I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 327 The research was successful

Back at the Star Lord's Mansion, Bai Qianchun stuffed Feng Youyu into his room and went straight to the pharmacy on the second floor.

When she was thinking about ecstasy just now, she found some inspiration. She could try to extract the stamen powder of the stone cicada. cells are lured out.

She had observed it before in the underground laboratory. The red moss almost covered the stone cicada. It was obvious that she liked this thing, so she used the stone cicada to make some attractants to use the red moss as the main material. It is also very feasible to lure out silk cells.

If the inducer is really successful, it will save a lot of trouble. There is no need to teach disciples or go to see each one in person, and help people force the red blood cells out of the body one by one. This saves a lot of effort and reduces the number of people. Possibility of exposure.

Bai Qianchun raised the corners of her lips as she thought about it, and began to follow this idea and plunge into the experiment.

Feng Youyu, who was sent to the room by her and lay down on the big bed as soon as she got to the big bed, couldn't sleep now. Although there was still some throbbing pain in her head, her consciousness was unusually clear. She thought of being raped by Bai Qianchun just now. Along the way, Feng Youyu, who didn't know that she had become an obedient little wife, couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

But he only lasted like this for less than a minute. The raised corners of his mouth fell back down again, and his handsome and evil face also fell down.

Because Jupiter is about to close down, he has to go back to where he came from just like the tourists who came here for sightseeing. The 200 million performance fee can only be counted towards the day when Jupiter is closed.

Feng Youyu wanted to shamelessly continue to stay on Muyuan Planet to chase his wife, but everything was rushed together. Firstly, Bai Qianchun was busy, so he might not be allowed to stay there anymore. Secondly, Bai Qianchun was busy. He was too busy to come and couldn't stay too long on Muyuan Planet.

The transport ship was attacked before and the investigation into the disappearance of Jinleisha has not been completed. He has just gained some insights in the past two days and needs to pay more attention.

That's all. The Feng family's third legion has many capable, powerful, and high-ranking people who can handle things. It doesn't matter if he appoints one of them to investigate with full authority.

But it’s hard to explain Master Xin’s side. As a top mecha manufacturing master, Master Xin has a good temper, but the super mecha is about to succeed but is stuck in the main task. In terms of materials, even the best-tempered people are impatient to wait.

The Feng Family was able to bring this master into the Feng Family's banner because they had the origin of Golden Thunder Sand and had no shortage of main materials. However, now that the main materials have been lost, Master Zhu Xin's research and development of the super mecha has been delayed. It undoubtedly raises a question mark on the cooperation between them.

Feng Youyu had gone to Jinyuan Star before and asked the little nymphomaniac to put away the other ores and move the energy nourishment to the Golden Thunder Sand first. He first spawned a batch of Golden Thunder Sand so that Master Xin could continue to study the super mecha. He passed it first. Let’s talk about this later.

But so many days have passed, and the people he arranged to guard the origin of Jinleisha on Jinyuan Star still haven't seen the birth of Jinleisha. Feng Youyu has reason to suspect that it is the little nymphomaniac who has forgotten the time. After a good sleep, I forgot about it.

Because of the special nature of the star spirit, Feng Youyu had to go back to Jinyuan Star in person to catch this little nympho and urge her face to face.

In addition to the golden sand, there is also the matter of red silk cells.

The matter of red thread cells is more serious and concerns the entire empire. He has already started investigating and arranging the matter since he learned about the situation last night. He has deployed and investigated various departments, contacted other legions, and guarded against other legions. The eyeliner and the eyeliner of the mastermind behind the scenes cannot let more people know to avoid leaking the news, so he must do many things personally to arrange things and issue orders.

This is only the initial arrangement. He will have to return to the Third Army in person after a while before he can take the next step.

In this way, not to mention extra time, there is simply not enough time. Even if you squeeze it, it will be difficult to squeeze out the time to chase your wife.

The more he thought about it, the bigger his head got. Feng Youyu collapsed on the bed, pinched the bridge of his nose near his eye sockets with his slender fingers and pressed it up and down. After being in a daze for three seconds, he sat up again with a frown.

Since you can't sleep, let's work quickly. After conveying the preliminary arrangements as much as possible, squeeze out more time to accompany her in the remaining two days. After these two days, he will not leave Mu Yuan Star. I know when I will see her again.

In the small building, the two of them were busy working on their own. After a while, time gradually passed, and the sky became dark.

Feng Youyu finally brought the matter to an end through efficient work efficiency, and could take a breath and go out to have a meal with Bai Qianchun.

But before he could be happy for long, he was mercilessly shut out by the cold pharmacy door.

Feng Youyu:

In the end, Feng Youyu still failed to fulfill his wish to spend more time with her, because Bai Qianchun was obsessed with research and couldn't help himself. He asked her where her food was and drank two bottles of nutrient solution for dinner.

What else could Feng Youyu say, he could only touch his nose and turn around to leave. After returning, he silently drank two bottles of nutrient solution and a few fruits, then gritted his teeth and continued with a sense of resentment in his heart. He devoted himself to military affairs.

The man behind the girl's red silk cells is waiting for him. Sooner or later, he will be caught and whipped to death. If it weren't for him, how many more meals would he and his wife have had together!

The door to the pharmacy on the second floor stayed closed until the next morning.

At six o'clock in the morning, Feng You, who was about to knock on the door to ask if he wanted to eat, just touched the wooden material of the door, and the door opened on its own initiative.

Bai Qianchun, who had not slept all night, still looked energetic. There was no blemish on her fair and beautiful soft face, and there were no dark circles under her eyes. Her big dark eyes shone with a bright smile.

Feng Youyu, who was yawning, immediately closed his mouth, his peach blossom eyes became bright, and he asked with emotion in his heart, "Has the research been completed?"

Bai Qianchun raised the corner of her mouth and showed a happy smile, "Well, the research was successful, come in and take a look at my finished product."

As he said that, he took his arm that was still in the air and led him to the pharmacy.

This pharmacy has been greatly changed after Bai Qianchun and Feng Youyu filled it in the past few days. The cabinets are filled with various prepared medicinal materials and are labeled for easy search.

On the workbench are not only two small pots for making meatballs, but also a bunch of instruments for preparing medicines.

This was a gift from His Highness Prince Qin Manyun. Instruments also have their own advantages, especially this precision instrument made by the interstellar, which can provide an in-depth and detailed understanding of the characteristics of medicinal materials, so that she can understand the medicinal properties of medicinal materials and be more conducive to research.

So after Qin Manyun gave it away, Bai Qianchun didn't refuse. Just as it happened, this time the stone cicada attractant came in handy and helped a lot.

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