I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 325 It’s all my mother’s fault

Bai Qianchun gnawed on a milk fruit and watched the two people arguing passionately with a smile. Qin Yushan fanned the flames beside her, and then silently stamped out the rosemary that fell at her feet.

This was the second time she used this incense. Rosemary has the effect of amplifying people's emotions. No, the three of them happened to be downwind, so they fell into the trap.

With the rosemary added to the fun, the triangle drama is indeed even better.

"What are you stepping on?" A low-pitched male voice brushed past Bai Qianchun's ear. She did not move, still standing there with a smile on her lips.

"Rosemary." Bai Qianchun said with a smile, then turned her head slightly and glanced at Feng Youyu, who was leaning next to her with messy hair, a tired face, and a sense of decadent beauty all over her body. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you been up all night? Why are you more tired than farming with me?"

"Yeah." Feng Youyu rubbed his temples and tried to put on a smile, "It's a happy thing to farm with you. Last night, I dealt with a bad thing. How can this be the same? Happy things happen every three days. It doesn’t matter if I don’t sleep at night, I can’t bear the bad things like last night, I’m tired.”

His head dropped, the tall figure fell down, and directly hit Bai Qianchun's shoulder with his forehead, letting out a weak groan, "Too tired!"

"Hey, hey." Bai Qianchun raised her hand and pushed his head speechlessly for a while, but the big black head seemed to be stained with glue and couldn't be pushed away. It stuck to her shoulder, with a low and dry voice. There was also a hint of coquettishness, "Just lend me a shoulder to lean on. I'm tired, really tired."

"Tsk." Bai Qianchun put a hand on his head, rolled her eyes and said, "When you are tired, go back to bed and sleep. What's the matter with leaning on my shoulder? You are not afraid of neck pain. And this place is not good at all. Hidden, being seen by others will damage your image as a young lord."

"I don't have an image. What kind of image can I have? It's best if someone sees it. It can dispel the rumors. My eldest sister and I are not the same at all. There are always people who maliciously speculate about our relationship. Everyone is full. It’s free.”

Feng Youyu groaned and gritted his teeth. Don't think that he was so busy that he had no time to care about the outside situation. In fact, he was well-informed. There was also Yao Wenxian who helped him inform him. He knew about what happened here as soon as it happened. .

Although he knew that a smart and rational woman like Bai Qianchun would not misunderstand, that boy Yao Wenxian said that three people make a tiger. Even if it is a misunderstanding, if one, two, or three people say it, it will change as it spreads. Before.

Also, there are always some possessive girls who will have random thoughts when they are in love. They will get jealous and get into trouble at the slightest sign of trouble. Then it will be the man who cries.

This is how many relationships change from quantitative to qualitative, little by little, and break up directly.

How could Feng Youyu, who had not even caught up with anyone, listen to this? At that time, he panicked and pushed the matters at hand that did not need him to deal with personally to Yao Wenxian, and he hurried over. As long as she had a chance No matter how awkward it is, he has to come over in time to smooth it out.

I just didn't expect that this woman would be here to watch the show carelessly and laugh quite happily.

Feng Youyu breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time felt a little depressed. This woman looked very smart, so why didn't she understand?

Bai Qianchun was slightly startled after hearing what he said, and then she heard him whisper in her ear in a lowered voice and continued with grievance, "I married you before, except for those crazy people who pounced on me and regarded me as fat. One of the reasons why Bee Langdie is so annoying is that the main reason is actually my mother."

"Your mother?" Bai Qianchun paused in pushing him, her ears quietly perked up, and her face showed suspicion and curiosity.

Although I don’t know why he suddenly mentioned this, it seems like there is something to eat, so let’s eat it.

She had never heard of Feng Youyu's mother before, and she knew very little about Feng Youyu's relatives. She had never met any of them except Feng Tangwei.

As for his mother, she only knew that such a person existed.

Feng Youyu's face turned slightly red, feeling a little embarrassed about his dark history.

"When I was admitted to the First Military Academy from the junk planet and returned to the main planet. When I was recognized by the Feng family, I was a bit thinner, not as good-looking as I am now, and had a bad temper. My mother remembered it, and then she was afraid If I can’t get a wife, I will often introduce someone to me.”

"For example, when she was still at home, she often took me to banquets to see beautiful girls. She often whispered in my ears which girl she was from, what talents she had, what her temper was like, etc., which made my ears tremble. I was so annoyed that I protested after going there twice and never went back.”

"After that, she and my dad went on a trip, and she never forgot about it during the trip. With a burning love for her children, whenever she met a beautiful girl during the trip, my mother would always ask someone to come to me or help her. If she brings something to me, or if that girl encounters any trouble, my mother will ask her to come to me for help, thinking that those girls will develop a good impression of me over time."

"Actually, who would look down on a handsome, handsome and rich man like me? My mother asked me to come back to find me, and some of them liked me and couldn't get rid of them. Then my trouble came."

"Those women are not reserved at all. They are just like those noble ladies. They look at me as if they are looking at a big piece of fat. It is really disgusting. If I drive them away, they will use my mother's name to suppress me. They come to me for help with everything, and my mother does the same, and she still stands on their side to cheat her son."

Feng Youyu was indignant, "Especially once, a civilian girl who thought she was beautiful pointed at her nose and scolded me that I must have some physical defects. Otherwise, why would my mother be so anxious to look at me if I was so good-looking, young and rich? My daughter-in-law said that she would marry me as long as I helped her father, who had gambling debts, pay off his debt of 1 billion, and then gave her family a villa in the central area of ​​the main star. Oh, I am so angry. I came up on the spot. One billion is just a drop in the bucket to me, but why should I give her such a thing that is so ambitious and ambitious? Besides, I don’t have to worry about marrying a wife. I’d better be like her. woman."

"It's all my mother's fault."

Then over time, Feng Youyu developed the habit of being venomous and venomous towards women, and his remarks were particularly unpleasant.

He was really fed up with his mother sending big troubles to him from time to time. These big troubles were not easy to get rid of. After his eldest sister got married, he had the idea to marry a daughter-in-law to stop his mother. A heart full of love for children.

This is also the reason why their wedding was so close to Sheng Beining's wedding.

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