked together to scheme against her and watch her laugh. Now Qin Yushan and Shen Sixiang have fallen out, and they still have a deep hatred for stealing a man. The situation has suddenly reversed, and it has become her to watch. It was a joke between them.

Hahaha, that's interesting.

Bai Qianchun had to admit that she felt really good.

It was not in vain that she took a long way around, was so late, and saw a good show.

In response to Shen Shenxiang's question, Bai Qianchun raised the corners of her mouth, her smile did not shrink, and nodded honestly, "Well, I am indeed seeing your joke, and I am indeed quite proud of it. I didn't expect that things would turn around. A year later, you guys have become a joke. I think it’s quite interesting. Otherwise, why don’t you rush out and act it out again? Anyway, you and Qin Yushan are quite familiar with the love triangle drama. You used to make up stories about me, my husband, and my eldest sister a lot. ’s love triangle story, now it’s time to act out your own love triangle, you should be comfortable with it already.”

"Ah, ancient doctor, shut up -" Shen Shenxiang screamed. Her face was livid because of Bai Qianchun's call, and her eyes were about to burst. She felt both resentment for having her foundation exposed and hatred towards Bai Qianchun. The irony made him angry, and he wished he could tear this woman to pieces for watching the show.

Bai Qianchun's lips curled up into a smile, "Why are you shouting so loudly? The pair of wild mandarin ducks showing affection across the cage also heard it. You can't hide now."

This love triangle drama has to be sung if not sung.

As he spoke, he raised his chin in Qin Yushan's direction, motioning for her to turn around and look.

Shen Shenxiang's flames stagnated, and she stiffly turned her head to look over. Sure enough, she saw a doggy man and woman holding hands looking at her with uneasy expressions on their faces.

Qin Yushan's guilty conscience was filled with a bit of pride and pain, while Bai Chengjun's guilty conscience contained a hint of determination and disgust for her.

Suddenly, Shen Shenxiang couldn't care less about Bai Qianchun, and the angry flames turned directly towards the couple.

Her eyes were burning with fire, her face was ashen and ugly, and she was walking towards the two of them. She pointed her finger at Qin Yushan and cursed angrily, "Qin Yushan, you bitch, how dare you seduce my fiancé."

Qin Yushan smiled weakly and elegantly at her, "Si Xiang."

Shen Shenxiang frowned, and the flame stirred by Bai Qianchun grew stronger and stronger. Seeing her pretentiousness, she became even more angry, lost her mind, and shouted loudly, "Don't call me that, you are worse than this bitch." What are you pretending to be? You are obviously a Buddha but you still pretend to be a saint. You can deceive those idiots but you can't deceive me. I know very well what kind of vicious thing you are."

Qin Yushan's smile was a little stiff, but she still took a deep breath and kept smiling, "Sixiang, don't be like this, we just can't help it, and I don't want to, either."

"You told me not to call me that, you're deaf and can't hear, right?" Shen Shenxiang's chest heaved violently in anger at her expression, she interrupted her with a sharp voice, and cursed her again, and after that she even Bai Chengjun, who was looking ugly and protecting Qin Yushan, came over and scolded her together, pointing at his nose and scolding her.

Idiots, idiots, rubbish men who think from the bottom of their bodies, etc., whatever ugly things they call you.

As if she had thought about it, she let herself go without giving Bai Chengjun any face. Her previous forbearance was all a waste.

At first, Bai Chengjun could not hold back from replying because of his guilty conscience, but later, seeing Shen Shenxiang's shrewish behavior, he couldn't help but join in the scolding.

Shen Shenxiang's appearance, figure and temper were criticized as worthless, and at the end he added that his decision was indeed right, and the third princess was better than a shrew like her.

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