I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 326: Coquettish men also have good luck

Bai Qianchun fell silent after listening to his rambling complaints of frustration.

Ah, this damn sweet burden!

It's actually quite difficult to have a mother who loves her son too much and worries about whether her son can get a wife.

Bai Qianchun reached out and patted his dog's head as a comfort, and did not push the head on her shoulders away again.

Feng Youyu, who buried his face on her shoulder, raised the corners of his mouth in a sly manner, with a pair of peach blossom eyes curled up, with a happy and satisfied smile. Otherwise, a woman who acts like a spoiled child is the best, and a man who acts like a spoiled child is also good. Damn it, occasionally showing weakness and pretending to be aggrieved can promote the relationship between two people.

Feng Youyu was thinking shamelessly, then he tilted his head slightly and took a peek at the white neck that was close at hand, as if it were a beautiful jade. He subconsciously held his breath, but he restrained himself and did not move any closer. Otherwise, the hand gently slapping his head might turn into a violent attack, knocking out his brains.

When thinking of that brutal scene, Feng Youyu couldn't help but close his eyes. He took a few deep breaths of the faint medicinal scent before calming down. Then his closed eyes did not open again, and his breathing gradually became smoother. Long.

Bai Qianchun, who only planned to lend him her shoulder for a while, looked at his head that hadn't moved for a long time and his steady breathing, and his expression gradually became speechless. Did he fall asleep now?

Can you sleep standing up?

It seems that I was really tired last night.

Bai Qianchun paused, glanced at Shen Shenxiang and Bai Chengjun who were about to tear each other up not far away, then turned his head and glanced at Feng Youyu's thick black hair, sighed in his heart, and then stretched out his hand to push Pushing his shoulder, he lowered his voice helplessly and shouted, "Wake up, don't sleep yet, go back to sleep."

"Oh." Feng Youyu dazedly rubbed his forehead on her shoulder, and his short, fluffy black hair rubbed against the left side of her neck. The hair was soft and not irritating.

Bai Qianchun stretched her neck and turned to the right, with a look of helplessness on her face. She pushed his head away, then moved her hands to hold his head to stop him from moving, and then simply held him like a hug. She lifted his neck and body up like a ball. After straightening, she put his ball, oh no, his head back, and then she was satisfied with holding him down. Shaking his shoulders, he said, "Stand up, go back to sleep."

Feng Youyu didn't even open his eyelids, letting her play with it. After hearing the sound, he stretched out his big hand to grab the corner of her clothes, looking like a sleepy child pulling on her mother's clothes to get ready to go out, lazily. The hoarse voice had a bit of a sultry nasal sound, and he mumbled in a vague hum, "Take me back, and I'll sleep a little while on the way."

Bai Qianchun:

In the end, she had no choice but to take his arm, like a mother chicken carrying her chicks, and pull him towards the Star Lord's Mansion one after the other.

Bai Qianchun was really convinced by his sleeping skills. After all, the distance from here to the Star Lord's Mansion was not very close. During the process, he encountered difficult roads and met people who were whispering and watching. He was stunned. Get him to wake up.

Talk to him and ask him to be careful where he steps. He will answer you with his eyes closed and say um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, um, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ok, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

If his feet were not still on the ground, Bai Qianchun would have thought that Ah Piao was being pulled behind him. If Ah Piao was relaxed, then he would tie him up with a rope and carry him as lightly as a balloon. Walk.

So after the two of them wandered around like a mother chicken leading a sleepy chick home, a new rumor came out on Muyuan Planet.

Little Lord Feng and the Ancient Doctor Star Master had a quarrel. The Ancient Doctor Star Lord sprinkled some Ecstasy on Little Lord Feng in a fit of anger. The irritable Little Lord Feng instantly turned into a submissive little husband, and obediently pulled the Ancient Doctor Star Master to follow him. she left.

The ancient medicine star master is still the strongest, and such a powerful young master Feng can only be like a little sheep in front of her.

From now on, who would dare to say that the Ancient Medicine Star Master is just a substitute? Can there be such a powerful substitute?

Even if he was truly a substitute, sooner or later he would have to tame the fiery and poisonous fire-breathing dragon of Lord Feng and become the real master.

Yao Wenxian, who was busy dealing with the work that Feng Youyu had pushed him to, twitched his lips fiercely when he heard the rumor. He was a submissive little wife. Phew, I didn't expect that Feng Xiaoer would actually do something after pushing the matter to him. What a surprise!

The description is strange and appropriate, hahaha.

Yao Wenxian suddenly felt relaxed, and the work he was doing was flying in a swishing swish. After a while, the pile of document packages was rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When it comes to who is the fastest social worker in processing documents, his speed ranks among the top five.

After several hours of fermentation, Feng Youyu and Bai Qianchun became popular again on Muyuan Star, but the most popular thing was the Schrödinger's "Ecstasy" that Feng Youyu was confused about.

The eyes of those noble ladies were all shining with excitement, and afterwards they even specifically asked Bai Qianchun if they could sell the same type of ecstasy.

They also said that they would definitely bring this ecstasy potion to their husband's house as a dowry. No matter whether the person they married was a violent fire-breathing dragon or a cold flower of the high mountains, they would be sure to tame him. Posted.

After hearing this, Bai Qianchun silently gave them a thumbs up to show that I am not awesome, but you are the best and have the best ideas!

Bai Qianchun then broke their illusions and told them that she did not have this kind of ecstasy, and she had never used this kind of drug, and explained that Feng Youyu just stayed up late and was not sleepy.

After Bu Wen and the other ladies listened to her sworn explanation, one or two of them wilted, but there were still some who refused to give up and expressed their willingness to fund her "Ecstasy" project. Research, hoping that she can make this medicine, and then they will be willing to pay a high price for it, and can promote it to the circle. It is guaranteed that everyone from the grandmother who has been married for hundreds of years to the newlywed daughter-in-law will be willing to buy it. Her medicine made this kind of husband-taming ecstasy become a trend among ladies in the upper class circles.

Bai Qianchun:

I will obey you even if I don’t support the wall!

Everyone's imagination is as big as the sky. It would be great to have such a business brain and make more money instead of just thinking about taming husbands.

But don't mention it. Bai Qianchun, who is researching this kind of medicine, feels that she can still research it, and she has even subconsciously listed one, two, three or four of the required medicinal materials in her mind, but even if she researches it, she has no intention of researching it. For takeout, this kind of medicine can not only confuse their husbands, but also other people. If it falls into the hands of bad people with evil intentions, it will become a helper of evil.

Bai Qianchun still has a basic conscience. She will never mass-produce some dangerous drugs and spread them to the outside world. At most, she will keep them around and use them when she needs them.

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