Speaking of Qin Manyun, apart from attending Sheng Xiaoxiao's wedding, Qin Manyun has almost disappeared on Muyuan Star these days. In fact, it was because of her illness that she needed to rest, so Bai Qianchun specially gave her a stroke. A quiet place allowed her to live in the past to cultivate herself.

Before, Qin Manyun didn't know whether it was because she listened to Yao Wenxian's advice or because she saw Bai Qianchun's ability. Later, she secretly went to Bai Qianchun for treatment, without even bringing a single subordinate.

Qin Manyun gave her a big gift, and she was a major client of Mu Yuanxing. Bai Qianchun had no reason to refuse, so naturally she became Qin Manyun's attending physician.

After Bai Qianchun gave her a comprehensive examination, she found that the situation inside her body was very complicated. Although she looked like a healthy and normal person on the surface, in fact, she had many major and minor problems in her body. The most important one was Xiang suffers from headaches, constant insomnia, and occasional auditory hallucinations.

It was also because of this that she changed her temperament back then.

No matter who is suffering from constant headaches, he can no longer maintain a good attitude, and it is normal for his temperament to change.

Bai Qianchun learned from Qin Manyun's dictation that these were just the initial conditions. It was not until her husband Mizusawa Jia died a year ago that her situation changed again. Her mental state began to get worse and worse, and sometimes she even became unconscious. She went crazy or did some uncontrollable things, and over time she was rumored to have a violent temper.

In fact, she didn't even know what she had done, so she could only use orchid cigarette leaves to suppress it and stay awake at all times. The lady's pipe became an inseparable thing for her.

As for this orchid cigarette leaf, Bai Qianchun has analyzed its ingredients. Although it has some side effects of damaging nerves, it is symptomatic for Qin Manyun.

What's interesting is that when Bai Qianchun was refining the stamen powder of the stone cicada he obtained yesterday, the exact same orchid fragrance would appear when it was purified to the extreme.

Bai Qianchun was certain that Shichancao had never appeared on the market before, and it was even unknown in the empire.

Then the only people who may come into contact with Shichancao may be people related to the mastermind behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, when she was treating Qin Manyun, she asked where the orchid-flavored tobacco leaves came from, but Qin Manyun didn't answer her. Before, she thought it was nothing important and was embarrassed to care about Qin Manyun's privacy, so she didn't ask any more questions.

But yesterday's discovery made her regret it. Sure enough, she should have asked Qin Manyun carefully before.

And with this orchid-flavored tobacco leaf base, Bai Qianchun also had some doubts about Qin Manyun's condition. When Qin Manyun lost control of his mind and fell ill, he was actually very similar to Shi Kun at the time. He often dreamed of roaring beasts and fighting beasts. When the scene gets out of control, it will completely fall into mania.

However, Qin Manyun had better luck than Shi Kun. She was sedated by orchid-flavored tobacco leaves. Although her nerves were somewhat damaged, her condition did not get worse quickly.

So Bai Qianchun began to suspect that Qin Manyun's disease might be related to the mastermind behind red silk cells. However, when Bai Qianchun checked her body at that time, he did not find the existence of red silk cells in her superpower core. nor.

However, Bai Qianchun still did not give up her suspicion, because she suspected that the red silk cells might be in Qin Manyun's brain. Because the human brain is complex, Bai Qianchun did not dare to use wood elements to intrude into the examination, in case of an accident. It's not good for people to be stupid.

So instead of checking her brain these days, she used some gentle methods, using conventional treatments, and also tried the method of releasing hypnosis to test Qin Manyun's condition first.

But the effect was obviously not good. Although Qin Manyun gave up the orchid cigarette leaves and switched to her non-damaging grass leaf tobacco leaves, the nerve damage was alleviated, and her mental state was much better with conventional treatment, but by the next day her The mental state will relapse again.

Therefore, even if she didn't find the same scent of orchid cigarette leaves and stone cicada yesterday, she had originally planned to check Qin Manyun's brain in the next few days.

This is the only place she hasn't investigated carefully before. If she tells a problem, it can only appear here.

"So you know the current situation. There are orchid-flavored tobacco leaves. I don't believe this is just a coincidence. It is probably suppressing red silk cells, so I made a bold and reasonable guess. The red silk cells In her mind." When Bai Qianchun saw the instrument, she also told him her speculation about Qin Manyun's condition last night.

Now that the man behind the red silk cells was involved, Bai Qianchun had no intention of hiding the privacy of Qin Manyun's condition.

Moreover, Feng Youyu was also present when Qin Manyun came to Bai Qianchun for treatment. Qin Manyun never asked her to keep Feng Youyu a secret, so it doesn't matter much now.

Feng Youyu didn't delve too much into Qin Manyun's privacy before. After all, through his cousin's relationship, he should call Qin Manyun his aunt. Naturally, he didn't want to pry too much into the privacy of his elders. Every time Bai Qianchun came over He would actively avoid treating her.

But now the situation is different. His cousin is actually related to the mastermind behind the red silk cells. This is not a trivial matter.

At the same time, a solemn look appeared on Feng Youyu's face. The mastermind behind the scenes had actually reached out to the only female prince in the empire, which meant that she had entered half of the royal family.

The royal family is the center of power of the Huayao Empire. If there is turmoil in the royal family, then there will be a major earthquake in the entire Huayao Empire. Feng Youyu has to raise the danger of the man behind the red silk cells.

His original good mood was gone at this moment, and he frowned and asked solemnly, "When do you plan to go see her today?"

Bai Qianchun looked at the time and said, "Seven o'clock, I'll go after breakfast."

"Well, I'll go with you."

"Okay." Bai Qianchun agreed casually, and then led him to the workbench, "Let's take a look at my research results first."

She picked up a test tube with a faint blue color on the counter and handed it to Feng Youyu, "This is an attractant I made using the stone cicada flower. It is specially used to attract red silk cells. As long as the red blood cells in the human body The silk cells are still in the latent period and have not entered the superpower core, or have just entered the superpower core and have not yet grown up. There is a more than 90% chance of being able to lure it out."

"The method of use is also very simple. Drink it directly, it will have a diuretic effect, and then it will be excreted through the digestive system within a minute."

"This can be done quietly without causing any noise and making people suspicious. The only disadvantage is that if someone is in a hurry to urinate and wants to go to the toilet after drinking this, you will not be able to tell whether there are red blood cells in his body. "

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