Feng Youyu gave her a thumbs up, her peach blossom eyes glowed again, and then said to her, "This is already good, I don't think there will be too many accidents like this. Then I will make arrangements for everything." The military physical examination requires you not to hold your urine for examination, which can completely eliminate this shortcoming."

Bai Qianchun didn't say anything and gave him a thumbs up in return.

The corners of Feng Youyu's lips curled up, and then he asked the most important question, "How much of this can you produce now? The main material needs to be stone cicada. I remember that there are not many stone cicadas in that underground laboratory."

Bai Qianchun pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't worry about this. I already know the growth environment of rock cicada. It's not difficult to cultivate it."

Not to mention that she has a huge wood element to rely on now on Muyuan Star, but in her previous life in Zhenlong City, under such difficult conditions and insufficient conditions, she was still able to cultivate precious and rare medicinal materials. Shi Chan It's just grass, no problem.

"As for how much I can produce, I can't produce much by myself. However, as long as this attractant is thoroughly researched, it is not difficult to make. It can also be made using a robot assembly line. I will discuss it with Jian Zhan and ask him to change the program and move one. The ball-making robot will help you act as an attractant."

Feng Youyu looked at her with even more intense eyes. He knew that she was the most powerful and nothing could defeat her.

But he's not bad either, "You don't need to ask Jian Zhan, I have a robot here that you can use."

Then I saw him take out a humanoid robot directly from the space. The robot looked like an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, with a delicate and soft white face, a pair of peach blossom eyes that were dark and bright, and kept smiling. Unblinking, as if frozen.

Bai Qianchun was startled by his huge transformation, and then took a closer look at the "little girl" who had been placed on the ground and stood up. Her face felt inexplicably familiar, but under the Bai Qianchun seemed to have never seen this little girl in his memory.

Bai Qianchun was suspicious.

Feng Youyu glanced at her secretly, and saw that she was looking at the face of the little robot girl he made, and he felt inexplicably proud.

This face was made by combining his and her looks. Maybe their daughter will look like this in the future.

But Feng Youyu didn't dare to say this now. He could only think about it secretly in his heart, then coughed lightly and said, "Didn't I say before that I can also make robots? This is what I did a few days ago. I took the time to make it. The whole body is made of simulated human skin material. Now I give it to you. It can not only make balls, but also do housework, help you farm and make fires, etc. It is an all-round robot. In addition, I also After using the communication program, you can still talk to it."

Get used to the feeling of being a girl in advance.

After Feng Youyu finished speaking, he secretly glanced at Bai Qianchun, feeling happy.

Bai Qianchun nodded. No wonder this man was playing with some parts when he had free time a few days ago. He would turn off the lights very late at night if he didn't stay up with her. It turned out that he was doing this.

Then Bai Qianchun praised without hesitation, "A very useful robot, you did a good job."

This was the first time she saw this kind of humanoid robot, and she couldn't help but curiously stretched out her hand to touch its little face. It also had a warm touch, and it was so similar to human skin.

If it weren't for the fact that its smile was frozen, motionless, and not breathing, Bai Qianchun would have thought that the person standing in front of her was a real person.

"Is it expensive?"

Bai Qianchun suddenly asked again. Feng Youyu, who was immersed in beautiful fantasy, suddenly came back to his senses. There was a hint of helplessness on his face, and then he touched his nose and said, "It's a bit expensive, but I gave it to you." It’s yours, you don’t have to spend money, so you don’t have to care whether it’s expensive or not.”

Bai Qianchun said, "That's right. The first task of this little robot is to help you make attractants, so consider it as the reward you gave for research on the attractants. But this is only the reward for project research and development. After that, every Attractants will not be given to you for free, and the herbs they use are not low in value. At most, they will be cheaper. They charge the cost price plus one hundred star coins. People from other legions will have to pay three times the cost price if they come to buy it. The price is up.”

Feng Youyu was a little depressed at first, but the little robot was specially made for her, and it was not a reward.

But when she heard that she only charged him the cost price plus one hundred star coins for each potion, Feng Youyu suddenly felt that she could do it again.

Bai Qianchun is a woman who loves money very much. Being able to give herself such a big discount this time shows that his previous favorability was not in vain.

Feng Youyu raised the corner of his mouth, "Okay, I will help you publicize it then, and I won't give them any less, especially the First Legion and other legions. You can definitely take more, they are very wealthy."

Bai Qianchun hesitated, "Then five times?"

"That's okay." Feng Youyu agreed for them decisively without hesitation, and also told Bai Qianchun some business negotiation skills, such as increasing the price to seven or eight times or even ten times, and then offering them a preferential price to lower it to Five times the price, not only will the business be negotiated and sold at a high price, but you will also have people owe you a favor. How great.

As for raising the price, it is also beneficial. If the price is not high, people will think you are a fake or defective product, so for some things, especially those with genuine materials, try to quote a higher price.

Bai Qianchun, who was taught a lot of business tips by Feng Youyu, didn't feel annoyed at all and listened with great interest.

This man is obviously a noble man who plays with the world, but he is actually a business elite. No wonder he can develop the Feng Group into the number one group. He has a set of business negotiation skills.

Although the topic between the two of them has gone astray, the atmosphere between the two of them in the pharmacy has never been better. One is teaching seriously, and the other is nodding seriously while studying. Both of them are very happy.

Feng Youyu: So cool jpg

Bai Qianchun: I learned jpg

However, the two of them also focused on business matters. Although one didn't want to stop talking about business, the other didn't want to stop listening, but they thought that there would be a lot of things to do in a while, so they had to stop after talking for more than ten minutes.

Feng Youyu felt regretful, but returned to the topic, "Did you take pictures of the process of making the attractant? I will set up a program for the small robot in a while, and it can start working in the afternoon."

"Well, I've filmed it and I'll send it to you." Bai Qianchun had thought of this a long time ago, so he was prepared. After saying that, he lowered his head and fiddled with the optical brain for a few times before sending the video to Feng Youyu. He said, "Grandpa Qin is managing the factory. An assembly line has just been built in the factory. If you are anxious, I will arrange for the induction agent to be made first. After you adjust the program, send it directly to the factory. I will Then ask someone to send the needed medicinal materials."

"Okay." Feng Youyu didn't refuse. He was really anxious.

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